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  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp



    The Greener the Better 1

  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    There is a lot moreto an ITenvironmental

    program thansimply buyingmore energy-efficient serversworthwhile. Thegreen ITprogram mustengageeveryone in the ITorganization,including the

    architects, and itwill increasingly

    require the engagement of the softwaredevelopers. Green IT is not justSomething for the data centermanager. Every IT organizationcan substantiallyimprove its environmentalPerformance by reducing or avoidingcosts. IT organizationsmust go beyond the data

    center and adopt a verybroad approach to theirenvironmental programs.

    3/28/2010The Greener the Better 2

  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    Here are some tips to define an environmental

    Policy and strategy:

    Conduct an environmental assessment and energy

    audit of the IT infrastructure

    Create an equipment disposal process andcontrols

    Create an environmental-assessment process for all

    IT-related projects and investments

    When discussing the environmental policy andstrategy, consider the risks of doing nothing

    Appoint a manager to lead the initiative

    3/28/2010The Greener the Better 3

  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    Ways the endeavor can show progress:

    Metrics can cover a range of issues (e.g.) wastemanagement, materials efficiency.

    Measure energy consumption and carbon dioxideemissions.

    Make IT accountable for the electricity itconsumes.

    Set targets for the environmental issues that theenterprise has chosen to tackle.

    Create an environmental dashboard.

    3/28/2010The Greenerthe Better 4

  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    Some measures that can be taken to adopt a green

    work environment:

    Create an employee charter for all stakeholders.

    Create a work environment that includes subtlereminders

    Develop reward schemes that address thecommute to work, as well as business related travel

    Offer energy-efficiency advice and assistance forhome workers

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  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    Effective behavioral changes that can be

    taken among the staff:

    Measure and report office power consumption;get as granular as possible.

    Use and enforce "aggressive" power management.

    Discard screen savers.

    Educate the staff. Use a low-power state, such as standby, for PCs

    and monitors after hours.

    Use agents and schedulers to automate

    3/28/2010The Greener the Better 7

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    Ways to improve the energy efficiency of the data

    centre :

    Use cooling, airflow, fans, power distribution losses(power supplies, uninterrupted power supply [UPS],power distribution units[PDUs] and so forth), anduse the capacity in place wisely

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  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    Significant opportunities to better manage

    underutilized capacity in the data centre and

    increase energy efficiency:

    To virtualise and consolidate

    Decommission unused equipment

    Stop over provisioning

    Use power management features to throttle powerbased on use.

    Change the power state of equipment not in use

    3/28/2010The Greener the Better 11

  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    Ways to be energy


    Work to drive energy

    efficiency across allareas of IT

    Workers should try to

    consider their roles in

    energy efficiency.

    Data center managersshould push responsibility

    for energy consumption

    onto some of their peers.

    Figure 1 shows the IT

    management team's

    decision points that can

    influence the energy

    consumption of the IT


    3/28/2010The Greener the Better 13

  • 8/2/2019 studentid_s109pp


    We can ensure Green printers and printing by doing the


    Print less

    Educate the staff

    Enforce duplex printing , use pull printing

    Drop the use of banner pages

    Buy Energy Star devices

    Consolidate printers

    Use long-life printer drums

    Recycle toner, paper and cartridges, and dispose of itemsproperly

    Choose a vendor that supports all-around environmentally

    sound products, processes and services3/28/2010The Greener the Better 14

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    Look for products compliant

    with the European Union's

    Restriction of Hazardous

    Substances directive.

    Ask how the product hasbeen designed for recycling

    and how much recycled

    content it includes.

    Look for product longevity,

    upgradability and


    Seek out vendors that can

    comply with the EU's Waste

    Electrical and Electronic

    Equipment (WEEE)


    Negotiate for reduced

    packaging, manuals and

    reduced physical shipments

    Ask about performance,

    costs and environmentaltrade-offs made in the


    Ask about the life cycle

    environmental and carbon

    dioxide emissions footprint of

    the products under


    Look for eco-labels

    Ensure disposition channel is


    3/28/2010The Greener the Better 15

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    Information about the

    providers actual

    commitment to the

    environmental values:

    Read technology orservice providers'sustainability report andcompare it against anindustry leading report.

    Observe where theenvironmental programreports to within theenterprise.

    Look at where theproviders are innovating

    Seek an environmentassessment, a policy and

    strategy and evidenceof improved energy ofthe vendors operations,products, services andsupply chain

    Seek information from

    management about thesupply chain

    Consider longevity of theproviders environmentalprogram

    3/28/2010The Greenerthe Better 16

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    Key Findings

    IT significantly impacts theenvironment throughout itslife cycle.

    ITs environmental impactcan be significantlyreduced by behavioralchanges, as well as

    technology changes.

    Many green IT initiativescan be easily tackled atno incremental cost.


    IT organizations:

    Implement a broad-basedenvironmental program

    tackling energy andmaterials efficiency, aswell as issues of waste andsupplier management.

    Do a broader enterprise

    initiative to help drivebehavioral changes.

    3/28/2010The Greener the Better 17