student innovation teams transition start up

Phase 1 Transition to Service Projects 28/05/2022 Start Up Meeting

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Phase 1 Transition to Service Projects

Start Up Meeting

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10:10 Approach to us working together in this phase

10:20 Exploration of themes emerging from your project plans

12:10 Action Learning – Overcoming barriers to success, identifying and solving problems

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Action Leaning Sets

15:15 Expert class (David on Social Networking)

15:40 Student Summer of Innovation 2014 – how might you get involved.

16:00 Close


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• Assign Jisc Project Manager• Myles – CfP and FundFind• Paul - UniBoard and WikiNets• David – Unisocs and Konnect

• Establish contract and agree a plan/deliverables (Feb/Mar)• Start-up (business planning)• Support (Monthly Action Learning meetings and specialist advice)• Dissemination/Events (DigiFest, Showcase, etc.)• Development and pilot (Project Specific)• Evaluation/Review (Progress against deliverables, Customer

feedback from piloting, Refining the process)• Develop business cases • Discuss next steps (July onwards)

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Themes emerging from project plans

• This is me, feeding back on behalf of the team on your project plans and other documents you have sent us. Hello.

• I’m raising general issues, not specific ones project by project. I’m not going to call out any projects for doing particular BAD THINGS.

• (apart from Konnect, because they’re not here)

• (actually no, not even that)

• (also, no ponies)

David Kernohan

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SOSI service start up meeting 20/02/2014 5

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14/04/2023 Action Learning

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Rate of Change vs Rate of Learning

Rate ofLearnin


Rate of Change (C)

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The learning set

A small group of people,  who meet regularly.

Learning sets may vary in size from - with four to six being set members an optimum size. The learning set acts as:

·       a helpful, questioning group

·       a listening ‘mirror’

·       a resource group

·       a support and challenge group

·       a reflective group

·       a learning group

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How does a set differ from other working groups?

The aim of the set is not to resolve issues together.  The aim of the learning set is to help each individual member accelerate their own rate of learning with the support and challenge of the other group members

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What can you gain from a set?

•  Time and space for your own reflections

• Insights and perspectives from others/with others

• Other’s knowledge and experiences

• An opportunity to ‘hear yourself think – and respond’

•  Support and challenge from others

• Sharing successes and confusions with others – and learning from them

•  Hearing yourself be helpful – and gaining in confidence

•  Building your questioning and listening skills

• Moving forward to address a problem or manage task – having committed yourself to action

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Ground Rules

1. Four meetings

2. Be there for meetings

3. Be active in membership

4. Confidentiality - Chatham House rules

5. Speakers – use your time as you see fit

6. Set members - give whole attention, active listening allow silence, ask insightful questions

7. No action without learning, no learning without action;Sum up the actions you intend to take at the end!

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Active Listening

Active listening requires paying attention to one person over a sustained period of time whilst absorbing the underlying messages that the presenter is giving.  Give encouragement to the speaker to continue opening up on the details of their problem. Show empathy to the feelings that emerge from the presenter.

Active listening is enhanced by:

• body language: making eye contact, nodding, attentive posture;

• checking understanding: reflecting back what has been said to check for mutual understanding;

•  exploring feelings that underlie the presenter’s response to an issue;

• summarising issues to enable presenters to clarify their thoughts;

• probing with further questions to gain deeper insight into the issue in hand.

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Open Questions

• No advice, no anecdotes!

• What were you expecting from this situation?

• How did you feel about what was happening?

•  What would have made things better?

• What assumptions are you making about the situation?

• How do you know?

•  Why does it have to be that way?

•  Is there a way you could have done things differently?

• What is the best possible outcome?

•   What would be the consequences of taking different action?

•  What is the worst thing that could happen?

•  Who else could assist you with this issue?

•  What is your strongest feeling about this situation?

•  Do you believe that this situation can be resolved satisfactorily?

• What else do you need to know or find out?

• If you could start again, how would you act differently?

•  What would be the easiest/hardest solution?

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Role of the facilitator

• to help each participant gain the maximum from the learning opportunities presented

• ensuring that the process of action learning is maintained with all group members respecting the agreed groundrules

• ensure that time is fairly distributed across the set members

• Ensure presenters sum up with intended actions

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Role of the scribe

• note any general points of learning

• capture any widely felt support needs

• present feedback (Chatham House) to the plenary session

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Two Sets

• Facilitator & Scribe Myles

• Samantha Jones (UniSocs)

• David Furlong (WikiNets)

• Matthew Terrell (CFP)

• Emanuil Tolev (FundFind)

• Facilitator Paul

• Scribe David

• Matt Beveridge (Uni-Board)

• Joseph Chamberlain (UniSocs)

• Brendan Fong (WikiNets)

• Martin Kruusimagi (CFP)

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Think of a problem to bring to the set

Something that

• You’re struggling with

• You’re personally attached to

• Is impeding the project

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“Expert” Session on Social Media

Rule 1: Anyone who claims to be a “social media expert” is a fraud.

David Kernohan

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1. Identify a competitor, or a company/start up in your field. Or someone interesting.

2. Look at the way they use social media. What services are they using? What are they doing with them? What do they share? How do they come across?

3. How do you feel about the way they are using social media? How does it change your perception of the product and the company?

4. Very quickly present back.

(Timing – 10-15 mins, then presentation/discussion)

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Student Summer of Innovation 2014

• Launch Feb/March – closing date 31 May 2014

• You can enter another idea!

• Supporting this year’s projects

• Email list

• Summer School events

• Help promote the competition to your peers, institution(s), etc.

Launch date