study , analyze & evaluate training & development imparted by nis sparta at reliance communications...

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  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy





    To study, analyze and evaluate Training and development practicesimparted by NIS- Sparta at Reliance Communication (June August2008)


    Reliance Communication

    In partial Fulfillment of





    MS Sadiya A. Contractor


  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    [2007 2009]



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  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



    Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to the Reliance Communication NISSparta for giving me an opportunity to undergo the practical training in their companyand extend me full cooperation, enabling me to successfully complete this projec


    I am thankful to my family and friends who have helped and supported me to makethis project a success.

    I am particularly grateful to Mr. Amit Kumar Girdhar, Head - State Operations(Maharashtra & Goa) - NIS Sparta for his cooperation extended to me by providing

    necessary information & timely help.

    I am also obliged and indebted to Dr. K.K. Singh Director, Allana Institute ofManagement Sciences, Pune and Prof. S.D.Bagade,my internal guide for the valuablesuggestions and encouragement in completing this project successfully.

    Sadiya A. Contractor

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  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



    I am very well aware of the ethics and guidelines one has to follow whileworking on a project in a disciplined manner.

    Being aware of a project regarding its Factuality and Authenticity, I havetried my best to perform my task.

    All the information mentioned here throughout the project is true to thebest of my knowledge.

    And I declare it as true and the collection made through own website andby my own personal observation and experience.

    The theoretical part is gathered from various Human Resource referencebooks whose quotations have been mentioned in bibliography.

    Sadiya A.Contractor


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  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    Project Title: .To study, analyze and evaluate Training and development practices imparted byNIS- Sparta at Reliance Communication (June August


    Organization: Reliance Communication, 7 loves chowk, Swargate ,Pune

    Name: Sadiya A Contractor

    Course Persuading: MBA

    Specialization: Human Resource Management

    Institute: Allana Institute Of Management Sciences

    Objective of the project:

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    . To study the effectiveness of the training imparted by NIS- Sparta and its resultant inthe performance of the employees.

    . To know the perception of the employees regarding training methods in RelianceCommunication

    . To identify how training assists the employees to acquire skills,knowledge andattitudeand also enhance the same.

    . To study whether training helps to motivate employees and helps in avoiding mistakes.

    Research methodology:

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    For our project we required information like knowledge about the employees understanding ,skillsgenerated and the mastery gained during the training. Hence we have taken a insight at the

    performance of the employees through evaluation of performance, through questionnaires and datareceived by the management.


    In this method, a list of questions related to subject is prepared and given toparticipants. The

    questionnaire contains questions and provides space. A request is made to participants to fill up thequestionnaire and send it back within a specified time.


    Can reach many people in a short time. Is relatively inexpensive. Gives opportunity of expressionwithout fear of embarrassment. Yields data easily summarized and reported.


    Little provision for free expression of unanticipated responses. May be difficult to construct. It haslimited effectiveness in getting at the causes of problems and possible solutions.


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  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    . The scope/range of this project report is not too far stretching to the wholeof RelianceCommunication, Pune rather it only covers the training and development activities conductedBy NIS Sparta for its employees.

    . My project mainly deals with the present method of training given at RelianceCommunication during my tenure of the project, July August 2008.

    . This project covers training, training programmed, and training evaluation and

    excludes allother human resources activities conducted before and after training.

    Research tool:

    Questionnaires and the evaluation of the performance to check the effectivenessof training imparted.

    The questions were both structured and unstructured.

    1. Population and Sample size:

    The number of employees working in Reliance communication, Pune, swargate is nearly 200

    employees and it is still expanding. Out of which I have selected a sample of 25people who haveundergone the training programme in the last six months to have a flavor of the

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    new practices intraining.

    2. Major findings:

    . Employees are content with the way the training is conducted.

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    . The cooperation between the colleagues and the level of support they share with eachother binds them in an attachment towards the company.

    . Regional behavior and language influence is higher during training and even afterdelivering their language; the desired effects are not seen.

    . Some of the superiors do not bother to make Development Action Plans and submit tothe trainers.

    . The training is mainly conducted all around India, the trainers have to travelbutsometimes the logistics and arrangement is non-satisfactory.

    . The findings from the data analysis from the questionnaire show a positiveimprovement, enhancing and overall rating about the training programme.

    . The reality learning and simulations were thoroughly enjoyed by the employeeswhohave received it.

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    3. Suggestions

    . In todays competitive world, attitude is the factor which is the dividing linebetween failureand success. Thus recruitment of the employees must be made not only on skills and attitudebut also the attitude of the employee. If an employee has a positive attitude then training forhim can be more effective, he has a positive effect on the climate.

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    . The raining records must be maintained, preserved properly and updated timely.

    . Proper care should be taken while selecting the trainers.

    . Nis Sparta trainers must be given continuous feedback and the training shouldbe performedas a continuous planned activity.

    . New and different trainers should be invited so that the maximum impact can begot fromthe training programmes.

    . Co ordination and interaction of the employees of all levels must be encouragedto locatenew talents among employees.

    . Solution to some of the problems faced by the employees, should be suggested by theemployees themselves to make them feel valued at the organization.

    . The DAP( Development Action Plans) must be prepared and given to the trainersas soon aspossible for further follow up from the side of the trainers.

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    4. Conclusion

    Analysis of all the facts & figures, the observations and the experience duringthe training period

    gives a very positive conclusion/ impression regarding the training imparted bythe NIS Spartatrainers. The NIS Sparta is performing its role up to the mark and the traineesenjoy the trainingimparted especially the reality learning and simulation.

    The training imparted meets the objectives like:

    . Effectiveness of the training and its resultant in the performance of the employees.

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    . Assists the employees to acquire skills, knowledge and attitude and also enhance thesame.. Helps to motivate employees and helps in avoiding mistakes.

    It becomes quite clear that there is no other alternative or short cut to the development of humanresources. If we have to meet the challenges of technology, social and economicwe have to train theHR irrespective to their category at which they work in the organization.

    As it is recognized fact that we cannot survive in tomorrow businesss world withyesterdays

    method. And hence the continuous development of HR is prime need of todays organization.

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  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



    Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage organization. Itcomprises of the functions and principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing, andcompensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable to non-business organizations,such as education, healthcare, etc Human Resource Management is defined as the set of activities,programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both organizational as well as employeeeffectiveness

    Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of his entry intoan organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM.

    The divisions included in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management,Training andDevelopment, Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such importantdivision is training and development.

    TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomnessis reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format.

    Hence I have taken this topic for my project. My project deals with training anddevelopmentof the employees at reliance communication. The training is imparted by NIS Sparta. On July7, 2004, Reliance Infocomm acquired NIS Sparta, Asia's premier Performance EnhancementSolutions organization, making yet another addition to the Reliance family.

    Following are the areas of Training & Development I tried to cover-up in my work


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    1) Studying training activities

    2) Analyzing training programme

    3) Evaluating the training.

    The study shows the scope in the field of T & D ranges rights from recruiting anemployee at anylevel and how to treat them throughout their working year till the time he disch

    arged or retired fromthe organization.

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    The project report presented here is primarily concerned with training and development part ofemployees in the organization.

    Training and development is always an important aspect of the growth of a company and theindividual employees as well. Due to daily changing business environment, manufacturing process,technological advancement and rapid growth in the demand of the products and services etc the

    workforce of any organization has to be very well equipped with the skills, ability, and talentrequired to cope up with the market competition.

    Now a days many organizations are conducting training programme to improve theproductivity of employees.

    The quality of employees and their development through training and education are majorfactors in determining long term profitability of a business. If you hire and keep good

    employees, it is good policy to invest in the development of their skills, so they can increasetheir productivity. Training often is considered for new employees only; this ismistakebecause ongoing training for current employees helps them adjust to rapidly changing jobrequirements.

    Evaluation is the systematic appraisal by which we determinethe worth, value or meaning of something to someone , In case of training we areconcernedwith providing information on the effectiveness of the training activity to decision makers whowill make decision based on the information . Evaluation plays a significant part in every stepof the training process.

    It is important that evaluation be a planned or systematic effort that is builtfrom the start of thetraining process.

    The main objective of training programme to determine if they are accomplishingspecific training objectives, i.e.,correcting performance deficiencies..

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    *Training and development is a routine based, non-stop practice, which a growingbusiness organization must conduct to achieve their production target.

    *From organizational point of view it is very crucial to assure the quality, quantity, andeffectiveness etc of the product by the means of suitable training.


    Development of the employee comes handy with training activities, making them muchmore capable in out performing various activities with high professions and accuracy byusing advance technical/mechanical tools and equipments.

    *As a management trainee I myself come through various aspects like performanceappraisal, payroll management, labors related laws and issues etc during my training and

    development project.

    Evaluating the productivity of the employees can very wellrecognize how to distribute your workforce. This information gathered after conducting trainingprogrammed which is immensely helpful for the human resources manager and the wholedepartment.

    Training helps measure the performance of the employees by evaluating the training given andcomparing the individual and group's latest output with the output given beforetrainingprogrammed.

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    The scope/range of this project report is not too far stretching to the whole ofRelianceCommunication, Pune rather it only covers the training and development activities conducted ByNIS Sparta for its employees.

    My project mainly deals with the present method of training given at Reliance Communication

    during my tenure of the project, July August 2008

    This project covers training, training programmed, and training evaluation and excludes all otherhuman resources activities conducted before and after training.

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    Training and Development activities conducted by NIS SpartaReliance Communication are effective and the employees are better performers after the training isimparted.

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    The project is a collection of study, observation, and practical experience during my summerinternship programmed where i was a member of the team working in the training and developmentof employees

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    I tried to perform this project in best possible manner to avoid any lacuna or lack ness. In spite of allmy efforts

    In this regard but due to the far stretching activities conducted at Reliance Communications, myproject lack in some of the following heads

    Where there is a chance of further elaborating study on the same subject.

    Some information being very sensitive as far as organization is concerned is left untouchedand not mentioned in any way. *

    Top-level strategic type of decisions and information too are not taken under study to avoidany favor to the business counter parts. *

    My project does not concerned about the designing and planning of training activities whichforms a crucial and major part of this field hence a full fledge study can be done in this area. *

    The data presented here is taken by prepared questionnaire (open ended and closed ended)and information and feedback received from the management. *

    No research has been conducted on this topic for the purpose of this project thus holds acomplete field research and development. *

    Due to Time Constraints, I was not able to touch all aspects of training and development. *

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    Due to security reasons, I could not attend the training conducted which wouldgive me apractical experience. *

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    Reliance Communications Ltd.,Pune was launched on December28,2002.the 70th birthday of the Reliance group founder,Shri Dhirubhai H Ambani.

    Reliance Communications is a service industry and it daily launches newproducts with new technologies. Dealing with foreign market they required peoplewho help

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    them to increase productivity of the organization and sales of product.So, theyfrequentlyorganize the training programme for newly joined and current employee.

    As they conduct the training programm frequently ,each time they required to evaluate

    the recently completed training programme.So they have given me that apportunityto evaluatethe training programme.

    Reliance Communication was launched on December 28,2002.the 70th birthday of theReliancegroup founder, Shri. Dhirubhai H Ambani .

    Reliance Communications is the flagship company of the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(ADAG) of companies. Listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay StockExchange, it is Indias leading integrated telecommunication company with over 55



    In the year 2000, the Infocomm plans were far,was the largestinfocomstructure that the country had seen so far

    Reliance Communication launched first Reliance India Mobile on December 28,2002.

    Taking in to consideration the changing lifestyles and the end users habits Reli

    anceCommunications will disseminate information at a low cost. .Make a telephone call cheaperthan a post card.. Create new customer experiences. Constantly strive to be ahead of the world.

    Reliance Communications will transform thousands of villages and hundreds of towns andcities across the country.

    Above all, Reliance Communications will pave the way to make India a global leader in theknowledge age.

    .We will create the next generation communication network and information technologyinfrastructure that will bring immense value to every Indian, and leapfrog Indiainto the centerstage of global infocomm space.

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    Late Dhirubhai Ambani built Reliance from scratch and in 25 year got it a placeamong theworlds top Fortune 500 corporations. The fact that he took barely a quarter of acentury to dothat is what makes this achievement special..Make the tools of infocomm available to people at

    an affordable cost.They will overcome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility.

    Dhirubhai firmly believed the country could use information and communication technology toovercome its backwardness and underdevelopment.

    Mr, Anil Dhirubhai Ambani is the Chairman of Reliance Infocomm Ltd (RIC) Said,

    .Growth has no limit at reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only when you dreamit you cando it..

    .RIC today finds itself on the threshold of a transformation as it strives to meet the challengesof an ever changing and competitive environment to emerge as a performance oriented, systemdriven, and professional organization. The only way forward is to focus on our Customer &Customer Service..


    We will leverage our strengths to execute complex global-scale projects to facilitate leading-edgeinformation and communication services affordable to all individual consumers and businesses inIndia.

    We will offer unparalleled value to create customer delight and enhance businessproductivity.

    We will also generate value for our capabilities beyond Indian borders and enablemillions of India's knowledge workers to deliver their services globally..


    Reliance Communication will offer a complete range of telecom services, coveringmobile and fixed line telephony including broadband, national and internationallong distanceservices, data services and a wide range of value added services and app;ications that willenhance productivity of enterprises and individuals.

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    Reliances dream is to make a digital revolution in India by becoming a majorcatalyst in improving quality of life and changing the face of India. It aims toachieve this byputting the power of information and communication in the hads of people of India ataffordable costs.


    Reliance Communication is a service industry. Reliance Communications offers a wide rangeof applications including hour-to-hour news updates, high quality video streaming,downloadable multilingual Ring Tones, seasonal updates including festival specials, city & TVguides, exam results, astrology, mobile banking, credit card transaction from mobile phone, billpayment and stock prices.

    Reliance Communications brings Real Broadband experience to Indians for the first timethrough a host of unique applications and services. This includes Video Chat, Multi-locationVideo Conference, Multi-player Online Gaming, High Speed Internet, Virtual Office, DigitalStorage, Digital Movie, Digital Customized Music,Digital Electronic News Gathering Serviceand E-Learning.

    Reliance ADA Group

    Reliance-ADA Group

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    Pragati ValueAdded People (PVAP)

    NIS Sparta Ltd (NISS)

    Reliable InternetService Ltd (RISL)

    Getway Systems(India) Ltd-(GWSL)



    Reliance EnergyConstructior PvtLtd (RECP)

    Reliance EnergyAutomation Pvt(REAP)

    RelianceWebstore Pvt

    Ltd (RWSL)





    Reliance com-


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    RelianceDigital WorldPvt Ltd-(RDWL)

    RelianceNext-Link Pvt Ltd-(RNL)

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    Reliance InfoEngg Pvt Ltd(RIEL)

    RelianceInfostream PvtLtd-(RIPL)

    RelianceWebstore PvtLtd-(RWSL)

    Rrliance EnergyLtd (REL)

    Reliance EnergyGener

    ation Ltd (REGL

    BSES RajdhaniPower LTD(BRPL)

    YashasviCommu Pvt Ltd(YCPL)

    RelianceTelecom Ltd RTL)

    Reliance CapitalLtd (RCL)

    Reliance CapitalAsset Mgmt Ltd(RCAM)

    Reliance Gen InsCo Ltd (RGIC)

    Reliance Life InsCo Ltd (RLIC)

    Reliance InfoInfra Pvt Ltd-(TFIL)

    Reliance EnergyEngineers Pvt(REEP)


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    Reliance EnergyMgt. Serv-(REMS)

    Fiag Telecom

    FinneseInnovation PvtLtd-(FIPL

    Reliance EnergyTrad Pvt-(RETP)

    Reliance EnergyTransmission-(RETM)

    Reliance Communications Ltd

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    A SManager







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    Dst HRexecutive



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    Reliance Communications Business

    1. Personal2. Enterprise3. Home4. Global

    5. World

    Reliance Communication envisions a digital revolution that will bring about a new way of life. ADigital way of life for New India .With mobile devices , netways and broad bandsystems linked topowerful digital networks,.Reliance Communication will usher fundamental changes

    in the social andeconomical landscape of India Reliance Communication will help men and women toconnect andcommunicate with each other

    Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, an offshoot of the Reliance Group foundedby ShriDhirubhai H Ambani (1932-2002), ranks among Indias top three private sector business housesin terms of net worth. The group has business interests that range from telecommunications

    (Reliance Communications Limited) to financial services (Reliance Capital Ltd) and thegeneration and distribution of power (Reliance Energy Ltd).

    Reliance ADA Groups flagship company, Reliance Communications, is India's largestprivatesector information and communications company, with over 55 million subscribers.It hasestablished a pan-India, high-capacity, integrated (wireless and wireline), convergent (voice, dataand video) digital network, to offer services spanning the entire infocomm valuechain.

    Other major group companies Reliance Capital and Reliance Energy are widely

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    acknowledged as the market leaders in their respective areas of operation.

    Reliance Energy Ltd.

    Reliance Mutual Fund


    Reliance Communications

    Reliance Life Insurance

    Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group

    Reliance General Insurance


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    . Shri Anil D. Ambani - Chairman

    . Prof. J Ramachandran

    . Shri S.P. Talwar

    . Shri Deepak Shourie

    . Shri A.K.Purwar

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    Reliance Infocomm acquired NIS Sparta

    On July 7, 2004, Reliance Infocomm acquired NIS Sparta, Asia's premier PerformanceEnhancement Solutions organization, making yet another addition to the Reliancefamily. NISSparta has more than a decade of experience in areas like Leadership Development, Sales

    Maximization, Process Consultancy, Customer Relationship Management and ContentDevelopment.Reliance has identified a synergy with NIS in view of its commitment to the retail, telecom,petroleum and other sectors, consequently seeking the services of NIS Sparta totrain about1,00,000 people across the country. This acquisition further strengthens NIS Sparta's pre-eminence in all sectors of its involvement, namely Telecom, Petroleum, Insurance, Power andother Retail sectors.As a sequel to this association, the Reliance-NIS Academy is being launched withdedicated staff,

    engaged in conjunction with Reliance businesses. The Academy will establish 110centers tocommence training for customer-facing operational staff for different industriesunder itsoperations. V V Bhat, Group President, Management Services is the new Chairman of the outfit,while Sanjeev Duggal continues as its CEO and Managing Director.Welcoming NIS Sparta into the Reliance family, V V Bhat was confident that the organizationwould significantly contribute to the strategic learning initiatives of the Reliance Group, furtherstrengthened by Reliance's Infrastructure and Technology support.


    NIS Sparta is a division of Mudra Communications Pvt. Ltd., a Reliance ADA grouporganisation.NIS Sparta is Asia's leading training, education and learning solutions provider. We partner

    organisations in achieving their mission critical goals through enhanced effectiveness of their peopleand processes, using proven methodologies.

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    NIS Sparta offers customised solutions for Top management, Middle management andSupervisorylevel; our training modules are based on Knowledge development, Behaviour development, Skilldevelopment and Process design and development.NIS Sparta is strategically organised to offer training and learning solutions torganisations and


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    Key industry verticals The undisputed leader in the learning solutions domain, NIS Spartas clientele

    comprises of industry leaders in a number of key sectors, including:

    . Automobile

    . Telecom

    . Banking

    . Insurance

    . Pharmaceuticals

    . Power

    . Manufacturing

    . Service sectors

    . IT

    . ITeS

    . Railways

    . FMCG

    . Oil & Gas

    Recognition and awards

    . =Indira Super Achiever Award 2007 by Indira Group of Institutes, Pune

    . =Udyog Rattan Award by the Institute of Economic Studies

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    . Senior Gold Director for =Outstanding Sales Achievement & Commitment to ProfessionalExcellence by Inscape Publishing. =Creating Corporate Advantage in Global Economy by Delhi School of Economics. ITM University Award for =Corporate Excellence


    . To study the effectiveness of the training imparted by NIS- Sparta and its resultant inthe performance of the employees.

    . To know the perception of the employees regarding training methods in RelianceCommunication.

    . To identify how training assists the employees to acquire skills,knowledge andattitudeand also enhance the same.

    . To study whether training helps to motivate employees and helps in avoiding mistakes.

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    When the candidates are recruited from outside or selected, promoted from inside, it is expected thatthey must perform their jobs with maximum efficiency and competence. Therefore after selecting thecandidates, the next logical step is to train them for better performance. Era of vocational trainingstarted during industrial revolution, which took place in Britain in 18thcentury. The apprenticesworking n different factories use to get vocational training in the form of direct instructions in theoperation of machines. Thereafter specially when use of computers, automatic mac

    hines increasedand because of rapidly changing techniques the need of training is recognized asone of the mostimportant organizational activities.

    Training is required to be given to employees to keep them updated effective and efficient.At present, it is observed that all organizations, of whatever types they may be, need to have welltrained experienced and skilled people to perform various activities. If currentjob occupants meetthis requirement, in that case, training is not important but if it is not the case, it is very essential toraise the skill levels, increase the versatility and adaptability of the job occupants by giving themnecessary and appropriate training.



    . Assess training need of different group of employee

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    . Define objectives


    . Design training programme

    . Define Methods, content of programme

    . About trainer

    . Place and time of training programme

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    . Evaluation of training programme

    . Check- objective are achieved ?

    Needs Assessment: Needs assessment diagnoses present and future challenges to bemetthrough training and development Needs assessment occurs at two levels- Group and


    An Individual obviously needs training when her or his performance falls short of standars i.e.when there is performance deficiency

    Assessment of training needs occurs at the group level too.Any change in the organizationsstrategy necessitates training of group of employees.

    Training Objectives:

    To raise the productivity :Increased human performance often directly leads to

    increasedoperational productivity and increased company profit.

    To improve quality in work : Improvement in quality may be in relation to companysproduct / service.

    To improve health and safety : Proper training can help prevent industrial accidents.

    Outdated prevention : Training and development programmes foster the initiativeandcreativity of employees and help to prevent manpower obsolenscence, which may bedue to

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    age, temperament or mptivation or the inability of a person to adapt himself totechnologicalchanges.

    To improve organization climate: An endless chain of positive reactions resultsfrom a well-

    planned training programme. Production and product quality may improve , financialincentives may then be increased, less supervisory pressure may result.

    Personal growth: Management development programmes seem to give participantsa wider awareness , an enlarged skill, and enlightened altruistic philosophy, and makeenhanced personal growth.


    Trainees should be selected on the basis of self-nomination, recommendations of

    supervisorsorby the HR department itself.


    Training and development programmes may be conducted by several people, includingfollowing

    1. Immediate supervisors,2. Co-worker,3. Members of the personnel staff,4. Soecialists in other parts of the company,

    5. Outside consultants,6. Industry associations,7. Faculty members at universities.

    Large organizations generally maintain their own training departments whose staff conductsthe programmes.


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    On-the-job training : Almost every employee, from the clerk to company president getssome .on-the-job training.,when he joins a firm. Under this method, an employeeis placed ina new job and is told how it may be performed.It is primarily concerned with developing is an

    employee skills and habits consistent with the existing practices of an organization, and withorienting him to his immediate problems.

    Vestibule training (training-centre training): Vestibule training method attempts toduplicate on-the-job situation in a company classroom. It is a classroom training which is oftenimparted with the help of equipment and machines which are identical with thosein use in theplace of work.This methods enables the trainee to concentrate on learning the new skill rather

    than on performing an actual job.Theoretical training is given in the classroomwhile thepractical work is conducted on the production line.It is a very efficient technique of trainingsemi skilled personnel e.g.clerk, machine operation , testers,typists etc. Training is in the formof lectures, conferences, case studies, role-playing and discussion.

    Demonstrations and examples : In the demonstration techniques,the trainer describes anddisplays. When he teaches an employee how to do something by actually performingactivitieshimself and by going through a step-by-explaination of .why. and .what. he is do

    ing.Demonstrations are effective techniques in teaching as it is easier to show a person how to do ajob then to tell him or ask him to gather instruction from the reading material.Demonstrationsare often used in combination with lectures,pictures,text materials,discussionsetc.

    Simulation : Simulation is atechnique which duplicates the actual condition encountered on ajob. Trainees interest and employees motivation are high in simulation exercises because heactions of a trainee closely duplicate the .real job. conditions. This method isessential incases in which actual on-the-job practice might result in a serious injury,a costly errors. Thistechnique is a very expensive one.

    Apprenticeship : Apprenticeship training is the oldest and most commonly used methods.It isa training in crafts,trades and in technical areas.A major part of training timeis spent on-the-job production work

    Classroom training:

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    a) Lectures: Simplest way of imparting knowledge to trainees is by lecture. Concepts orprinciples,attitude,method can be useful when large group are to be taught.The lecture methocan be useful when large groups are to be trained within a short time, thus reducing the cost per

    trainee.b) The Conference Method : In this technique, the participating individuals confer todiscuss points of common interest to each other. Conference is a formal meeting,conductedaccording to organized plan.c) Seminar or team discussion : There are different methods of conducting seminar. Itmay be based on paper prepared by one or more trainees on the subject in consulting with theperson in charge of the seminar.d) Case studies : The person in charge of training make out a case,provides nece

    ssaryexplainations, initiates the discussion going. When the trainees are given casesto analyse.They are asked to identify the problem and recommend tentative solutions.e) Role Playing : in role playing , trainees act out a given role as they wouldin a stageplay.It basically involves employee-employer relationships hirind, firing,interviewsdisciplining etc.f) Programmed instruction method : A programmed instruction involves breakinginformation down into meaningful units and then arranging these in a proper wayto form alogical and sequential learning programme or package.

    g) T-group training : This comprises of Audio-visual aids and planned readingprogrammes.



    On July 7, 2004, Reliance Infocomm acquired NIS Sparta, Asia's premier PerformanceEnhancement Solutions organization.Nis Sparta trainers impart training to all th

    e fivebusiness employee namely:

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    5. WORLD

    Training is given for three aspects:

    1. Skill2. Knowledge3. Attitude

    . Skill is required for customer orientation, Customer care, leadership, timemanagement and behaviour. Such training is imparted by Nis Sparta trainers throughsimulations and outbound activities and reality learning like raft building , crazyOlympics and orientation.

    Knowledge based training revolves around product, process of the company, plansoffering to thecustomers, competition knowledge and Market Intelligence.

    Attitude is some thing that is within the person itself. It can be positive ornegative.

    Here attitude training is given by the academy of NIS Sparta. It is a 21 days programme.


    Under each and every business of RCom, training imparted differs at each vertical and for eachbusiness. Let us begin with the businesses one by one:

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    . Personal

    It deals with Pre-paid, post-paid(landline or mobile), data cards vouchers, e-re

    charge, PCO.

    There are channels for retail outlets that sell landline and mobile. Thay are known asReliance Web World expresses.

    They also have distributors for pre paid connections and direct sales team for post paid


    The distribution takes place at places like Big bazaar, Amway and Subhiksa,etc.


    Here training is imparted on the products i.e. knowledge based training. They are thoughthow to deal with customer care & complaints along with front desk etiquettes whi

    ch is skillbased training.

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    There is an induction programme in which training on reliance products are givenand theyare put on job for 3 months afer which second level of training is given. This is even moreinformative and all the necessary training of products is completed. Then he ison the job for

    6 months. After successful completion of both the trsining , he can be considered for careergrowth in the same business.

    After the induction reforms training they have to undergo a test in which they have to scoreat least 70%. This test is called as MCMP (My Credit My Progress). He gets the certificate ofMCMP after that second training is conducted and he is monitored for one year.

    . Enterprise :

    It deals with broadband `s:

    i. Wireless broadbands

    There is a direct sales team for distribution.

    ii. Enterprise wireless groups

    This caters to the corporate.

    iii. Installors

    The planning team takes the charge which includes the field sales associate andthe salesassociate.


    Here training is imparted on the products i.e. knowledge based training. They are thoughthow to deal with customer care & complaints along with front desk etiquettes whi

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    ch is skillbased training.

    There is an induction programme in which training on reliance products are givenand they

    are put on job for 3 months after which second level of training is given. Thisis even moreinformative and all the necessary training of products is completed. Then he ison the job for6 months. After successful completion of both the training , he can be considered for careergrowth in the same business.

    After the induction reforms training they have to undergo a test in which they have to score

    at least 70%. This test is called as MCMP (My Credit My Progress). He gets the certificate ofMCMP after that second training is conducted and he is monitored for one year.

    . Home

    It deals with the technical training of wiring, drilling, set up box.

    It has after sales department to look into any customer complaints, distributionis done with thesales force and the installers of disc is done by the field force

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    . Global business

    It deals with optical fibres i.e. under sea cables connecting different countries forcommunication.

    a. FLAG( Fibre Link Across Globe ) telecommunications was itself a world renowedand well established company. Rcom has taken over FLAG.

    b. NNOC (National Network Operation Centre) is a reliance baby wher people sit and

    monitor the optical fibres. It is at Bombay and Hyderabad.


    Here knowledge based training is not required as these people of FLAG and NNOC are thebest at their job. Only skill and behavioral and attitude training is imparted


    . World

    It deals with web world retails. It has semi company owned outlets.

    NIS Sparta imparts training:

    1. Reality training

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    2. Enterprise business groups3. Academy

    Reality learning

    NIS Sparta has pioneered Reality Learning, a revolutionary new concept in learning effectiveness.

    Evolved by NIS Sparta after over eleven years of research and development, Reality Learningcovers a wide variety and facets of learning methodologies.

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    1. Outbound Training Programmes2. Business Simulations

    Adventure Based Learning Experience (ABLE)

    One of the ways in which Reality Learning is executed is throughAdventure Based Learning Experiences (ABLE). ABLE is a warsimulation scenario drawing from the learning of strategy and tacticsapplied in military science. Participants in the learning interventionare placed in a highly competitive and uncertain environment wherethe need is to achieve a pre-determined objective.ABLE uses multiple simulation formats to address differingrequirements. For instance, ABLE can be designed as a LeadershipProgram, a Team Building Program, a Management Development

    Program and even a programme designed to develop the KillerInstinct in sales teams. ABLE equipment comprises of wirelesssets, laptops, maps, compass, and other select equipments.

    ABLE becomes especially unique as it also captures emotions like disappointment,stress, anger,enthusiasm and joy, apart from skills, to facilitate the process of translatinglearning into practice.

    A glimpse at some of the outbound activities offered by NIS Sparta in Reality Learning:

    OrienteeringOrienteering comprises of an expedition with two teams, eachattempting to operate within limited resources and having to dealwith multiple contingencies, leadership crisis as well as toaccomplish defined goals before proceeding ahead. Two observersfrom NIS Sparta accompany each team.Objectives of the activity

    . Strategy Implementation Process

    . Communication Effectiveness

    . Team Effectiveness

    . Goal Orientation

    . Role of individual members

    . Dealing with Change

    . Breaking existing paradigms

    . Out-of-the box thinking

    Crazy Olympics

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    Crazy Olympics is a multi-faceted sport, requiring that competitorspossess a very diverse set of skills and abilities the most importantof these are: Agility, explosiveness, coordination, balance,endurance, confidence, responsiveness, intelligence, assertiveness,foresight and the ability to perform a variety of movements with thebody involving strength, technique and a mastery of energy and

    weight transfer.It is the truest test of an individuals athleticism, thinking skills,material strengths and the ability to persevere. Hence, the reasonCrazy Olympics are deployed as a one of the primary training toolsby Armed Forces around the world.Unlike may other sports that are a =learned art and difficult toperfect, Crazy Olympics requires participants to master theirinstinctive talents, and raise their body consciousness/ awarenesslevels to new heights.Objectives of the activity

    . To encourage the team members to commit to assisting one

    another in performing tasks and using skills. To assist the team members in working through the issuessurfaced during the activity. To provide a way to objectively examine the participation ofteam members

    Raft BuildingThis activity is best used with a newly formed team or an ongoingteam that is experiencing difficulties in interpersonal relations.Each team consists of at least four members and no more than eightmembers, of an ongoing work team, a task force, or a project team.Objectives of the activity

    . To foster effective team performance

    . To provide an opportunity to establish the practice ofexplicitly discussing not only how things should be done inthe team but also how things actually are done. To foster interpersonal communication in the team. To generate workable solutions

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    Business Simulations

    Experiential learning forms the basis of Business Simulations. Experiential learning is a key driverof everything we do, and is a distinct point of difference in the marketplace. Experiential learning

    fosters an environment of accelerated learning through self-discovery and participation.All Business Simulations enable people to make permanent, effective changes in behaviour byunderstanding the wide range of consequences of their choices and accepting responsibility forthem. Powerful learning emerges in debrief when the participants experiences arelinked to theirreal-world situations. People see, understand and experience how their own behavior can changeto significantly and positively impact their performance back on their job.


    1. Enterprise Business Group (EBG) - addresses the needs of organisations in variousindustry verticals. The solutions offered by the business unit include training

    and delivery,creation of customised content, research based projects and experiential learning.2. Employability Solutions Group (ESG) - the business unit operates The NIS Academy tocreate and enhance employability of individuals through a number of short and long-termeducational programmes.3. Strategic Employability Group (SEG) - the business unit fulfills our group companiestraining needs.


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    The NIS Academy is a premier educational institution, set up by NIS SpartaLtd. Established in 1991; The NIS Academy has facilitated the growth anddevelopment of over 50,000 students and aspirants, till date. Currently, theacademy operates learning centres in 42 cities in the country, with plans toopen more centres across the country.The academy performs two key roles in the education sector, one as an

    education provider to individuals seeking basic skills, and second, providingfor industries - competent manpower and recruitment services for enhancingtheir skills and building their knowledge base.

    The NIS Academy equips students to excel in the area of Customer Care, Sales & Marketing.Professional skills of students are honed in areas like team building, enhancingflexibility andadaptability, increasing their ability to deal with ambiguity and stress, tackli

    ng challenges andtaking initiatives.The NIS Academys programmes are based on innovative and interactive teaching methodologiesderived from the experiences gained while training the corporate world.


    Now-days, training programs are gaining importance becausethey help to solve various problems, which out of the introduction, of new linesof production,severe competition, changes in design and technique of production, change in thevolume ofbusiness, etc. Training programs enhance overall organizational efficiency and effectiveness.Training has become a very significant management tool for bringing about desired changes in orderto solve organizational problems and also to achieve organizational goals. Therefore to be veryeffective, the training function is required to be organized properly and systematically.

    Training programs consists of five steps .the first, or need analysis step, identifies the specific job

    performance skills needed, assesses the prospective training skills, and develops specific, measurableknowledge and performance objectives based on any deficiencies. In the second st

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    ep, instructionaldesign, you decide on, compile and produce the training program content. There may be a thirdvalidation step, in which bugs are worked out of the training program by presenting it to a smallrepresentative audience. The fourth step is to implement the program by actuallytraining the

    targeted employee group. Fifth step is an evaluation step, in which management assesses theprogram's successes or failures.

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    The training needs are identified by Concern Validation Studies (CVS) and the gaps are filled byproviding training. The training needs can be identified by the immediate superiors or by theemployees performance appraisal.

    The training needs are identified:

    At the time of interview *

    Annual appraisal *

    Training identification format *

    Specific recommendations by functional head *


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    The gathered information is forwarded to human resources officials for consultation and then the

    training objectives are established.

    The training objective is prepared after finding the requirement of training whether the gaps areabout knowledge, skill or attitude. Then the objective of training is established and efforts toaccomplish started.


    Based on the collected data and discussions with hr manager training plan is prepared.

    The training plan is prepared. The training calendar is prepared monthly with the name of thetrainees and the trainer.


    Considering the type of training, a suitable training method and required toolsand equipments arefinalized. The venue is finalized and all logistics are prepared. The methods and tools are alsofinalized once the type of training is decided whether it is knowledge, skill orattitude.

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    List of employees are first of all collected with there name, designations and department and than aproper schedule with date, day and time and venue is finalized and all the employees are made awareof.

    The training is conducted and completed as per the schedule.

    At Reliance communication training is conducted for each business:

    . Personal, Enterprise, Global, Home and World.

    The training given mainly resolves around Knowledge of the products and processes for eachvertical and level.

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    The Concern Validation Studies (CVS) is done to identify the gaps and then herewe see that he issuitable for that job or he requires more training to do the job. We consider his previous skill andqualifications etc.

    When candidate is appearing for an interview, we ask him about the training which he hasundergone in previous program. If there is necessity for any specific skill thenwe are training himaccordingly.

    In annual appraisal there are two types of appraisals. One is self-appraisal andother head of

    department appraisal. In appraisal there is point mentioned if they require anyspecific training forupdating their job. Like wise, head of department is asked to write that did herequire any specifictraining to update his job requirement.

    The skill and attitude training is imparted by reality learning and NIS Academyteaches attitude only.In that we sent training identification form to the concerned head of the depar

    tment with hisdepartmental list along with list the training programs.

    We sent candidates for training in house/ external depending upon the nature oftraining.

    After identification of training needs, we prepare the training calendar on yearly basis. For this weseek the following information. Nominate the persons for program, finding the faculty, venue for theprogram and training. Based on this we are preparing annual calendar.

    Based on the annual calendar we prepare annual budget for training and seek theapproval.

    After training calendar is ready, we inform the nominee, faculties and book venue for training

    program and the logistics involved is arranged.

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    After completion of training we take feedback from the participant about the trainers. After onemonth we are taking feedback of the concerned participant about his improvementin his skill orreschedule program.

    After the individual feedback is received by the trainees, the PTR is prepared.Post Training Report.The PTR is forwarded to the immediate superiors.

    It is the duty of the superiors to prepare the DAP i.e. The Development Action Plan which mentionshow well the training has been achieved and the next course of action if a refresher is needed to thetrainees who have not performed as per the standards required.

    The DAP is sent to the NIS Sparta trainers to do the needful and the trainers af

    ter doing the needful,they follow up with the superiors.

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    Based on these we are preparing quarterly graphs for presentation to the top management. There wehighlight what is our target and what we have achieved.

    In training and development activities we are conducting employee's satisfactionsurvey, wheregeneral points about company like his improvement in his working, safety awareness in hisdepartment, salary package, work environment of the company, and work culture ofthe companyetc. In this survey we conclude that where the management is lacking or any steps are required toimprove the satisfaction of our employees.

    Like this we are also taking employees awareness report from eachemployee in which we cover certain point about his job awareness. Based on thisreport we also seethat is it necessary to improve our employee awareness level.

    After completion of training we keep his training record in his personal file and also in soft copies.


    Evaluation means the assessment of value or worth. It simply means the act of judging whether ornot the activity has achieved the set target. In training field evaluation has been taken not only toassessment of value but also collection and analysis of data.

    Evaluation of training is the last but very important stage of any training program. Training

    evaluation is very essential because of the following reasons:

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    The organization giving training to there employee can come to know what returns they aregetting for efforts and expenditure it has committed to the training and it canfind out from it

    whether the training efforts are in correct direction or not. *

    The training evaluation can justify the expenditure incurved in giving trainingand help theorganization to determine to what extent, objectives have been achieved, whetherthe resultsare far away from the target or are nearby the target. *

    Evaluation of training helps in assess the quality of training imparted and also suggests whatchanges in training plan should be made to make it more effective. Weakness within theestablished training program can be identified and accordingly training programscan bemodified and improved properly. Less effective program can be withdrawn in orderto savetime, money and efforts. *

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    Kirkpatricks learning and training evaluation theory

    Donald L Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model - the fourlevels of learning evaluation

    Reactions of the employees after training *

    Learning abilities *

    Behavioral changes *

    And the results generated in performance *

    The training imparted should affect the above mentioned points of the trainee.

    What was his reaction to the training, how much he has learned and are there anychanges in thebehavior and the results in his performance.

    Soon after conducting the training program we conducted some immediate activities to collect thefeedbacks of the employee's undergone training and we really come across many useful facts andfigures.

    My data is based on questionnaire prepared as well as the data available by themanagement.

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    Evaluation gives the correct image of development of the employee and its ability skills and theproductivity, which was design to achieve.

    After evaluating all the activities during the study stage conductivity trainingprogram

    most of the employees find themselves equipped with the information received after trainingprogram and feels a sense of development on their personal levels.

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    Definition : Research Methodology is a systematic way of investigation directedto the discovery ofsome facts by careful study of a subject, a course of critical and scientific inquiry.

    (A) Scope

    The scope/range of this project report is not too far stretching to the whole of

    RelianceCommunication, Pune rather it only covers the training and development activities conducted ByNIS Sparta for its employees.

    My project mainly deals with the present method of training given at Reliance Communicationduring my tenure of the project, July August 2008.

    This project covers training, training programmed, and training evaluation and excludes all otherhuman resources activities conducted before and after training.


    For our project we required information like knowledge about the employeesunderstanding, skills generated and the mastery gained during training.

    So we have to look insight the performance of the employees through evaluation of their

    performance, through questionnaire and data given by the management

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    . Primary data: The data is collected for the first time hence is fresh and happens to beoriginal in nature.. Secondary data: The data is the collected and processed information by some ot

    her personor organization.

    Primary data were collected from employees already have gone by these method oftrainingand the ability to perform accordingly and the already available data given by management.

    Secondary data are gathered from the official website of the company and from referencebooks .

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    For the data collection we used structured close-ended questionnaire as well asopen ended



    Questionnaire and data available with the management.

    Formulation Of Objective:-

    After taken the project we formulate the objective.

    Objective of the project:

    . To study the effectiveness of the training imparted by NIS- Sparta and its resultant inthe performance of the employees.. To know the perception of the employees regarding training methods in RelianceCommunication.. To identify how training assists the employees to acquire skills,knowledge andattitudeand also enhance the same.. To study whether training helps to motivate employees and helps in avoiding mistakes.

    6. Sample Size:-

    Sample can be defined as the selection of a part or a group or an aggregate witha view inobtaining information about the whole population.

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    For knowing the mind share of different brands we should target more populationbut becauseof lack of time we took sample of 25 people.

    (3) Design Of The Questionnaire:-

    The questionnaire is the most common tool in collecting data, so it should be carefully developed,tested and debugged before they are administered on a large scale.

    (4) Research Instrument:-

    Questionnaires and information from the management

    (5) Analyzing The Information:-

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    For analyzing the data, which gather, first we need to arrange that in table asthe questionnaire; itwas mainly open ended so we had not face much problem.

    (6) Data Tabulation:-

    We arrange the data in the form of table.

    (7) Analysis:-

    After tabulation we analyze the data with the help of pie chartbecause in pie chart it was easy to understand every thing inpercentage as well as it gives better picture.

    (8) Conclusion:-

    On the basis of finding there should be a short summary.

    (9) Recommendation:-

    Should write some suggestion, as given by analysis of the data by themanagement and the questionnaire.

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    Data Analysis and interpretation

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    Training program in business organizations are taking new shapes and dimensions,which one has toconsider while dealing with the activities of training and development in the field of humanresources.

    Training is so crucial that there is no need to mention its significance to theorganization and as wellas to the individual employees. Training begins right from the recruitment of anemployee and

    follows thought the life span of the job of each employee of that organization.

    Training has bundles of numbers of actions to be performed in daily routine workand hence lot ofquality, efficiency depends upon the performance level of the employee.

    Organization are very keen as far as training of employees are concerned and arealways ready tospend what it takes to train and develop the employees in best concerned with th

    e favor of theorganization.

    Here we come to know the willingness of the organization regarding the employeesand the cost theyare bearing for that purpose. A good management always tries to cut down the unnecessary andunwanted expenditure of money. Hence if this area of management is taken care ofand a very wellplanned and a highly systematic initiative can result in heavy saving, in otherwords earning ahealthy profit.

    Analysis and interpretation of trainees questionnaire:

    Table 1 :Represents the different methods of training and its convenience to theemployees.


    On Job



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    No ofemployees




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    Methods of training5035150102030405060On Job TrainingClassroom trainingBoth


    The above figures show preference on the modes of training and it is found people prefer more onthe job training.

    Table 2 : Represents the rating of training schedule.

    Rating oftraining




    No ofemployees




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    Large number of employees find the training convenient while others think it isdisturbing the dailywork.

    Table 3 : Represents the satisfaction level of employees undergone training.

    Satisfaction ofemployees



    No ofemployees



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    satisfaction of employees8020YESNO


    Almost all the employees say that they were satisfied with the way the trainingactivities areconducted while some people were dissatisfied.

    Table 4: Represents the degree of development among the employees after the training was





    May be

    No ofemployees




    010203040506070YesNoMay beDevelopment of the employees

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    Maximum numbers of employees show a positive response in terms of their development, some feelthey are not at all developed and others showed a passive response.

    Table 5: Represents the improvement in skill and attitude and future aspects.



    Non progresses

    Cant say

    No ofemployees




    010203040506070ProgressedNon progressesCant sayImprovement status

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



    Large number of employees experienced progress in their skills and its future as

    pects whereassome feel that they have not progressed and others cannot say now.

    Table 6:Represents the degree to which the employees have successfully achievedtheir trainingobjectives.

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    Degree ofachievement



    Not at all

    No ofemployees




    Degree of achievementCompletely60%Partially15%Not at all25%CompletelyPartiallyNot at all


    The degree of achievement of training objectives is higher among the employees and even in theleast case the achievement case is above average.

    Table 7) Represents the response of the employees regarding training aids provided for thetraining.

    Training aidstatus



  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    No ofemployees



  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    YesNo0102030405060708090Training aids status

    INTERPRETATION: mostly all the employees are in full satisfaction regarding theright type of

    training aids are provided for training and a very few of them feel otherwise.

    Table 8) Represents the level of support from the superiors to the sub-ordinatesin completingthe training

    Support levelof superiors



    No ofemployees



    FullAverage020406080Level of support

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    INTERPRETATION: Superiors seem to be very supportive in Training programmes, asmaximumnumber of employees responses are positive regarding support from the superiors.

    Observation and findings.

    Observation and findings

    . Though by and large, substantial number of employees are content with the waythetraining is conducted, still there is a scope to analyze at micro level whether

    thenegatives respondents were either non attentive confronted confused or otherwise.

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    based up on the data there is a scope to take corrective action.

    . The cooperation between the colleagues and the level of support they share with eachother binds them in an attachment towards the company. However progressivefeedback relating to change in the behavioral pattern and scope for redesigningsubsequent training programs need to be examined & explored in proper perspective

    . Regional behavior and language influence is higher during training and even afterdelivering their language; the desired effects are not seen.

    . Some of the superiors do not bother to make Development Action Plans and submit tothe trainers. The statc and superficial approach of the supervision needs to bedealt

    with appropriately

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    . The training is mainly conducted all around India, the trainers have to travelbutsometimes the logistics and arrangement is non-satisfactory. Rescheduling theprogrammed in advice and informing the participant with due lead time may allevi

    atethe logistic problem the proximity, approachability and accessibility are the threemajar parameter while considering the venue

    . The findings from the data analysis from the questionnaire show a positiveimprovement, enhancing and overall rating about the training programmed.

    . The reality learning and simulations were thoroughly enjoyed by the employeeswhohave received it.

    5. Suggestions

    . In todays competitive world, attitude is the factor which is the dividing linebetween failureand success. Thus recruitment of the employees must be made not only on skills and attitude

    but also the attitude of the employee. If an employee has a positive attitude then training forhim can be more effective, he has a positive effect on the climate.

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    . The raining records must be maintained, preserved properly and updated timely.

    . Proper care should be taken while selecting the trainers.

    . Nis Sparta trainers must be given continuous feedback and the training shouldbe performedas a continuous planned activity.

    . New and different trainers should be invited so that the maximum impact can begot fromthe training programmes.

    . Co ordination and interaction of the employees of all levels must be encouragedto locatenew talents among employees.

    . Solution to some of the problems faced by the employees, should be suggested by theemployees themselves to make them feel valued at the organization.

    . The DAP( Development Action Plans) must be prepared and given to the trainersas soon aspossible for further follow up from the side of the trainers.

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  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy




    Title of the programme: ReFoRMS

    Start Date: 22 Aug 08

    Error! Not a valid link.

    End Date: 28 Aug 08

    Error! Not a valid link.

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    Location: PUNE

    Number of Participants: 11

    Channel Partner Type: RMS CREs

    Observers: NA

    Signature of PC: Ajit Hiray Date: 29 Aug 08

    Name of PC: Ajit Hiray

    Error! Not a valid link.

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy




    Faculty /CourseFeedback

    Average Faculty Feedback: 4.93

    Average Program Feedback: 4.85

    Qualitative Faculty / Course Feedback

    (Please capture all qualitative feedback in form of bullet points)

    . Trainer behaviour was very good. Was understanding and helpful.

    . If somebody did not understand a point, trainer explained the same onceagain by giving different examples.. Trainer treated everyone objectively and fairly.. Trainer taught us step by step and in simple Hindi & Marathi languagewhich was understood by all. Also provided lot of information.. Trainer helped in clarifying all our doubts & queries related to products,

    processes and systems.. Training was beneficial and will be helpful in doing our job effectively.. Training helped in getting lot of information on products, systems,processes, customer service and also about the company.

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    Key Skills and Behaviors Acquired

    (Please capture all such observations by participants in form of bullet points)

    . Through this training we got good information about

    - Reliance Communications and the ADA group.

    - Our roles and responsibilities as a CRE and how a CRE is BRAND Reliance.

    - The product Mobiles, FWP, Data Cards, VAS, calling cards, etc.

    - Prepaid & Postpaid tariff plans.

    - Various systems like RCC, Simplify, Clarify, LMS, ICCM used in our RMS.

    . This training also helped in improving our selling skills and customer handlingskills.. Learned how to handle different types of customers.. Learned how to find out the customers requirement and how to offer the rightsolution to customers requirement.

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



    Please ensure that the following documents are attached with the PTR, where appl

    icable andthe following table is filled completely, as applicable:

    S No





    Attendance Sheet


    Maximum Attendance: 11

    Number of Drop-outs: 2


    Participant Test Papers

    Session Name: Day 2 WrittenTest

    Day: 2

    Average Test Score: 19

    Session Name: Day 3 WrittenTest

    Day: 3

    Average Test Score: 19

    Session Name: Day 4 Written


    Day: 4

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy


    Average Test Score: 18

    Session Name: Day 6 FinalTest

    Day: 6

    Average Test Score: 87

    Session Name: Day 6 RolePlay Assessment

    Day: 6

    Average Test Score: 32


    List of CertifiedParticipants

    Total Participants: 11

    Number of People Certified and

    . to be issued clarify id: 9

    . not to be issued clarify id: NA

  • 8/3/2019 Study , Analyze & Evaluate Training & Development Imparted by NIS Sparta at Reliance Communications by Sadiy



