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Strathmoor Village Voice June 2020 Summer Edition Strathmoor Village, KY Better Late than Never...Easter Pictures THANK YOU to Clair Colvin and her family for suggesting the Easter Egg decoration event and a big Thanks to Commissioner John Barrow for taking this great idea and running with it. We definitely needed a project or two to keep us occupied the past couple of months. Our Social Distancing/Virtual Egg Hunt did just that. Here's just a few of the Eggs 'hidden' throughout the Village. Did everyone find these ??

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Strathmoor Village Voice

June 2020 Summer Edition

Strathmoor Village, KY

Better Late than Never...Easter Pictures

THANK YOU to Clair Colvin and her family for suggesting the Easter Egg decoration event and a big Thanks to Commissioner John Barrow for taking this great idea and running with it. We definitely needed a project or two to keep us occupied the past couple of months. Our Social Distancing/Virtual Egg Hunt did just that. Here's just a few of the Eggs 'hidden' throughout the Village. Did everyone find these ??

Ordinance Number 3; Series 2020

Right of Way Trees Available at No Cost to Residents

The City of Strathmoor Village Commissioners has approved the purchase of a maximum of 26 trees to be placed in our front Right of Ways. If you would like a tree, please email Commissioner John Barrow ([email protected]) with your request. Even if you have contacted John in the past, or expressed your interest at our last picnic; Please be sure to email John again and make sure you are on the list.

Here is the list of trees that our arborist recommends for our front right of ways: Autumn Blaze Maple, Alle Elm, Shumard Oak, Red Rage Black Gum, Red Sunset Maple, Sugar Maple, October Glory Maple, Ace of Hearts Redbud, Red Oak and Willow Oak.

Please note that any of the above are subject to availability from our supplier so you may want to provide a second and third choice. If you receive a tree, we ask that you water the trees as they are your responsibility to maintain. The final decision on the type and location of the tree will be made by our arborist.

Thank you in advance for keeping our city greener and healthier.


Ordinance Number 3

Series 2020

AN ORDINANCE relating to the ad valorem tax rate on real property.


Section 1. The tax rate on non-exempt real property within the corporate limits of the City of Strathmoor Village shall be 25 cents per $100.00 valuation.

Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect with the issuance of the 2020 Property Tax Bills of the City based on valuations of real property as of January 1st, 2020 by the Jefferson County Property Valuation Administrator.

Enacted this 8th day of June, 2020

First Reading: 5/11/2020

Second Reading: 6/8/2020

To Honor all the Fathers on Fathers’ Day...A Couple ‘Dad” Jokes

What did the fisherman say to the magician?

Pick a cod, any cod.

How do you make a Kleenex dance?

Put a little boogie in it!

Why do melons have weddings?

Because they cantaloupe!

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?

Great food, no atmosphere!

Bicycling is fun. It helps us keep fit, and it gives us mobility. For kids, the bicycle is their first ve-hicle, a source of pride, and an important way to get around. In addition, bicycling is generally a safe activity. But, when bicyclists make basic mistakes, they're the ones most likely to get hurt. For this reason, the attitudes you instill in your child now will determine how he or she will ride for years to come. If your child gets a good grounding in safe riding techniques, he or she will be able to enjoy the benefits of bicycling for many years.

Skill # 1 - Riding a Straight Line

This skill is basic but very important. Take your child to a park, playground or empty parking lot for practice and find a straight paint stripe on the pavement. Have your child practice riding on the stripe without veering to one side or another. It may take some practice but your child will get bet-ter at it each time he or she tries, and that' s good!

TIP: To ride straight, don’t look down at the stripe. Look ahead to where you' re going.

Skill # 2 - Looking Back Without Swerving

Have your child ride the same stripe while you hold a cardboard picture of a car. As he or she rides past, hold the "car" up or hide it behind your back and say” LOOK"! Your child should look back and say "CAR" or no "CAR”!

Skill # 3 - Stopping and Speed Control

On the playground, have your child practice slowly toward a wet sponge and stopping just before hitting it. Gradually increase the speed and watch for skidding (NOT GOOD). As your child speeds up, he or she will need to start using the breaks sooner. This will teach your child how long it takes to stop without skidding.

TIP: Going downhill, a bicyclist should brake gently and often to keep from going too fast and losing control.


In a word YES! Your child should use one every time he or she rides. Helmets can prevent head injuries and save lives. And about 75% of all bicyclists killed each year die from head injuries. Many more are injured seriously. The cost $ 20.00 - 30.00 dollars is very small compared to the medical bill and grief caused by a head injury. Go with a CPSC- approved helmet; there are many available in different styles and colors.


Let your child pick out his or her helmet.

Follow the HELMET instructions for a proper fit.

Were one yourself.

A Word About Bicycle Safety from Chief Mike Lamey

Bicycle Safety (Cont’d)


1. Always wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet to protect your head- every time you ride.

2. Use a bicycle that is the appropriate size for you, not one that is too big.

3. Before you ride make sure you do not have any loose clothing, drawstrings, or shoelaces; they can get caught in your chain and make you fall.

4. Have an adult check the air in your tires and make sure your brakes are working before you ride.

5. Wear bright colors so others can see you at all times of the day.

6. Stay alert at all times; never listen to music when riding. Pay attention and watch for cars, peo-ple, and other bicyclists.

7. Don't bicycle at night. If you must ride make sure your bike has reflectors and lights and wear retro-reflective materials on your ankles, wrists, back and helmet.

8.Before you enter any street or intersection check for traffic by looking to the left-right-left to make sure no cars or trucks are there.

9. Learn and follow the rules of the road.


1. When riding in the road, always ride on the right hand side of the road ( same direction as traf-fic ).

2. Obey traffic laws, including all the traffic signs and signals.

3. Ride predictably - ride in a straight line, don't weave in and out of traffic.

4. When riding on a sidewalk--- show respect for the people walking on the sidewalk. Ring your bell to let them know you are coming and always pass them on the left.

5. Look for debris on your route that could cause you to fall off your bicycle, like trash, stones, toys.

SPECIAL NOTE - To our residents, PLEASE when pulling out of your driveway be aware of your surroundings, PLEASE look to see if any children on bikes or anyone that may be walking down the street is not within your pathway of pulling out. With the summer heating up more children on bikes as well as walkers and joggers are on our streets and sidewalks. With everyone's help we can make this a safe summer for all.

Chief Michael Lamey

Strathmoor Village Police Department

ph: (502) 821-6655

email: [email protected]

Chief Mike is also working with AAA and hopefully will have a Bicycle Safety Course available for Strathmoor Village residents. Thinking at the time is for Late July 2020; Stay tuned for more details.

Kentucky League of Cities—MuniciPals Program

If parents are looking for educational materials, projects, activities to keep the kids busy and think-ing this summer/fall; Strathmoor Village, in collaboration with the Kentucky League of Cities, has put together a couple of activities for elementary age children. This Curriculum focuses on civics and local government. Commissioner John Barrow has worked on this curriculum and anything that your children would like to complete can be e-mailed to John @ [email protected] or dropped off at his house, 2235 Emerson Avenue. I have highlighted just a couple of the activities, but if you would like to see the complete activity book; I’m sure John can help with that. Activity # 1—Your City and How it Works?

The citizens/politicians who are responsible for running our city are elected by your parents. Our job is to keep our neighborhood clean, safe and enjoyable for all the residents. These persons; Mark, Tim, John H, Betty and John B. use their skills and talents to do this job..

We need government and government needs good leaders to affect change and make things happen. Nothing happens unless someone makes it happen. Our city provides police and fire protection, col-lects garbage and recycling and maintains our streets and sidewalks as well as planting trees and caring for our public spaces. We also provide educational and prevention services and community celebrations. Some of these community events are; the annual yard sale, community picnic, 4th of July and Halloween parades, Holiday decoration events and Easter Egg hunt.

Some questions for you:

Do you want our city to do more?

What would you do?

Why government matters?

Activity # 2— Strathmoor Village Letter Writing Contest

Cities are made up of people. Each citizen has a role to play. Government is for kids too. Think about what you could do to make a difference in Strathmoor Village. Let us know by answering the follow-ing question and send your handwritten, typed or e-mailed letter to Commissioner John Barrow. Parents please make sure to include your name and the child’s name and grade;

“I will make a difference in my community by…” Activity # 3—What is an Ordinance?

A city’s governing authorities, the mayor and commission, perform their day-to-day functions in large part through adopting or issuing written ordinances. An ordinance is an official action of a city legislative body, which is a regulation that affects the community at large. In short, an ordinance is a local law. Once an ordinance is enacted, the rules within that law can be enforced within the city of Strathmoor Village. A violation of an ordinance could result in a penalty. In drafting an ordinance, the mayor and commissioners of Strathmoor Village must answer the following questions:

· What is the ordinance requiring?

· Why is there a need for the ordinance?

· How will the problem be corrected?

· What is the penalty if the law is broken?

Keeping those questions in mind… What’s an Ordinance that you think is needed in Strathmoor Village?

MuniciPals—Strathmoor Village Coat of Arms