student information system (sis)/portal progress report presentation to the utfab monday, october...

Student Information System (SIS)/Portal Progress Report Presentation to the UTFAB Monday, October 30, 2006 4:10-5 PM, LSC 220 Bill Haid, Enrollment and Access, [email protected] , 1-3466 Don Hesser, Information Systems, [email protected] , 1-5491

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Student Information System (SIS)/Portal

Progress Report

Presentation to the UTFABMonday, October 30, 2006

4:10-5 PM, LSC 220Bill Haid, Enrollment and Access, [email protected], 1-

3466Don Hesser, Information Systems, [email protected], 1-


Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 2

Outline Fall 2006 start up Progress to date 3-year project plan Demo of DARS Project issues Budgets Summary

1. Fall 2006 Start Up

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 4

Start of the Semester This fall, we were able to keep all

systems up for the start of the fall semester, through a period of very heavy load A first since initial “melt down” in

Aug. 03! Thanks to hardware and staff from

the project

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 5

RamPoint Portal Cumulative Users

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 6

RamPoint Portal Concurrent Users

RamPoint Concurrent Users











August 7 - October 17, 2006

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 7

RAMweb Logins 1st Month/Term

20,200 24,640 28,912 34,994






217,081 213,190















Jan '99 Aug '99 Jan '00 Aug '00 Jan '01 Aug '01 Jan '02 Aug '02 Jan '03 Aug '03 Jan '04 Aug '04 Jan '05 Aug '05 Jan '06 Aug '06




of Login


2. Progress to Date

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 9

Project Progress – Live Now

Rampoint Portal – August 2004 Fall 2007 Catalog - June 2005 General Person Module - CSUID July 2005 Operational Data Store – July 2005 Campus Loan Manager - July 2005 eID for all applicants - July 2005 RAMweb access via RamPoint - October 2005 Financial Aid - Oct 2005 for Fall 2006 / Spring 2007

terms Accounts Receivable - May 2006 ARIESweb - July 2006 Admissions - July 2006 for Fall 2007 applicants Housing – August 2006 for Fall 2007 applicants SCAIT – October 2006 Class Schedule draft and training – October 2006 DARS for Transfer Evaluation – October 2006

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 10

Project Impact to Date COF processing (on current system)

$38 million processed last academic year $20 million processed for this fall semester

Implemented the CSUID Replacement for SSN to enhance security and privacy CSUID exists for ~600,000 users ID re-carding completed

Major conversion efforts underway: General Student, Academic History, Accounting Details, and more

Populating massive amounts of student information Must ensure 100% accuracy for tens of millions of records

Bridging key data between current SIS and Banner Full “go live” in Fall 2007

3. DARS (Degree Audit and Reporting System)


4. Project Plans Ahead

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 13

Project Plans – Coming (Very) Soon

Admissions Status Information – November 2006 Fall 2007 class schedule in RAMweb – March 2007 Gen Student and Acad History Data Conversion – March

2007 Course Applicability System – April 2007 Fall 2007 Registration – April 2007 Advisor / Advisee in ARIESweb – April 2007 Degree Audit New Students for Fall 2007 – April 2007 Continuing Education Registration – June 2007 Tuition / Fee Assessment – July 2007 Graduate School Degree Audit - July 2007 Graduate School Self Service Program of Study – Sept 2007

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 15

Project Plans; 3-Year View FY 07 (this fiscal year through June 30, 2007)

Class Schedule and Registration for Fall 2007 live in ARIES Address “gaps” Implement Degree Audit and Reporting System (DARS) Implement COF in Banner Implement Banner updates Ensure integration with the portal and WebCT

WebCT CE6 upgrade in progress FY 08 (July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008)

Perform hardware upgrades, as necessary Continue to address “gaps” Implement Banner and DARS updates Add functionality: workflow

FY 09 (July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009) Complete hardware upgrades, if needed Implement Banner and DARS updates Add functionality: workflow and document imaging

5. Project Issues

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 17

5. Project Issues Post implementation “fixes”

Staffing required to address “gaps” Inflation

Software inflation (in the contract) 4% annual inflation on SIS software 10% annual inflation on portal software

3 years of salary inflation mandated by the State

Inflationary cost increases anticipated in spring budget request

Hardware and software upgrades

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 18

The Project Hype Cycle – We Have Gaps to Overcome

Source: Mike Zastrocky,The Gartner Group



Technology Trigger

Peak of Inflated


Trough of Disillusionme


Slope of Enlightenment

Plateau of Productivit



Negative Hype



6. Budgets

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 20

The “Split” of Costs 1-time costs – the University covers 100%

$5.9 million!!! Annual recurring costs – 50% split

1st year costs University: $392,050/yr. UTF: $392,050/yr. – constant for 3 years!

Staffing approved annually by the UTFAB Total cost “proportions” over 5 years

University: ~80% UTF: ~20%

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 21

UTFAB Prior Commitments ASCSU UTF commitment in Fall 2003:

Recurring contractual costs plus inflation 5 years for the SIS upgrade 3 years for the portal (Spring 06 approval to


UTFAB considers staffing on an annual basis

Project budget has been constant for 3 years No increases in budget have been requested

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 22

UTFAB Approved Expenses In FY05,

we “hit” the target within 1%.

$392,050 budget, constant over 3 years

FY 05 Expenses Expenses = $389,597

Approved Budget = $392,050

1. Soft. maint. - 25%

2. Hardware/OS - 10%

3. Proposed Staff - 48%

4. Non-SCT soft. - 17%

5. Gaps - 0%

6. Contingency - 0%

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 23

Anticipated Increase in Expenses We can no longer sustain the project with a

fixed budget Annual recurring cost increases due to inflation

of software and mandated staff salary increases Hardware upgrades being assessed

Periodic hardware upgrades necessary to maintain currency with software and operating systems, and to meet increasing system load

May be spread over two years Planning a “load test” in spring semester

2007 We will provide cost details in the spring

7. Summary

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 25

UTFAB Funding Criteria1. Benefit as many students as possible All students at CSU will


2. Ability to effectively utilize the fee Your decision.

3. Not funded by CFT Check.

4. Adherence to budget and accountability

Your decision.

5. Potential for direct student use Absolutely.

6. Effort and thought reflected in the plan

Your decision.

7. Justification, incl. quantitative usage data

Your decision.

8. Level of sponsorship by the University

80% over 5 years.

9. Balance between central and distributed technology

Central IT infrastructure, accessed locally.

10. Costs and potential benefit Your decision.

Oct. 30, 2006 SIS/Portal Report to UTFAB 26

Thank You The UTF and student

support provided the catalyst for the project

The need for a system upgrade is great

Thank you for your support!

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Discussion and Questions

Are most welcome