stratigraphy and host rock controls of gold deposits of the northern carlin trend

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  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend





    Pre-mine gold resources totaling 100 million troy ounces (3,110

    t [metric tons]) in 42 deposits in the northern Carlin trend

    account for the most productive gold province in North

    America, including the giant >5-million-ounce (156 t) deposits

    at Betze-Post, Screamer, Meikle, Genesis, Carlin, and West

    Leeville-Turf. The northern Carlin trend is a dominantly N15W

    alignment of sedimentary rock-hosted gold deposits. Low-cost

    production exceeding 4 million ounces (124 t) annually since

    1994 has been achieved from these large, disseminated gold

    deposits hosted by carbonate strata of the Devonian-Silurian

    Roberts Mountains Formation and the Devonian Popovich

    Formation. Host rocks are composed of silty limestone with

    intercalated biogenic debris that were deposited along thewestern margin of ancestral North America. Late Silurian to

    mid-Devonian biohermal to carbonate shoal accumulation

    (Bootstrap limestone) occurred over a period of 50 to 100

    million years in the northernmost Carlin trend. Subaerial

    exposure and erosion shed bioclastic debris with fan-like

    geometries producing thick sequences of proximal, upper slope

    fossiliferous debris flows that are mineralized in the Meikle,

    Goldbug, and Betze-Post deposits, and mid-slope silty facies

    at the Blue Star-Genesis and Carlin deposits. Bioturbated wavy

    (wispy) laminated silty limestone of the upper Roberts

    Mountains Formation provides the most favorable host rock

    on the northern Carlin trend, containing 65% of the gold

    resource in about 400 feet (120 m) of the stratigraphic section.Gold deposits of the northern Carlin trend are

    predominantly exposed near the fault-bounded margins of the

    uplifted Lynn and Bootstrap structural windows. Flanking these

    Paleozoic windows are deep, northerly trending basins filled

    by postmineral Tertiary volcaniclastic sediments and gravels.

    Tectonic uplift and erosion have exposed autochthonous

    carbonate strata beneath the Roberts Mountains thrust. The

    central portion of the northern Carlin trend is intruded by a

    large, late Jurassic granodiorite intrusion (Goldstrike stock)

    and numerous Eocene rhyolite to dacite dikes. Two of the

    highest grade gold deposits on the Carlin trend, Deep Star and

    Deep Post, occur along the sheared margins of the Goldstrike

    stock, and most of the gold deposits occur within 2 miles (3km) of the stock along the dike-filled Post-Gen fault zone. It is

    inferred that Eocene magmatism is the major process that drove

    hydrothermal circulation forming Carlin gold deposits.

    Gold deposits represent a continuum of styles from

    stratiform, permeability-controlled end members (e.g., Carlin,

    West Leeville, Pete, and Tara) to shear zone-hosted end

    members (e.g., Deep Star, Deep Post, and Meikle). The

    conventional Carlin-type gold deposits of the stratigraphically

    controlled end member are therefore only a portion of a broader

    spectrum, which includes large collapse breccia-hosteddeposits, formed by extensive decarbonatization of favorable

    host rocks adjacent to structural conduits (e.g., Betze-Post,

    Goldbug, and Genesis). This spectrum of deposit types

    produces remarkable contrasts in orebody geometry, tonnage,

    grade, host rock, structural orientation, hydrothermal alteration,

    geochemistry, metallurgy, hydrology and ground conditions,

    and has wide-reaching implications for exploration, mining,

    and processing.


    The Carlin trend is a 40-mile (65 km) long north-northwest

    alignment of sedimentary rock-hosted disseminated gold depositsin northeast Nevada. Total gold production from the trendexceeded 50 million ounces (156 t) in 2002. Most of the reservesand gold production are located in the northern one-third of theCarlin trend within a belt measuring 10 miles (16 km) north-south by 2 miles (3 km) east-west, and extending from Dee andCapstone in the north to Carlin and Pete in the south. The northernCarlin trend pre-mine resource is approximately 80 millionounces of gold; 50% of the resource is contained in fourorebodies: Betze, Post, Screamer, and Meikle. Northern Carlintrend reserves were 65 million ounces (2,020 t) of gold in 1998,or about 80% of total Carlin trend reserves.

    The purpose of this paper is to provide a stratigraphic

    framework and description of Devonian-Silurian strata of thenorthern Carlin trend, and to compare and contrast relationships

    among stratigraphy, structure, and intrusive bodies that are

    important controls to gold mineralization (plate 1, fig. B-1).

    The paper includes a review of 42 gold deposits and their

    preferred host rocks in the northern Carlin trend. Formal

    stratigraphic units are reviewed, and informally named subunits

    are described in detail and related to deposit types. The

    commonly used terms Bootstrap limestone and Rodeo Creek

    unit are not recognized formations. Ounces and grade in this

    paper generally refer to gold resources and do not have reserve

    or economic implications.

    Studies by Roberts and others (1958), Evans (1980), and

    Ettner (1989) formed the early stratigraphic framework usedby Carlin trend geologists. The need to better understanddetailed stratigraphic controls for gold mineralization at theCarlin Mine led to the recognition of informal subunits byNewmont Mining Corporation geologists in 19931994, notablyS. Moore and R. Harris. These subunits were subsequentlyrecognized and correlated throughout Newmonts northernCarlin trend properties by 1997 (Teal, 1996a; Clode, 1997; Joryand others, 1997). Deposit host rocks, stratigraphic units, anddepositional environments were first linked via a fence diagramtied to a Rodeo Creek/Popovich Formation datum line in 1995

    1Newmont Mining Corporation

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend















    NW Genesis






    East Griffin


    W BazzaLongLac

    N. Skarn Hill



    West #9








    NW Extension

    S. Lantern



    Hardie FW

    Carlin East



    Storm (Rossi)












    Gold deposits

    Granodiorite intrusions

    Fault, solid where observed, dashed where inferred







    Skarn Hill




















    Deep Star

    Elko County

    Eureka County


    0 5,000 10,000 feet

    0 1,500 3,000 meters



    Lower Post




    North Star







    Las Vegas



    H U M B O L D T E L K O

    N Y EM I N E R A L



    L I N C O L N

    C L A R K

    P E R S H I N G

    C H U R C H I L L W H I T E

    P I N EE















    Figure B-1. Gold deposits, northern Carlin trend, Nevada. Modified from Teal and Jackson, 1997b.

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend



    by L. Schutz and C. Williams. This product, extending fromStorm (Rossi) in the north to Pete in the south, was updated in1997 by J. Jory, D. Harris, H. Unger, and R. Koefed. BarrickGoldstrike Mines Inc. geologists working in the Betze,Screamer, Rodeo, and Meikle areas are familiar with informalNewmont stratigraphic subunits, but have not adopted them.

    Carlin-type gold deposits have commonly been described

    as being exemplified by the stratigraphically controlled gold

    mineralization in the original Carlin orebody, discovered in1961 (Radke, 1985). However, the Carlin trend includes a

    diverse assemblage of gold deposits with wide variations in

    size, grade, geometry, host rock, structural fabric, hydrothermal

    alteration, metallurgy, geochemistry, hydrology, and

    geotechnical conditions. The successful gold explorationist on

    the Carlin trend needs to constantly assess these variable deposit

    characteristics and diverse gold models in the pursuit of new

    discoveries. This paper is primarily based on the observations

    and interpretations of numerous geologists employed by

    Newmont and Barrick on the Carlin trend.

    REGIONAL GEOLOGYCarlin trend regional geology is well documented. The

    following description is summarized from Stewart (1980).

    Lower Paleozoic: Northeast Nevada was located along the

    stable western margin of the North American craton.

    Western facies eugeoclinal and eastern facies miogeoclinal

    sediments were deposited on the continental shelf /slope.

    Late Devonian-Early Mississippian: The Antler orogeny

    placed western facies siliceous rocks over eastern facies

    carbonate rocks along the Roberts Mountains thrust.

    Mesozoic: Northeast-directed compressive tectonism of the

    Sonoma and Elko orogenies produced uplift, folding andfaulting, highlighted by north-northwest fold axes and faults.

    Late Jurassic: Late/post-Elko orogeny plutonism included 158

    Ma emplacement of the granodiorite Goldstrike stock, Little

    Boulder Basin and Vivian stocks/dikes, and contact


    Eocene: Extension and magmatism with coeval main stage

    3640 Ma gold mineralization and Tertiary dikes.

    Miocene: 1420 Ma basin-and-range extension occurred with

    north-south faulting, deposition of Carlin Formation

    volcaniclastic sediments in basins, and exposure of lower

    Paleozoic rocks along the Tuscarora Range and Tuscarora


    Sedimentary Host Rocks


    Key factors controlling large bulk-mineable gold deposits in

    the northern Carlin trend were structural preparation and

    favorable primary and secondary host rock porosity and

    permeability. Stratigraphic and facies relationships are

    discussed in this section.

    Ordovician to Devonian upper plate rocks of the

    allochthonous western siliceous assemblage are among the

    oldest rocks on the Carlin trend (figs. B-2 and B-3, plate 1).

    Thickness is uncertain owing to structural thickening along

    numerous low-angle faults, but is estimated to exceed 2,000

    feet (600 m). The Ordovician Vinini Formation is composed

    dominantly of siltstone and cherty mudstone with a penetrative

    shear fabric imposed by Antler thrusting. The regionally

    extensive Roberts Mountains thrust (Roberts and others, 1958)places western assemblage siliciclastic rocks on top of

    autochthonous Ordovician through Devonian limestone,

    dolomite, quartzite, siltstone, and mudstone. Lower plate

    carbonate rocks vary considerably in facies, composition,

    thickness, and host rock potential. Contacts are mostly

    conformable and gradational; however, conodont zones indicate

    depositional hiatuses in some areas (G. Griffin, personal


    The oldest lower plate rocks exposed on the northern

    Carlin trend are dolomite and shaly limestone of the

    Ordovician Pogonip Group (Evans, 1980). The Pogonip

    Group is about 1,000 feet (300 m) thick and generally includes

    gray limestone in its upper portion and dense, dark gray

    dolomite in the lower two-thirds. A 1,000-foot (300-m) thick

    homogenous package of white Ordovician Eureka Quartzite

    conformably overlies the Pogonip Group. The Eureka

    Quartzite and overlying dark gray Hanson Creek Formation

    are prominent ridge formers. The 600-foot (180 m) thick

    Hanson Creek dolomite contains several cherty and sandy

    interbeds in the uppermost 100 feet (30 m).

    The light gray Devonian-Silurian Roberts Mountains

    Formation is approximately 1,200 feet (360 m) thick, consisting

    of a lower 800 feet (240 m) of planar laminated silty limestone

    grading upward into wavy (wispy) laminated silty limestone

    with abundant bioclastic debris (fig. B-3). The RobertsMountain Formation generally shows an upward fining of grain

    size, progressive increase in bioclastic interbeds and debris,

    and increase in organic carbon. Fossiliferous debris flows and

    1- to 6-inch (315 cm) thick calcarenite beds are common in

    the uppermost 400 feet (120 m) of the Roberts Mountains


    The overlying Devonian Popovich Formation ranges in

    thickness from 500 to 800 feet (150240 m), and is composed

    of dark gray, carbonaceous silty to muddy limestone grading

    upward into calcarenite and limestone conglomerate with planar

    laminated silty limestone (Evans, 1980). The stratigraphic

    position of the Roberts Mountains/Popovich Formation contact

    is debated on the Carlin trend; however, the correlative andmappable rock units are well agreed upon. Some workers place

    the contact about 400 feet (120 m) lower than described in this

    paper, at the top of the planar laminated silty limestone of the

    Roberts Mountains Formation and base of debris flows (Evans,

    1980; Armstrong and others, 1997). The informally named

    Bootstrap limestone is as much as 1,300 feet (390 m) thick at

    the north end of the Carlin trend (figs. B-2 and B-3). This unit

    defines a dramatic facies change from late Silurian through

    mid Devonian times, consisting of a massive light gray oolitic

    to sparry limestone with silty limestone interbeds in its lower

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    DSr Ovi



































    Post Anticline


    Betze Anticline










    Quaternary cover

    Jurassic Goldstrike diorite

    Rodeo Creek unit

    Popovich Formation

    Bootstrap limestone

    Roberts MountainsFormation

    Ordovician lower platerocks

    Ordovician VininiFormation (upper platerocks)

    Major fault












    1,500 meters0

    5,000 feet


    Figure B-2. Simplified geologic map of the northern Carlin trend, Nevada.

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    Tmc: Tertiary Carlin Formation

    Tuffaceous sedimentary rocks (10 to 600 feet thick). Poorly consolidated, friable,interbedded light gray sandy air fall tuffs (aft) and tan lacustrine silt, minor 10- to 50-foot-thick matrix-supported gravels. Basal 5 to 40 feet silty clay with 40 to 60%smectite, halloysite, and illite.

    Basal gravels (30-200 feet thick) Poorly to moderately consolidated, matrix- andclast-supported gravels lying unconformably on Goldstrike granodiorite and VininiFormation. Clast-supported gravels include 70-100% Ovi and JKi clasts in tan siltmatrix. Clast types are: (1) angular 1 to 6 inches gray Ovi cherty mudstone andsiltstone, (2) light green to brown clay-weathered granodiorite grus.

    Ovi: Ordovician Vinini Formation

    Chert, mudstone. Black and gray cherty mudstone and siltstone. Planar to wavybanded with alternating dark gray siltstone beds and 1- to 5-mm-thick light graydolomitic calcarenite interbeds. Becomes more siliceous with depth.Metamorphosed to quartz hornfels adjacent to Goldstrike intrusive. 20- to 50-foot-thick light gray to black limestone in middle portion, metamorphosed to calc-silicatehornfels adjacent to Goldstrike intrusive. Allochthonous unit with mylonitic flaserstructure in thrust contact with underlying Drc unit. Strongly fractured and oxidized toproduce widespread limonitic interlocked "ice-cube" tectonic breccia. >2,000 feetthick.

    Drc: Devonian Rodeo Creek unit

    Dark gray inch-thick rhythmically bedded, banded siliceous mudstone, with gray totan planar laminated siltstone and minor fine-grained sandstone. Mixed siliceousmudstone and siltstone in upper 200 to 300 feet. Siliceous mudstone with shalypartings and quartz-filled tension gashes dominant in lower 300 feet. Basal 50 feetgradational with Dp silty limestone. Discontinuous 5- to 20-foot-thick basal silicifiedcalcarenite/sandstone. Metamorphosed to quartz hornfels adjacent to Goldstrike

    intrusion. 600 to 700 feet thick.

    Dp: Popovich Formation

    Three mappable units, mostly muddy limestones (600 feet thick). Matrix grain sizeand skeletal-rich limestone/calcarenite interbeds (DSb) increase in frequency andthickness from Dp1 to DSr3.

    Dp0: Dark gray carbonaceous, planar laminated silty limestone gradesdownward into silty micrite with diagenetic pin-striped pyrite on bedding.Uppermost 50 feet gradational with basal Drc siliceous mudstone. 3- to 10-mm-thick black chert lenses comprise 5% of lower 100 feet of Dp0. 200 to 250 feetthick; thickens northward.

    Dp1: Dark gray carbonaceous, massive to thin-bedded lime mudstone (micrite).Diagnostic soft sediment deformation with slump bedding and flame structure.240 to 320 feet thick; thickens northward.

    Dp2: Dark gray carbonaceous, planar laminated silty micrite. Localized hockey-puck cleavage and millimeter-thick DSb interbeds. 40 to 80 feet thick.

    DSr: Silurian/Devonian Roberts Mountains Formation

    DSr1: Transitional dark gray carbonaceous, planar to wispy laminated siltylimestone. Coarser grained and less carbonaceous than Dp0, Dp1, and Dp2, 10to 40 feet thick.

    DSr2: Medium-dark gray variably carbonaceous wispy laminated silty limestone.Fossil-rich debris flows and centimeter-thick bcls interbeds increase down-section. 80 to 200 feet thick, thins northward.

    DSr3: Medium to dark gray fossiliferous wispy laminated silty limestone.Abundant debris flows with 5 to 30% angular lithic and skeletal debris, biospariteand fine-grained bioclastic limestone (DSb). Basal 30 to 50 feet gradational fromwispy to planar laminated silty limestone. 150 to 300 feet thick (biosparite 300feet thick at Barrel). Commonly silicified and collapse brecciated.

    DSr4: Medium to light gray planar banded to laminated calcareous siltstone(lmst) Alternating 2- to 4-mm-thick light and dark gray planar laminae. Minor 1-inch- to 3-feet-thick DSb interbeds and fossil debris flows. Coarser grained andless carbonaceous than DSr1 to DSr3. >800 feet thick.

    Igneous rocks

    Jig: Jurassic diorite to granodiorite of the Goldstrike sill-like intrusion (158

    Ma). 1 to 3 mm plagioclase, hornblende and biotite phenocrysts withinterstitial quartz. Blocky, well-jointed and propylitized with calcite veins anddisseminated pyrite. Up to 1,800 feet thick; uppermost 100 feet is weatheredto friable sandy grus.

    Qmp/Lamp: Quartz monzonite porphyry and hornblende lamprophyre dikesand sills (158 Ma) Three types: (1) 2 to 6 mm blocky or lathy plagioclasephenocrysts in aphanitic plagioclase quartz groundmass, (2) 2 to 4mmresorbed quartz eyes in aphanitic plagioclase quartz groundmass, (3) biotite +hornblende-rich lamprophyre.

    Bfp: Biotite feldspar porphyry (39 Ma) Tertiary dikes in the Post fault zone. 2-to 4-mm biotite and plagioclase phenocrysts in aphanitic plagioclasegroundmass.




    Figure B-3. North Post-Goldbug tectonostratigraphic column.

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    portion. Fossiliferous debris flows occur proximal to the

    Bootstrap limestone. Silty slope facies of the Roberts

    Mountains and Popovich Formations lapped against the

    Bootstrap limestone shelf, which finally drowned in the mid

    to late Devonian (Griffin, 1999). The Bootstrap limestone is

    contemporaneous with the upper part of the Roberts Mountains

    Formation and much of the Popovich Formation.

    The Popovich Formation is conformably overlain by the

    Devonian Rodeo Creek unit, which consists of dark graysiliceous mudstone with interbedded light gray siltstone and

    silty limestone (Ettner, 1989). Thickness of the Rodeo Creek

    unit is about 700 feet (210 m); however, its upper portion is

    commonly removed by the Roberts Mountains thrust or erosion

    (fig. B-3). In some areas, notably at the Genesis deposit, the

    Roberts Mountains thrust removed the entire Rodeo Creek unit

    and placed Vinini mudstone on top of Popovich limestone

    (Schutz and Williams, 1995).

    The youngest sedimentary rocks of the Carlin trend are

    clast-supported gravel, siltstone, and ash beds of the Miocene

    Carlin Formation. These poorly consolidated rocks are up to

    2,000 feet (600 m) thick and fill deep, north-trending basins.


    The highest mountain range in the northern Carlin trend is the

    N15E-trending Tuscarora Range, with elevations above 8,000

    feet (2,400 m). A lower elevation N15W-trending spur in the

    Tuscarora Range, called the Tuscarora Spur, includes the most

    of northern Carlin trend gold resources. The Tuscarora Spur is

    separated from the Tuscarora Range by the 1- to 2-mile (1.6

    3.2 km) wide Little Boulder Basin (fig. B-2). Ordovician rocks

    crop out extensively south of the Carlin pit in the Richmond

    Mountain area along the spine of the Tuscarora Range, where

    Pogonip limestone, Eureka Quartzite and Hanson Creek

    dolomite are impressive ridge formers. In the Carlin andLantern Mine areas, the Roberts Mountains Formation is

    broadly exposed, especially in the structurally uplifted block

    southwest of the Castle Reef fault. Further north within the

    Tuscarora Range in the West Leeville area, allochthonous Vinini

    Formation forms high ridges east of Little Boulder Basin.

    Mesozoic and Tertiary folding and faulting in the northern

    Carlin trend expose progressively younger rocks northward in

    the core of the northerly plunging Tuscarora anticline (fig. B-

    2). In the Blue Star-Genesis Mine, Popovich and Rodeo Creek

    rocks are exposed on the west limb of the asymmetric Tuscarora

    anticline; the steepened east limb is truncated by the Gen fault

    and places Tertiary sedimentary rocks against Paleozoic rocks.

    The Popovich Formation averages about 500 feet (150 m) thick

    in the northern Carlin trend, but is as much as 800 feet (240 m)

    thick at Blue Star Ridge where near-vertical bedding is

    structurally undisturbed. North of the 1-mile (1.6-km) wide

    Goldstrike stock, in the Betze-Post area, Rodeo Creek mudstone

    is the dominant exposed unit. Further north at Rodeo-Griffin-

    Meikle, upper plate Ordovician Vinini Formation is preserved

    above autochthonous units. Stepping 2 miles (3 km)

    northwestward into the Bootstrap subdistrict, block faulting in

    the Bootstrap window has exposed mostly Popovich and Rodeo

    Creek rocks.


    Informal mappable rock units in the Roberts Mountains and

    Popovich Formations and the Rodeo Creek unit are described

    below, from oldest to youngest (fig. B-3). These units are the

    most commonly mineralized host rocks on the Carlin trend.

    DSr4 Lower Roberts Mountains Formation (Upper

    Silurian). Light gray, planar laminated silty limestone with

    1030% inch- to foot-thick calcarenite interbeds. Mid-slope

    facies. Thickness is 800 to 900 feet (240270 m). Contact with

    the underlying Hanson Creek dolomite is marked by a 30- to

    50-foot (915 m) thick cherty dolomite horizon. Weathers as

    lavender platy or flaggy limestone.

    DSb Bootstrap limestone (Devonian-Silurian). Massivelight gray, bioclastic limestone/biosparite. oid packstone tograinstone with lithoclasts of fossiliferous wackestone andpackstone (Armstrong and others, 1997). Basal portion at theBootstrap Mine contains 1050% planar laminated silty limestoneinterbeds. Shoal environment. Deposition and emergence spanUpper Silurian (DSr4) to Middle Devonian (Dp1) time (G. Griffinpersonal commun.). The upper contact with Popovich Formation

    Dp0 strata is unconformable. Upper shelf areas at Goldbug contain1- to 5-foot (30150 cm) wide storm rip-up clasts. Karsted zoneswith cavities are filled by varved hematitic clay. Coarse calcitecrystals are common at Bootstrap and Capstone. Bootstraplimestone along silicified faults at Capstone forms massive,resistant jasperoid. Thickness >1,300 feet (>390 m) at Ren-Banshee and Meikle. Bootstrap limestone thins southward towardTara and Goldbug (figs. B-2, B-4, and B-5).

    DSr1, DSr2, DSr3 Upper Roberts Mountain Formation

    (Devonian-Silurian). Medium gray, carbonaceous, bioturbatedwavy (wispy) laminated silty limestone with 550% fossildebris flows (lithic and skeletal debris) and centimeter-thickcalcarenite interbeds. DSr3 debris flow-rich unit is locally

    thickened to >300 feet (>90 m) at Goldbug along the south edgeof the Bootstarp bioherm. Bioclastic coral, crinoid, brachiopodand bryozoan debris decreases up-section and distally away fromthe Bootstrap limestone bioherm. Mid-slope to upper shelfdeposition. The uppermost 30 to 50 feet (915 m) is transitionalplanar to wispy laminated in gradational contact with theoverlying Popovich Formation. The top of the Roberts MountainsFormation (DSr1) is recognized by the first occurrence of wispylaminated beds. Wispy laminae have wavelengths of 2 to 6 mm,and are interpreted to represent faunal burrowing in anoxygenated substrate in a shallow, quiescent shelf environment.Thickness 0 to 400 feet (0120 m), thins northward and onlapsagainst Bootstrap limestone. Commonly decarbonatized,

    silicified, and collapse brecciated in mineralized areas.Dp2 Lower Popovich Formation (Lower Devonian).

    Dark gray, carbonaceous, thin-bedded to planar laminated silty

    micrite with 510% millimeter-thick calcarenite to calcisiltite

    interbeds. Localized graphitic bedding plane partings produce

    disc-shaped hockey puck pieces in core. Mid-slope

    deposition; 70 to 100 feet (2130 m) thick; onlaps against

    Bootstrap limestone. Commonly silicified in mineralized areas.

    Uppermost 2 feet (60 cm) contains regionally extensive

    graptolites ofMonograptus species indicative of a starved basin

    (Armstrong and others, 1997).

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    Dp1 Middle Popovich Formation (Lower to Middle

    Devonian). Dark gray, carbonaceous, medium-bedded micrite/

    muddy limestone with diagnostic soft sediment deformation

    slump and flame textures, minor bioclastic debris flows and

    interbedded calcarenites, notably in Carlin Mine area. Upper

    slope facies. Thickness is 200 to 400 feet (60120 m), thinsnorthward, and onlaps against Bootstrap limestone. Locally

    thickened and metamorphosed to diopsidic calc-silicate

    hornfels/marble south of the Goldstrike stock in Genesis area.

    Dp0 Upper Popovich Formation (Middle Devonian).

    Dark gray, carbonaceous, planar laminated silty 1imestone,

    muddy 1imestone, calcarenite and limestone conglomerate.

    Generally upward coarsening, mid- to upper slope deposition.

    Contains diagenetic pin-striped pyrite (12 mm brassy pyrite

    flecks) along bedding. Thickness is 100 to 250 feet (3075 m).

    Thins northward and is regionally extensive above the

    Bootstrap limestone. Includes two subunits at Rodeo

    (Goldbug): lower 120 feet (36 m) is muddy limestone with 1

    5%, 1- to 2-inch (35 cm) long, black chert lenses; upper 120

    feet (36 m) is thin-bedded silty limestone. Limestone

    conglomerate with 110%, 1- to 4-inch (310 cm) diameter

    mudstone clasts form an excellent 30- to 40-foot (912 m)

    thick marker horizon along the Dp0/Dp1 contact at Tara.

    Calcarenite with limestone boulders up to 10 feet (3 m) in

    diameter crops out conspicuously between the Blue Star Ridge

    and Lantern deposits.

    Drc Rodeo Creek basal calcarenite (Middle Devonian).

    Gray carbonate-cemented quartz sandstone, commonly

    silicified. Mid to upper slope, high-energy deposition.

    Thickness 0 to 70 feet (020 m); thins northward, and is mostly

    absent north of Betze-Post area.

    Drc Rodeo Creek unit (Middle to Upper Devonian).

    Interbedded dark gray siliceous mudstone and light gray planar

    laminated silty limestone; lowermost 200 to 300 feet (6090

    m) is dominantly siliceous mudstone (rhythmically beddedargillite). Deep, anoxic, marine deposition. Thickness is 100

    to 700 feet (30210 m); the upper portion is locally removed

    by the Roberts Mountains thrust.


    Devonian-Silurian carbonate deposition in northeast Nevada

    was characterized by progressive marine transgression with

    emergent periods and prolonged subaerial exposure of the

    Bootstrap limestone. Paleogeographic environments are

    subdivided as follows (figs. B-3 to B-6):

    Silurian transgression (DSr4). DSr4 deposition is

    characterized by slope and basin deposition of laminated silty

    limestone with calcarenite turbidites above shelf carbonates.

    DSr4 contains >50% terriginous silt content and is highly


    Devonian-Silurian emergence (DSb). Bootstrap limestone

    represents shoal to shallow shelf deposition of olitic sands to

    limestone muds with marginal debris flow sedimentation on

    an irregular slope (Teal, 1996; Unger, 1997; Armstrong and

    others, 1997). Submarine canyons along ancient fault lines

    A A'

    Gold zone

    Bootstrap limestone

    Drc/Dp datum line


    CapstoneBootstrap Tara




    Dp1 Dp2






    400 feet


    100 meters

    0 5,000 feet

    0 1,500 meters

    Figure B-4. Bootstrap area north-south stratigraphic fence diagram looking east.

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    focused thick accumulations of fossil debris flows, slump

    blocks and turbidites (Jory and others; 1997). Debris flows

    occur as lenticular beds, inches to tens of feet thick, containingpoorly sorted carbonate and biogenic clasts interbedded with

    planar to wispy laminated silty limestone. Thickness and clast

    size show an inverse relation to distance from the biohermal

    source area, decreasing distally to inch-thick calcarenite beds.

    Progradation occurred in local shelf areas. Basin-ward

    contemporaneous deposition of planar laminated silty limestone

    is interfingered with 1- to 3-foot (3090 cm) thick calcarenite

    beds. This dramatic facies change is exposed in the west wall

    of the Tara pit, where silty facies onlap onto the massive

    Bootstrap limestone over a distance of 500 feet (150 m). The

    top of the Bootstrap limestone is marked by a mid-Devonian

    unconformity with extensive silicification in the Bootstrap and

    Capstone pits.

    Devonian-Silurian slope sedimentation (DSr1, DSr2, DSr3,

    Dp0, Dp1, Dp2). Slope sedimentation was characterized byupward transition from oxygenated, terriginous, silt-richcarbonate to anoxic lime muds during shelf submergence. Mid-Devonian micrite (Dp1) sedimentation with soft sedimentdeformation occurred during prolonged, quiescent, shallow-water conditions. Middle to Late Devonian marine shallowingwith increased terriginous silt content due to frequent storms isevidenced by rip-up clasts and limestone conglomerates (Dp0).

    B B'

    Gold zone

    Bootstrap limestone

    Drc/Dp datum line

    Outer limit of metamorphism


    Rodeo ( Goldbug) Betze-PostDeep Star

    Blue Star




















    400 feet


    100 meters

    0 5,000 feet

    0 1,500 meters

    Figure B-5. Betze-Post-Blue Star area north-south stratigraphic fence diagram looking east.

    Mid-Devonian transgression and deep marine deposition

    (Drc). The Rodeo Creek unit deposition was marked by anoxic

    basin deposition of rhythmically bedded siliceous muds. Theconformable and gradational contact with underlying lime

    muds and silts of the upper Popovich Formation is well exposed

    at several localities, notably in the east wall of the Tara pit.

    Intrusive Rocks

    The northern Carlin trend contains numerous igneous rocks,

    mostly as stocks and dikes. Magmatic activity occurred during

    Late Jurassic, Eocene, and Miocene events that constrain the

    ages of gold mineralization. Temporal evolution of igneous

    activity in the northern Carlin trend is:

    Late Jurassic 158-Ma magmatism emplaced the

    Goldstrike granodiorite stock of high Mg-Fe, calc-alkaline

    affinity and widespread, coeval hornblende-biotite lamprophyre

    dikes. The northeast-southwest elongate Goldstrike stock

    measures 4 miles (6.4 km) long in a northeast direction by 1

    mile (1.6 km) wide (figs. B-2 and B-5). Maximum thickness is

    unknown although laccolithic margins adjacent to the Deep

    Post and Genesis orebodies exceed 1,500 feet (450 m) in

    thickness. Contact metamorphism of limestone produced

    diopside hornfels adjacent to the Goldstrike stock and distal

    marble. Local metasomatism formed diopside-grossular

    endoskarn along intrusion margins and diopside-grossular-

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    vesuvianite exoskarn with retrograde tremolite-epidote-calcite

    skarn in limestone. Propylitic alteration of diorite formed the

    alteration assemblage of calcite-chlorite-pyrite. Late-stage

    acidic fluids altered detrital feldspar, illite, and clay in

    sedimentary rocks to illite and sericite, with kaolinite in higher

    temperature, mineralized centers. The core of the Goldstrike

    stock is fresh to weakly propylitized; only sericitized contacts

    over widths of 10 to 100 feet (330 m) show the effects of

    hydrothermal alteration. Calc alkaline, biotite-hornblendelamprophyre dikes 1 to 3 feet (3090 cm) thick are widespread

    along north-northwest-trending structural corridors, notably the

    Post-Gen fault zone along the eastern, fault-bounded edge of

    the Tuscarora Spur.

    Eocene magmatism (37 to 40 Ma) is present along the entireCarlin trend, consisting of K-rich calc-alkaline rhyolite anddacite dikes at Deep Star/Genesis and Beast, respectively. Eocenedikes of the northern Carlin trend are immediately adjacent to alarge aeromagnetic anomaly that corresponds with the nearbyEmigrant Pass volcanic field and Welches Canyon stock. It isinferred that the anomaly represents a buried Eocene plutoniccomplex, and that Eocene magmatism is the major process that

    drove hydrothermal circulation forming Carlin gold deposits(Ressel and others, 2000a). Variable ages for Eocene dikesindicate that episodic gold deposition occurred over a period of3 to 4 million years (Ressel and Noble, 1999). Fine-grainedrhyolite dikes at Deep Star and Genesis (Anne Dike) are stronglyargillized and locally mineralized. Dacitic biotite feldsparporphyry dikes emplaced along the Post-Gen fault zones occurover a north-south distance of at least 4 miles (6.4 km) fromMeikle to Lantern. At Deep Post, barren biotite feldspar porphyrydikes (39 Ma) along the Post and Dormant faults bound high-grade (>1 opt [troy ounces per short ton] or 34 g/t) gold (Emsboand others, 1996). Conversely, the rhyolitic quartz eye monzoniteporphyry of the 36.3-Ma Beast dike in the Beast deposit is

    moderately mineralized (Ressel and others, 1999). The Beastdike, which is up to 150 feet (45 m) wide and 1 mile (1.6 km)long, contains 3 million tons (2.7 Mt) grading 0.016 opt (0.5 g/t) gold. Gold occurs mostly in brecciated dike and quartz veinletsalong the footwall margin of the 60E-dipping dike. 3) Youngestmagmatism includes Miocene rhyolitic lavas (15 Ma) along thewest flank of the Tuscarora Spur. Air-fall tuff and ash flows inthe basal Carlin Formation may represent distal equivalents ofthis magmatism (Ressel and Noble, 1999).


    The Jurassic Goldstrike stock has two important roles in its

    spatial relationship to gold deposits:

    (1) Embayments and sheared margins of the stock host high-

    grade orebodies at Deep Star and Deep Post in

    decarbonatized and hornfelsed sedimentary rocks along the

    Post-Gen fault zone; and

    (2) Margins of the contact metamorphic aureole focused gold

    mineralization at Betze-Post on the north side and at

    Genesis-Blue Star on the south side of the stock. The

    northern contact aureole averages only 300 feet (90 m) in

    width, whereas it is up to 1 mile (1.6 km) wide on the

    south side. Gold endowment at Betze-Post (>30 million

    oz [933 t]) is approximately six times greater than at

    Genesis-Blue Star (5 million oz [156 t]) (Schutz and

    Williams, 1995). This difference can be partly explained

    by the broader metamorphic aureole at Genesis-Blue Star

    producing inferior host rocks with restricted permeability,

    mostly marble and calc-silicate hornfels of the Popovich

    Formation. A small group of deposits is hosted by quartz-pyrite veins in the stock (e.g., North Star-West #9, Pancana).

    Some of the highest gold grades on the northern Carlin trend

    are hosted by Jurassic mafic dikes and along sheared dike

    margins. Availability of iron from altered biotite and hornblende

    is considered important for gold precipitation within mafic

    dikes or along dike margins. Dikes (and sills) are commonly

    argillized and/or sericitized adjacent to gold deposits, and were

    emplaced along the same faults later utilized by gold-bearing,

    hydrothermal fluids. North-northwest-trending Jurassic dike

    swarms are often the best indicator of deep mineralized systems.

    Whereas wallrocks may be geochemically barren, dikes with

    anomalous As, Sb, Hg, and Tl and sericitized hornblende,

    biotite, and plagioclase are important conduits for concealed

    gold deposits (e.g., Betze-Post, West Leeville). For example,

    surface expression of the 1,500- to 1,800-foot (460550 m)

    deep West Leeville deposit is subtle; exposed Vinini mudstone

    is not hydrothermally altered but there is a strong zone of north-

    south faulting and lamprophyre dikes above the deposit. The

    700- to 1,600-foot (210490 m) deep Betze-Post deposit

    contains numerous north-northwest-striking, argillized dikes

    in the 80E-dipping Post fault zone and 50W-dipping JB fault

    zone; at depth these dike swarms host high-grade mineralization

    where they cut the upper Roberts Mountains Formation.


    Gold deposits of the northern Carlin trend represent a spectrum

    of deposit styles owing to stratigraphic and structural

    differences (Teal and Jackson, 1997a; this volume). Each

    deposit can be assigned to a deposit class; however, they all

    contain components of the three major end members:

    stratigraphic, collapse breccia and structural controls (figs. B-

    7 and B-8). Deposit types do not cluster geographically, but

    instead demonstrate remarkable variation in host rock and style

    of mineralization over short distances. Individual deposits

    commonly contain several styles of mineralization. Each

    deposit class with examples is discussed below.

    Stratigraphically Controlled Gold Deposits

    The classic Carlin-type deposits show a strong stratigraphic

    control to gold mineralization and contain about 15% of the

    northern Carlin trend gold resource (fig. B-8). These tabular

    orebodies are characterized by extensive decarbonatization and

    residual dolomite with minimal structural disruption.

    Stratigraphically, there are three preferred host horizons in gold

    deposits of the northern Carlin trend:

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend




    C C'

    Turf W est Leeville

    Car lin Pete

    Gold zone

    Drc/Dp datum line











    400 feet


    100 meters

    0 5,000 feet

    0 1,500 meters

    Figure B-6. Carlin area north-south stratigraphic fence diagram looking northeast.

    Upper Roberts Mountains Formation (DSr1, DSr2, DSr3).

    The uppermost 400 feet (120 m) of the Roberts MountainsFormation is especially susceptible to decarbonatization by acidic

    hydrothermal fluids and gold precipitation. Decarbonatizationproduces a punky, low density, silty carbonaceous rock withexcellent secondary permeability and porosity. Volume loss ashigh as 40% was documented at the Carlin Mine (Bakken andEinaudi, 1990). Silicification is variable and is mostly confinedto centimeter-thick calcarenite interbeds that constitute only 110% of the upper Roberts Mountains Formation. The RobertsMountains Formation is conformably overlain by the PopovichFormation, which includes the relatively fine-grained andimpermeable, 200- to 300-foot (6090 m) thick Dp1 micrite unit.Dp1 micrite is geochemically barren and rarely mineralized,except where cut by faults and sulfidized dikes, and likely servedas a cap rock to mineralization in underlying host rocks. Similarly,

    the 800-foot (240 m) thick DSr4 unit of the lower RobertsMountains Formation is a poor host in most deposits except alongthe Castle Reef fault at Lantern and Perry, and in the lower zoneat West Leeville. The DSr4 unit was likely a relatively poor hostdue to the lack of bioclastic debris flows and calcarenite interbeds,and perhaps paucity of organic carbon and available ironcompared to the overlying upper Roberts Mountains andPopovich Formations.

    Examples of dominantly stratigraphically controlled

    orebodies hosted by the upper Roberts Mountains Formation

    include Carlin, Pete, West Leeville, and Tara, each with notable

    variations in preferred host strata in the upper Roberts

    Mountains Formation and distinct feeder faults (figs. B-1 and

    B-6). At Carlin the primary host is the DSr1 and uppermost

    DSr2 units; secondary structural control is provided by the

    northeast-striking Hardie fault and northwest-striking faults.

    Carlin is a cluster of gold deposits including Carlin Main, Carlin

    Island, Carlin East, and Hardie Footwall located in the footwall

    of the Hardie fault. The Pete deposit, located 1 mile (1.6 km)

    southeast of the Carlin deposit, may represent the right-laterally

    offset portion of the Carlin deposit along the northwest-striking

    Leeville fault. The preferred host rock at Pete is the DSr2 unit,

    and about 15% of the resource is hosted in the basal 50 feet

    (15 m) of the Rodeo Creek unit. North-northeast and north-

    northwest structural controls are inferred at Pete. Located 1

    mile (1.6 km) north of Carlin, West Leeville includes two

    stacked stratiform horizons with a vertical separation of about

    200 feet (60 m) in the base of the DSr2 unit and top of theDSr4 unit. The footwall of the north-striking West-Bounding

    fault is strongly mineralized, especially where cut by the

    northwest-striking Rodeo Creek fault. At the north end of the

    Carlin trend, the Tara deposit is hosted primarily by the DSr2

    unit. At northern Tara where the DSr2 unit pinches out, the

    Dp2 unit is the preferred host. The passive decarbonitized style

    of mineralization at Tara contrasts remarkably with the

    Bootstrap orebody only 1,000 feet (300 m) to the north, where

    structurally controlled gold mineralization occurs along the

    silicified and dike-filled Bootstrap fault and bleeds out laterally

    along the Dp0/Bootstrap limestone unconformity.

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend



    GE GenesisGR GriffinLL Long LacLG Lower GoldbugLP Lower PostME MeikleNL North LanternNS North Star/West #9

    PA PancanaPY PayraisePR PerryPE PeteRD RodeoSC ScreamerSO SoldSL South LanternSR Storm (Rossi)TA TaraTU TurfUG Upper GoldbugUP Upper Post

    WG West GenesisWL West Leeville

    AH Antimony HilBA BarrelBZ BazzaBT BeastBE BetzeBX Big 6BR Blue Star RidgeBS Blue Star

    BO BootstrapBC BobcatBM Bullion MonarchCP CapstoneCA CarlinCW Carlin WestDE DeeDP Deep PostDS Deep StarEX ExodusFE FenceFC Four Corners



    > 5 million oz Au resource

    0.5-5 million oz Au resource

    < 0.5 million oz Au resource



    EX PA LL














    Figure B-7. Ternary plot of styles of gold mineralization for the northern Carlin trend. Modified from Teal and Jackson,1997b.

    Lower Popovich Formation (Dp2 unit). The lowermost 70

    to 100 feet (2030 m) of the Popovich Formation is commonly

    silicified and hosts portions of stratigraphically controlled

    deposits at Lower Barrel, Lower Goldbug, and Tara. Owing to

    its stratigraphic proximity to the underlying DSr1-2-3 units,

    the entire Dp2 through DSr3 package is mineralized in thelarger deposits (e.g., Betze-Post, Genesis).

    Upper Popovich Formation (Dp0 unit). The upper 200 feet

    (60 m) of the Popovich Formation is also extensively

    decarbonatized, and is conformably overlain by 300 feet (90

    m) of relatively impermeable siliceous mudstones of the lower

    Rodeo Creek unit. Rheological contrast along the Rodeo Creek

    siliciclastic/Popovich limestone contact has produced

    numerous low-angle faults and bedding plane shears that

    enhance permeability and porosity. However, at Betze-Post

    strong argillization within the uppermost 50 feet (15 m) of the

    Popovich Formation rendered this horizon impermeable by

    forming a stratiform carbonaceous clay layer.

    Examples of dominantly stratigraphically controlled

    orebodies hosted in the upper Popovich Formation include

    Upper Meikle, West Griffin, Rodeo, Upper Goldbug, Upper

    Barrel, West Genesis, Bobcat, Blue Star and SOLD. In each

    example, gold mineralization has ponded immediately beneath

    the Rodeo Creek/Popovich contact in decarbonatized silty

    limestone along major north-northwest feeder faults. The

    Rodeo and Upper Goldbug deposits are hosted in the Dp0

    and Dp1 units in the footwall of the N1030E-striking,

    lamprophyre dike-filled Hillside fault and the footwall of the

    Post fault. Availability of organic carbon in the Roberts

    Mountains and Popovich Formations may have been locally

    important in precipitating gold at Rodeo (Goldbug), where

    grains of coarse gold up to 1 mm occur.

    Collapse Breccia-Hosted Gold Deposits

    Collapse breccia-hosted deposits are common in the Post

    subdistrict at Betze, Lower Post, and Lower Goldbug, and at

    Genesis due to widespread decalcification and subsequent

    volume loss and collapse overprinting bioclastic-rich portions

    of the DSr3 unit (fig. B-5). Typical Popovich Formation

    thicknesses of 500 to 600 feet (150180 m) at Genesis and

    Betze-Post compared to 800 feet (240 m) in unaltered Popovich

    on the Tuscarora Spur suggest that as much as 40% volume

    loss took place due to collapse. These deposits contain 40% of

    the northern Carlin trend resource. Collapse breccia dimensions

    at Betze-Post-Goldbug are about 1 square mile (2.5 square km)

    in plan and 400 to 700 feet (120210 m) thick. Collapse brecciasare clast-supported with angular clasts of the DSr2-3-4 units

    set in a matrix of fine-grained, residual silt, organic carbon

    and pyrite. The simple genetic model envisages early

    decarbonatization by acidic hydrothermal fluids focused along

    north-northwest-striking faults and laterally into stratiform

    fossil debris flows and calcarenite interbeds, collapse of the

    upper Roberts Mountains Formation, gold precipitation, and

    late-stage silicification + baritization. Heterolithic collapse

    breccias contain clasts of intrusive material and are generally

    higher grade. These stratiform bodies are not widely developed

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend




    Figure B-8. Northern Carlin trend gold distribution vs. stratigraphy.

    0Gold resource (million ounces)

    5 10 15 20 25 30



























    outside the Betze-Post-Goldbug area owing to the lack of

    bioclastic debris flows. Within the Post subdistrict they host

    large, medium- to high-grade gold deposits with stratigraphic

    and structural controls (Volk and others, 1995).

    The giant Betze orebody (40 million oz [1,250 t]) consistsof seven vertically stacked ore zones in the upper RobertsMountains Formation within the west-northwest-trending Betzeanticline along the northern margin of the Goldstrike stock (fig.

    B-2). Excluding structurally controlled deposits along thenorthwest-striking Castle Reef fault, the Betze, and the adjacentDeep Post orebodies are unique in their northwest strike. Thethickest and highest gold grades are located along the axis ofthe Betze anticline at its intersection with northeast- and north-northwest-striking faults. Lower, more erratic grades arespatially related to intense silicification along the northeast limbof the Betze anticline. Limestone dissolution betweenimpermeable layers formed stacked, stratified collapse brecciasover a vertical distance of 700 feet (210 m) with an estimatedrock thickness reduction of 14% (Leonardson and Rahn, 1996).

    The base of the stratiform, silicified, collapse breccia-hostedLower Post and Lower Goldbug deposits are sharply definedby the DSr3/4 contact (Jory and others, 1997). Debris flowswith interbedded wispy-laminated silty limestone are thickest(300 feet; 90 m) and most fossiliferous at Goldbug and LowerPost. Their occurrence marks the paleogeographic upper slopefacies of the southeast margin of the Bootstrap limestonebioherm. The Post fault zone is postulated to be an ancient

    structure that served as a submarine trough along which thickerpackages of fossil debris flow were shed, forming the DSr3unit (Jory and others, 1997). DSr3 is the preferred host unit atLower Post and Lower Goldbug. The underlying DSr4 planarlaminated silty limestone is rarely mineralized due to the lackof debris flows, thereby being less susceptible to fluid migration.At Genesis the preferred host unit is silicified collapse brecciaoverprinting decalcified DSr2-3 units in the footwall of the Genfault along the crest of the Tuscarora anticline. Dimensions ofthe collapse breccia are 1,500 feet (450 m) north-south by 600feet (180 m) east-west by 200 to 300 feet (6090 m) thick.

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend



    Structurally Controlled Gold Deposits(Faults, Folds, and Veins)

    Structurally controlled deposits account for an estimated 45%

    of gold in the northern Carlin trend. The three highest grade

    gold deposits on the Carlin trend (Deep Star, Deep Post, and

    Meikle) are located in the immediate footwall of the north to

    N20W-striking, 80E-dipping Post fault zone. The fault zone

    served as an important conduit for mineralizing low pHhydrothermal solutions along the east edge of the Tuscarora

    Spur (fig. B-2). These large, profitable orebodies formed at

    flexures that represent dilation zones along the Post fault.

    The 100- to 300-foot (3090m) wide fault zone is poorly

    mineralized due to high clay content and therefore restricted

    permeability. Sharp grade boundaries place 1.0 opt (34 g/t)

    gold rock within tens of feet of unmineralized rock. Gold grades

    average 0.7 to 1.0 opt (2434 g/t) gold and are as high as 6 opt

    (206 g/t) gold. The gold occurs as sub-micron-sized,

    disseminated particles in arsenian pyrite rims on pyrite nuclei

    (Arehart and others, 1993). These structurally controlled end

    members are characterized by abundant shearing and tectonic

    brecciation, 310% fine-grained sooty pyrite and marcasite,and elevated trace element geochemistry (gold, As, Sb, Hg,

    and Tl). Despite their similarities, these three deposits also have

    important differences.

    Deep Post and Deep Star are steeply east-dipping

    orebodies within or immediately adjacent to the metamorphic

    aureole of the Goldstrike stock (Harlan and Heitt, 1997), with

    horizontal dimensions of 500 by 1,000 feet (150 by 300 m)

    and 500 by 700 feet (150 by 210 m), respectively (fig. B-5).

    Vertical dimensions are relatively large, ranging from 800 to

    1,200 feet (240360 m). Recent work at both these deposits

    suggests that sharply defined bases to gold mineralization may

    be partly stratigraphically controlled. Hydrothermal alterationconsists of a high-grade quartz+kaolinite core with 1.0 opt

    (3.4 g/t) gold with fine-grained sooty sulfide flooding in

    pervasively decarbonatized and sheared host rocks. Deep Post

    host rocks are the DSr2 and upper DSr3 units. An estimated

    15% of the deposit is hosted in sheared diorite along the

    northeast margin of the Goldstrike intrusion. Deep Star is hosted

    by calc-silicate hornfels and silty limestone of the Popovich

    Formation. Deep Post averages 0.7% arsenic and contains

    spectacular realgar and orpiment-filled shears along the

    intrusive/sedimentary rock contact, while Deep Star contains

    only minor realgar. By contrast, arsenic sulfides are uncommon

    at Meikle (7 million oz at 0.7 opt [200 t at 24 g/t] gold), which

    consists of en echelon, high-angle gold-bearing zones cuttingmassive Bootstrap limestone. Meikles dimensions are 2,500

    by 800 feet (750 by 240 m). Metamorphic rocks do not occur

    at Meikle and silicification is widespread. Meikle and Deep

    Star have similar N15W/7080E-dipping structural

    orientations in the footwall of the Post fault zone, whereas the

    N50W/65SW-dipping orientation at Deep Post is controlled

    by the sheared intrusive/sediment contact. Thus, each of these

    900- to 1,600-foot (270490 m) deep, high-grade deposits has

    contrasting host rocks, orientations, alteration, and gangue

    mineralogy that require different exploration strategies. East

    Griffin, located 1,000 feet (300 m) south of Meikle, occurs

    within DSr2-3 units along the collapse brecciated, sheared and

    dike-filled footwall of the Post fault zone.

    The Genesis Complex includes the 3-million-ounce (93 t)

    Genesis deposit, hosted by the Popovich and upper Roberts

    Mountains Formations, and numerous smaller satellite deposits

    that are mostly structurally controlled along the Rodeo Creek/

    Popovich contact. Mineralizing solutions exploited

    intersections of thrusts, northwest-striking normal and reversefaults, northeast-striking normal faults, and the crest of the

    N15W-trending Tuscarora anticline (Schutz and Williams,

    1995). The barren, N1040E-trending, 39-Ma K Dike is well

    exposed in the Genesis pit, where it is up to 100 feet (30 m)

    wide and strongly sericitized. The dacitic K Dike is mapped

    over a north-south strike length of 2 miles (3 km) from Deep

    Star and Genesis southward through Blue Star to the Crazy

    Eights prospect; the sheared footwall margin commonly

    contains 0.1 to 0.2 opt (37 g/t) gold grades over widths of 10

    to 50 feet (315 m). West Genesis occurs on the west limb of

    the Tuscarora anticline in upper Popovich Formation along

    bedding-parallel shears. Low-angle thrusts along the Rodeo

    Creek/Popovich contact in an uplifted structural block on the

    west edge of the Genesis pit are the primary ore control at

    Bobcat and Payraise. Flat-lying to 30W-dipping quartz veins

    cutting the southeast margin of the Goldstrike stock are the

    dominant host rock at the North Star and West #9 deposits.

    Some gold mineralization is also focused along north-northwest

    faults that cut Popovich limestone exoskarn and marble. At

    Genesis and North Star, alteration is zoned from strongly

    silicified and quartz-sericite-pyrite altered core >0.10 opt (3.4

    g/t) gold, outward to less intense quartz-sericite-pyrite in 0.01

    to 0.10 opt (0.33.4 g/t) gold haloes, to decalcified waste rock.

    Blue Star ore is dominantly silificified calcarenite of the basal

    Rodeo Creek unit and decalcified upper Popovich Formation.In the adjacent Blue Star Ridge deposit 1,000 feet (300 m) to

    the south, the preferred host unit is the 50- to 70-foot (1521

    m) thick basal calcarenite; however, narrow high-grade zones

    zones are restricted to high-angle, northerly striking

    lamprophyre dikes. The basal calcarenite attains its greatest

    thickness at Blue Star and Blue Star Ridge where it forms an

    excellent host rock. The Beast deposit is hosted by the northerly

    striking Beast dike and brecciated DSr4 in the footwall of the

    dike. The Beast orebody occurs in the east limb of the Tuscarora

    anticline in the footwall of the dike-filled Gen fault. The

    adjacent Sold deposit 1,000 feet (300 m) northwest of Beast

    occurs along a decalcified and argillized east-west fault cutting

    Popovich limestone.Other examples of structurally controlled gold deposits

    of the northern Carlin trend include all deposits in the Bootstrap

    subdistrict, excluding the stratigraphically controlled Tara

    deposit (fig. B-4). These deposits occur along the near-vertical,

    north-south Bootstrap fault zone, including Dee, Capstone,

    and Bootstrap. These deposits are somewhat unusual in that

    2040% of the gold is hosted by silicified Bootstrap limestone

    adjacent to north-south feeder faults. However, a critical

    component of these deposits is the intersection of these feeders

    with the upper Popovich Dp0 silty limestone/Bootstrap

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend




    limestone unconformity (fig. B-4) (Coombs and Malan, 1999).

    Significant gold mineralization is not recognized more than

    300 feet (90 m) vertically above or below this unconformity.

    At Capstone the lamprophyric Capstone dike is strongly

    mineralized where it cuts the unconformity. Also at Capstone,

    a northeast zone of gold mineralization containing 80,000

    ounces (2.5 t) of gold is hosted by silicified and quartz

    stockwork-veined silty limestone of the allochthonous Vinini

    Formation. The Vinini Formation is generally a poor host sinceit contains impermeable and unreactive siliceous rocks and high

    clay content along Roberts Mountains thrust-induced shears.

    Vinini-hosted mineralization is structurally controlled and is

    typically only several meters wide. Vinini siltstone is

    mineralized along north-northeast faults at the Big Six and

    Antimony Hill prospects north of the Carlin Mine. To date, no

    significant gold mineralization has been discovered in the oldest

    rocks of the northern Carlin trend, including the Ordovician

    Pogonip limestone, Ordovician Eureka Quartzite, and

    Ordovician Hanson Creek dolomite. The South Lantern deposit

    is structurally controlled along the northwest-striking, baritic

    Castle Reef fault in the DSr4 unit. South Lantern was

    discovered in 1993 by detailed structural mapping. It is notable

    for its subtle alteration with weak to no decarbonatization and

    intact bedding. Several small deposits are hosted by the DSr4

    unit along the Castle Reef fault zone, including Bullion

    Monarch (Universal Gas), West Carlin, Perry and Castle Reef.

    These deposits are spatially associated with large linear ribs of

    jasperoid replacing bioclastic-rich strata along the steeply

    northeast-dipping Castle Reef fault.


    The Carlin trend is a north-northwest alignment of over 40

    gold deposits with associated hydrothermal alteration along alinear zone 40 miles (65 km) long and 1 to 2 miles (1.63.2

    km) wide. Gold deposits of the northern Carlin trend show

    three structural orientations, in order of decreasing importance:

    (1) north to N20W in the footwall of the Post-Gen fault zone

    and numerous subparallel dike swarms; (2) N30W to N60W

    along the Castle Reef fault zone and along the Betze anticline;

    and (3) N10E to N30E at Tara, Carlin, West Leeville, and

    Blue Star. Numerous local variations are recognized at the

    mine-scale, notably a northeast fabric at Betze-Post and

    Genesis. Two-thirds of gold deposits in the northern Carlin

    trend occur within the north to N20W strike range (table B-

    1); however, the largest orebody (Betze) strikes N60W.

    Gold deposits of the northern Carlin trend represent a

    spectrum of styles of mineralization owing to stratigraphic and

    structural differences (Teal and Jackson, 1997a). Each deposit

    can be assigned to a deposit class; however, most contain

    components of the three major end members: stratigraphic

    control, structural control, and collapse breccia. Review of

    figure B-7 shows that most gold deposits plot within the

    structurally controlled field. Structural preparation is the single

    most important factor in controlling Carlin trend gold deposits.

    The richest deposits are concentrated along or adjacent to the

    Post-Gen fault zone, as exemplified by Deep Star, Deep Post,

    and Meikle. The bulk of gold mineralization occurs within 2

    miles (3 km) of the Jurassic Goldstrike diorite stock and

    adjacent to the north-northwest-striking, dike-filled, Post-Gen

    fault zone. However, review of figure B-7 for gold resources

    larger than 0.5 million ounces (16 t) shows that there is a

    roughly equal number of deposits in the structure (8) versus

    stratigraphy + collapse breccia (8) fields, testifying to the

    importance of stratigraphic control. The latter statement is

    especially relevant when considering the Betze deposit, by farthe single largest deposit on the Carlin trend with 40 million

    ounces (1,250 t) of gold.

    Figure B-8 portrays the importance of the upper Roberts

    Mountains Formation as the superior host rock in the northern

    Carlin trend. Preferred host rocks include bioturbated, wispy-

    laminated silty limestones with bioclastic debris flows and

    calcarenite interbeds, which contain an estimated 65% of

    the northern Carlin trend gold resource. Extensive

    decarbonatization, volume loss, and subsequent collapse

    brecciation enhanced permeability and porosity to produce ideal

    host rocks for ascending mineralizing fluids. Abrupt facies

    changes across the Dp0/Bootstrap limestone unconformity and

    across the Rodeo Creek/Popovich Formation contact localizedgold mineralization throughout the northern Carlin trend.

    Hydrothermal alteration spatially associated with gold

    mineralization includes decarbonatization, silicification,

    argillization, sulfidation, dolomitization, with barite + stibnite

    + realgar + orpiment introduction with geochemically

    anomalous As, Sb, Hg, Ag and Tl. These characteristics are

    recognized in many gold mining districts throughout northeast

    Nevada, including Gold Quarry-Mike-Tusc, Rain-Railroad,

    Bald Mountain-Alligator Ridge, Cortez-Pipeline, and Twin

    Creeks-Getchell. Superposition of the western margin of

    ancestral North America with slope facies sedimentary rocks,

    structural reactivation along north-northwest to north-northeast

    fabrics, several episodes of magmatic activity, and large

    auriferous hydrothermal cells combine to make northeast

    Nevada one of the richest gold provinces in the world.


    This paper represents the cumulative geologic work of dozens

    of geologists on the Carlin trend. Understanding and correlation

    of Carlin trend stratigraphy have improved considerably in the

    past 5 years due to better open pit and underground exposures,

    increased core drilling, and continued communication between

    geologists. Much of the current stratigraphic nomenclature was

    developed in 1993 at the Carlin Mine by Newmont geologistsSteve Moore and Richard Harris. Frequent reference is made

    to the 1997 Society of Economic Geologists newsletter

    publication by Teal and Jackson, entitled Geologic overview

    of the Carlin trend gold deposits and descriptions of recent

    deep discoveries. Newmont Mining Corporation is thanked

    for granting permission to publish this paper. Enlightening

    discussions over the past ten years with the following geologists

    are especially appreciated: Newmont geologists Jeff Huspeni,

    Ron Thoreson, Ken Paul, Leroy Schutz, Lewis Teal, Henry

    Unger, Cindy Williams, Bruce Harlan, Leo Coombs, Paul

  • 7/27/2019 Stratigraphy and Host Rock Controls of Gold Deposits of the Northern Carlin Trend


    Deposit Abbreviation in Pre-mine Grade Primary Secondary Strikefigure 7 resource (opt gold) host unit host unit

    (oz gold)

    Antimony Hill AH 20K 0.05 Ovi N20E

    Barrel BA 200K 0.20 Dp2 Dp0 N10WBazza BZ 80K 0.05 Drc N45W

    Beast BT 50K 0.02 DSr4 N10WBetze BE 40M 0.20 DSr2-3 JKi N60W

    Big Six BX 20K 0.05 Ovi N20E

    Blue Star Ridge BR 180K 0.02 Drc Dp0 N-SBlue Star BS 400K 0.04 Dp0 Drc N-S

    Bootstrap BO 850K 0.10 DSb, Dp0 Drc N-S

    Bobcat BC 220K 0.03 Dp0 Drc N-SBullion Monarch BM 40K 0.17 DSr4 N60W

    Capstone CP 300K 0.10 Ovi, Dp0 DSb N-SCarlin CA 5M 0.40 DSr1-2 N50E

    Carlin West CW 250K 0.06 Dp0 DSr4 N60WDee DE 1M 0.10 Dp0 DSb N-S

    Deep Post DP 4M 0.70 DSr2-3 JKi N50W

    Deep Star DS 1.7M 1.00 Dp JKi N20WExodus EX 400K 0.10 Dp N30W

    Fence FE 200K 0.20 DSr2 N20WFour Corners FC 300K 0.25 DSr2-3 Drc N15E

    Genesis GE 3M 0.10 DSr2-3 Dp N15WGriffin GR 500K 0.40 DSr2-3 N20W

    Long Lac LL 65K 0.05 Drc N10W

    Lower Goldbug LG 1M 0.25 DSr2-3 DSr4 N30WLower Post LP 2.5M 0.13 DSr3 DSr2 N30W

    Meikle ME 7M 0.70 DSr, DSb Dp0 N15WNorth Lantern NL 100K 0.03 DSr4 N10W

    North Star-West #9 NS 230K 0.08 JKi Dp N10W

    Pancana PA 20K 0.05 JKi N15WPayraise PY 30K 0.02 Drc Dp0 N45E

    Perry PR 50K 0.02 DSr4 N60WPete PE 1M 0.06 DSr2 Drc N20W

    Rodeo RD 1.5M 0.40 Dp0 Dp1-2 N40E

    Screamer SC 5M 0.18 DSr2-3 Dp N70WSold SO 30K 0.02 Dp1-2 DSr2 N80E

    South Lantern SL 200K 0.04 DSr4 N30WStorm (Rossi) RS 1.1M 0.41 DSb, Dp0 JKi N20W

    Tara TA 600K 0.06 DSr2 Dp2 N20ETurf TU 1M 0.37 DSr2-3 Dp0 N15E

    Upper Goldbug UG 1.2M 0.35 Dp2 Dp0-1 N40E

    Upper Post UP 3.0 M 0.04 Drc N20WWest Genesis WG 250K 0.07 Dp0 N-S

    West Leeville WL 3M 0.37 DSr2 DSr4 N-S

    K = thousands; M = millions; 1 million ounces = 31.1 metric tons (t); 1 ounce/short ton (opt) = 34.3 grams/metric ton (g/t)

    Data sources: Teal and Jackson (1997a)

    1998 Newmont annual reserve and resource statement

    Table B-1. Northern Carlin trend resources by deposit, host rock, and primary structural orientation.

    Malan, Wayne Trudel, Don Harris, and Margie Lane; and

    Barrick geologists Bob Leonardson , Jerry Rahn, Mike Penick,

    Greg Griffin, and Gary Baschuk. Jeanette Hunter is thanked

    for drafting the figures. Steve Moore, Lewis Teal, Henry Unger,

    Ken Paul, Greg Griffin, and three anonymous reviewers

    provided excellent comments that significantly improved the

    manuscript. Finally, my thanks to Lewis Teal, Henry Unger,

    and Tommy Thompson for providing the encouragement to

    write this paper.