street children

Street Children

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Page 1: Street Children

Street Children

Page 2: Street Children


• Street children is a term used for both children who have no family and literally live on the streets and for children who may have a parent, but they make their money in the streets.

• There are over 100 million children

living on the streets throughout the world. Approximately half live in Latin America although Latin America makes up only 8% of the world population.

• Daily these children will experience sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, hunger, lack of shelter, drugs and currently the biggest problem: homicide among street children themselves.

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• “In Peru, it is reported that street children have been adopted out and taken to Italy or Switzerland where they were put into a comatose state and their organs were harvested, more widely spread, however, is children being used in sex trafficking rings.”

• “In Colombia, two decades of guerrilla wars have left one million children internally displaced or refugees. Some 7,000 children were conscripted as "child soldiers."

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“In Cochabamba, Bolivia, they are called "ninos de goma" (glue kids),

because they consume inhalants to abate and cope with their hunger.”

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But there is hope…

• There are organizations such as UNICEF, Southern Cross Humanitarian, Children International Network, and World Vision that are working to care for these children who have been discarded to the streets.

• They provide shelter, food, education, health care, and work to help establish and grow them as developing members of society.

• The problem is, they need people like us to volunteer and they need donations to fund getting these children off the streets and establishing them into society.

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How You Can Help• Sponsor a child, a drop center, or make a

donation. Providing monetarily allows these orphanges to keep the children off the street and provide a life for them. The drop centers are what initially gets the children off the street providing a place for food, shelter, and a bath but only temporarily.

• Raise awareness about how widespread the problem is. I conducted a poll that revealed 10 out of 10 USF students don’t realize there are 100 million street children in the world.

• Go on a humanitarian expedition. Help with construction and building projects while also forming relationships with these street children.

• Buy goods produced from organizations such as Southern Cross Humanitarian or purchase from places that donate a percentage of their profits to these organizations such as Albertsons.

• Collect and donate items that orphanages and organizations could use such as clothing, cloth diapers, shoes, etc.

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Southern Cross Humanitarian Video