stucture ii_pertemuan 1_modul 1.pdf

Structure II Spring 2016 Pertemuan I: 21 Februari 2016 Modul 1 : Sentences and Clauses Ismail Marzuki Universit as T erbuka Korea Selatan

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Structure II

Spring 2016Pertemuan I: 21 Februari 2016

Modul 1 : Sentences and Clauses

Ismail Marzuki

Universitas Terbuka

Korea Selatan

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Unit 1 : Clauses

A. Independent Clauses

B. Dependent Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses

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Unit 1 : ClausesA. Independent Clauses

Independent Clause (main clause):

Kelompok kata yang saling berhubungan yang

mempunyai subjek dan predikat dan dapat

berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat yang lengkap dan


Clause [noun; countable] : kelompok kata yang saling

berhubungan yang memiliki subjek dan predikat.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

A. Independent Clauses

• Rudy is my son.

• I know that boy.

English is an international language.• I have been to Singapore.

• We visited Kuta beach last year.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

B. Dependent Clauses

Dependent Clause (subordinate clause):

Anak kalimat, mempunyai subjek dan predikat,tetapi tidak bisa berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat

yang lengkap karena tidak mengekspresikanpemikiran yang lengkap.

Menggunakan subordinate conjunctions: who,that, whether, if, when, until, after, although,because, since, whereas, before.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

B. Dependent Clauses

• That he is a banker.

• If you go by bus or by train.

After you arrive in Bali.• Whereas Anita is diligent.

• Why he cried.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses

Dependent Clause, dapat berfungsi sebagai

• Kata benda (noun clause)

•Kata sifat (adjective clause)

• Kata keterangan (adverbial clause)

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Unit 1 : Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses

1. Noun Clause

Dapat berfungsi sebagai:

• Subjek

• Objek kata kerja atau preposisi

• Pelengkap

Subordinate conjunction yang digunakan:

That, whether, if, what,....etc.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses1. Noun Clause as subject

• How he gets the money is his own affair.

• What they did does not concern me.

2. Noun Clause as transitive object• I don’t know where he lives.

• It is true that plants need water in order to live.

3. Noun Clause• My question is why you did not come last night.

• My concern is how to pay the workers.

Karena sifatnya sebagai kata benda, noun clause bisa diganti dengan kata ganti “it”.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses

2. Adjective Clause

Berfungsi sebagai:

Kata sifat (menerangkan kata benda)

Relative pronouns yang digunakan:

which,who, whom, whose....etc.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses

2. Adjective Clause

• The boy who/that gave me the book is

Mr.Anwar’s son.

• The car that he drives is very expensive.

• He gave the money to the man who had

done the work.

• Here is the book which/that describes


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Unit 1 : Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses

3. Adverbial Clause

Berfungsi sebagai:

Kata kata keterangan (menjelaskan kata kerja,kata keterangan, atau seluruh kalimat)

Relative pronouns yang digunakan:When, after, while, before, as soon as....etc.

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Unit 1 : Clauses

C. Types of Dependent Clauses

3. Adverbial Clause

• You may begin when you are ready.

While he was walking home, he saw anaccident.

• After she finished dinner, she went to bed.

They sat down wherever they could findempty seats.

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Unit 2 : Sentences

A. Classification by Types

B. Classification by the Number of Full


Sentence [noun; countable] : kelompok kata yang yang

memiliki subjek, predikat, dan mengekspresikan suatu

informasi yang utuh.

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Unit 2 : Sentences

A. Classification by Types

1. Declarative sentences (statement)

• Carol is happy.

The child ate dinner.• I have just bought the books.

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Unit 2 : Sentences

A. Classification by Types

2. Interrogative sentences (questions)

• Did the child eat his dinner?

Is it your dictionary?• Are you Surya?

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Unit 2 : Sentences

A. Classification by Types

3. Imperative sentences (commands and


• Stop that bus!

• Be quite, please!

• Help!

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Unit 2 : Sentences

A. Classification by Types

4. Exclamation sentences (exclamation)

• What a good dinner that was!

• What beautiful hair she has!

• How beautiful she is!

• How far his house is!

What + countable/uncountable noun

How + adjective or adverb

U it 2 S t

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Unit 2 : Sentences

B. Classification by the Number of Full

Prediction1. Simple sentence

• Tedi bought a house.

• Ratih is happy.

• Ratih and Rita swim everyday. (compund


• I like to swim and hike everyday. (compound


U it 2 S t

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Unit 2 : Sentences

B. Classification by the Number of Full

Prediction2. Compound sentence

a) The rain fell, and the wind blew.

b) I want to attend school, but my family needs me.

c) He was tired, so he went to bed.d) The players tried their best to win; however, I do not

expect them to win.

e) Mr. Sujudi is the richest man in his town; moreover,

he is very generous.

a) to c) : main clause + coordinate conjuction + main clause

d) to e) : main clause + transition (; linking word,) + main clause

Unit 2 Sentences

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Unit 2 : Sentences

B. Classification by the Number of Full

Prediction3. Complex sentence

• You should lock the doors before you leave

the house.

• Although John is a good athlete, he does not

spend too much time in sports.

• Since that happend a long time ago, I wouldnot hold it again.

Unit 2 : Sentences

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Unit 2 : Sentences

B. Classification by the Number of Full

Prediction4. Compound – complex sentence

• Although the farmers always work long

hours, they seem to enjoy their work, andthey usually have a long time rest during the

dry season.

• Some people fell on other people, and somepeople landed on the floor when the bos

stopped abruptly.