structure of the gupta polity

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Structure of the Gupta Polity/Administration SetupThe Gupta Administration was based on the benevolent government and the earlier system of government which existed with some modifications. The major difference in the administration of the Mauryans and Guptas was that there was less centralization in the Gupta Polity as compared to the Mauryan Empire. Monarchy was the general norm in that period. There was existence of some republican states such as Yandhyas in South East Punjab, Malwas in Rajasthan, Kunindas in Kalinga. The ruler was the head of the administration structure. He believed in the concept of devine power. Due to which the ruler had several titles such as Paramdevka or Parmeshwara. The ruler was required to respect his elders, cultivate the art of rightnessness and and the art of governance. The carry these duties efficiently, the ruler had different heads viz political, judicial, administration, military organization. The rulers were themselves the commander in chief of the army. For eg, Samudra Gupta, Chandra Gupta II, Skandaibla. The ruler was required to appoint important officials and governors of the provinces. The governors worked under the rulers and a central secretariat worked under the governor. The governor was required to give titles and honour the officials. He was supposed to work for the welfare of the people. His main work included remittance of taxes, construction of dams, etc. He use to undertake various tours which helped him maintain a bond and improved his relation with the people. Generally, the rulers themselves nominated their successors. The eldest son was nominated known as the Yuvraj. He had his own rule and could delegate powers to local

bodies and had a council of ministers to help him. The council of ministers assisted the rulers and advised him on various issues and matters. The composition of the council of ministers was as :

1. Rajmatya his main duty was to advise the ruler on various matters and issues. 2. Sachiva he was the chief minister 3. Kanchuk the main chamberlain, who was a link between the people and the ruler. 4. Mahasenapati was the in charge of the army 5. Sandhivigrahika he was the minister of war and peace. He was supposed to take decisions regarding peace treaties and war related decision were taken by him. 6. Mahadandanayaka He was the minister of the judicial affairs. The Yuvraj was the prince and he advised the ruler regarding the appointment of provincial governor. The council of ministers was assisted by a civil secretariat. It comprised of different officials, which were expected to be experts in their fields. Secracy was maintained in the functioning of a civil secretariat. One person could hold more than one post. For eg. Hariseva who was the the minister of war as well as judiciary. 1. Mahapratihara chief usher of the palace 2. Vanausura looked after the conduct of visitors to the ruler 3. Sthapati Samrat looked after the affairs of the royal household 4. Tikina was the guardian of roads 5. Ajnamsamacharika was responsible of carrying messages to the ruler 6. Pratinartak the chief chronicler like recording of the proceedings, etc