strategies to use when behavior management doesn't work_n. ory

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  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    Specific strategies to use when

    behaviour management

    doesnt work:

    How to avoid resistive behaviour

    and unnecessary power struggles

    Nathan E. Ory, M.A.

    Challenging Behavior Analysis and Consultation, Ltd

    Special Education Council of the

    Alberta Teachers Association

    Kananaskas, Alberta

    October 15, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    P - Identify the individuals functionalbehaviours that will respond to increased

    structure and training of alternativecoping skills.

    Begin by always checking outfunctional behavioural factors

    Typical and more obvious

    Functional-behavioural factors

  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    Basic, behavioural approaches

    - Increase structure with positive reinforcementand avoidable consequences to teach the value ofself-control.

    - Train how to cope with specific situations as aparticular skill.

    - Train in alternative forms of communication thatis more appropriate to situation.

    - Teach person how to not be reactive by providingchoices and options for positive control.

  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    PDifficulties and limitations in:

    P - recognizing/analyzing what isimportant and relevant.


    - analyzing what to do first/where to start

    P - attending to and sustaining attention towhat is relevant.

    What is going on when someone isntlearning from experience?

  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    PDifficulties and limitations in:

    P - remembering what is important

    P - being motivated to attend

    P - considering options for action andproblem solving

    What is going on when someone isntlearning from experience?

  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    P - sustained focus to be able to work

    towards a goal.

    P - ability to process, this first-that next

    P - ability to process, if this-then that.

    P- ability to anticipate and delaygratification.

    Why typical behavioural approachesmay not work or lead to

    oppositional reactions

    Assumptions and requirements for learning:

  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    What you can do when youdont know what to do!

    Accommodate to disabilities indistractibility and inattention

    Gain eye contact

    Keep language short (4-5 words)



    Demonstrate:Be visual and concrete, use props

  • 8/8/2019 Strategies to Use When Behavior Management Doesn't Work_N. Ory


    P Slower rate of processing and

    P Difficulty processing time references...

    < Interferes with ability to understandconditional

    P Captured by immediate stimulus,inability to delay response...