stretches out palo, leyte -...

DTC’S PANGARAP NA PASKO STRETCHES OUT PALO, LEYTE Tacuranga kids raising their giſts By Gazelle Felizardo An annual event of Dynamic Teen Compa- ny, Pangarap na Pasko (PNP) had touched- down 2 Kariton Klasrum Klinik and Kantin (K4) sites of Palo, Leyte: Pawing ang Tacuranga, where 90 active and good deeders of the outreach program were given gifts. The Pawing site had held their PNP on December 13 at Pawing Elementary School and given away 41 gifts. The highlight of the event was the Letter Reading of the thank you notes of the K4 kids for the volunteers. Mr. JJ Chan, a young entre- preneur, who had been inspired by the purpose of the K4, sponsored the food for both kids and volunteers of the site. The following day, December 14, Tacuranga site conducted their PNP at the site’s multipurpose hall and catered 49 kids. The food of the kids was prepared by a number of parent-volunteers. Out of these K4 kids, one female highly stood out as she sang “Thank You, Thank You, ang Babait Ninyo.” The program was ended by collec- tive voices at the hall as the kids sang togeth- er with grateful smiles. Indeed, the success of this program was measured on the marked gratitude of the kids which made heard on the lyrics of their song: “…kaya ngayong pasko, ang blessings ko’y kayo…thank you, thank you ang babait ninyo.” K4 kid performing to give thanks.

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DTC’s PangaraP na Pasko sTreTChes ouT Palo, leyTe

Tacuranga kids raising their gifts

By Gazelle Felizardo

An annual event of Dynamic Teen Compa-ny, Pangarap na Pasko (PNP) had touched-down 2 Kariton Klasrum Klinik and Kantin (K4) sites of Palo, Leyte: Pawing ang Tacuranga, where 90 active and good deeders of the outreach program were given gifts.

The Pawing site had held their PNP on December 13 at Pawing Elementary School and given away 41 gifts. The highlight of the event was the Letter Reading of the thank you notes of the K4 kids

for the volunteers. Mr. JJ Chan, a young entre-preneur, who had been inspired by the purpose of the K4, sponsored the food for both kids and volunteers of the site.

The following day, December 14, Tacuranga site conducted their PNP at the site’s multipurpose hall and catered 49 kids. The food of the kids was prepared by a number of parent-volunteers. Out of these K4 kids, one female highly stood out as she sang “Thank You, Thank You, ang Babait Ninyo.” The program

was ended by collec-tive voices at the hall as the kids sang togeth-er with grateful smiles.

Indeed, the success of this program was measured on the marked gratitude of the kids

which made heard on the lyrics of their song: “…kaya ngayong pasko, ang blessings ko’y kayo…thank you, thank you ang babait ninyo.”

K4 kid performing to give thanks.

The Club8586’s Humanitarian Pillar Christmas Treat Celebrationby Jhon Bryan Penaflorida

Club 8586’s Humani-tarian Pillar held its Quarterly Treat for Volunteers (QTV) last December 26, 2014 at Redbuil, Miranda St., Cavite City.

The Humanitarian

Pillar of Club 8586 is composed of Champion-ing Community Children (C3), Dynamic Teen Company (DTC) and MY Rights. Last December 26, 2014 the humanitarian pillar held its QTV which

also served as its Christ-mas Treat for its valued volunteers and members.

In this event like every year the top volunteers from the Pillar is recognized.

Top 12 volunteers were recognized and were given the opportuni-ty to pick a gift for their liking. Also in this event the winner for the video making contest from the Mentoring Class was announced.

The event ended with delicious food and most importantly a challenge for every member and volunteer to continue advocating and volunteer-ing in their respective organizations in the Humanitarian Pillar.

DTC Partners with CPKby Bricq Tabangcura

November 6, 2014 --- Dynamic Teen Company was invited by California Pizza Kitchen to be their guest in their culminat-ing activity. Represent-atives were escorted by Mr. Ronald “Jam” Olaes, the Senior Operations Director of Pan-Asian Restaurant Concepts, Inc., in Makati for CPK’s First International Franchise Summit where volunteers from DTC were given praises and thanks for their heroism in giving their time and effort in educating the less-fortunate kids. There they unveiled the pushcarts that CPK donated to the organ-ization to further help

in complying with the needs of the kids who do not have the oppor-tunities which others are so lucky to obtain.

CPK is charitable enough to also provide DTC with the shelves that will be used at Akademya Amadeus and sponsors our PNP (Pangarap Na Pasko) with their scrumptious food for 5 years. Students will surely be inspired

to persuade in their studies knowing that they are well-supported by organizations such as CPK. Their generosity doesn’t just stop there. Out of the goodness of their hearts, GJ and Heather Hart doubled the funds that they will donate to DTC for the reason that they wanted to help more in any way they can. Everyone was stirred and inspired of what the volunteers

were doing that some of the participants even shed some tears. The program ended with an AVP of the participants’ team building activ-ity. Smiles poured as everyone joined togeth-er at the CPK’s restau-rant for a quick bite.

Each person left with a smile in their face and a touch of inspiration and motivation in their heart.

CPK family together with the volunteers.

Maaga Ang Pasko, Maaga ang saya.By: Bricq Tabangcura

Every year, DTC gives a year-end event for the students ca-tered by the organiza-tion called Pangarap Na Pasko (PNP) to give the students their well-de-served gifts from the sponsors for their enjoy-ment. This year, DTC was joined with Jollibee for an event called “Maa-ga Ang Pasko” prepared with immense arrange-ments and set ups for the success of the affair.

On the day of the function, December 3,

2014, Montano Hall was awakened by the sound of music, the laughter of the kids, and of course the cheerful jingle of our sponsor. All the kids that the org catered were filled with excitement and enthusiasm for this was the day that they were waiting for. The top 10 kids were given prais-es for their outstanding performances inside and outside of school.

Special numbers were performed during

the program. A dance number from DOSE and a song number form LEAP. A dance number was also given by the sponsor with their su-perstar: none other than Jollibee himself. De-light filled the room as the children cheered for their beloved star. No-body left empty-hand-ed, for they were given bags filled with toys and of course a Jollibee snack on hand. After the event were the photo ops where everyone was given a chance to take

a photo with Jollibee.

Joy was spread around the volunteers present at the func-tion as they continue to get through event after event successful-ly. DTC is not here to do things better, but is here to do things dif-ferently. And the smiles on the children’s faces are proof enough that we are hitting the goals that we are aiming for.

To our big-heart-ed sponsor for this year’s Maaga Ang Pasko, we thank you for helping us bring smiles to the children.

Fleet Marine Ready Force Inspires the Youth of KOHS

by Raphael Camposagrado

Nov. 4, 2014CAVITE CITY,

C AV I T E — S t u d e n t s of the Kariton Open High School (KOHS) were greeted by the uniformed men of Fleet Marine Ready Force (FMRF), Phil-ippine Navy headed by Commodore Jorge F. Amba. The commo-dore and his staff were warmly welcomed into the KOHS class as they turned over books and fund donations to Head Master Efren G. Peña-

florida, Jr. as part of FMRF’s civilian oper-ations. Food was also d i s t r i b u t -ed to the c h i l d r e n .

Students were also given the u n i q u e o p p o r t u -nity to ask q u e s t i o n s directed at the naval officers. In turn, the officers gener-

ously responded with personal stories of their struggles and successes through the course of working in the Navy. The open forum left themes of perseverance and commitment that may very well serve to inspire these students to work hard and aim high

for their own future.Apart from this event,

the Philippine Navy is notably a regular participant of the Kari-ton Revolution, one of Dynamic Teen Compa-ny’s regular events.

KOHS Head Master Efren G. Peñaflorida, Jr. (leftmost) receiving donations from Commodore Amba (center)

Staff Students of D.O.S.E. pose with the faculty and Fleet Marine Ready Force Staff

DTC elects officers to fortify their Palo and Pawing Operationby Erwin Bagual

Dynamic Teen Company reinforces their operations at Palo and Pawing, Leyte by electing officers to take charge of the op-eration on September 24 and October 2014, respectively.

Pawing Of-ficers(name, grade level, school and age): Presi-dent: Mark Noya, Grade 9, Palo National High

School, 19; VP for Mem-bers’ Affairs: Lory Mae B. Bustamante, Grade 9, Palo National High School, 14; VP for Out-reach: Norleen Ensina, Grade 8, Palo National High School, 14; Secre-tary: Rosalinda Ramos, Grade 8, Palo National High School, 14; Treas-urer: Kristine Pearl Awa-ao, Grade 8, Palo Na-tional High School, 14.

Volunteers at Pawing Operation are students of Palo National High School, Pawing, Palo- Annex. The beneficiaries are from Pawing Elemen-tary School. Same with Tacuranga site, Kariton Klasrum at Pawing site also operates as L.E.A.P. Currently, Pawing oper-ation has 30 active vol-unteers involved in the outreach program every Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00pm-onwards. The site has average attend-ees of 35 students per outreach. The barangay supports DTC’s Kari-ton Klasrum at the site.

Brgy. Tacuranga Site: ton Klasrum at Tacuran-ga operates as L.E.A.P. (Learner’s Educational Aid Program) in which elementary students are being reviewed and the youths in the said bunk-house serve as the volun-teers of the DTC while some of the parents also take part by preparing food for the students. Cur-rently, Tacuranga Bunk-house Site has 15 active volunteers involved in the outreach pro-gram every Saturday at 2:30pm-4:00pm. The site has average attendees of 50 students per outreach.

The newly elect-ed officers at Barangay Tacuranga Bunkhouse Site at Palo, Leyte are as follows (name, grade level, school and age): President: Mary Grace N. Torre, 1st Year Col-lege, LNU, 16; VP for Outreach: Mary Ann C. Tapales, Grade 8, Palo National High School, 14; VP for Members Af-fairs: Kristel Ann C. Gut-ierrez, Grade 7, Palo Na-tional High School, 13; Secretary: Veronica T. Coritana, Grade 7, Palo National High School, 15; Treasurer: Ronalyn Anong, Grade 8, Palo Na-tional High School, 15.

Tacuranga Bunkhouse is located at Palo, Leyte. The bunkhouse serves as temporary shelter pro-vided by the government for the victims of the Su-per Typhoon Haiyan at three barangays in Palo, Leyte namely Brgy. Sal-vacion, Brgy. Cogon and Brgy. Tacuranga. Kari-

The TACURANGA Officers (Pres. to Treasurer, left-right)

Pawing Site:

Formerly, in order to conduct Kariton classes, the volunteers ask per-mission from authorities to use vacant rooms to serve as classrooms but because of the efforts of the officers, rooms which were once borrowed is now under the admin-istration of the Kariton Klasrum Team at the site.

The PAWING Officers (Pres. to Treasurer, left-right)

Fruit Bearing Karitonsby Julius Reyes

To boost a strong, dynamic, and fruitful nationwide implemen-tation of Kariton Klas-rum, the Department of Education Central Office in collaboration with the Dynamic Teen Company held its Pro-ject Implementation Review On the Educa-tion of Street Children or simply the Kariton Klasrum implementa-tion progress update at Bayden Powell Inter-national, Los Banos, Laguna. November 5-7.

Recently at Tagatay Interational Conven-tion Center, also the Department of Educa-tion Central Office held its Training of Trainors in preparation for Kar-iton Klasrum Imple-mentation. Now, it is the time for harvesting the fruits that every site planted. On three days of evaluation, everyone shared how they crossed bridges of difficulties and became successful on their Kariton roll-outs. Different stories from different plac-

es were told as well as their concerns on push-ing changes with the use of the Karitons.

On this day, there are already five fruit-bear-ing Karitons rolling out on streets of Pasig, Ma-nila (Sta. Mesa), Que-zon City (Nova Proper), Caloocan, and Taguig. Four sites are on their batch 2 of Kariton roll-out and one site is in its first batch correspond-ingly. On the other side, there are also four sites which are on their planning and imple-mentation stage name-ly; Navotas, Pateros, Valenzuela, and Pasay.

One of the highlights of the three-day evalu-ation was the inspira-tional message of the 2009 CNN Hero Mr. Efren Penaflorida, Jr., who commended about the invaluable works of every site. The day ended with the renew-al of commitment on pushing the change and touching lives of the less fortunate.

The group with Dynamic Teen Company representative, sharing their accomplishments along the kariton roll out.

A group representative showing their Kariton roll out accomplishment.

Kariton Rollout in Brgy. Tonsuya, Malabon Cityby Raphael Camposagrado

Nov. 21, 2014—Dynamic Teen Co. had successfully partnered with Brgy. Tonsuya, Malabon City to launch another repli-cation of the Kariton Klasrum. By adopting the K4 program, The said barangay will provide the similar education, nutrition and rudimentary health care that the original Kariton Klasrum offers. This program will allow the barangay to effectively reach out to students who are primarily within the age of five to nine years old.

The program re-ceived official rec-ognition through the ribbon cutting cer-emony attended by DTC’s Efren Pena-florida, Jr. and local government heads such as Congress-woman Joesphine Veronique Lacson—Noel, Mayor An-tolin Oreta III and Brgy. Captain Poli-carpio Ombas.

DTC’s successful partnership with Brgy. Tonsuya, Malabon City.

Prevention is Better than Cureby Julius Reyes

DuPont, a science based company known for its strong core values; respect for people, safety and health, environmen-tal stewardship and ethics, held its Fund Project Turn over Ceremony at DuPont Office, Pasig City last December 10, 2014.

The said compa-ny wanted to help people particular-

ly the community of Tacloban which was recently affected by many typhoons, through educating them about safety and health. They saw Dynamic Teen Company (DTC) and Department of Educa-tion as an effective media in educating the minds of the society so they united for a goal and that is to ready each people for the inevi-table calamities. And for accurate and wide range dissemination of information, the partner

company donated a total of 715 books that can be use as source of data. Mrs. Rezcel Fajardo, DTC Presi-dent and Co-founder and Emmanuel Bagual, Mind Your Rights (M.Y Rights) CEO attended the turn over ceremony.

Prevention is better than cure, this is a cliché for all of us but we should dwell on this for us to survive every catastrophe that we will be facing in the future.Mrs. Rezcel Fajardo, President

giving her message in behalf of DTC.

Tulak Cebu part 2 (TC2), headed by Ms. Mae Batad, conduct-ed a 2-day training of trainers last November 11 and 12 at Don Bosco Technological Center (DBTC) in Punta Princesa, Cebu City. The NSTP students of DBTC, volunteers from CURE Foundation and the TC2 volunteers covered the 35 train-ees of the said event.

The success of the training last July 12 of Tulak Cebu part 1 (TC1) lead by Ms. Bridge Llorente made evident with their continuous making of a significant differ-ence as they inspired one of their volunteers, and now, the Project Head of TC2, Ms. Mae Batad to repli-cate a Kariton Klasrum

Operation in a remote area in Cebu City. Ms. Mae’s compassion to help started when the super typhoon Yolan-da hit Tacloban and an earthquake left some parts of Cebu devastat-ed. She volunteered in packing the donations for the victims of both disasters until she and her sister, Eireen Batad volunteered in TC1 and since then have been touched and inspired to push for TC2.

Trainers from the Pilot Team of Kariton Klasrum Replica-tions Unit, Jhon Bryan Peñaflorida and Gazelle Joy Felizardo discussed the K4’s Operation. The first day of the training, November 11, focused on (1) laying down expectations from both

the trainees and the trainers; (2) describes the street children and; (3) responsibilities of street educators. The training started at 9AM and ended at 4PM with a blast of realizations from the trainees on how blessed they are to have their family and live comfortable lives. The second day, November 12, centered on the information about the K4’s opera-tion which required a heavy discussion, so a game and an energiz-

er were being utilized from time-to-time. Language barriers seemed to never really become a hindrance as the trainees got active-ly involved in every activity. A mark of full commitment was then made by Ms. Mae as she agreed upon and signed on the Memoran-dum of Agreement of the K4’s Program.

On the following day, November 13, the TC2’s Kariton Klasrum rolls-out in Unit 3 Carbon Market, Barangay Ermita, Cebu City enlisting 20 unschooled street children. With the abundant support from TC1, it is no doubt that TC2 will also be able to push headed for success of reaching out and giving hope to street children. Kudos to Tulak Cebu Team!

Tulak Cebu Team: ALL INby Gaze Felizardo

Trainees posting their expec-tations with co-trainee.

Building New Hope in San Joaquinby Raphael Camposagrado

N o v . 1 0 , 2 0 1 4PALO, LEYTE –

Barangay San Joaquin is the latest addition to Dynamic Teen Company’s (DTC) efforts to provide educational aid to the victims of Typhoon Yolanda. It is located in Palo, Leyte which is among the devastated cities that bore the brunt of the record-breaking storm roughly a year ago.

In the spirit of empowering the youth, DTC members recruit-ed students from San Joaquin National High

S c h o o l (SJNHS)

in order to provide the necessary manpower to facilitate its operations in the barangay. DTC will establish a Learner’s Educational Aid Program (LEAP) in the area that will focus on teaching e l e m e n t a r y - l e v e l students. According to Sir Niño Caganap, DTC Coordinator of Leyte Operations, 17 new volunteers have commit-ted to working with LEAP. Student enrollment to the program reached 41 on November 09. The LEAP for elementary students

is set at regular two-hour Saturday sessions from 09:00-11:00 in the morning while fellow-ship for volunteers are set for Sundays between 2:00-4:00 in the afternoon. The ongoing project was initiated through the combined efforts of DTC and its sister organization Mind Your Rights (MYRights).Such a partnership was necessary in order to sufficiently cover the large barangay that is divided into seven zones. Niño emphasiz-es the pressing need for such programs in the said place detailing that there are current-ly 52 orphans in the barangay with children still traumatized by the ravages of the typhoon.

DTC has also

established operations in other Palo areas namely Barangay Pawing and Barangay Tacuranga. DTC aims to establish independent Small Groups (off-shoots of DTC) in the barangays so that they may remain independent and serve the long-term needs of its beneficiaries. MYRights currently operates in the areas to provide aid to orphans and underage laborers.

DTC and MYRights orienting volunteers of SJNHS

New volunteer signing her commitment form

On the beautiful Sunday of the 19th of October, a seminar entitled “What’s Next?: Challenge Accept-ed!” was held at Club 8586 Recreational Center for the 4thyear students of different high-schools in Cavite by Dynamic Teen Company.

It is a college prepara-tion seminar which involves topics on how the students can achieve academic excel-lence as well as social service excellence that are important aspects of being a college

The ChALLeNge ThAT MArks The BegINNINg!

by Jhon Bryan Peñaflorida

student. The speakers for the seminar were Mr. Cedrick Zapanta who talked about the academic excellence and Ms. Jenny May Bernal who spoke about social service excellence.

Mr. Cedrick Zapanta is the 2009 class valedictorian of Cavite National High School, 2014 Suma Cum Laude of the Asia Pacific College with the Bachelors in Account-ancy and is the 2014 3rd highest board passer in the last board exam for accountancy.

On the other hand, Ms. Jenny May Bernal is also an alumni of Cavite National High School and the 2007 winner of Gawad Bayaning Kabataang Filipino and is now a Public School Teacher at Novele-ta National High School.

The seminar was also followed by an indulging

activity facilitated by DTC’s Manpower Management and Development Unit (MMDU) which also includes the volun-teer sign-ups, wherein different areas of talents and skills where introduced through different activities that will showcase the potentials of the participants and future volunteers of DTC.


Tulak Karunungan Kariton ng Kapalaran (TK3) at Barangay 178 Maricaban, Pasay City took their first step on making a small yet signif-icant difference. With the help from Dynamic Teen Company, the new Kari-ton replicators held their Training of Volunteers at Red Cross Pasay Chapter last November 29, 2014.

Mr. Olimpio “Kuya Olym” Vidallo Jr., an

Replication Pilot Team, trained them on the sys-tem of Kariton Klasrum Program. The training is composed of knowing who the street children are, how is it to be a street educator, the operation of K4 Project, and its mon-itoring. The whole day training was good and very well-participated by the TK3 volunteers com-posed of mostly youth.

“Nakikita namin sa kanila na dedicated and excited sila na masimu-lan ang Kariton Klasrum Program,” thus said by Raffy Alcantara, Kar-iton Klasrum Replica-tion Unit (KKRU) head, who saw the desire and motivation of the TK3 team to touch lives of the street kids. The day ended with the signing of Memorandum of Agree-ment and setting of their launching date for “Tulak Karunungan, Kariton ng Kapalaran” which will be on December 29, 2014.

incumbent barangay kagawad and a person who is truly inspired by Kariton Klasrum, Klinik at Kantin (K4) Project headed the said training. He gathered some of his friends and youth volun-teers for a Kariton Klas-

rum Replication. Every year, Kuya Olym has annual gift-giving to the kids in their barangay and street children as well, entitled “Pamaskong Handog sa mga Bata.” This is supported by his family and his friends, he wants to level-up the help they are giving to the children through the Kar-iton Klasrum Program.

Glenz Penaflorida, Raffy Alcantara, Nel-le Lucas, and Melanie Monto, DTC’s repre-sentative for Kariton

Kariton Klasrum Cavite Underway

by Jhon Bryan Peñaflorida

The Kariton Klasrum Klinik at Kantin or K4 has finished its mapping and enrol-ment of students in two barangays in Cavite City namely Barangay

62 and Barangay 57 which was conducted by Kariton Klasrum’s Mapping team and volunteers. There are 31 students now enrolled in Kariton

Klasrum 2014-2015.

The K4 roll-out will push this coming December 6 and its first part will be the signing of the Memoran-dum of Understand-ing between Dynam-ic Teen Company’s Kariton Klasrum and its partnered barangays in the program and

will later on start its lesson proper on the coming Saturdays.

As for the Kariton Klasrum program in Cavite, operation is now on another mission of teaching its learn-ers to love learning and bring them back to mainstream education.

KOHS Celebrates Teacher’s Dayby Klarence M Baptista

T E A C H E R O [Teacher Hero]: this is what 2009 CNN Hero of the Year and Kariton Open High School (KOHS) headmaster Efren G. Peñaflorida, Jr. defined teachers last October 6, 2014 during the Teacher’s Day celebration held at RED Building, Cavite City. Barangay Chairwoman Adora Mendoza of Brgy.

13 and Barangay Chairwoman Lilibeth Tolentino of Brgy. 14, who were neighbor communities served by KOHS, graced the program mentioning that KOHS helps a lot of the kids in their community who are at risk of dropping out and being out-of-school. Also present is the CEO of Club8586, Inc. James Dean Rosal who

gave his insights and expressed his gratitude to the teachers. KOHS provides at risk of dropping-out children with free

and quality education adhering to the K to 12 curriculum thus, making the service rendered by KOHS teachers as priceless.

Awareness and Challengesby Lorie Joy Servento

M A Y - N I L A D had been organiz-ing programs from different barangays, schools and commu-nities looking for what they call “Water Warriors”. It has been to different places until it reached our place. As a proof, last October 21st of this year, DOSE kids from Grades 8 and 9 were chosen to be part of their campaign with the combination of Frisbee clinics and inter-barangay

competitions that educate about water and how people can positively contribute to the environment. The kids drove from Cavite City to Quezon City for the venue of the event. They were accompanied by their advisers, Sir Dholf and Teacher Glen.

The program start-ed at 8 in the morning and ended by 5 in the afternoon. They have discussed more about water awareness; from

conserving water up to the percentage of the water left that we can use by now. Aside from that, they also had a special guest who taught the kids a new sport --- Frisbee. They got Coach Peng, the National Coach for Frisbee. Coach Peng taught them the rules on how to play it and afterwards, he let them play with him and his team. The kids enjoyed gaining new knowledge, the water awareness and playing the frisbee.

ABS-CBN was also there for the cover-age of the program with hosts Miss Gretchen Ho and Miss Mia Gabalfin.

Furthermore, the sport taught to them was not just for fun because according to MAYNILAD, this December they will also compete with other barangays and schools that they will visit. The kids were excited and are looking forward for that event.

Ericka Regarde was a student of Dynam-ic Teen Company’s K4 program for 2 years in

Himlayan, Cavite City. She joined this program to make a change in her life and have

Persistence is the key.

by Crislyn Mondina Cachuela

advance knowledge.

Being a K4 student, Regarde feels happy. She experienced a lot of activities that was new to her and that persuad-ed her to join LEAP to gain vast learning in her academics and to further sharpen her mind. Not

only to be a sharper student but also to be of help as a volunteer so as to provide assis-tance to other children like she was once were the reasons why she became a volunteer. Ms. Ella Salonga, an English teacher, was the one who guided Ericka in her schooling when she was at K4. She taught Ericka to be disciplined. Our young one, Ericka, became kind-hearted ever since her teacher, Ms. Salonga, helped her. A lot has changed in her life including the fact that she studied more and learned how to interact well with other people. Regarde gave more attention to her studies and got a 90% GPA last year. She promises to help more children like her. Her message for all the children is that: Don’t neglect your studies and continuously work on your conduct that needs improvement.

The Passionate Writers...

Gazelle Felizardo Lorie Joy Servento Bricq Tabangcura

Raphael Camposagrado Klarence Baptista Julius Reyes John Bryan Penaflorida