structuring system requirements & system design system design & data and file design...

Structuring System Requirements & System Design System Design & Data and File Design Presented by : Harminder Kaur Bhatia

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Structuring System Requirements & System Design

System Design & Data and File Design

Presented by : Harminder Kaur Bhatia


• Data Analysis using

• Data Modeling

• Relational Modeling

• Design Principles

• Design Strategies

• Design Components

• Physical Data Design

• Input Design

• Output Design

• Finalizing Design Specifications

Data Analysis


To gain a sound understanding of the data in use in the area of study and to provide a basis for the design of physical data structure which are:

– Flexible– Easily maintainable– Unambiguous– Able to provide for differing access requirements– Subject to a minimum of data redundancy

Methods of Data Analysis

Entity Analysis (Conceptual Data Modeling)

Relational Analysis & Modeling

Conceptual Data Modeling

Representation of organizational data

Purpose is to show rules about the meaning and interrelationships among data

Entity-Relationship (E-R) diagrams are commonly used to show how data are organized

Main goal of conceptual data modeling is to create accurate E-R diagrams

Methods such as interviewing, questionnaires and JAD are used to collect information

Consistency must be maintained between process flow, decision logic and data modeling descriptions

Process of Conceptual Data Modeling

First step is to develop a data model for the system being replaced

Next, a new conceptual data model is built that includes all the requirements of the new system

In the design stage, the conceptual data model is translated into a physical design

Project repository links all design and data modeling steps performed during SDLC

Deliverables and Outcome

Primary deliverable is the entity-relationship diagram

There may be as many as 4 E-R diagrams produced and analyzed during conceptual data modeling

Covers just data needed in the project’s application

E-R diagram for system being replaced

An E-R diagram for the whole database from which the new application’s data are extracted

An E-R diagram for the whole database from which data for the application system being replaced is drawn

Sample conceptual data model diagram

Deliverables and Outcome

Second deliverable is a set of entries about data objects to be stored in repository or project dictionary

Repository links data, process and logic models of an information system

Data elements that are included in the DFD must appear in the data model and visa versa

Each data store in a process model must relate to business objects represented in the data model

Introduction to Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling

Notation uses three main constructs

Data entities



Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram

A detailed, logical representation of the entities, associations and data elements for an organization or business

Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling


A person, place, object, event or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data

Represented by a rectangle in E-R diagrams

Entity Type

A collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics


A named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to an organization

Candidate keys and identifiers

Each entity type must have an attribute or set of attributes that distinguishes one instance from other instances of the same type

Candidate key– Attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies each instance of

an entity type

Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling


An association between the instances of one or more entity types that is of interest to the organization

Association indicates that an event has occurred or that there is a natural link between entity types

Relationships are always labeled with verb phrases

Example relationships of different degrees


The number of instances of entity B that can be associated with each instance of entity A

Minimum Cardinality

The minimum number of instances of entity B that may be associated with each instance of entity A

Maximum Cardinality

The maximum number of instances of entity B that may be associated with each instance of entity A

The Role of CASE in Conceptual Data

CASE tools provide two important functions:

Maintain E-R diagrams as a visual depiction of structured data requirements

Link objects on E-R diagrams to corresponding descriptions in a repository

Database design - objectives

• Discuss the role of designing databases in the analysis and design of an information system

• Learn how to transform an Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram into an equivalent set of well-structured relations

• Learn how to merge normalized relations from separate user views into a consolidated set of well-structured relations

• Explain choices of storage formats for database fields

• Learn how to transform well-structured relations into efficient database tables

• Discuss use of different types of file organizations to store database files

• Discuss indexes and their purpose

Purpose of Database Design

Structure the data in stable structures, called normalized tables

Not likely to change over time

Minimal redundancy

Develop a logical database design that reflects actual data requirements

Develop a logical database design from which a physical database design can be developed

Translate a relational database model into a technical file and database design that balances several performance factors

Choose data storage technologies that will efficiently, accurately and securely process database activities

Process of Database Design

Logical Design

Based upon the conceptual data model

Four key steps

1. Develop a logical data model for each known user interface for the application using normalization principles

2. Combine normalized data requirements from all user interfaces into one consolidated logical database model

3. Translate the conceptual E-R data model for the application into normalized data requirements

4. Compare the consolidated logical database design with the translated E-R model and produce one final logical database model for the application

Process of Database Design

Physical Design

Based upon results of logical database design

Key decisions1. Choosing storage format for each attribute from the logical

database model2. Grouping attributes from the logical database model into

physical records3. Arranging related records in secondary memory (hard disks

and magnetic tapes) so that records can be stored, retrieved and updated rapidly

4. Selecting media and structures for storing data to make access more efficient

Deliverables and Outcomes

Logical database design must account for every data element on a system input or output

Normalized relations are the primary deliverable

Physical database design results in converting relations into files

Relational Database Model

Data represented as a set of related tables or relations


A named, two-dimensional table of data. Each relation consists of a set of named columns and an arbitrary number of unnamed rows

– Relation – File or table– Tuple - Record or row of the table– Domain - data field or column of the table

Properties– Entries in cells are simple– Entries in columns are from the same set of values– Each row is unique– The sequence of columns can be interchanged without changing the

meaning or use of the relation– The rows may be interchanged or stored in any sequence

Well-Structured Relation

A relation that contains a minimum amount of redundancy and allows users to insert, modify and delete the rows without errors or inconsistencies


The process of converting complex data structures into simple, stable data structures

First Normal Form (1NF)

Each row is uniquely identified with a key

Second Normal Form (2NF)

Each nonprimary key attribute is identified by the whole key (called full functional dependency)

Third Normal Form (3NF)

Non-primary key attributes do not depend on each other (called transitive dependencies)

The result of normalization is that every non-primary key attribute depends upon the whole primary key

Normalization steps

Take data items from each source in un-normalized form

Convert to First Normal Form (FNF)

Covert to Second Normal Form (SNF)

Covert to Third Normal Form (TNF)

Test and Verify

First Normal Form (FNF)

Identify unique key

Remove repeating groups

Example : Un-normalized data


Order Date

Supplier Code

Supplier Name

Item Code

Item Name

Qty Ordered

Unit Price

Order Amount

FNF data

Orders– Order No.– Order Date– Supplier code– Supplier Name– Order Amount

Order Details– Order No.– Item code– Item name– Qty Ordered– Unit Price

Second Normal form (2NF)

Second Normal Form (2NF)

A relation is in second normal form (2NF) if any of the following conditions apply:

– The primary key consists of only one attribute– No nonprimary key attributes exist in the relation– Every nonprimary key attribute is functionally dependent on the full set of

primary key attributes

In 2NF, we remove part-key dependencies

2NF data

Orders– Order No.– Order Date– Supplier code– Supplier Name– Order Amount

Order Details– Order No.– Item code– Qty Ordered– Unit Price

Items Master– Item code– Item Name

Third Normal Form (3NF)

Third Normal Form (3NF)

A relation is in third normal form (3NF) if it is in second normal form (2NF) and there are no functional (transitive) dependencies between two (or more) nonprimary key attributes

Check dependencies between the fields within each relation

Remove calculated field

Create separate table and retain the key as foreign key 3NF data

Orders– Order No.– Order Date– Supplier code

Suppliers– Supplier code– Supplier Name

Order Details– Order No.– Item code– Qty Ordered– Unit Price

Items Master– Item code– Item Name

Third Normal Form Test

Given the value for the key(s) is there only one possible value for each of the associated data items?

IS each data item directly dependent on the whole key?


Merge relations which have the same keys

Look for synonyms e.g.. Clients, customers being different names for the same relation

Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

It is useful to transform the conceptual data model into a set of normalized relations


Identify entities from ER Model and create a relation for each entity

Include only the atomic components of the composite attributes– E.g. Name may comprise of First name, Middle name and Last name. In the

tables include the elements First name, Middle name and Last name instead of the composite attribute Name

From among the candidate keys choose a primary key that uniquely identifies the entity type

Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

Represent Entities

Each regular entity is transformed into a relation

The identifier of the entity type becomes the primary key of the corresponding relation

The primary key must satisfy the following two conditionsa. The value of the key must uniquely identify every row in the relationb. The key should be non-redundant

Physical File and Database Design

The following information is required

Normalized relations, including volume estimates

Definitions of each attribute

Descriptions of where and when data are used, entered, retrieved, deleted and updated (including frequencies)

Expectations or requirements for response time and data integrity

Descriptions of the technologies used for implementing the files and database

Designing Fields

Field The smallest unit of named application data recognized by system software

Each attribute from each relation will be represented as one or more fields

Choosing data types Data Type

– A coding scheme recognized by system software for representing organizational data

Four objectives– Minimize storage space– Represent all possible values of the field– Improve data integrity of the field– Support all data manipulations desired on the field

Calculated fields– A field that can be derived from other database fields

Methods of Controlling Data Integrity

Default Value

A value a field will assume unless an explicit value is entered for that field

Range Control

Limits range of values which can be entered into field

Referential Integrity

An integrity constraint specifying that the value (or existence) of an attribute in one relation depends on the value (or existence) of the same attribute in another relation

Null Value

A special field value, distinct from 0, blank, or any other value, that indicates that the value for the field is missing or otherwise unknown

Designing Physical Tables

Relational database is a set of related tables

Physical Table

A named set of rows and columns that specifies the fields in each row of the table

Design Goals

Efficient use of secondary storage (disk space)– Disks are divided into units that can be read in one machine operation– Space is used most efficiently when the physical length of a table row

divides close to evenly with storage unit

Efficient data processing– Data are most efficiently processed when stored next to each other in

secondary memory


The process of splitting or combining normalized relations into physical tables based on affinity of use of rows and fields

Designing Physical Tables

Arranging Table Rows

Physical File– A named set of table rows stored in a contiguous section of

secondary memory

Each table may be a physical file or whole database may be one file, depending on database management software utilized

File Organization

A technique for physically arranging the records of a file

Objectives for choosing file organization1. Fast data retrieval2. High throughput for processing transactions3. Efficient use of storage space4. Protection from failures or data loss5. Minimizing need for reorganization6. Accommodating growth7. Security from unauthorized use

Designing Physical Tables

Types of File Organization

Sequential– The rows in the file are stored in sequence according to a primary

key value– Updating and adding records may require rewriting the file– Deleting records results in wasted space

Indexed – The rows are stored either sequentially or non-sequentially and an

index is created that allows software to locate individual rows– Index

- A table used to determine the location of rows in a file that satisfy some condition

– Secondary Index- Index based upon a combination of fields for which more than one

row may have same combination of values

System Design - Objectives

• System Design Definition

• Aims of system Design

• Categories of Design Methodologies

• Features of a good design

• Design Constraints

• Activities in the System Design

System Design - Definition

The iterative process of taking a logical model of a system together with a strongly stated set of objectives for that system and producing specification of a physical system that will meet those objectives.

The requirements analysis and specifications describes ‘what’ the system is required to do and the Design describe ‘how’ it will do that.

Aims of System Design

Design input and output

Design user-computer interface

Design data structures

Design processes

Make decisions about hardware and software

Categories of Design Methodology

Top down functional design

Designed from functional view-point

Define high level view and refine it iteratively

Object oriented design

View system as a collection of objects with messages passed between them

Each object has a set of associated operations

Data Driven design

Design is derived from an analysis of the data flows and data entities

Desirable features of ‘good’ quality design


Satisfies user requirements


Efficient performance in terms of response time and throughput


Able to accommodate growth, diversity and change in organization


Hardware and software independent as far as possible


Easy to learn and operate

Design constraints


Time (Delivery Schedule)

Integration with other systems



Activities in System Design

Input-Output Design

Methods of data capture and reporting

Screens and reports similar to the existing documents / forms / reports

Specify format and layout

Dialog design

User Interface design

Consider user interaction, possible errors, help, prompts, screen content and layout

Data Design

Design of files and databases

Access requirements, file organization

Process Design

Structure chart– Program flowchart / pseudocodes

System Controls

Data integrity, recovery, data backup etc.

Activities in System Design

Technical considerations

Hardware and software to be used

Design documentation

Design Verification and validation




Operational feasibility


Input-output Design

Dialog Design

Data Design

Process Design

Input Document and Report Layouts

Menu Trees, Screen layouts

File/ database table structures

Structure charts and action diagrams, flowcharts

Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy

Two basic steps

1. Generate a comprehensive set of alternative design strategies

2. Select the one design strategy that is most likely to result in the desired information system


Divide requirements into different sets of capabilities

Enumerate different potential implementation environments that could be used to deliver the different sets of capabilities

Propose different ways to source or acquire the various sets of capabilities for the different implementation environments

Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy


1. At least three substantially different system design strategies for building the replacement information system

2. A design strategy judged most likely to lead to the most desirable information system

3. A Baseline Project Plan (BPP) for turning the most likely design strategy into a working information system

Issues to Consider in Generating Alternatives

Sources of Software

Hardware manufacturers

Packaged software producers

Custom software producers

Enterprise solution software

Application Service Providers

In-house development

Hardware and Software Issues

Existing Platform

1. Lower costs

2. Information system staff is familiar with operation and maintenance

3. Increased odds of successfully integrating system with existing applications

4. No added costs of converting old systems to new platform or transferring data

New Hardware and System Software

1. Some software components will only run on new platform

2. Developing system for new platform gives organization opportunity to upgrade technology holdings

3. New requirements may allow organization to radically change its computing operations

Designing Forms & reports (I/O Design)

• Explain the process of designing forms and reports and the deliverables for their creation

• Discuss general guidelines for formatting forms and reports

• Use color and know when color improves the usability of information

• Learn how to effectively format text, tables and lists

• Explain how to assess usability

Designing Forms and Reports

System inputs and outputs are produced at the end of the analysis phase

Precise appearance was not defined during this phase

Forms and reports are integrally related to DFD and E-R diagrams


Form– A business document that contains some predefined data and may

include some areas where additional data are to be filled in– An instance of a form is typically based on one database record

Report– A business document that contains only predefined data– A passive document for reading or viewing data– Typically contains data from many database records or transactions

The Process of Designing Forms and Reports

User-focused activity

Follows a prototyping approach

Requirements determination

Who will use the form or report?

What is the purpose of the form or report?

When is the report needed or used?

Where does the form or report need to be delivered and used?

How many people need to use or view the form or report?

The Process of Designing Forms and Reports


Initial prototype is designed from requirements

Users review prototype design and either accept the design or request changes

If changes are requested, the construction-evaluation-refinement cycle is repeated until the design is accepted

Deliverables and Outcome

Design specifications are major deliverable and contain three sections

1. Narrative overview

2. Sample design

3. Testing and usability assessment

General Formatting Guidelines for Forms and Reports


Use sparingly to draw user to or away from certain information

Blinking and audible tones should only be used to highlight critical information requiring user’s immediate attention

Methods should be consistently selected and used based upon level of importance of emphasized information

Benefits from Using Color

Soothes or strikes the eye

Accents an uninteresting display

Facilitates subtle discriminations in complex displays

Emphasizes the logical organization of information

Draws attention to warnings

Evokes more emotional reactions

Problems from Using Color

Color pairings may wash out or cause problems for some users

Resolution may degrade with different displays

Color fidelity may degrade on different displays

Printing or conversion to other media may not easily translate

General Formatting Guidelines for Forms and Reports

Displaying Text

Display text in mixed upper and lower case and use conventional punctuation

Use double spacing if space permits. If not, place a blank line between paragraphs

Left-justify text and leave a ragged right margin

Do not hyphenate words between lines

Use abbreviations and acronyms only when they are widely understood by users and are significantly shorter than the full text

Designing tables and lists

Labels– All columns and rows should have meaningful labels– Labels should be separated from other information by using highlighting– Re-display labels when the data extend beyond a single screen or page

General Formatting Guidelines for Forms and Reports

Designing tables and lists (continued)

Formatting columns, rows and text– Sort in a meaningful order– Place a blank line between every five rows in long columns– Similar information displayed in multiple columns should be sorted

vertically– Columns should have at least two spaces between them– Allow white space on printed reports for user to write notes– Use a single typeface, except for emphasis– Use same family of typefaces within and across displays and reports– Avoid overly fancy fonts

General Formatting Guidelines for Forms and Reports

Designing tables and lists (continued)

Formatting numeric, textual and alphanumeric data– Right-justify numeric data and align columns by decimal points or other

delimiter– Left-justify textual data. Use short line length, usually 30 to 40 characters per

line– Break long sequences of alphanumeric data into small groups of three to four

characters each

Paper versus Electronic Reports

Printer used for producing paper report needs to be considered in design

Use a prototyping process similar to designing a form

Assessing Usability

Overall evaluation of how a system performs in supporting a particular user for a particular task

Three characteristics

1. Speed

2. Accuracy

3. Satisfaction

Assessing Usability

Success Factors

Consistency– Design elements all appear in the same place on all forms and reports

Context– Users– Tasks– Environment

Assessing Usability

Measures of Usability

Considerations– Time to learn– Speed of performance– Rate of errors– Retention over time– Subjective satisfaction

Collection methods– Observation– Interviews– Keystroke capturing– Questionnaires

Thank You