study of copper alloy corrosion in flowing water

STUDY OF COPPER ALLOY CORROSION IN FLOWING WATER ENVIRONMENTS AT TEMPERATURE BETWEEN 20 AND 45°C BY MAHMOOD HAMEED MAHMOOD A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Kulliyyah of Engineering International Islamic University Malaysia AUGUST 2014

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A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for

the degree of Master of Science in Manufacturing and

Materials Engineering

Kulliyyah of Engineering

International Islamic University Malaysia




Transfer of copper metal by boiler feed water from the condenser tubes to other

critical equipment parts of the industrial plant, like steam turbine blades, boiler tubes,

can cause serious problems, such as reduction of electricity generation in power

plants, boiler failure, and increase production costs, which may ultimately lead to loss

of economic viability. Among the factors which affect the corrosion rate of copper

alloys in flowing water environments, the relationship between the velocity of feed

water and the corrosion rate of copper alloy has not been studied in detail. Therefore,

this study investigates the effect of the flow rate of water on the corrosion of copper

alloy at different combinations of temperature (between 20 and 45 °C) and dissolved

oxygen concentration (between 6.1 and 9.2 mg/l). All other operating condition

variables which have effect on flow rate were also considered. The effect of different

flow rates on copper alloy corrosion, such as laminar, transition, and turbulent flows,

were investigated. It was found that the flow rate condition has a significant effect on

the protective copper oxide layer in the inner surface of copper alloy tubes. Surface

metallographic characterization by FESM, SEM, and EDX, demonstrated that the

copper oxide surface layer cannot withstand the turbulences at the beginning of the

turbulent flow condition, while the oxide layer erosion is much less during fully

developed turbulent flow condition. Therefore, the corrosion rate values is maximum

during the initial phases of the turbulent flow condition, but becomes very low at fully

developed turbulent flow conditions associated high water velocity. This indicates that

the overall flow rate conditions, which include physical properties of the fluid,

hydrodynamic parameters, and dimensions of the pipe, have the dominant influence

on corrosion rate.




I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion, it conforms

to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and fully adequate, in scope and

quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Science (Material Engineering).





Souad A. Mohamad


I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion, it conforms to acceptable

standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a

dissertation for the degree of Master of Science (Material Engineering).


Hadi Purwanto

Internal Examiner


Syarif Junadi

External Examiner

This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Manufacturing and Material

Engineering and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of

Master of Science (Material Engineering).


Mohammad Yeakub Ali

Head of Department of

Manufacturing and Material


This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Engineering and is accepted as a

fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Material



Md Noor bin Salleh

Dean Kulliyyah of Engineering



I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigation, except

where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently

submitted as a whole for any degrees at IIUM or other institutions.

Mahmood Hameed Mahmood

Signature………………….. Date……………………





Copyright © 2014 by International Islamic University Malaysia. All rights reserved.



AND 45°C

No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted, in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or

otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided


1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may only be

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3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieval system and supply

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Affirmed by Mahmood Hameed Mahmood

………………………. …………………..

Signature Date


Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah

(S. W. T.) for His blessings, guidance, and plentiful bounties. Prayers and salutations

for Prophet Muhammad (peace-and blessing may be upon him), his family, and his

companions (may Allah bless them).

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to those

who have helped me in completing this dissertation.

Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my supervisor Dr.

Suryanto for his invaluable lessons and continuous solid support in making this study

become a sound research. His determination in pioneering a research, in this crucial

area, should be followed. I would also like to express my thankfulness to my co-

supervisor, Dr. Souad for giving me beneficial advice in making this research an


I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for Dr.

Mohd. Hanafi Ani, who supported and advised me during my research, also, I would

like to express my heartfelt appreciation and thanks to all my lab mates for their help,

moral support, and understanding, especially Br. Hairy.

Special thanks are dedicated to Dr. Mohamed al Saady for helping me with

instrumentation, technical support, and advice as well as assisting me in doing this

research. The same appreciation goes to Br. Ibrahim for helping me with SEM and

EDX, and to Br. Sanady for guiding me in using FESM.

I also would like to take this opportunity to thank my mother for her prayers

and for her encouragement which made me believe in myself and to work hard for

successfully completing this dissertation.



Abstract ...................................................................................................................... ii Abstract in Arabic ...................................................................................................... iii

Approval Page ............................................................................................................ iv Declaration ................................................................................................................. v

Copyright Page ........................................................................................................... vi

Dedication .................................................................................................................. vii

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... viii List of Tables ............................................................................................................. xi List of Figures ............................................................................................................ xii

List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................. xv

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

1.1 Back ground ............................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 Copper Alloy ................................................................................. 2

1.1.3 The influence of some environmental factors ............................... 3 1.2 Problem Statement and Its Significance ................................................. 5 1.3 Research Objectives ................................................................................ 6

1.4 Research Methodology............................................................................ 6 1.5 Research scope ........................................................................................ 7

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................... 9 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 9

2.2 Corrosion Process ................................................................................... 10

2.3 Corrosion Types ...................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 Galvanic Corrosion in Copper Alloys ........................................... 11 2.3.2 Erosion Corrosion .......................................................................... 11 2.3.3 Pitting Corrosion ............................................................................ 12

2.3.4 Dezincification ............................................................................... 12 2.4 Mass Transfer and Corrosion .................................................................. 12

2.4.1 Polarization and Mass Transfer ..................................................... 13 2.4.2 Anodic Process under Mass Transfer Control ............................... 15

2.5 Mechanism of Copper Corrosion ............................................................ 17

2.5.1 Formation of Copper Oxide Film .................................................. 18 2.6 FLOWING WATER FACTORS ............................................................ 18

2.6.1 Fluid Flow Rate ............................................................................. 19 2.6.2 Temperature ................................................................................... 29

CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ................................................ 31

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 32 3.2 Hydrodynamic Corrosion Test System ................................................... 32 3.3 Sample Preparation ................................................................................. 34 3.4 Experimental Work ................................................................................. 34 3.5 Effect Of Water FlowRate On Corrosion ............................................... 35


3.6 Effect Of Temperature On Corrosion ..................................................... 35

3.7 Effect Of Dissolved Oxygen On Corrosion ............................................ 35 3.8 Characterization Using Sem .................................................................... 36 3.9 Characterization Using Edx .................................................................... 36

3.10 Characterization Using Fesm .................................................................. 37

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................................... 38 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 38 4.2 Effects Of Water Flow Rate .................................................................... 39

4.2.1 Effect of flowing velocity .............................................................. 39 4.2.2 Effect of flowing condition ............................................................ 44

4.3 Effects Of Water Temperature ................................................................ 54 4.4 Effects Of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration .......................................... 57 4.5 MetalogRaphic Analysis ......................................................................... 60

4.5.1 Pitting Effect .................................................................................. 64

4.5.2 The Effect of Oxide Layer ............................................................. 65

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION .......................... 66 5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................. 66 5.2 Recommendations ................................................................................... 67

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 71

APPENDIX I ............................................................................................................. 71 APPENDIX II ............................................................................................................ 81



Table No. Page No.

2.1 Common Copper alloys used in the industry (Mc Donald, 2011) 31

2.2 Copper alloy corrosion rate in salt water in mpy at different

velocities and pH 7.3-7.4 (Mc Donald, 2011) 31

4.1 Copper alloy corrosion rates at various velocities and temperatures 40

4.2 Corrosion rate as a function of Reynolds’ number and temperature 45

4.3 Corrosion rate as a function of water flowing conditions at various

temperatures 48

4.4 Average corrosion rate at various temperatures and flowing

conditions 51

4.5 Average corrosion rate for different water velocities 52

4.6 Corrosion rate at different temperatures and water velocities 54

4.7 Corrosion rate at various dissolved oxygen concentrations 58

4.8 Average corrosion rate as a function of DOC, at different flowing

conditions 59



Figure No Page No

1.1 Process flow chart 8

2.2 Schematic diagram of cathodic polarization vs stream

velocity(ASTM, 2012) 14

2.2 Schematic diagram of anodic polarization vs stream velocity

(ASTM, 2012) 15

2.3 Velocity profile in laminar and turbulent flow 20

2.4 Schematic diagram of pressure drop across pipe diameter in laminar

and turbulent flow (Holland, 2001) 21

2.5 Turbulent flow rate profile (Zevenhoven, 2012) 23

2.6 Schematic diagram of the pipe’s boundary layer velocity profile

(Cengel, 2004) 23

2.7 Schematic representation of the wall shear stress along the pipe

(Cengel, 2004) 25

2.8 Velocity profile around pipe cross section (Cengel, 2004) 27

2.9 Laminar flow shear stress across a pipe’s cross section (Kinas, 1997) 28

2.10 Copper’s solubility as a function of water acidity at different

temperatures (Dortwegt, 2003) 29

2.11 Copper solubility as a function of water temperature at different

acidity (Dortwegt, 2003) 30

2.12 Cupric oxide solubility in water in (m°Cu) in units of molkg-1


as a function of water acidity pH°t at various temperatures (Donald,

2008) 30

3.1 Schematic diagram of the hydrodynamic corrosion test system:

Water tank, (2)pump, (3)valves, (4)flow indicators, (5)copper tube

test samples, (6)temperature indicator and controller, (7)oxygen gas

cylinder, (8)heater, and (9)drain 33

3.2 Picture of the temperature indicator and controller used 33

3.3 Flow chart of the experimental work 34


4.1 Copper alloy corrosion rate as a function of water velocity at 30°C 41

4.2 Copper alloy corrosion rate as a function of water velocity at 20°C 42

4.3 Copper alloy corrosion as a function of water velocity at 45°C 42

4.4 Corrosion rate as a function of water velocity at various temperatures 43

4.5 Copper alloy corrosion as a function of water volumetric flow rate at

various temperatures 43

4.6 Copper alloy corrosion as a function of Re at various temperatures 46

4.7 Effect of water flow condition on the corrosion rate of copper alloy 47

4.8 Effect of water flowing condition on the corrosion rate of copper at

20 °C 49

4.9 Effect of water flowing condition on the corrosion rate of copper at

30 °C 49

4.10 Effect of water flowing condition on the corrosion rate of copper at

45 °C 50

4.11 Average copper corrosion rate as a function of flowing condition at

various temperatures 51

4.12 Average corrosion rates as a function of water velocities at various

temperatures 52

4.13 Comparison between copper corrosion rates as a function of

temperature at selected water velocities 55

4.14 Dissolved oxygen concentration as a function of water temperature 57

4.15 Comparison of copper corrosion rate for different combinations of

water velocity and DOC 58

4.16 Comparison between copper corrosion rates as a function of DOC

for different water velocities 59

4.17 Average copper corrosion rate as a function of flowing conditions at

various DOC 60

4.18 EDX results of copper alloy’s surface 61

4.19 SEM and FESM metallographic results of the test sample at 30 °C

temperature, 0.12 m/s water velocity, and 0.07 mmpy corrosion rate 61

4.20 SEM and FESM metallographic results of the experimental work at

30 °C temperature, 0.29 m/s water velocity, and 0.12 mmpy

corrosion rate 62


4.21 SEM and FESM metallographic results of the experimental work at

30 °C temperature, 0.47 m/s water velocity, and 0.09 mmpy

corrosion rate 63

4.22 SEM and FESM metallographic results of the experimental work at

30 °C temperature, 3.5 m/s water velocity, and 0.02 mmpy corrosion

rate. 64





Gross National Product

Gross Domestic Product

mpy mils per year





Dissolved Oxygen Concentration

Energy Dispersive X-ray

Field emission source microscope

Scanning Electron Microscope





Rate Determining Step

Mass transfer flux (mole/m2s)

Mass transfer coefficient (m/s)

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

u Velocity

ρ Density

µ Dynamic viscosity

Re Reynolds number

d Pipe diameter

Lh Hydrodynamic entry length

D Characteristic length of the geometry (diameter in case of pipe), m

ὐ Kinematic viscosity of the fluid =μ/ρ, m 2 /s

Vm Mean velocity, m/s

Vmax Maximum velocity

δ Boundary layer region thickness


Viscosity shear stress




Accelerators Photon Source

Copper Development Association Inc

U S Environmental Protection Agency





1.1.1 Overview

Corrosion in industry is usually considered as a destructive attack on a metal by a

corrosive agent, in its surrounding environment, through chemical or electrochemical

reaction. Metallic corrosion is one of the most common problems in the industry.

Thus, some industrialized nations, like Australia, Great Britain, and Japan, spend close

to 4% of their Gross National Product (GNP) on replacement of corroded products,

corrosion prevention processes, and maintenance (Winston, 2008).

In America, the total annual direct costs related to metallic corrosion has been

estimated to USD $ 276 billion or approximately 3.1% of the nation’s Gross Domestic

Product (GDP). A two year extensive study (1999 to 2001) was done by CC

Technologies Laboratories Inc., and entitled (Corrosion Costs and Preventive

Strategies in the United State). The report investigated costs incurred due to metallic

corrosion in diverse sectors of the American economy such as the industrial sector,

infrastructure, transportation, manufacturing, and production. It concluded that

although significant steps have been taken in managing corrosion, 25-30% greater

savings of the total expense could be realized by the implementation of newer and

better ways of controlling and/or preventing corrosion (Gerhardus, 2002). In

Malaysia, the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in (2009) was USD $207.4

billion, according to this the total annual direct costs related to metallic corrosion has


been estimated to USD $6.7 billion (A&E Systems, 2002), which is equivalent to 3%

of (GDP) for the country.

In general, the corrosion rate of copper is less than that of steel under the same

water environment In fresh water, most copper alloys have corrosion rates in the range

of 1 to 3 mils per year (mpy) (Mc Donald, 2011). However, copper tubes are usually

thinner than steel tubes and are used in heat transfer equipment, where even low

corrosion rates can affect the effective working lifetime of equipment. Experiments

showed that during severe conditions, the corrosion rates could reach 20 mpy (Mc

Donald, 2011), leading to dramatic reduction in the equipment lifetime.

1.1.2 Copper Alloy

Copper alloys are the most common material used in the manufacturing of heat

exchangers and cooling towers because of their good heat transfer and corrosion

resistance properties. For this reason, most of the copper alloys have become

associated with particular types of cooling equipment which use freshwater. Also,

copper alloys are widely employed in systems which are exposed to seawater.

When copper alloys come in contact with water, they directly form cuprous

oxide films, Cu2O. This film is considered as a protective layer as it prevents further

oxidation of copper. However, this thin film is affected by certain flow conditions

such as water’s temperature, velocity, and dissolved oxygen content (Gallegos, 2005).

The removal of the protective oxide layer exposes the metal surface to the

environment and leads to rapid corrosion.

Copper alloy corrosion may occur between metal and its surrounding

environment. The environment has stagnant or dynamic nature. In the dynamic state,

the flow is laminar, transitional, or turbulent.


The corrosion resistance of copper alloys in water depends upon the nobility of

the cathode and also on the ability to form protective films. However, high velocity

and turbulent flow conditions can remove the films and allow rapid local corrosion to

take place (Schulz, 2011), (El-Amin, 2011). Therefore, conditions which affect the

oxide layer also influences the corrosion rate in copper alloys.

1.1.3 The influence of some environmental factors

As the acidity of deionised water is neutral or nearly neutral (pH = 7), the

electrochemical reactions for anode and cathode are as follows:

Cu Cu+2

+ 2 e-

Anodic reaction (1.1)

O2 + 2H2O + 4 e - 4 OH

- Cathodic reaction (1.2)

These reactions show that the main step in the cathodic reaction is the transfer

of dissolved oxygen to the copper surface. From the above reactions, the important

parameters in this step are: water velocity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen

concentration. The same parameters also affect the anodic reaction and thus, the

overall rate of corrosion (Perez, 2004).

The corrosion affecting parameters can be summarized as:

a) Flow Rate:

The effect of flow rate on corrosion is complex and influenced by many

factors. The first factor is the water’s oxygen content, which is increased on

metal surface with high water flow rates. The second factor is the nature and

the morphology of the protective layer formed on the copper alloy, which is

also affected by water flow rate. The third factor is the thickness of the


water’s boundary layer with higher flow rates, the thickness becomes less

and this affects the mass transfer coefficient of both: the diffusion of oxygen

from water to the metal surface, and the transfer of the corrosion products

from the metal surface to the bulk Finally, the flow velocity of water, which

is related to the Reynolds number, plays an important role in the transition

from laminar to turbulent flow, thus affecting the protective copper oxide


b) Temperature:

Temperature influences the physical properties of water leading to change in

the degree of flow rate condition, diffusivity, viscosity, and amount of

dissolved oxygen.

c) Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, DOC:

In water, increasein the dissolved oxygen concentration leads to an increase

in the speed of cathodic reaction by bringing more oxygen in proximity of the

copper surface.

d) Water Acidity:

The pH can indicate the acidic/alkaline state of a solution, with pH values

less than 7 indicating acidity, while a pH greater than 7 indicating alkalinity

A pH of 7 means the solution is neutral. Both acidic and alkalinewater are

corrosive to copper alloys (Akinpelumi, 2012).

In this research,the corrosion of copper alloy in flowing water environment, is

studied in order to show the effect of water’s hydrodynamic state on corrosion rate.



This research studies the industrial problem associated with the prevention of copper

corrosion and the avoidance of undesired contamination with copper metal. The

corrosion products are formed by the anodic corrosion reaction and transferred by feed

water. It contaminates the boiler feed water system, such as boilers, condensers, and

also other critical parts of the steam cycle like turbines.

Contaminations by corrosion products of copper can cause serious problems in

the industry. It can significantly change the aerodynamic design of the high-pressure

steam turbines by copper deposited on the turbine blades. This leads to losses in

power production, it can cause as much as 5% decrease in power generation worth

millions of dollars each year. Boiler tubes are also affected by copper corrosion

product, which are transferred via the feed water from the condenser. Copper deposits

on the boiler tubes interior surfaces can depress the melting point of the boiler tube

material, causing early failure. which is called liquid metal embrittlement.

The usual practice in the industry has been to use expensive corrosion resistant

materials to avoid these types of problems. However, the findings of this research will

help understand and implement the desired operating conditions and avoid critical

flow conditions in order to prevent problems related to copper corrosion. This will

cancel the need to use expensive materials, thereby considerably reducing the costs

related to installation, replacement, maintenance, unscheduled breakdown,

catastrophic failures, and decreased power production.



The main purpose of this research is to study copper alloy corrosion in flowing water

environment at a temperature range of 20 to 45 °C. In order to accomplish this aim the

following specific objectives must be fulfilled:

a. To setup a hydrodynamic corrosion test system in order to study copper

alloy corrosion in water flowing environment.

b. To carry out set of experiments for investigating the effect of water

flowing velocity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration on

copper alloy corrosion.

c. To characterise the corroded copper alloy samples using FESM, SEM, and



The principles of the research methods are as follows:

a. Prepare a hydrodynamic corrosion test system to study the effect of water

flowing environment on copper alloy corrosion.

b. Carry out set of experiments to investigate the effect of water flowing

velocity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration on copper alloy


c. Characterise corroded copper alloy samples using FESM, SEM, and EDX.

d. Analysis of the experimental results.

e. Report writing and submission.

The flow sequence of the research methods is detailed in the process flow chart

in figure 1.1.



This study will investigate the effect of water flow rate on the corrosion of copper

alloy tubes used in the water circulation system in industry. To accomplish this, the

effects of several operating condition variables on corrosion rate were considered

according to the actual operating conditions in condensers of boiler feed water

systems. The experiments were carried out at water flowing velocity range from 0.05

to 3.5 m/s, water temperature from 20 to 45 °C, and dissolved oxygen concentration in

water from 6.1 to 9.17 mg/ L.


Figure 1.1: Process flow chart


Literature Survey

Experimental setup.

To carry out a set of experiments for investigating the effect of water flowing velocity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration on copper alloy


Characterize the Corroded Copper Alloy Samples

Analyse the Experimental Results







This chapter presents a review of issues in relation to the copper corrosion problem

subject in flowing water environment. It starts with an introduction to the basic metal

corrosion mechanism, followed by brief descriptions of some major types of metal

corrosion. After that, it emphasizes on the previous reviews on the relation between

mass transfer and polarization process, and then discusses issues in copper corrosion

mechanism. This is followed by an in-depth discussion on the different factors which

have effects on copper corrosion. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of copper

corrosion from the context of industry are reviewed.

In power plants, the condenser tubes of boiler feed water system are usually

manufactured from copper alloys. It operates under a water circulating system. the

industrial plants utilities found that the monitored copper content during starting up

for the boiler feed water are 1,000 times greater than its normal levels at normal

operation condition (Daniels, 2013).

In this copper alloy water system, a reddish brown cuprous oxide Cu2O and/or

black cupric oxide CuO are formed depending on the dissolved oxygen concentration.

It is then discharged as contamination into the flowing water, causing blockage in the

system components. Therefore, the subject of copper alloy oxidation was one of the

most important issues in improving the operating vacuum performance (Dortwegt,
