strengthening sme system for national programmes moving from transmission reduction to elimination...

Strengthening SME system for national programmes moving from transmission reduction to elimination phase Cambodia

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Page 1: Strengthening SME system for national programmes moving from transmission reduction to elimination phase Cambodia

Strengthening SME system for national programmes moving from transmission

reduction to elimination phase


Page 2: Strengthening SME system for national programmes moving from transmission reduction to elimination phase Cambodia

Pailin Province- Capital: Pailin- Area: 803Km²- Total Pop: 102382- PAR: 74,124- 2 Administrative Districts- 1 Operational District- 4 Health Centers- API/1, 000: 5.04 (#374)- In western- northern, Border of Thailand

Page 3: Strengthening SME system for national programmes moving from transmission reduction to elimination phase Cambodia

1. SME system and update

• PM endorsed National Strategic Plan for Malaria Elimination ( 2011- 2025)

• Strong commitment from Provincial Governor and Community participated

• Adequate health infrastructure • Established provincial malaria elimination

committee • Functional partnership

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• Shortages of public health staff• Inadequate capacity building• Inadequate curative and preventive services

for MMP

1. SME system and update (cont.)

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2. Develop / update relevant guidelines including SOPs

- National Strategic Plan for Malaria Elimination 2011-2025 (already endorsed and being implemented)

- Malaria Elimination Action framework ( MEAF) 2015-2019 (under development)

- SOPs for PCD and ACD (as a part of the new framework to be revised)

- Develop SOPs for Foci identification and investigation and response, QA diagnosis, data management and reporting and supervision for elimination phase

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3. Job description for surveillance workersHealth Center:

– Case detection– Treatment– Follow up– Jointly with OD surveillance officer – case and foci

investigation– Reporting of cases and stock of commodities

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3. Job description for surveillance workers (cont.)

Operational health district (OD):– Case detection– Case investigation– Foci investigation and Response– Analysis of data and feedback to HC– Collect data from private sector– Data entry– Reporting of cases and stock of commodities– Supervision

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3. Job description for surveillance workers (cont.)

Provincial health department (PHD):– Case detection– Jointly with OD surveillance officer – case and foci

investigation and response– Outbreak investigation and Response– Data entry– Analysis of data and feedback to district – Supportive supervision– Communication with all sectors (meeting, advocacy)

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8 additional Staff * (Request MoH)**

6 additional staff * ** (3 group)2 in each group(Contract staff)

2 additional staff* (contract staff)***

5 additional**- 2 Data entry

specialist- 3 staff (Epi-

Unit )(Request MoH)

Human resource needed

Number of HC will be specified*Job description will be done in line with government’s policy for those to be recruited by MoH** Job description will be done in line with special requirements by CNM and international partners***

4. Human resource planning

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Training, supervision, motivation

• Training: planning exercise to prepare plan with existing human resources, gaps and needs

• Supervision: guidelines, schedule, checklist, supervision team

• Motivation: Incentives in kind, study tours, awards, certificates

4. Human resource planning (cont.)

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5. IndicatorsIndicator Definition Based-lines

20141 API/1,000 - Numerator: total of

parasite positive in the year- Denominator: Total PAR


2 Proportion of laboratory facilities with QA

HF lab participated with CNM/ total HF lab

Not Applicable

3 Proportion of health facilities reported on monthly basis

Number of HF monthly reported to CNM/total of HF


4 Proportion of confirmed cases reported within 24 hours

# of confirmed cases report within 24h/ total confirmed cases


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Health Management Information System (HMIS)

Ministry of Health

Operational Health District Office (OD)

Malaria Information System (MIS) CNM

Health Centers (HC)


ral l




l lev


Malaria Workers (VMWs/MMWs)

Private Providers (part of PPM



Referral Hospitals (RH)

Provincial Hospital


HMIS information flowMIS information flow

Data collection (paper forms)

Electronic data entry



6. Electronic based data management

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Data Flow of MIS

National Malaria Control

Provincial Health Department

Operational District


Receiver Receiver

Operational District


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National Malaria Control


Receiver Provincial Health Department/

Operational District

Day 0 Malaria Alert System


Data Flow of Day 0 Malaria Alert System

Village Malaria Worker

Health Center

Page 15: Strengthening SME system for national programmes moving from transmission reduction to elimination phase Cambodia

• Revised SOP for monitoring and supervision• Check list for field trip• Set up supervision team

7. Field monitoring and supervision

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- Baseline 2015: SME system is functional to report routinely on malaria indicators related to malaria control

- Mid-term: it is expected that SME system will be revised to reflect elimination challenges in 2017-2018

- 2020: it is expected that SME will be operational in all areas eligible for malaria elimination with immediate/mandatory reporting on all confirmed cases

8. Evaluation of SME System performance

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9. Reporting

• Monthly report to higher levels • Realtime report for malaria case (SMS)• Feedback to lower level

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• The establishment of the national committee on malaria elimination has been agreed with the Minister of Health.

• The TWG and STWG have been set up to guide this process

9. Establish a National Independent Malaria Elimination Monitoring Committee

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11. Updating legislation– Malaria is notification disease

• Compulsory parasite based diagnosis (already in place);

• Private sector participation (not yet properly involved, but the private sector has to report to a public health facility on each confirmed malaria case);

• Appropriate treatment and follow up of confirmed cases (already in place); and

• Access to quality anti malarial medicines (not yet sure that all drugs are quality-assured in the private sector)

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12. Involve private sector

– Training (already in place)– Support for referral is important (already in

place for severe and complicated cases)– to ensure all suspected cases are confirmed

by RDT (yes), – notified (not yet)

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Thank you!