study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India EXEUTIVE SUMMARY The future if Indian Banking represents a unique mixture of unlimited opportunities amidst insurmountable challenges. On the one hand we see the scenario represented by the rapid process of globalization presently taking shape bringing the community of nations in the world together, transcending geographical boundaries, in the sphere of trade and commerce, and even employment opportunities of individuals. All these indicates newly emerging opportunities for Indian banking to expand its horizon in International sphere and to become one of the leading financial forces in the International financial market. But on the darker side we see the accumulated morass, brought out by three decades of controlled and regimented management of the banks into past. It has siphoned profitability of many banks accumulated bloated NPA and threatens Capital Adequacy of the Banks and their continued stability. Banks in India can solve their problems only if they asset a spirit of self-initiative and self-reliance through developing their in –house expertise in BIET MBA PROGRAMME DAVANAGERE 1

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Page 1: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India


The future if Indian Banking represents a unique mixture of unlimited

opportunities amidst insurmountable challenges. On the one hand we see the

scenario represented by the rapid process of globalization presently taking shape

bringing the community of nations in the world together, transcending

geographical boundaries, in the sphere of trade and commerce, and even

employment opportunities of individuals. All these indicates newly emerging

opportunities for Indian banking to expand its horizon in International sphere and

to become one of the leading financial forces in the International financial market.

But on the darker side we see the accumulated morass, brought out by three

decades of controlled and regimented management of the banks into past. It has

siphoned profitability of many banks accumulated bloated NPA and threatens

Capital Adequacy of the Banks and their continued stability.

Banks in India can solve their problems only if they asset a spirit of self-initiative

and self-reliance through developing their in –house expertise in monitoring the

credit portfolio. The success of Banks in bringing down the level of NPA depends

upon efficient management of its Credit Portfolio an attempt is made to study the

causes for NPA in a bank and its implication and means and ways to reduce NPA.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India


Banking in India has its origin as carry as the Vedic period. It is believed that the

transition from money lending t banking must have occurred even before Manu,

the great Hindu jurist, who has devoted a section of his work to deposits and

advances and laid down rules relating to the interest. During the Mughal period,

the indigenous bankers played a very important role in lending money and

financing foreign trade and commerce. During the days of East India Company, it

w sot turn of the agency houses top carry on the banking business. The general

bank of India was the first joint stock bank to be established in the year 1786. The

other, which followed, was the Bank of Hindustan and the Bengal Bank. The bank

of Hindustan is reported to have continued till 1906, while the other two failed in

the meantime. In the first half of the 19 th Century the East India Company

established three banks; The Bank of Bengal in 1809, The Bank of Bombay in

1840 and the bank of Madras in 1843.

These three banks also known as presidency banks and were independent units

and functioned well. These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and the

Imperial Bank of India was established on the 27 th Jan 1921, with the passing of

the SBI Act in 1955, the undertaking of the Imperial Bank of India was taken over

by the newly constituted SBI. The Reserve Bank which is the Central Bank was

created in 1935 by passing of RBI Act 1934, in the wake of swadeshi movement,

a number of banks with India Management were established into country namely

Punjab National Bank Ltd, Bank of India Ltd, Canara Bank Ltd, Indian Bank Ltd.

The Bank of Baroda Ltd, the Central Bank of India Ltd. On July 19 th 1969, 14

major Banks of the country were also taken over by the government. The Indian

Banking Industry, Which is governed by the Banking Regulation Act 1949, can

be broadly classified into two major categories, non-scheduled banks and

scheduled banks. Scheduled banks comprise commercial banks and the co-

operative banks.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India The first phase of financial reforms resulted in the nationalization of 14 major

banks in 1969 and resulted in a shift from class banking to mass banking. This in

turn resulted in the significant growth in the geographical coverage of banks.

Every bank had to earmark a min percentage of their loan portfolio to sectors

identified as “priority sectors” the manufacturing sector also grew during the

1970’s I protected environment and the banking sector was a critical source.

The next wave of reforms saw the nationalization of 6 more commercial banks in

1980 since then the number of scheduled commercial banks increased fourfold

and the number of bank branches increased to eight fold.

After the second phase of financial sector reforms and liberalization of the sector

in the early nineties. The PSB’s found it extremely difficult to complete with the

new private sector banks and the foreign banks. The new private sector first made

their appearance after the guidelines permitting them were issued in January 1993.

The Indian Banking System:

Banking in our country is already witnessing the sea changes as the banking

sector seeks new technology and its applications. The best port is that the benefits

are beginning to reach the masses. Earlier this domain was the preserve of very

few organizations. Foreign banks with heavy investments in technology started

giving some “out of the world” customer services. But, such services were

available only to selected few-the very large account holders. Then came the

liberalization and with it multitude of private banks, a large segment of the urban

population now requires minimal time and space for its banking needs.

Automated teller machines or popularly known as ATM are the three alphabets

that have changed the concept of banking like nothing before. Instead a tellers

handling our own cash, today there are efficient machines that do not talk but just

dispense cash. Under the Reserve bank of India Act 1934, banks are classified as


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

Scheduled bank and non-scheduled banks. The scheduled banks are those, which

are entered in the Second schedule of RBI Act, 1934. Such bank are those, which

have paid up capital and reserve of an aggregate value of not less than Rs.5 lakh

and which satisfy RBI that their affairs are carried out in the interest of their

depositors. All commercial banks Indian and Foreign, regional rural banks and

state co-operative banks are Scheduled banks. Non-Scheduled banks are those,

which have not been included in the Second Schedule of the RBI Act, 1934.

Current scenario:-

Currently the overall banking in India is considered as fairly mature in terms of

supply, product range and reach – even though reach in rural India still remains a

challenge for the private sector and foreign banks. Even in terms of quality of

assets and Capital adequacy, India banks are considered to have clean strong and

transparent balance sheets – as compared to other banks in comparable economies

in its region. The Reserve Bank of India is an autonomous body, with minimal

pressure from the Government.

With the growth in the Indian economy expected to be strong for quite some time

especially in its service sector, the demand for banking services especially retail

banking, mortgages an investment services are expected to be strong. Merger and

acquisitions, takeovers are much more in action in India.

One of the classical economic functions of the banking industry that has remained

virtually unchanged over the centuries is lending. On the one hand, competition

has had considerable adverse impact on the margins which lenders have enjoyed,

but on the other hand technology has to some extent reduced the cost of delivery

of various products and services.

Bank is a financial institution that borrows money from the public and lends

money to the public for productive purposes. The Indian Banking Regulation Act


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

of 1949 defines the term Banking Company as “Any company which transacts

banking business in India” and the term banking as “Accepting for the purpose of

lending all Investment of money from the public, repayable on demand or

otherwise and withdrawal by cheque, draft or otherwise”.

State Bank of India is India's largest bank with a network of over 13000 branches

and 5 associate banks located even in the remotest parts of India.

Banks play important role in economic development of a country, like:

Banks mobilize the small savings of the people and make them available

for productive purposes.

Promotes the habit of savings among the people thereby offering attractive

rates of interests on their deposits.

Provides safety and security to the surplus money of the depositors and as

well provides a convenient and economical method of payment.

Banks provide convenient means of transfer of fund form one place to


Helps the movement of capital from regions where it is not very useful to

regions where it can be more useful.

Banks advances exposure in trade and commerce, industry and agriculture

by knowing their financial requirements and prospects.

Banks as an intermediary between the depositors and the investors. Bank

also acts as mediator between exporter and importer who does foreign trades.

Thus Indian banking has come from a long way from being a sleepy business

institution to a highly pro-active and dynamic entity. This transformation has been

largely brought about by the large dose of liberalization and economic reforms

that allowed banks to explore new business opportunities rather than generation

revenues from conventional streams (i.e. borrowing and lending). The banking in


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

India is highly fragmented with 30 banking units contributing to almost 50% of

deposits and 60% of advance.

The Structure of Indian Banking:


Reserve Bank of India [Central Bank]

Schedule Bank

Schedule Urban Co-operative Banks

Schedule Commercial Banks

Schedule Co-operative Banks

Scheduled State Co-operative Banks

Public Sector Bank Private Sector Bank Foreign Banks Regional Rural Banks

Nationalized Banks SBI & its AssociatesNew Private Sector

BankOld Private Sector


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NPA Management of State Bank of India Chart Showing Three Different Sectors of Banks

1. Public Sector Banks

2. Private Sector Banks

Public Sector Banks

SBI and Nationalized Regional Rural


SBI and Subsidiaries:

This group comprises of the State Bank of India and its seven subsidiaries viz.,

State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Travancore, State

Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Saurashtra,

State Bank of India. State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest bank in India. If one

measures by the number of breach offices and employees, SBI is the largest bank

in the world. Established in 1806 as bank of Bengal it is the oldest commercial

bank in the Indian subcontinent. SBI provides various domestic, international and

NRI products and services, through its vast network in India and overseas. With

an asset base of $126 billion and its reach, it is a regional banking behemoth. The

government nationalized the bank in 1955, with the Reserve bank of India taking

a 60% ownership stake. In recent years the has focused on two effects priorities.

Reducing its staff through Golden handshake schemes known as the

Voluntary Retirement Scheme, which saw many of its best and brightest defect to

the private sector.

Computerizing its operations.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India The State Bank of India trace its roots to the first decade of 19 th century, when the

bank of Calcutta, later renamed the Bank of Bengal, Was established on 2 June

1806. The government

Amalgamated Bank of Bengal and two other presidency banks, namely, the bank

of Bombay and the bank of Madras and named the reorganized banking entity the

Imperial Bank of India.

All these Presidency banks were incorporated as companies, and were the result

of the royal charters. The Imperial Bank of India continued to remain a joint stock

company. Until the establishment of a central bank in India the Imperial Bank and

its early predecessors served as the nation’s central bank printing currency.

The State Bank of India Act 1955, enacted by the parliament of India, authorized

the Reserve Bank of India, which is the central Banking Organization of India, to

acquire a controlling interest in the Imperial Bank of India, which was renamed

the State Bank of India on 30th April 1955.

In recent years, the bank has sought to expand its overseas operations by buying

foreign banks. Ti sis only Indian bank to feature in the top 100 world banks in the

fortune Global 500 rating and various other rankings.


This group consists of private sector banks that were nationalized. The

Government of India nationalized 14 private banks in 1969 and another 6 in the

year 1980. In early 1993, the loss making new bank of India was merged with

profit making Punjab National Bank. Hence, now only 27 nationalized banks exist

in India.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India


The RBI established these dint the year 1975 of banking commission. It was

established to operate exclusively in rural areas to provide credit and other

facilities to small and marginal farmers, agricultural laborers, artisans and small



Private Sector Banks

Old private sector Banks New private Sector Banks

Old Private Sector Banks:

This group consist of the banks that were establishes by the privy sectors,

committee organizations or by group of professionals for the cause of economic

betterment in their operations. Initially, their operations were concentrated in a

few regional areas. However, their braches slowly spread throughout the nation as

they grow.

New Private Sector Banks:

These banks were started as profit orient companies after the RBI opened the

banking secot to the private sector. These banks are mostly technology driven and

better managed than other banks.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India


These are the banks that were registered outside India and had originated in a

foreign country. The major participants of the Indian financial system are the

commercial banks, the financial institutions (FIs), encompassing term-lending

institutions, investment institutions, specialized financial institutions and the state

level development banks, Non-bank Financial Companies (NBFCs) and other

market intermarries such as the stock brokers and money-lenders. The

commercial banks and certain variants of NBFCs are among the oldest of the

market participants. The FIs, on the other hand, are relatively new entities in the

financial market place.

Important of banking sector in a growing economy:

In the recent times when the service industry is attaining greater importance

compared to manufacturing industry, banking has evolved as a prime sector

providing financial service to growing needs of the economy.

Banking industry has undergone a paradigm shift from providing ordinary

banking services in the past to providing such complicated and crucial services

like, merchant banking, housing finance, bill discounting etc. this sector has

become more active with the entry of new players like private and foreign banks.

It has also evolved as a prime builder of the economy by understanding the needs

of the same and encouraging the development by way of giving loans, providing

infrastructure facilities and financing activities for the promotion of entrepreneurs

and other business establishments.

The banking sector in recent years has incorporated new products in their

business, which is helpful for growth. At the same time, the banks are reaching

out to other end of customer requirements like, insurance premium payment, tax


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NPA Management of State Bank of India payment etc. It has changed itself from transaction type of banking into

relationship banking, where you find friendly and quick service suited to your

needs. This is possible with understanding the customer needs their value to the

bank, etc. this is possible with the help of well-organized staff, computer based

network for speedy transactions, products like credit card, debit card, health care,

ATM etc. these are the present trend of services. The customers at present ask for

convenience of banking transactions, like 24 hours banking, where they want to

utilized the services whenever there is a need. The relationship banking plays a

major an important role in growth, because the customers now have enough

number of opportunities, and they choose according to their satisfaction of

reposes and recognition they get. So the banks have to play cautiously, else they

may lose out the place in the market due to competition, where slightest of

opportunities are captured fast. Another major role played by banks is in

transaction business, transactions and networking. Many leading Indian banks

have spread out their network to other countries, which help in currency transfer

and earn exchange over it.

These banks play a major role in commercial import and export business, between

parties of two countries of two countries. This foreign presence also helps in

bringing in the international standards of operations and ideas. The liberalization

policy of 1991 has allowed many foreign banks to enter the Indian market and

establish their business. This has helped large amount of foreign capital inflow

and increase our foreign exchange reserve. Another emerging change happening

all over the banks in strengthening their empire and expanding their network of

business in terms of volume and effectiveness.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India


The roots of the State Bank of India lie in the decade of 19 th century, when the

Bank of Calcutta, later renamed the Bank of Bengal, was established on June 2,

1806. The bank of Bengal was one of three Presidency banks the other two being

the bank of Bombay (incorporated on April 15th 1840) and the bank of madras

(incorporated on July 1st 1843). All three Presidency banks were incorporated as

joint stock companies and were the result of the royal charters. These three banks

received the exclusive right to issue Paper Currency in 1861 with the Paper

Currency act, a right they retained until the formation of the Reserve bank of

India. The Presidency banks amalgamated on January 27th 1921, and the re-

organized banking entity took as its name Imperial Bank of India. The Imperial

bank of India remained a joint stock company.

Pursuant to the provisions of the State Bank of India Act of 1955, the Reserve

Bank of India, which is India’s Central bank, acquired a controlling interest in the

Imperial Bank of India. On April 30th 1955, the Imperial Bank of India became

the State Bank of India. The government of India recently acquired the Reserve

Bank of India’s stake in SBI so as to remove any conflict of interest because the

RBI is the country’s banking regulatory authority. In 1959, the government

passed the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, enabling the State Bank of

India to take over eight former state associated banks as its subsidiaries. On

September 12, 2008, the state Bank of Suarashtra, one of the associate banks,

merged with the State Bank of India. SBI has acquired local banks in rescues. For

instance, in 1985, it acquired the Bank of Cochin in Kerala, which had 120

branches. SBI was acquiring as its affiliate, the State Bank of Travancore, already

had an extensive network in Kerala.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

Background of the company:


Not only many financial institution in the world today can claim the antiquity and

majesty of the State Bank of India founded nearly two centuries ago with

primarily intent of imparting stability to the money market, the bank from its

inception mobilized funds for supporting both the public credit of the companies

government in the three presidencies of British India and the private credit of the

European and India merchants from about 1860s when the Indian economy book

a significant leap forward under the impulse of quickened world communications

and ingenious method of industrial and agricultural production the Bank became

intimately in valued in the financing of practically and mining activity of the Sub-

undoubtedly the principal beneficiaries, the small man never ignored loans as low

as the bank till the creation of the Reserve Bank in 1935 carried out numerous

Central Banking functions.

Adaption world and the needs of the hour has been one of the strengths of the

Bank, in the post-depression exe. For instance – when business opportunities

become extremely restricted, rules laid down in the book of instructions were

relined to ensure that good business did no go post. Yet seldom did the bank

contravene its innovative array of office, unknown to the world then, was devised

in the form of braches, sub branches, treasury pay office, pay office, a sub pay

office and out students to exploit the opportunities of an expanding economy.

New business strategy was also evaded way back in 1937 to render the best

banking service through prompt and courteous attention to customers.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India A highly efficient and experienced management functioning in a well-defined

organizational structure did not take long to place the bank an executed pedestal

in the areas of business, profitability, internal discipline and above all credibility

if banking an observation of a high standard of integrity in its operation helped the

bank gain pre-eminent status. No wonders the administration for the bank was

universal as key functionaries of India successive finance minister of independent

India Resource Bank of governors and representative so of chamber of

commercial showered economics on it.

Modern day management techniques were also very much evident in the good old

day’s years before corporate governance had become a puzzled the banks bound

functioned with a high degree of responsibility and concern for the shareholders.

An unbroken record of profits and a fairly high rate of profit and fairly high rate

of dividend all through ensured satisfaction; prudential management and asset

liability obligations t customers were not met. The traditions of the past continued

to the upheld even to this day as the State Bank year it to meet the emerging

challenges of the millennium.


Togetherness is the theme of this corporate logo of SBI where the world of

banking services meet the ever changing customers’ needs and established a link


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NPA Management of State Bank of India that is like a circle, it indicates complete services towards customers. The logo

also denotes a bank that it has prepared to do anything to go to any lengths, for

customers. The blue pointer represent the philosophy of the bank that is always

looking for the growth and newer, more challenging, more promising direction.

The keyhole indicates safety and security.


Banking activities are considered to be the lifeblood of the national economy.

Without banking services, trading and business activities cannot be carried on

smoothly. Banks are the distributors and protectors of liquid capital, which is of

vital significance to a developing country. Efficient administration of the baking

system helps in the economic growth of the nation. Banking is useful to trade and


Banking activities are useful to trade and industry in the following ways.

Money deposited in a bank remains safe. Precious articles too can be kept

in the safe custody of banking lockers.

Banks provide credit facilities to their customers. Customers with bank

account also enjoy better credit in the business world.

Banks encourage the habit of saving and thrift among people. They

mobilize savings and invest them in productive activities. Thus, they help in

increasing the rate of savings and investment in the country.

Banks provide a convenient and safe means of transferring money from

one place to another and facilitate business dealings/ transactions.

Banks collect and realize bills, cheese, internet and dividend warrants etc.

Foreign trade is facilitated considerably with the help of banks which

receive and make payments, provide credit and deal in foreign exchange. They

protect importers form the risk of loss on account of exchange rate fluctuations.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India They issue letter of credit and provide information on the credit worthiness of

importers. They also act as reference if their customers.

Banks meet the financial needs of small-scale business units which are

located in economically backward areas.

Farmers and artisans in rural areas can also avail of bank credit for

financing their activities.

Commercial banks provide many other services to the general public

which includes locker facility, issue of traveler’s cheques and gift cheque,

payment of insurance premium, etc.

Services activities of Banks

Service activities of banks may be categorized as follows:

Banks undertake/various agency services for their customer.

Collection of cheques, drafts, and bills of exchanges on behalf of


Collection of divided and interest warrants of customers.

Purchasing and sale of securities on the instructions of customers.

Executing standing orders for payment of rent, electricity bill, and

insurance premium.

Acting as correspondent or representative of customers in dealing with

other banks.

Acting as trustee or executor when so nominated.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

Vision, Mission, and Quality Policy

Mission statement:

To retain the Banks position as premiere Indian Financial Services Group, with

world class standards and significant global committed to excellence in customer,

shareholder and employee satisfaction and to play a leading role in expanding and

diversifying financial service sector while containing emphasis on its

development banking rule.

Vision statement:

Premier Indian Financial Service Group with prospective world-class

standards of efficiency and professionalism and institution values.

Retain its position in the country as pioneers in Development Banking.

Maximize the shareholders’ value through high-sustained earnings per


An institution with cultural mutual care and commitment, satisfying and

Good work environment and continues learning opportunities.


Excellence in customer service

Profit orientation

Belonging commitment to bank

Fairness in all dealings and relations


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NPA Management of State Bank of India Risk taking and innovative

Team playing

Learning and renewal


Transparency and discipline in policies and system

Products and Services Profile:


State Bank of India renders varieties of services to customers through the

following products:

SBI Term Deposits

SBI Recurring Deposits

SBI Housing Loan

SBI Car Loan

SBI Education Loan

SBI Personal Loan

SBI Loan for Pensioners

Loan Against Mortgage of Property

Loan Against Shares and debentures

Rent plus scheme

Medi-plus scheme

Rates of Interest


Domestic Treasury

Sbi vishwa yatra Foreign Travel card


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NPA Management of State Bank of India Broking Services

Revised service charges

ATM Services


Internet banking



Safe Deposit Locker

Gift Cheques

State bank networked ATM services:

State bank offers you the convenience of over 26000 ATMs in India, the largest

network in the country and continuing to expand fast! This means that you can

transact free of cast at the ATMs of State Bank of India Group (This includes the

ATMs of State Bank of India as well as the Associate Banks – namely, State Bank

of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Saurashtra, State Bank

of Hyderabad, State Bank of Indore, State Bank of Mysore, Stae Bank of

Travancore) and wholly owned subsidiary viz. SBI Commercial and International

Bank Ltd., using the State Bank ATM-cum-Debit (Cash Plus) card.

Kinds of cards accepted at State Bank ATM

besides State Bank ATM-cum-Debit Card and State Bank International ATM-

Cum-Debit Cards following cards are also accepted at State Bank ATMs:-

State Bank Credit Card

ATM Card issued by Banks under bilateral sharing viz. Andhra bank, Axis

bank, Dena Bank, HDFC Bank, Indian Bank, Punjab National Bank, UCO bank

and Union Bank of India.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India Cards issued by banks (other than under bilateral sharing) displaying

maestro, master card, cirrus, VISA and VISA Electron logos.

All Debit/Credit cards issued by any bank outside India displaying

Maestro, Master Card, Cirrus, VISA and VISA Electron logos.

Area of Operation-Global/National/Regional

State Bank of India has 172 foreign offices in 37 countries across the


SBI has about 26,000 ATMs and SBI group (including associate banks)

has about 40,000 ATMs.

SBI has 13000 branches, including branches that belong to its associate


SBI includes 99345 offices in India.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

Competitors Information

Name Last




(Rs. cr.)






Total Assets

SBI 2,296.4


154,098.84 106,521.4


11,707.29 1,335,519.24

Bank of Baroda 771.50 31,815.68 29,673.72 5,006.96 447,321.46

PNB 860.70 29,193.11 36,428.03 4,884.20 458,194.01

Canara Bank 448.45 19,866.34 30,850.62 3,282.72 374,160.20

Bank of India 341.05 19,594.00 28,480.67 2,677.52 384,535.47

Union Bank 236.35 13,012.23 21,144.28 1,787.13 262,211.44

IDBI Bank 100.20 12,809.77 23,369.93 2,031.61 290,837.23

Oriental Bank 302.95 8,838.91 15,814.88 1,141.56 178,130.17

Indian Bank 191.35 8,223.65 12,231.32 1,746.97 141,419.20

Syndicate Bank 130.00 7,825.35 15,268.35 1,313.39 182,468.06

Allahabad Bank 149.40 7,470.39 15,523.28 1,866.79 182,934.57

IOB 75.70 6,033.28 17,897.08 1,050.13 219,648.17

Corporation Ban 406.20 6,017.01 13,017.78 1,506.04 163,560.42

Andhra Bank 102.95 5,760.88 11,338.73 1,344.67 124,964.23

Central Bank 76.90 5,660.73 19,149.50 533.04 229,799.74

UCO Bank 67.20 4,466.87 14,632.37 1,108.67 180,498.41

Dena Bank 103.25 3,614.35 6,794.13 803.14 87,387.93

Bank of Mah 56.40 3,325.30 7,213.96 430.83 88,017.38

State B Bikaner 454.75 3,183.25 6,291.36 652.03 72,528.15


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NPA Management of State Bank of India State Bank Mysore 625.00 2,924.99 5,078.44 369.15 60,403.58

State Bnk Tr 553.25 2,766.25 6,828.76 510.46 85,949.33

Vijaya Bank 55.35 2,742.81 7,988.12 580.99 95,764.00

United Bank 67.75 2,445.77 7,961.09 632.53 102,010.39

Punjab & Sind 66.60 1,559.83 6,474.50 451.28 72,905.27


Recent Awards:

Best Online Banking Award, Best Customer Initiative Award & Best Risk

Management Award (Runner Up) by IBA Banking Technology Awards 2010

The Bank of the year 2009, India (won the second year in a row) by The

Banker Magazine

Best Bank – Large and Most Socially Responsible Bank by the Business

Bank Awards 2009

Best Bank 2009 by Business India

The Most Trusted Brand 2009 by The Economic Times

Most Preferred Bank & Most preferred Home loan provider by CNBC

Visionaries of Financial Inclusion By FINO

Technology Bank of the Year by IBA Banking Technology Awards

SKOCH Award 2010 for Virtual corporation Category for its e-payment


The Brand Trust Report: 11th most trusted brand in India

Business standard has Award “THE BEST BANK OF THE YEAR

AWARD” to Shri O.P Bhatt for this initiative to re-energies the bank.

CNN IBN Network 18 has selected Shri O.P Bhatt as Indian of the year

business 2007 for showing how a public sector behemoth can flex its muscle in

the ferociously competitive banking sector.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India Asian Centre for corporation government and sustainability and Indian merchant

chamber has awarded the “Transformational Leader Award 2007 to Shri O.P

Bhatt for leadership, chairman, inspiration and intellectual stimulation for the

entire SBI team.

The only Indian bank to find place in the fortune Global 500 list

SBI has bagged the awards for “ Most Preferred Bank” and “Most

Preferred Brand for Home Loan” in CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards in August


SBI is No.1 provider of Agri. Finance and No.1 in Credit Linking of 9.35


3rd in the Economic Times Brand Equity ranking Top 50 most trusted

Services Brand in the Services Sector

Future growth and prospects:

If both Foreign Institutional Investments (FII) inflow and credit growth

outperforms, SBI can perform as good as a bank fixed deposit that is deliver an

annual return of around 10%. Has the potential to double in the long run – 3 to 5

years or more – for this to get delayed, and SBI delivering only an FD type return

in good markets, and correcting significantly in adverse markets and slow credit

growth condition.

SBI recently concluded a successful bond issue that takes care of the fund

requirements. The bank remains bullish on teaser loans in home financing, and

seems to have the tacit approval of Finance Ministry, even against the wishes of

banking regulator, Reserve Bank of Indian (RBI). Teaser how loans are expected

to be a future money-spinner for SBI, if it doesn’t regress to a sub-prime like

scenario. Due to its unique positioning as the bank ‘closest’ to Government of

India, SBI has unique access to some incredibly large fund decisions like the


Page 24: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India recent Employee’s Provident Fund Organization (EPFP) decision to park Rs.3.5

lakh crore solely with SBI, even if it is for three months.

SBI is 330% larger than Punjab National Bank (BSE:532461,NSE:PNB), the

nearest public sector competitor by income; and 275% larger than nearest private

sector peer, ICICI Bank (BSE:532174,NSE:ICICIBSNK). Not only can’t both of

them play catch-up un the coming few years, but size-wise things are getting

better for SBI due to the upcoming mergers with SBI Group banks like State bank

of Mysore (BSE:532200, NSE:MYSOREBANK), State Bank of Bikaner and

Jaipur (BSE:501061,NSE:SBBJ), and State Bank of Travancore

(BSE:532191,NSE:SBT). The dominance in income is also on a comparable asset

base. SBI has shown the capability for leading other PSBs in innovative products,

and lately even a brand of defiance to regulators when it comes to pushing things

their way. State Bank Group has access to some of the lowest cost Current

Account/Savings Account (CASA) funds in the country that protects margins.



Page 25: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India


The 7-S Frame of Mckinsey is management model that describes 7 factors to

organize a company in a holistic and effective way. Together these factors

determine the way in which a corporation operates. Managers should take into

account all seven of these factors, to be sure of successful implementation of a

strategy. Large or Small. They’re all interdependent, so if you fail to pay proper

attention to one of them; this may affect all others as well. On top of that, the

relative importance of each factor may vary over time.

The 7-S Framework was first mentioned in “The art of Japanese Management” by

Richard Pascale an Anthony Athos in 1981. They had been investigating how

Japanese industry had been so successful. At around the same time that Tm Peters

and Robert Waterman were exploring what made a company excellent. The Seven

S model was born at a meeting of these four authors in 1978. It appeared also in


Page 26: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India “In Search of Excellence” by peters and Waterman, and was taken up as abasing

tool by the global management consultancy company Mckinsey. Since then it is

known as their 7-S model.

Shared Values: The interconnecting center of McKinsey's model is: Shared

Values. What does the organization stands for and what it believes in. Central

Beliefs and Attitudes.

Strategy: Plans for the allocation of firms scarce resources, over time, to reach

identified goals. Environment, Competition, Customers.

Structure: The way in which the organization's units relate to each other:

centralized, functional divisions (top-down); decentralized; a matrix, a network, a

holding, etc

Systems: The procedures, processes and routines that characterize how the work

should be done: financial systems; recruiting, promotion and performance

appraisal systems; information systems.

Staff: Numbers and types of personnel within the organization.

Style: Cultural style of the organization and how key managers behave in

achieving the organization's goals. Compare: Management Styles.

Skills: Distinctive capabilities of personnel or of the organization as a whole.

Compare: Core Competences.

Strengths of the 7-S Model. Benefits

• Diagnostic tool for understanding organizations that is ineffective.

• Guides organizational change.

• Combines rational and hard elements with emotional and soft elements.

• Managers must act on all S’s in parallel and all S’s are interrelated.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India




DMD (I & MA)



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NPA Management of State Bank of India



The biggest bank in the country.

Has separate act for itself. Thus, a special privilege.

Biggest branch network in the country.

First public sector to move to CBS.






Chief economic Advisor


Page 29: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Huge amount of staff

Expected to experience high level of attrition due to retirement of its top


Still carries the image of the old Government sector bank.


Pool in talent to replace the going top Management to serve the next generation

Make better use of its CRM

Expansion into rural areas


Consolidation among private banks

New bank licenses by RBI

Foreign banks that have sophisticated products


Financial Analysis

Operating Profit:

The Bank’s Operating Profit is gradually increasing. Operating Profit in 2008

stood at Rs. 25257.87 (in Crs) at the end of financial year 2012 it was Rs.

49529.61 (in Crs). Table below shows the Operating Profit for past 5 years.

Table 1: Operating Profit from 2008 to 2012=Sales-Variable-Fixed assets

(Rs in Crore)


Page 30: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India YEARS OPERATING PROFITS % GROWTH

Mar ‘08 25257.87 28.36

Mar ‘09 33,673.05 33.32

Mar ‘10 44,405.16 31.87

Mar ‘11 46,280.41 4.22

Mar ‘12 49529.61 7.02

Interpretation: Operating profit amount shows the growth for the last five years

especially there is a rapid growth in the year 2008-09 due to increases in

advances, reduction in staff expenses, reduction in cost of funds (borrowings). But

there is a decrease in the profit since three years due to inflation and NPA’s.

Mar ‘08 Mar ‘09 Mar ‘10 Mar ‘11 Mar ‘1205




2. Net Profit

The bank’s Net Profit is substantially showing increasing trend form past 5 years.

Net Profit in the year 2008 stood at Rs. 4541.31 (in Crs) at the end of financial

year 2012 it was Rs. 7,370.35 (in Crs). Table below shows the Net Profit for past

5 years.

Table 2: Net Profit from 2008 to 2012

[ Crores]


Mar ‘08 4541.31 3.05


Page 31: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Mar ‘09 6,729.12 48.2

Mar ‘10 9,121.24 35.55

Mar ‘11 9,166.05 0.5

Mar ‘12 7,370.35 -19.60


Though there is a continuous growth in the amounts of Net Profit the growth

percentage is declining heavily to only -9.83% in the year 2012. This is because

of high provisioning made on the NPA’s over the year and due increase in

advances and interest rates and due to the inflation caused since 3 years and

growth in the 2012 year 41.65

Mar ‘08 Mar ‘09 Mar ‘10 Mar ‘11 Mar ‘12





3. Deposits:

The bank deposit is constantly showing increasing trend from past 5 years.

Deposits in 2007 stood at Rs. 1255562.48 (in Crs). Table below shows the

deposits for past 5 years.

Table 3: deposits from 2007 to 2011


Mar ‘ 07 636,2272.88 14.6


Page 32: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Mar ‘08 776,416.52 23.4

Mar ‘09 1,011,988.33 30.34

Mar ‘10 1,116,464.56 10.32

Mar ‘11 1,255,562.48 12.45

Interpretation: the percentage growth in the year 2009-10 was declined i.e.,

29.74% India millennium Deposits also there has been increase in interest rate,

which contribution to increase in deposits. Than growth rate is increase in the year

2011 to 2012 i.e., 10.32 to 12.45

Mar ‘ 07 Mar ‘08 Mar ‘09 Mar ‘10 Mar ‘1105





I have gained knowledge about all round view of the management operation. I

come to know detailed review of the operations, performance and outlook of the

Bank. As a researcher the bank employee how deal with customer in different

situation. As a researcher got the practical orientation of the functions of the

various departments in the company. As a researcher I have gained knowledge

about all round view of the management operation. As a researcher I come to


Page 33: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India know that what difficulties the company faced and how they were tackled. It gave

a detailed review of the operations, performance and outlook of the company.

1. General IntroductionIntroduction:

Study on Non-Performing assets

Non-Performing assets surfaced suddenly in the Indian banking scenario, around

the eighties on the background of implementation of Narasimhan committee

recommendations in the banking sector. This committee was appointed by RBI to

safeguard the interest of the banks, In the midst of turbulent structure changes


Page 34: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India overtaking the international banking institutions and where the global financial

markets were undergoing sweeping changes.

Now-a-days Management of Non-Performing Assets is a critical performing area

for banks. One of the parameter for assessing efficiency of the bank is

management of its N.P.A. the profitability of the bank and its strength is measured

in terms of management of NPA. In order to compete globally it is necessary for

Indian banks to adopt Internationally standard in terms of efficiency, productivity,

profitability, assets recognitions norms, and provisioning and capital adequacy.

Literature Review1. NPA Management in Indian Banks

N. Fathima Thabassuma Dr. E. Mubarak Ali research scholar Reader in

Commerce NPA means an asset or account of a barrower, which has been

classified by a bank, or financial institution as substandard, doubtful or loss asset,

in accordance with direction and guidelines relating to asset classifications issued

by the Reserve bank of India.

Means a charge in or upon any moveable property, existing or future, created by a

favor of a secured creditor without a delivery of possession of a moveable

property to such creditor, as a security for financial assistance and includes

floating charges and crystallization of such charge into fixed charge on moveable


1. Thesis On Non-perming Asset Of Bank

NPAs have a direct impact on banks profitability as legally banks are not allowed

to book income on such account and at the same time banks are forced to


Page 35: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India make provision on such assets as per the Central Bank guidelines. Also, with

increasing deposits made by public in the banking system, the banking industry

cannot afford default by borrowers since NPAs affects the repayment capacity of

through various rate cut and banks fails to utilize this benefit to its advantages due

to the fear of burgeoning non-perming assets.

Statement of the Problem:

“A Study on Non-Performing Assets of State Bank of India”

The concept of Non-performing Assets surfaced in the Indian banking scenario, in

the early eighties, on the background of implementation of Narasimhan

Committee recommendations in the banking sector, this committee was appointed

by RBI to safeguard the interest of the banks, in the midst of turbulent structured

changes overtaking the international banking institutions and where the global

financial markets were undergoing sweeping changes.

Background of project topic:

Credit risk is defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will

fail to meet its obligations in accordance agreed terms, or in other words it is

defined as the risk that a firms customer and the parties to which it has lent money

will fail to make promised payment is known as credit risk. The exposure to the

credit risks large in case of financial institutions, such commercial banks when

firms barrow money they in turn expose lenders to credit risk, the risk that the

firm will default on its promised payments. As a consequence, barrowing exposes

the firm owners to the risk that firm will be unable to pay its debt and thus be

forced to bankruptcy.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

Objective of the Study1. To study the pattern of NPA

2. Steps taken to reduce NPA

3. Examine the effects of NPA’s.

4. To know the impact of NPA on profitability of the bank.

Scope of the Study“Non-Performing Assets” management is a key a subject, which plays an

important role in deciding the overall performance of the Bank. Therefore, the

subject of Non-performing Asset was chosen for the project work. Accordingly

the project was undertaken at STATE BANK OF INDIA, BANGALORE


Methodology of the study

Data Collection Method t fulfill the objectives of my study, I have taken both into

considerations primary and secondary data.

Primary data: primary data has been collected through personal interview by

direct contact method. The Method, which was adopted to collect the information

through unstructured ‘Personal Interview’ method.

Personal Interview and discussion was made with manager and other personnel in

the organization for this purpose.

Secondary method: the data is collected from the Magazines, Annual report,

Internet, Textbooks.

Internal files and Materials




Page 37: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Textbooks Annual Report

Limitation of the study The time stipulated for the project was limited.

Some confidential information was not revealed by the bank.

Some employees were not co-operative.

Study is restricted with one branch.

Study process was restricted to bank’s rules and regulations.

Analysis and Interpretation

After nationalization of commercial banks in July 1969 as per the directive of the

government commercial banks have started opening more and more branches in

rural and semi-urban centers this has led a tremendous growth in the business of

banking sector. Thereafter the Indian banks have consolidated their growth year

after year. The total volume of business has increase from mere Rs. 20,000crores

to nearly Rs.60,000 crores and most of the banks were showing a growing in

business and profitability. Banks were lending on the basis of securities and were

not unduly amount in terms of securities. The interest is charged regularly on the

advanced made by the bank without much bothering the recovery of the same.

The RBI has introduced a system in the early eighties to categorize the advances

in terms of realization. A health code was introduced to determine the quality of

the assets. There was always a need to have regulated, uniform and prudent

accounting policies for the banks with special reference to the credit risk involved

in lending activities so that the significant growth in the business volumes of

banks was ably supported by a well set regulatory norms.


Page 38: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India In the earlier times, bank tended to lean much towards security-oriented approach

in assessment of credit proposals as also subsequent classification of the asset in

their books. The interest and other charges debited to a borrower’s account was

taken into income on the basis of accrual irrespective of the fact whether such

interest and charges accrued earlier were actually recovered or not. Such income

was taken to Profit and Loss Account and dividend was declared on the basis of

profit so arrived at. Loans were treated as realizable without actually looking into

the record recovery. All this resulted in overstating of profit and distorted

depiction of the state of affairs of the banks in their books of accounts.

Sensing this need, government of India at the behest of RBI appointed a

committee under the chairmanship of Shri. M. Narashimham to study the

financial system and to and to give guidelines for strengthening financial system

in the wake of economy being opened up as per GATT agreement to face global

competition to ensure that financial institutions operated on the basis of

operational flexibility and functional autonomy thereby enhancing efficiency,

productivity and profitability.

The committee has made path-breaking recommendations to strengthen the

financial institutions including banks. Wide-ranging suggestions and

recommendations of this committee were accepted and have resulted in

evolvement of prudential norms on income recognitions, assets classification and

provisioning. Keeping intact the original viewpoint, RBI has been making

modifications to these norms taking into account changes in the business

environment and need of the hour. These Prudential Norms harp upon three vital


Recognition of income-Recognition of income shall be objective and based on

record of recovery rather than any subjective consideration like availability of

security, net worth of borrower/guarantor etc.


Page 39: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Asset classification- Classification of assets shall be done on the basis of

objective criteria with uniform and consistent application of norms duly ensured.

Provisioning- Provisioning for bad and doubtful debts shall be made on the basis

of classification of assets reckoning the period for which the assets has remained

Non-Performing and the availability of security and the realizable Value hereof.


With a view to moving towards International best practices and to ensure greater

transparency the ’90 days overdue’ norms for identification of Non-performing

Assets has been adopted by the R.B.I (w.e.f. 31.03.2004)

Interest and / or installment of principal remain overdue for a period off more than

90 days in respect of a term loan.

The Account remains ‘out of order’ for a period of more than 90 days. In respect

of an overdraft/ C.C.

The bills remains ‘overdue’ for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills

purchased and discounted.

Any amount to be received remains ‘overdue’ for a period of more than 90 days

in respect of other accounts.

A loan granted for short duration crops is treated as NPA, if the installment of

principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crops season and a loan

granted for long duration crops is treated as NPA, if installment of principal or

interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season.

An account would be classified as NPA only if the interest charged during any

quarter is not serviced fully within 90 days from the end of the quarter.

So in short NPA refers to those assets where in which the bank does not earn

income from that account, asset or loan granted. If an irregular Account

continuously remain as irregular category for a period of 90 days (earlier


Page 40: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India 180days) it seems NPA. According to sthe guidelines of the RBI once an account

is listed as NPA, the interest has to be deducted out of the profit of the same

accounting year.

Indian Economy and NPAs

Undoubtedly the world economy has slowed down, recession is at its peak,

globally stock markets have tumbled and business itself is getting hard to do. The

Indian economy has been much affected due to high fiscal deficit poor

infrastructure facilities, sticky legal system cutting of exposure to emerging

markets by FIIs, etc.

Further, International rating agencies like, Standards and poor have lowered

India’s credit rating to sub-investment grade. Such negative aspects have often

outweighed positives such as increasing fore ex reveres and a manageable

inflation rate.

Under such a situation, it goes without saying that banks are no expectation and

are bound to face the heat of a global downturn. Bankers have realized that unless

the level of NPAs is reduced drastically, they will find it difficult to survive.

Why such huge levels of NPAs exist in the Indian banking system (IBS)?

The origin of the problem of growing NPAs lies in the quality of managing

credit risk the Banks. What is needed is having adequate preventive measure in


Page 41: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India place namely, fixing pre-sanctioning appraisal responsibility and having an

effective post-disbursement supervision. banks concerned should continuously

monitor loans to identify accounts that have potential to become Non-Performing.

Why NPAs have become an issue for banks and financial intuitions in India?

To start with, performing in terms of profitability is a benchmark for any business

enterprise including the banking industry. However, increasing NPAs have a

direct impact on bank profitability as legally banks are not allowed to book

income on such accounts and at the same time banks are forced to make on such

assets as per the Reserve bank of India (RBI) guidelines.

Also, increasing deposits made by the public in the banking system, the banking

industry cannot afford defaults by borrowers since NPAs affects the repayment

capacity of banks.

Further, RBI successfully creates excess liquidity in the system through various

rate cuts and banks fails to utilize this benefit to its advantage due to the fear of

burgeoning Non-Performing assets.

‘Out of Order’ Status:

An account should be treated as ‘out of order’ if the outstanding balance remains

continuously in excess of the sanctioned limit/drawing power. In cases where the

outstanding balance in the principle operating account is less than the sectioned

limit drawing power, but there are no credits continuously for 90 days as on the

date of Balance Sheet or credits are not enough to cover the interest debited

during the same period, these accounts should be treated as ‘out of order’.

‘Over Due’:

Any amount due to the bank under any credit faculty is overdue if it is not paid on

the due date fixed by the bank.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

RBI guidelines on income recognition (interest income on NPAs)

Banks recognize income including interest on advances on accrual basis. That is,

income is accounted for as and when it is earned. The prima-facie condition for

accrual of income is that it should not be unreasonable to expect to its ultimate


Considering this fact, in accordance with the guidelines for income recognition

issued by the RBI, banks not recognize interest income on such NPAs until it is

actually realized.

Reversal of Interest Income:

If any advance becomes NPA as at the close of any year, interest accrued and

credited to income. Account in the corresponding should be reversed or provided

for if the same is not realized.

Reporting of NPAs:

Banks are required to furnish a report on NPA as on 31st march of each year after

completion of audit. The NPA would relate to the banks global portfolio including

the advances at the foreign branches.

Classification Assets:

The NPAs are classified into 3 categories namely:

Sub-standard Assets

Doubtful Assets


Page 43: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Loss Assets

These are being classified by the Banks based on the period for which the asset

has remained Non-Performing and the reliability of the dues.

Sub-Standard Assets:

An asset becomes NPAs is first classified as a sub-standard asset and which

remains as NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months (earlier 18 months).

In such cases, the current net worth of the borrowed guarantor or the current

market value of the security charged is not enough to such an assets will have

well defined or weaknesses that

Endanger the liquidation of the debt and are characteristics by the distinct

possibility that the banks will sustain some loss, if deficiencies are not corrected.

Doubtful Assets:

A substandard asset becomes a doubtful if it has remained as a substandard for a

period exceeding 12 months (before 18 months).

A loan classified as doubtful has all the weaknesses inherent in assets that ere

classified as sub-standard, with the added characteristic that the weakness makes

collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently known facts, conditions

and values highly questionable and improbable.

Loss Assets:

An Asset, which is considered as irrecoverable by the banks internally or

externally through auditors or by the RBI. Inspection is treated as loss Account

but the amount has not been written off wholly.


Page 44: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India In classification of assets interest above categories should be done taking interest

Account the degree of well-defined or weakness and the extent of deepened on

collateral security for realization of dues.

Banks should establish appropriate internal system to eliminate the tendency to

delay or postpone the identification of NPAs, especially in respect of high value

accounts. The banks may even fix minimum cut off point to decide what would

constitute a high value account depending their respective business levels.

In terms of RBI guidelines, as and when an asset becomes a NPA, such advances

would be first classified as a sub-standard one for a period that should not exceed

18 month and subsequently as doubtful assets. It should be noted that the above

classification is only for the purpose of computing the amount of provision that

should be made with respect to bank advances and certainly not for the purpose of

presentation of advances in the bank’s balance sheet.

Up gradation of loan account classified as NPA

In case of any borrower pays the arrears of interest and principal classified as

NPA’s the account should no longer be treated as non-performing and may be

classified as ‘standard’ account.

Classification to be based on borrowers-wise and not facility wise

The classification as NPA of the accounts should be based on the borrower wise

and not based on the facility wise. That is if a borrower is having more than one

facility (like two or more account’s) in the same bank. The borrowers all the


Page 45: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India facilities should be treated as NPA’s and not particular facility or part thereof

which has become irregular.



1. The Non-Performing financial asset purchase may be classified as standard in

the books of the purchasing bank for a period of 90 days from the date of

purchase. Therefore, the asset classification status of the financial asset purchased

shall be determined by the record of recovery in the books of the purchasing bank

with reference to cash flows estimated while purchasing the assets, which should

be in compliance with requirements in Para (3).

2. The asset classification status of an existing exposure (other than purchased

financial asset) to the same obligor in the books of the purchasing bank will

continue to be governed by the record of recovery of that exposure and hence may

be different.

3. Where the purchase/sale does not satisfy any of the prudential requirements

prescribed in these guidelines the asset classification status of the financial asset

in the books of the purchasing bank at the time of purchase shall be the same as in

the books of the selling bank. Thereafter, the asset classification status will

continue to be determined with reference to the date of NPA in the selling Bank.

4. Any restructure/reschedule/rephrase of the repayment schedule or the estimated

cash flow of the Non-performing financial asset by the purchasing bank shall

render the account as a non-performing asset.

B) Provisioning Norms:

Books of selling bank


Page 46: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India 1. When a bank sells its non-performing financial assets to other banks, the same

will be removed from its books on transfer.

2. If the sale is at a price below the Net Book Value (NBV) (i.e., book value less

provisions held), the shortfall should be debited to the profit and loss account of

that year.

3. If the sale is for a value higher than the NBV, the excess provision shall not be

reveres but will be utilized to meet the shortfall/loss on account of sale of other

non-performing financial assets.

Books of purchasing bank

The asset shall attract provision requirement appropriate to its asset classification

status in the books of the purchasing bank.

C) Accounting of recoveries:

Any recovery in respect of non-performing asset purchasing from other banks

should first be adjusted its acquisition cost. Recoveries in the excess of the

acquisition cost can be recognized as profit.

D) Capital Adequacy:

For the purpose of capital adequacy, banks should assign 100% risk weight to the

non-performing financial assets purchased from other banks. In case the non-

performing financial assets purchased are an investment, then it would attract

capital charge for market risks also. For NBFCs the relevant instructions on

capital adequacy would be applicable.

E) Exposure Norms:


Page 47: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India The purchasing bank will reckon exposure on the obligor of the specific financial

asset. Hence these banks should ensure compliance with the prudential credit

exposure ceilings (both single and group) after reckoning the exposures to the

obligors arising on account of the purchase. For NBFCs the relevant instruction

on exposure norms would be applicable.

Main reasons for accounts becoming NPAs:

Units remain closed without intimation.

Industrial recession.

Borrower Absconding.

Sale of Assets with the knowledge of the Bank.

Diversion of Funds.

Willful Default.

Interest/installments not paid.

Purpose of the loan is not clear.

Non-performing of loans due to natural calamities such as drought, floods,

earthquakes etc.,

Lack of verification of his/her securities.

Ineffective recovery tribunals.

Inefficient credit appraisal systems.

Lack of technology, methodology and data support for science credit


Industrial sickness. Unusual projection of the business targets.

Overtrading, overstocking.

Improper utilization of funds.

Often stated reasons for NPAs in India:


Page 48: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Corruption

Willful default.

Judicial system flaw.

Nonexistent fear of penalties.

Sudden changes in Government polices/ economic environments.

Inefficient credit appraisal systems.

Government policies like loan waiver/interest waiver.

Lack of technology, methodology, and data support for scientific credit


2. Steps taken to Reduce NPAs:

Soft Tools

Personal contacts.

Frequent follow-ups by bank official.

Issue of periodical notices.

Adjustments of his/her outstanding deposits.

Apply of Scientific tools for appraisal before the loan is disbursed and

monitor it closely in real time.

Conduct Recovery Campaign.

Break up recovery to branch level network.

Take every NPA case as a separate issue and analyze the need for further

funding from an economic point of view.

Implement a system for selecting a good borrower.

Write off NPA’s.

Hard tools

Lok Adalat


Page 49: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Debt Recovery Tribunals.

SARFAESI Act, 2002 (Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial

Assets and Enforcement Security Interest).

Assets Recovery Construction Industry Limited (ARCIL).

Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR).


To settle disputes involving account in “doubtful” and “loss” category

Outstanding balance of Rs.5lakh for compromise settlement.

Proved to be quite effective for speedy justice and recovery of small loans.

Progress through this channel is expected to pick up in the coming years.


To recover their bad Debt quickly and efficiently.

33 debt recovery Tribunal and 5 Debt Recovery Application Tribunal.

It is the special court established by central government for the purpose of

bank or any financial institutions recovery.

The judges of this court are retired judges of high court.

In this court only the recovery cases of Rs.10 lakh and above can be filed.

The Act provides three alternative methods for recovery of non-

performing assets, namely:-


Asset Reconstruction.

Enforcement of Security without the intervention of the Court.

NPA loans with outstanding above Rs.1 lakh.


Page 50: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India NPA loan account where the amount is less than 20% of the principal and

interest ate not eligible to be dealt with under this Act.

This Act empowers the Bank:

To issue demand notice to the defaulting borrower and guarantor, calling upon

them to discharge their dues in full within 60 days from the date of the notice.

To give notice to any person who has acquired any of the secured assets from the

borrower to surrender the same to the Bank.

To ask any debtor of the borrower to pay any sum due or becoming due to the


Any Security Interest created over Agricultural Land cannot be proceeded with.


A company which is set up with the objective of taking over distressed assets

(NPA) from banks or financial institutions and to reconstruct or re-pack these

assets to make those assets saleable.

To buy out troubled loans from banks and make special efforts at recovering

value form the assets, if necessary by special legislation, with special powers for


Restructuring of weak banks to divest the bad loan portfolio.

India’s first ARC with an initial equity of Rs.10crore with ICICI bank, IDBI and


Incorporated as public limited company on February 11, 2002

Its objectives:

Unlocking capital for the banking system and the economy.

Creating a vibrant market for distressed debt assets/securities in India offering a

trading platform for Lenders.


Page 51: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India To evolve and create significant capacity in the system for quicker resolution of

NPAs by deploying the assets optimally.


For the revival of the corporate as well as for the safety of the money lent by the

banks and FI.

Based on the experience in other countries like the U.K., Thailand, Korea, etc.

Objective was to ensure timely and transport mechanism for restructuring of the

corporate debts.

CDR mechanism will be a voluntary system based on debtor creditor agreement

and inter- creditor agreement.

CDR mechanism will cover only multiple banking accounts.

An outstanding exposure of Rs. 20 crore and above by banks and institutions.


3. Effects of NPAs

As the number of accounts become NPAs this will lead to additional provisions

which has to be made and these provisions are made out of profits earned by the

Bank. Ultimately it leads to:

Huge decrease in the profitability

Stagnation In specific industries with large share of loans contribution to



High cost of funds

Slowdown of the economy as a whole

High credit risk in lending business

Prerequisites to Contribution NPA’s:


Page 52: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India 1. Governance:

Independent oversight board with clear mandate.

Defined and transparent procedures

Improved reporting standard

2. Greater focus on restructuring:

The quality and speed of asset resolution is key

Taking ownership of NPA’s and proactive management

Working with debtors to improve cash flow of assets underlying NPA’s

3. Greater power and intuitional capabilities:

For example, power to separate bad management from the debor and t liquidate

debotors, which cannot be expeditiously restructured.

Training, knowledge transfer


4. Incentives and disciplines for banks:

Enhanced accountability of banks and bank managers

Ensure banks put in place risk analysis and credit management systems

Ultimate burden not transferable to AMCs

5. Greater protection of creditor rights:

Credible liquidation procedures and efficient secured transaction processes

Triggers and inventive for insolvency


Page 53: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Strong and Credible regulators, free from political Pressure.

6. The Road to Recovery:

The key facilities

Early detection


Voluntary references

Facilitation and quick arbitration.

Steps taken by the Bank to Reduce NPAs:

1) Bank is planning to go for securitization of huge transaction accounts.

2) Interest ensive follow up with Advocates/civil courts/DRTs for speedy

disposal of cases.

3) Official from various offices visit borrows/branches for discussions/

review of NPAs.

4) Liberal policy adopted for compromise in account with balances below

50,000 and those that are more than 10 year old.

5) Risk management systems put in place.

6) Apply of Scientific for appraisal before the loan is disbursed and monitor

is clsely in real time.

7) State Bank of India has regularly conducted recovery campaigns.

8) Break up recovery to branch level network.

9) Take every NPA case as separate issue and analyze the need for further

funding from an economic point of view.


Page 54: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India 10) State Bank of India has implemented a system for selecting a good


11) State Bank of India has followed all credit exposures are classified as per

RBI guidelines, into performing and Non-Performing assets (NPA).

1. Movement of NPA to total Advances SBI as a whole (in crores)


Page 55: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Calculation of Important Ratios (Gross NPA Ratio, Net NPA Ratio and Return on Asset Ratio)

Table: 1

Ratio of Gross NPA to Total Advances

Year Net Advances Gross NPA GNPA %

2007-08 275458.26 10290.29 3.73569852008 -09 343810.84 10495.10 3.05257972009 -10 405538.46 13160.17 3.24511022010 -11 499719.13 15675.27 3.13681612011 -12 587873.94 19263.14 3.2767467


GNPA was continuously decreasing up to 2008-09 but in the year 2009-10 it

increases 3.25% which was low interest rates and increase in advances. By the

end of the financial year 2011-12 it has again increased to 3.28% due to inflation

and policy changes on lending rates.

2007-08 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -120








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NPA Management of State Bank of India Table: 2

Ratio of Net NPA to Total Advances

Year Net Advances Net NPA NNPA%2007-08 275458.26 5893.4 2.13948932008-09 343810.84 5997.9 1.74453492009-10 405538.46 7979.56 1.96764572010-11 499719.13 9649.57 1.93099872011-12 587873.94 11382.4 1.9361974


NNPA% has followed a substantial decrease from 0.395% in the year 2006-07 to

1.93 in the year 2008-09 and a slight increase of 0.006% in the year 2009-10

which is due to high interest rates and the inflation caused. But the reduction in

the NPA so far is due to the increased capital employed of Rs. 15,000crores in the

year 2008-09

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-120









Page 57: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India 1. Calculation of Important Ratios (Gross NPA Ratio, Net NPA Ratio and Return on Assets Ratio)

Movement of NPA to total Advances (In Crors)

Table: 2

Year Net Advances


2007-08 2989.28 80.37 2.68860732008-09 3878.34 85.84 2.21331812009-10 4814.97 109.48 2.27374212010-11 5577.61 110.24 1.97647382011-12 6496.77 94.21 1.4501052


The GNPS Ratio in the year 2007-08 was 20.69% and has gradually reduced to

1.45% by the end of the financial year 2009-10. This shows that the Honnali

module is striving hard to reduce NPA completely over the years. This has

become possible due to high involvement of the employees in choosing the

industries carefully and due to replacement of medium and long term loans, due to

hiring of separate personnel for checking the authentication of information given

by the client and the 3rd party.

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-120










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NPA Management of State Bank of India Table: 4

Ratio of Net NPA to Total Advances

Year Net Advances Net NPA NNPA2007-08 2989.28 54.6 1.82652682008-09 3878.34 56.58 1.45887162009-10 4814.97 69.27 1.43863822010-11 5577.61 73.47 1.31723092011-12 6496.77 64.21 0.9883373


There is a reduction in the NNPA % from 1.83% in the year 2007-08 to 0.98% in

the year 2011-12. This is a greater improvement in reduction of NPA in the

honnali branch. This has been possible due to provisioning of willful defaults,

adoption of liberal policy for compromise in account with balance below Rs.

5,00,000 and those that are 8 year old clients.

Due to onetime settlement schemes with liability up to 10 crore in small and

medium enterprise sector.

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-120





Page 59: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Table: 5

2. Calculation of Return on Asset Ratio

Year Net Income Total Assets Return on Asset Ratio

Mar ‘08 4406.67 493869.54 0.008922741

Mar ‘09 4541.31 566565.24 0.008015511

Mar ‘10 6729.12 721526.32 0.009326229

Mar ‘11 9121.23 964432.08 0.009457618

Mar ‘12 9166.05 1053413.74 0.008701282


The table clearly shows that though the net income is increasing steadily, there is

a huge increase in assets. For a bank the loans lent to the borrower are the assets.

If the assets go on increasing without a proportion increase in the net income then

it results in loss. The ROI is decreasing. It clearly indicates that the banks are

slow in converting its investments into profits. This is due to the huge competition

and decrease in the Net Interest Margin and increase in cost of deposits.

Mar ‘08 Mar ‘09 Mar ‘10 Mar ‘11 Mar ‘120.007







Return on Asset Ratio

Return on Asset Ratio


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

3. Capital Adequacy Ratio:

Year Mar ‘08 Mar ‘09 Mar ‘10 Mar ‘11 Mar ‘12

Capital Adequacy Ratio 11.88 12.34 13.47 14.25 13.39


There is a gradual increase in the CAR from 11.88% in the year 2008 to 14.25%

in the year 2012. Any bank maintaining its CAR above 9.5% can sustain in the


Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar' 10 Mar '11 Mar '1210.5





Capital Adequacy Ratio

Capital Adequacy Ratio


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NPA Management of State Bank of India

RBI guidelines on provisioning requirement of bank advances:

Loss Assets: 100% of outstanding amount.

Doubtful Assets: 100%of unsecured portion.

Secured portion

Up to one year 20%One to three years 30%More than three years (D-III)(i) outstanding stock of NPAs as

on March 31, 2008 50% with effect from March 31, 2011 60% with effect from March 31, 2012 75% with effect from March 31, 2013 100 %

(ii) advances classified as 'doubtful for more than three years' on or after April 1, 2010 100 %

Substandard Assets: Secured portion 10% and unsecured portion 20% on total

out standing.

Standard Assets: A general provision of 0.40% (For direct Agriculture and SME

sector 0.25%. provisioning for standard will be dome ar corporate office at the



Page 62: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India


The outstanding amount as on March 31st 2008 was Rs.10000

Realization value of security Rs.8000

Period for which the advance has remained “doubt” category as on March 31 st

2008: 2.5 years

Provision Requirement




Provision on

Secured portion

Provision on

unsecured Portion


March 31st ,


Doubtful 1 to 3


% Amount % Amount

30 2400 100 2000 4400

March 31st ,


Doubtful above

3 years

100 8000 100 2000 10000

Reasons for reduction in Net NPA in:

Re-placement of Medium term and long term loan: Accounting to this

scheme Banks are trying to convert big installment into small one of different

duration period. By doing so the Bank is helping the client to carry on his

business activity and even earn profit by giving loan.

All these banks are converting customers (those whose accounts are in the

border line) short-term loans into term loan.

Waiver of penal interest and other charges. (inspection charges and notices

charge LF charges legal charges etc.)


Page 63: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India Adjustments of crop insurance claim settled towards his/jer NPA account.

All these banks are conducting their Recovery activites through DEBT

RECOVERY TRIBUNAL, Lok Adalat, Court and other private recovery


All these Banks have separate personnel for checking the authentication of

information given by the client; even the third person should give his

authentication for such information. So that banks can select god borrower.

All these banks are strictly following all the Guidelines as mentioned by

the RBI.

All these banks are providing additional provision to reduce NPAs.

Some of these banks are conducting their Recovery activities through

personal contacts, issue of notices and frequent recovery visits.

All these banks are developing their recovery departments by introducing

various schemes.

Some banks have adopted Liberal policy for compromise in account with

balances below 50,000 and those that are more than 10 years old.

By applying all these strategies most of the banks are earning huge

recovery amount.

Some banks are providing huge advances to the priority sectors like

agriculture and SMEs. So that these banks can reduce its NPA temporarily.


settlement of NPA with liability yp to Rs.10 Crore in small and medium

enterprises (SME) sector”. In tune with the Reserve Bank of India guidelines a

Scheme on Time Settlement of NPAs under Small and Medium Enterprises

(SME) sector with liability up Rs. 10 crore has been introduced. The salient

features of the scheme are as under:


Page 64: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India The Sheme will comver all NPAs in SME sector which have become

doubtful as on 31/03/2004 with outstanding balance of Rs.10 crore and below on

the date on wich the account was classified as doubtful.

The Schme will also cover NPAs classified as sub-standard as on

31/03/2004, which have subsequently become doubtful or loss where the

outstanding balance was Rs.10 crore and below on the date on which the account

was classified as doubtful.

The Scheme will cover the accounts in which action has been initiated

under DARFAESI Act, and also cases pending before Courts/DRTs/BIFR, subject

to obtaining consent decree in such cases.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India




% Growth

of deposits GNPA% NNPA%

% Growth

of Net


2007-08 14.6 3.7356985 1.8265268 2.37

2008-09 23.4 3.0525797 1.4588716 3.05

2009-10 38.1 3.2451102 1.4386382 48.2

2010-11 8.36 3.1368161 1.3172309 35.55

2011-12 12.45 3.2767467 0.9883373 0.5

Up to 2009-10 there was increase in deposit but in the year 2010-11 was

declined 8.36% India Millennium Deposit also there has been increase in interest

rate, which contributed to increase in deposits i.e., increase12.45% in the year


The GNPA ratio of Honnali module in the year 2007-08 was 3.73% and

has gradually decrease up to 2010-11 but in in the year 2011-12 it as again

increased to 3.27% due to inflation and policy changes on lending rates. It shows

that the Honnali Module is striving hard to reduce NPA completely over the


There is a reduction in the NNPA % from 1.83% in the year 2007-08 to

0.98% in the year 2009-10.thi is greater improvement in reduction of NPA in the

Honnali Module. This has been possible due to provisioning of willful defaults,

adoption of liberal policy for compromise in account with balance below

Rs.50,000 and those are 10 years old clients.


Page 66: study of the npa

NPA Management of State Bank of India There is a continuous growth in the amounts of Net Profit the growth

percentage is declining heavily to 0.5 in the year 2012. This is because of high

provisioning made on the NPA’s over the year and due increase in advances and

interest rates and inflation caused.

Due to high decrease in the % growth of deposits, decrease in the

advances and increase in Net Non-performing assets of the SBI as a whole has led

to steep decrease in the net profits from 2.37% in the year 2007 to 0.5% in the

year 2012 which is a huge loss to the Bank.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India


Immediate action has to be taken for reduction of NPAs in those sectors

where NPAs in more like Agriculture Sector.

The bank has to go for selling of Nonperforming Assets to Assets

Reconstruction Company of India Limited (ARCIL) to bring down the NPAs.

Bank should protect the interest of the investor but not at the cost of Banks


Bank is required to be caution about availability of security and ensure

honesty of the both borrower and guarantor so as to avoid the account becoming

loss assets for which the bank is required to make 100% provision


There should be frequent follow-ups by the Bank officials.

The bank should issue periodical notices once in a month.

The Bank should take every NPA case as a separate issue and analyze the

need for further form an economic point of view.

Banks should compulsorily go for settlement under compromise (OTS)

and under Lok Adalat for speedy recovery of NPA’s.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India


The Project undertaken has helped a lot in understanding the concept of

“Non-performing Asset Management” in Nationalized Bank with special

reference to State Bank of India. Non-performing Asset Management is a key

parameter, which is playing a pivotal role in deciding the profit ratio of the banks.

The Project work has certainly enriched the knowledge about the effective

management of “NPA” in banking sector.

“Non-Performing Asset Management” is a vast subject and it is very

difficult to cover all the aspects within a short period. However, every effort has

been made to cover most of the important aspects, which have a direct bearing on

improving the financial performance of Banking Industry.

To sum up, it would not be out of way to mention here that the state

Bank of India has given special impetus on “Non-performing asset Management”.

In pursuance of the instructions and guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of

India, the State Bank of India has taken series of measures, to reduce the ratio of

“NPA” marginally. The measures initiated by the bank have helped in reducing

the ratio of “NPA” which in turn has contributed in improving its profit margin

over the years.

The concerted efforts put in by the management and Staff of State Bank

if India has helped the Bank in achieving remarkable progress in almost all the

important parameters. The bank is marching ahead in the direction of achieving

the Number-1 position in the Banking Industry.

Thus State Bank of India being the nationalized and one of the best

Banks in India should concentrate much about Non-Performing Asset and strictly

follow the guidelines given by the Reserve Bank of India.


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NPA Management of State Bank of India