structural labs experiment no. 3

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  • 7/31/2019 Structural Labs Experiment No. 3



    4rd Year Civil Engineering

    Structures LaboratoryExperiment no. 3 Vibrating Beam

    Group 23

    Paul Sweeney

    Colm Tarmey

    Philip Walsh

    Fergus Waters

    Oisn Callery*

    Enda Dunne**Additional Members


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    yr Structures lab Group no.23

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    The vibration of a structure is the mechanical oscillations or varying displacements that

    occur due to the application of dynamic loads. The degree of vibration depends on the mass

    along with the elastic and stiffness properties of the material. There are two types of

    vibrations, free vibration and forced vibration. Free vibration is when an initial input sets off

    vibration in a material. The material is allowed to vibrate freely and will vibrate at one or

    more of its natural frequencies until the energy dissipates and the deflections damp down

    to zero. Forced vibration is when an alternating force or motion is applied to a material or

    structure. The oscillations that occur in a structure may be random or periodic depending

    on the type and nature of loading. An example of dynamic loads is wind loading and wave

    loading. Wind loading can occur randomly where the peak loads, valley loads and their

    sequence is a random process, while wave loading may follow a periodic pattern where the

    peak loads are repeated at regular intervals. Other dynamic loads include traffic,

    earthquakes and blasts or explosions. Dynamic loads can cause many problems in structures

    and structural design. One example is cyclic loading or repeated loading, this can cause

    fatigue failure in structures where the periodically repeated stresses induced in the

    structure cause failure at stress levels alot lower than the ultimate strength of the material.

    Another problem caused by dynamic loading is the phenomenon of resonance and natural

    frequency. Resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with larger amplitude at some

    frequencies than at others, the frequencies at which resonance occurs are known as natural

    frequencies. Resonance in a structure can result in large deformations, violent swaying

    motions and even catastrophic failure in improperly constructed structures. Therefore in

    structural design a great understanding of natural frequency and resonance is required and

    structures must be designed to eliminate or if not possible reduce the effect of resonance

    by having the natural frequencies of the material not coincide with the frequencies of the

    loading. Another important effect in structures subjected to dynamic loading is damping,

    damping is the ability of the material to dissipate or respond to the energy induced in the

    material by the dynamic load or impact. It involves the reduction of the amplitude of

    mechanical oscillations or displacements of the material due to friction and other

    resistances. Damping also plays an important role in structural design. It can determine the

    suitability of a material for certain loading conditions.

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    An example of this would be in extreme loading situation such as an earthquake, for a

    structure to withstand an earthquake the material used must be capable of quickly

    dissipating the large amounts of energy and reducing the deflections occurring in the


    In the experiment three aspects of beam vibration will be observed including:

    (a) Damping(b)Natural Frequency(c) Amplitude and Phase

    The remainder of the report will discuss the experimental apparatus, theory and procedures

    carried out for the three above parts. The results and data from each experiment will also

    be presented in tabular and graphical form, the data collected will also be discussed and

    compared to any theoretical values, also any errors or deviations in data will also be

    highlighted and examined. Following the results an overall conclusion of the experimental

    and report work will be evaluated, the learning outcomes and importance of the experiment

    in practical applications will be identified and discussed.

    Experimental Apparatus

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    The experimental apparatus consists of a simply supported beam and a variable speed

    motor which is connected to the beam at mid-span. The motor exerts a time varied or cyclic

    force on the beam which causes it to vibrate. The rotational speed of the motor can be

    adjusted by a controller and hence the speed or rate of loading and the frequency of thebeams vibration is also adjusted. The motor includes a rotating disk which contains a

    circular hole which is positioned on a stationary base that is graduated in 10 degree

    increments. As the motor runs and the circular hole rotates, a stroboscope is used to find

    the frequency and phase angle of vibration. The stroboscope is adjusted until the circular

    hole appears stationary, the phase angle is read from where the hole appears on the

    graduated base and the determined from the reading on the digital stroboscope. The

    amount of deflection and amplitude of vibration in the beam is measure by a micrometer.

    The micrometer and underside of the beam are both connected to a strobe light. The

    micrometer is adjusted until it meets the underside of the beam, at the point of contact the

    circuit of the strobe light is complete and the strobe light flickers in unison with the

    vibration of the beam. At this point the reading on the micrometer is the measurement of

    displacement of the beam from its equilibrium position. The beam is also connected to an

    oscilloscope, which graphs the motion of vibration or frequency.

    (A) Air Damping

    The idea of damping is to prevent serious damage or possible collapse of a solid material

    due to vibrations. Damping is the gradual dissipation of energy due to vibrations and as a

    result reduces the rate of vibration.

    In our experiment we applied this knowledge on a vibrating beam, this concept can also be

    applied to a standing structure. An impulse force is applied to a beam causing it to oscillate.

    The amount of vibration is proportional to the magnitude of the force applied. The damping

    effect reduces the amplitude of oscillations or vibrations and eventually brings the beam to

    back to its original equilibrium position.

    If the damping effect had not been present the beam would continue to vibrate. If the beam

    oscillates at the right amplitude it will cause resonance which will could cause the beam to

    fail due to violent vibrations throughout the beam. Sufficient damping prevents this

    scenario from occurring.

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    Experimental Procedure

    The level of structural damping is determined by the value of (expressed as a percentage).

    The equation for is shown below.

    n = the number cycles between two points chosen on the graph.

    X0 = the amplitude at the first chosen point.

    Xn = the amplitude at the second chosen point.

    There are three categories of damping:

    Underdamped: < 1, then the amplitude will decrease slowly to zero after theexternal force has been removed.

    Critically damped: = 1, the system returns to equilibrium as soon as any vibrationoccurs.

    Overdamped: > 1, No vibration will occur in the structure as the damping is verystrong.

    Apparatus and Experimental Method:

    1) The oscilloscope is connected to the strain gauge on the beam and then adjusted.2) Gauge factor is set on the data acquisition system.3) The data acquisition system RUNS4) An impulse load is applied once to the beam causing a vibration of the beam.5)

    Transient deflections for the beam were displayed on the oscilloscope and recordedby a connected computer.

    6) The oscilloscope and data acquisition system were removed from the apparatus.7) Using the printout of transient deflections for the system we can calculate .

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    Our values Xo and Xn are taken from the transient deflection graph generated. The value for

    n is the cycles between these peaks.

    n = 17 no. of cycles

    Xo = 670 - 555 = 115mm

    Xn = 600 555 = 45mm

    = 0.00878%

    The above table shows the reading and calculation shown damping value for the beam is

    0.00878% of critical damping. This suggests that vibrations due to impact loads will dissipate

    slowly as was observed in the lab.

    0.00878% < 1 therefore it is underdamped and the amplitude will decrease slowly to zero

    after the external force has been removed.


    The value for obtained was 0.00878 % which is less than one. This indicates that the air

    damping in this system causes damping which is less than critical. From observing the

    experiment we noticed the beam vibrations gradually decreased towards equilibrium. This

    corresponds with graphical results from the oscilloscope as amplitude decreases over the

    graph cycles.

    Sources of Error for air damping experiment

    Measuring off the graph is the main source of error, the quality of the photocopy made it

    difficult to judge the measurements. Also if we were to use different values it is very

    possible that we generate a different value for .

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    Air Damping Oscilloscope Graph

    (B) Natural Frequency

    The natural frequency is the free oscillation of a material or structure subjected to an

    impulse force or load. If a repetitive external load was applied at this frequency the

    amplitude of oscillation or vibration would dramatically increase. This behaviour is known as

    resonance and has a very important impact in structural design. The natural frequency of a

    structure is determined by the stiffness and mass of the material used and all materials

    contain more than one natural frequency.

    In this experiment the natural frequency of a simply supported beam will be determined by

    applying cycle loads on the beam, the frequency of the loading is controlled and can be

    adjusted. By adjusting the frequency until resonance is observed the natural frequency of

    the beam can be determined.

    The results obtained from the experiment will be compared to the theoretical values

    calculated from Rayleighs formula and Dunkerleys formula.

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    Experimental Procedure

    The experimentally calculated natural frequency is compared to the theoretically calculated

    results. To calculate the theoretical natural frequency a number of parameters have to be

    measured to solve Rayleighs formula and Dunkerleys formula.

    Rayleighs Formula:

    g = acceleration due to gravity ; yi = deflection ; wi = weight

    For the Rayleighs formula the weight of the beam is divided into i components and

    dispersed throughout the beam, the ith

    deflection corresponding to ith

    weight is calculated

    and the above formula is solved to find the natural frequency.

    Dunkerleys Formula:

    E = Youngs Modulus ; I = Moment of Inertia ; L = Beam Length

    m1 = Mass of and Damping Assembly ; m2 = Mass of Beam

    The above parameters of the beam are measured and substituted into the equation to solve

    for angular velocity squared (2). By getting the square root of this and dividing by 2 the

    natural frequency is obtained.

    Moment of Inertia for a rectangle: Apparatus and Experimental Method

    (1)The apparatus was prepared with the variable speed motor on the simply supportedbeam secured and connect to controller.

    (2)The length of beam was measured with the depth and thickness measured at threelocations along the beam and the average of each was determined.

    (3)The motor was switched on and rotation speed was adjusted until resonance wasobserved, large deflections in the beam occur when the natural frequency of the

    beam is reached.

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    (4)The motor rotational speed was noted at the point of largest deflections and thenatural frequency of the beam was calculated by dividing the rotational speed (Revs

    per minute) by 60 seconds to give the natural frequency of the beam in Hertz.



    Beam Sizes (mm) Average

    b 25.3 25.36 25.28 25.28

    d 12.62 12.59 12.59 12.6

    L ~ ~ ~ 814

    Density of Steel = 7830 Kg/m3

    Mass of Motor and Damping Assembly, m1 = 4.55 Kg

    Mass of Mass of Beam, m2 = Density x Volume = 0.02528 x 0.0126 x 0.814 x 7830 = 2.03 Kg

    Youngs Modulus of Steel, E =200 GPa

    Moment of Inertia for a rectangle, I =

    = 4.214x10-9


    Rayleighs Formula Parameters (obtained from CADS)

    W1 = m2g/3 = 6.67N W2 = m2g/3 + m1g = 51.31N W3 = m2g/3 = 6.67N

    Y1 = 0.55mm Y2 = 0.79mm Y3 = 0.55mm

    Experimentally obtained Natural Frequency fn = 18.8 Hz

    Natural Frequency from Dunkerleys Formula = 116.2 rads/sec fn = 18.5 Hz

    Natural Frequency from Rayleighs Formula fn = 17.5 Hz


    Dunkerleys formula approximation of the natural frequency of the beam is very close to the

    experimentally obtained value. There is a difference of 0.3Hz between the two values while

    there is larger difference of 1.3Hz between the experimental value and the value gained

    from Rayleighs formula. In a large scale structural application these differences would be

    considered very small and from a design point of view either of the values calculated would

    be more than expectable since such structures are exposed to a wide spectrum of major and

    minor loading conditions.

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    Sources of Error for Natural Frequency Experiment

    Errors in the experiment include possible errors in the measurements of the beams

    dimensions. Measurements can easily be misread from the micrometer also only three

    measurements were taken for the depth and width to calculate the beams size. If more

    measurements were taken a better representation of the beam could have been achieved.

    Determining the exact moment of the resonance in the beam can be difficult, the precise

    moment of maximum deflections in the beam may not have been accomplished which

    would affect the end results. Misuse of the stroboscope and lack of accuracy by the user can

    also result in a variation of natural frequencies calculated for the beam.

    (C) Amplitude and Phase Angle

    Amplitude is the magnitude of oscillation or the measurement of displacement due to

    vibration of a structure from its equilibrium position. As mentioned earlier if resonance

    occurs within the structure the amplitude of vibration significantly increases. The scale of

    amplitude is determined by the energy input into the system and the natural frequency of

    the structure. This is another important factor in structural design as large deflects and

    excessive swaying may be impractical and may also lead to the collapse of the structure.

    The phase angle is the fraction of a wave cycle which has elapsed relative to an arbitrary

    point, it is used to describe the motion of the vibration or wave.

    In this experiment the amplitude and phase angle are determined at different frequencies

    of vibration. The rotational speed of the varied speed motor is adjusted until relatively large

    deflections in the beam are observed, the amount of displacement is measured and the

    phase angle of the wave is determined for the different vibrations.

    Experimental procedure

    The experiment is performed on the apparatus that was used in the previous experiments. A

    handheld stroboscope is used to calculate the phase angle and the frequency. The damped

    lateral vibrations of the beam are examined when the beam reaches resonance and we

    observe the following characteristics of the vibrating beam:

    frequency phase angle gauge reading

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    The phase angle is observed by focusing the stroboscope on the graduated motor disc while

    the beam is vibrating. When the rotating hole appears still after the observer has adjusted

    the stroboscopes to the suitable frequency, the observer reads off the phase angle position

    and the stroboscope records this frequency. These are the values that we require.

    Apparatus and Experimental Method

    1. Motor controller is connected which allows the frequency of the morter to becontrolled

    2. Trigger stobe is connected and the micrometer reads the static bam deflection.3. The motor is switched on and by adjusting the micrometer the connected strobe

    flashes when the beam deflection level is reached.

    4. Contact is broken by taking away the vernier away.5. Next a handheld stroboscope is is used to determine the phase angle and frequency.6. This method is repeated for eight values of varied frequency.

    Our values for the frequency are divided by sixty so that they will be calculated in

    Hertz (cycles per second).


    Here is a table showing all the calculations from our experiment. These are the values for

    which we based our graphs from.



    Reading Amplitude Phase



    0.00 3.34 0.00 0 0

    5.28 3.37 0.03 135 0.28

    8.64 3.39 0.05 180 0.46

    12.53 3.41 0.07 0 0.67

    16.75 3.56 0.22 0 1.01

    18.90 6.71 3.37 10 1.16

    21.80 3.59 0.25 45 1.16

    23.37 3.53 0.19 100 1.2425.05 3.53 0.19 90 1.33

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    The phase angle increases to 180 degrees and then decreases toward which shows a natural

    cycle. The graph of amplitude Vs frequency ratio shows a sudden jump in amplitude as

    the frequency of vibration coincides with the natural frequency of the beam. This large

    increase in amplitude reassures that the value for natural frequency determined in part B of

    the experiment is correct. This knowledge is of knowing the frequency at which resonance

    occurs is invaluable in the design of a building, as it can dictate how many storeys high a

    building can be or how long a bridge should be in certain regions. For example in regions

    where earthquakes occur, the frequency of the earthquake will cause more damage to

    buildings at heights that satisfy the natural frequency of the earthquake. A building ten

    storeys high may suffer serious damage compared to buildings that are five storeys or more

    than twenty storeys high.











    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4


    Frequency Ratio

    Phase angle Vs Frequency Ratio










    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4


    Frequency Ratio

    Amplitude Vs Frequency Ratio

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    Sources of error

    The frequency and phase angle of the beam had to be judged by human observation and

    judgement which leaves a chance of error occurring.