stress analysis using deform 3d

4. SQUARE RING 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Creating a New Problem 4.3. Creating New Objects 4.4. Meshing the Billet 4.5. Setting Boundary Conditions 4.6. Inter-Object Relationships 4.7. Finishing Setup and Running Simulation 4.8. Post Processing

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Post on 16-Apr-2015




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stress analysis in a ring under various loading and friction condtions


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4.1. Introduction

4.2. Creating a New Problem

4.3. Creating New Objects

4.4. Meshing the Billet

4.5. Setting Boundary Conditions

4.6. Inter-Object Relationships

4.7. Finishing Setup and Running Simulation

4.8. Post Processing

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Page 4: stress analysis using deform 3d

DEFORM™-3D labs



4.1. Introduction

Symmetry should be taken advantage of whenever possible in simulations. Doing so savescomputational time and can increase solution accuracy. Furthermore, the smallest possible sectionthat adequately describes the problem should be modeled.

In this lab, we will simulate the upsetting of a square ring. The square ring has quite a bit ofsymmetry that can be taken advantage of. This lab will show you that the deformation of the entirering can be determined by only modeling 1/16 of its full geometry.

4.2. Creating a New Problem

On a unix machine, type DEFORM3 to open DEFORM™-3D. On a Windows machine, go to the

button and select DEFORM-3D from the menu. The DEFORM-3D MAIN window will


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Create a new problem by clicking the New Problem icon. Accept the default setting of

opening a new problem using the DEFORM-3D pre-processor by clicking . Click

to define the location of the new problem 'Under problem home directory'.

In the field for Problem Name, call the problem SquareRing and click . The

DEFORM-3D Pre-processor will open.

4.3. Creating New Objects

To simulate the forging of this square ring, only a workpiece and a top die are required - the

bottom die is not needed due to symmetry. If Object 1 does not exist, click twice to add Objects

1 and 2. If Object 1 does exist, click once to add Object 2.

Highlight Object 1 in the Object Tree. Click on the button and change the Object Name

to Billet and the Object Type to Plastic. Define the billet's geometry by clicking and

then . The geometry is located in the file SquareRing_Billet.STL in the

DEFORM3D\V6_1\Labs directory. . Use the and buttons tocheck the geometry.

Highlight Object 2 in the Object Tree. Click on the button and change the Object Name

to Top Die. Click and import the file SquareRing_TopDie.STL in the

DEFORM3D\V6_1\Labs directory. . Use the and buttons to

check the geometry. View Fit can be used to fit both objects in the DISPLAY window.

4.4. Meshing the Billet

Highlight the Billet in the Object Tree, and then click the button to bring up the Meshing

Controls. Click on the button to see what the surface mesh looks like when using

the default mesh settings. The surface mesh that is created looks good, so click the

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DEFORM™-3D labs


button to finish the meshing process. When the meshing is complete, the object should have around

5000 elements.

4.5. Setting Symmetry Boundary Conditions

Symmetry is being taken advantage of in this simulation and only 1/16 of the square ring is being

modeled. Boundary conditions have to be used on all of the symmetry planes to enforce the correct


Click on the button to look at the Boundary Condition options. Select the Symmetry

plane option and then select the surface that is normal to the X-axis (shown below). The nodes on

the surface will get highlighted, and the Plane Information will be listed in the Boundary Condition


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Click the button to add these boundary conditions. This symmetry plane will now be

listed in the BCC list as (1,0,0) which is the normal to the plane.

Add the boundary conditions for the other two symmetry planes in the same manner. First select

the planes so that the nodes get highlighted and then use the button to add them. When

all three symmetry planes have been added, the Boundary Condition area should look like the


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DEFORM™-3D labs


4.6. Inter-Object Relationships

The relationship between the Billet and the Top Die needs to be defined. Click the icon to

open the INTER-OBJECT window. When asked whether you want to add the default inter-object

relationships, click .

Define the friction for the relationship by clicking the button. Use the pull-down

menu to select the friction suitable for Cold forming (steel dies).

Back in the INTER-OBJECT window, use the icon to determine a suitable contact tolerance

(a value of about 0.002" will be calculated) and then click the button to generate

contact. If you rotate the objects around, you will see that contact was generated between the two

objects. Click to exit the INTER-OBJECT window.

4.7. Finishing Setup and Running Simulation

To finish the problem setup, the following still needs to be done:

1) Highlight the Top Die in the Object Tree and then click the button. Define a speed

of 1 in/sec in the -Z direction.

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2) Click the icon in the General page, to define a material for the Billet. Select the material

'AISI-1045, COLD' from the Steel Category. Assign this material to the Billet.

3) Click the icon to open the SIMULATION CONTROL window. Change the Simulation

Title to Square Ring. Click the button and set the Number of Simulation Steps to

30 and set the Step Increment to Save to 2. Set the Primary Die to Top Die.

To determine an appropriate step size, select the icon and measure the edge length of a few

of the smaller elements in the Billet. An average length of a short edge is around 0.06”. Use a

Constant Die Displacement per step of 0.02 in/step, which is 1/3 of this small edge length.

Click to close the SIMULATION CONTROL window.

Save a keyword file for the problem by clicking the button.

Click the icon to open the DATABASE GENERATION window. Click to

check the problem. The only should deal with Volume Compensation - ignore this for this lab.

Generate a database by clicking .

Once the database has been generated, the DATABASE GENERATION window,

and then use to return to the MAIN window. Start the simulation by clicking in the


Monitor the progress of the simulation by looking at the Message file, making sure that the

option is checked.

4.8. Post Processing

When the simulation is complete, review the results by clicking the button.

In reality this part is a full square ring, so it would be useful to be able to view the entire part in the

Post-processor. To create the entire object, the small 1/16 section has to be mirrored about the

symmetry planes. Clicking the icon opens the SYMMETRY DEFINITION window.

Use the mouse to click on the symmetry planes on the Billet. Each time this is done a mirror image

of the billet will be displayed. Repeat the process until the entire billet is shown. This procedure is

illustrated below.

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DEFORM™-3D labs


Once the complete part is displayed in the DISPLAY window, close the SYMMETRY

DEFINITION window. Play through the steps to observe how the square ring deforms as it is

compressed. Experiment with viewing the different state variables such as effective strain.

When finished viewing the results of the simulation, use the icon to return to the MAIN

window. When you are back in the MAIN window, exit DEFORM-3D by selecting .