stress management

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Post on 26-Feb-2016




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Stress Management . MS RUTH DANIEL SPECIALZED STRESS MANEGMENT CONSULTANT PHYSIOTHERAPIST AT INFOSYS AND WHITECROSS HEALTH BANGALORE. History. Its takes years for one gene to change in our body ----- more than one million year - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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MS RUTH DANIELSPECIALZED STRESS MANEGMENT CONSULTANT PHYSIOTHERAPIST AT INFOSYS AND WHITECROSS HEALTH BANGALORE.Stress Management History Its takes years for one gene to change in our body ----- more than one million yearPhysiologically were the same humans we were 300 year ago . But look at how things have changed in short span of time .

Todays LifeStyle Things have been made very easy and simple by the modern facilities which are readily available and has made life easier. Things like washers, transportation , abundance of food , faster connectivity, busy schedules etcStatistics shows that we make more decision in one day than people used to make in a year.No wonder were stressed out so much.

Understanding & Managing Stress EUSTRESS



EUSTRESS Eustress or positive stress occurs when your level of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into action to get things accomplished.

DISTRESS Distress or negative stress occurs when your level of stress is either too high or too low and your body and/or mind begin to respond negatively to the stressors.

Stress Result 9

Stress is caused by an existing stress; causing factor are stressorsAnxiety is stress that continues after the stressors is goneStress leads to anxietySigns and Symptoms of StressPhysical

Poor appetite or overeating Feeing tired and fatigued Various aches and pains ---headache body ache muscle pain Nausea & abdominal PainSleep problemsFalling sick very often e.g. fever cough cold diarrhea ( because of lowering of immunity due to stress

Mental Feeling low Nervousness and AnxietyExcessive Anger or Depression Being easily upsetPoor self confidence Low self esteemLack of ConcentrationPoor performance in work

Stress and PerformanceDealing more effectively with stress improves performance and the quality of life

It is like spices to life

10 ways to stay on top of stressNatural Pain and Stress Fightersendorphin happy HormoneThough everyone releases endorphins at different states in different amounts, you can still perform various activities to stimulate the release of endorphins. You may not find a better stress relieving substance than the natural release of endorphins in your system

ExerciseEat the real stuff

Crappy food & fast processed are loaded with sugar )doesn't help your chemical brain and body to handle stress . Living food , real food ,help ,support your mind and body.Healthy tipsEat plenty of fruits and vegetables of all colors.Have at least 8 to 10 glasses a day.Dont drink water in between food.Drink water half an hour before and half an hour after food.Do not skip breakfast.Have dinner 2hours before sleep.

Get it off your chest

Studies have proven that having a support system in place is one of the most beneficial ways to manage stress. There is nothing better than having a kind ear to listen, whether its a friend, confidante, or a trained professional. Believe me, there is nothing wrong with getting something off your chest.

Distract your self for a seconds

Count to 10 Control your thoughts Fantasize

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Dont avoid or mask the issue at hand; deal with problems head on and with a clear mind.

Have some fun

Sleep Stress is not only hard to live with, it can cause serious health problems, including insomnia if left unchecked. So what is this modern day monster and is there anything we can do to reduce stress without resorting to medication?

Drink lot of water

Take a deep breathWhen you feel the stress getting to you, take a moment. Get away, even if its just for an hour, to be with yourself and your thoughts. some people like to take a walk, meditate, lock themselves away in a beautiful bath, or go to church or to your favorite temple.FIND THE PEACE AND THE SILENCE.

Take a deep breath & RelaxBreathing helps to slow down or to even stop the stress response!

Takes time to practice, learn well and use daily.

Often, people do not learn how to breathe correctly, and do not use it consistently

BREATHINGNeed to learn breathing technique until it becomes an automatic habit!Practice 15 times a day for 1 minute!Breathe every time you are waiting for something! Phone, kids, in line, at workSlowly inhale counting one, pause for a moment and slowly exhale counting two

Slowly inhale counting three, pause for a moment and slowly exhale counting four..Continue inhaling and counting four and exhaling

BREATHINGSlowly inhale counting up to seven, pause for a moment and slowly exhale counting eightTry to feel the cool air as you inhale and the warmth of your breath as you exhaleYou may repeat this for another four breaths...BREATHING AWARENESSShift back and forth between what is going on in the body and what is going on around you!

Can ignore physical and body sensations and manage worry!

Learn to control both internal & external sensations!Breathing Om breathing Diaphragmatic breathingPursed lip breathingChest breathing

UNHEALTHY WAYS OF COPING WITH STRESS smoking. drinking too much over-eating or under eatingzoning out for hours in front of tv or computer withdrawing from friends, family and activities using pills or drugs to relax. sleeping too much filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems taking out your stress on others(lashing out, angry outbursts, physical violence)

6 TOP STRESS MANAGEMENT TIPS:1. avoid getting angry over things U CANT CHANGE2. learn how to say 'NO' to unreasonable demands3. put 20 minutes 'ME TIME' in your diary every day.4. do 20minutes EXERCISE(atleast)5. accept the fact that you cant be 'ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE'6. have one ARRANGEMENT FREE weekend every month...... AND DONT FORGET TO EAT HEALTHY.

A Thought The only difference between a diamond and a lump of coal is that the diamond had a little more pressure put on it. ANONYMOUS

KEY POINTSSTRESS is very commonUse stress in a positive wayLimit NOT eliminate stress.Use it to improve your performance. Learn Coping Skills

Physical activity