strategies for collaboration and intervention · national gem and jewellery authority other...

Strategies for collaboration and intervention

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Page 1: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

Strategies for collaboration and intervention

Page 2: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

Different types of actors and institutions involved in the management of crop genetic diversity

Each type of organization has a unique set of capacities, different interests, needs and objectives.

Need to balance the different interests to address the needs of all the parties involved and have a healthy system where crop genetic diversity is maintained and sustainably used

Institutional and Partner Diversity

Farmers and local communitiesEcologists or ecosystem health workersConservationists and breedersNational governmentsPrivate sector Consumers

Page 3: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

For example, a project dominated by conservationists may fail to prioritize farmers' livelihoods, while a project dominated by agricultural development workers may not place enough emphasis on conservation.

Conservationists and breeders are interested in maintaining the genetic value of material (e.g. yield, resistance) without necessarily taking into consideration farmers’ needs and preferences

Partner Diversity:Different perspectives

Page 4: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

Projects are often developed by a few persons, representing only a few of the totalstakeholders, who hope that once the funding is secured the project will be ‘explained’ andaccepted by the other stakeholders. The stage of explaining the project’s purpose and valueto team members is often not given adequate time. As a result some stakeholders may feel no ownership in the work they have been asked to perform

Multidisciplinary teams have to be established where all partners work together towards a common goal

Communication is effective, common understanding, equity at all levels, respect for the role of each individual or institution

Multidisciplinary Teamwork

Linkages (between disciplines, institutes, formal and informal sectors) TrainingEquity in participation and decision making

Page 5: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

The institutional diversity is necessary

Farmers' Organizations


Community-Based Organizations

Non-Governmental Organizations

National research institutes

Ministries of Agriculture & Environment

International Institutes

Multidisciplinary Teamwork: Who is involved?

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Global organizational structure




Ministry of Environment (MoE)

National Steering

Committee (NSC)





Ministry of

Agriculture (MoA)

Project Management Unit PDOAHORDI/FRU





Department of



Green Movement

SSIP Sevalanka









Dept of Wildlife Conservation; Dept of Animal

Production & Health; Dept of Export Agriculture;

Dept of National Botanic Gardens; Ministry of

Indigenous Medicine; Meteorological Department;

National Gem and Jewellery Authority


Ministries and


Farmers and



Page 7: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

Collaborative Project Frameworks

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) - Formalizing partnerships to agree to enter into a collaboration at established terms

Between two or more institutes within a countryBetween international agencies and a national institutes

MoUs are particularly important in countries where upper-level administrators are frequently moved from one post to another, to provide continuity and commitment from an institute rather than an individual administrator.

Build collaboration with and among farming communities

Organization of meetings involving as many as possible actors to have a common discussion and understanding of plant genetic diversity and any other issue involved in its management

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Strengthening national frameworks

Identify the partners Create linkages between them

Promote equity in participation and decision-making

Training both farmers and project personnel

Situation analysis

Taking into consideration all different perspectives

Build collaboration with farming communities

Representative partnership

Equitable collaboration

Mutual trust

Value and recognition of different knowledge

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Diversity is accessible but is not used because it

is not valued or does not perform

Diversity exists, is accessible, is valued but

farmers do not benefit from its use

Jarvis, Hodgkin, Sthapit,

Fadda, Lopez, CRPS 2011

Diversity does not exist in the production system

Diversity exists but is not accessible

Constraints to

conserve and

use traditional

crop varieties,


breeds, aquatic


Lack of funds

Social constraints, policy constraints

Not perceived as competitive, not evaluated

Poor performance or cultural acceptability

Management not optimal, policies inhibit use

Insufficient market or non market benefits from use

Weak local institutes and farmer/community leadership

Exists but not in sufficient quantities

Generalized Model (based >500 on farm studies

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Improve availability of materials

Improve information and availability of information

Improving traditional variety materials and their


Improve processing

Market creation and market promotion

Build partnerships and trust

Change norms

Alternatives and modification to seed certification systems

Promote ecological land management practices

Categories of actions that we know promote sustainable use

Payment schemes for ecosystem services

Page 11: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

Supporting the maintenance and use of crop genetic diversity

Community Biodiversity Management

Page 12: Strategies for collaboration and intervention · National Gem and Jewellery Authority Other Ministries and Departments Farmers and Farmers ... Market creation and market promotion

Community-based biodiversity management is a participatory

approach to empower farmers, and local institutions for managing

agricultural biodiversity, by enhancing the capacity of communities to

analyze livelihood assets, problems, and to seek and implement


Communities are empowered to exercise their rights and secure

access and control over their genetic resources.

Community Biodiversity Management:Empowering farmers’ communities

Formal research and development programme often fail toinvolve farmers and/or to strengthen the capacity of localcommunities for the management of their biodiversityresources.

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1. Enhancing community awareness and

education on agricultural biodiversity

2. Understanding the local context

(biodiversity, social networks and

local institutions)

3. Setting up and building capacity of

community institutions

4. Consolidating community roles in planning,

and implementation

6. Community M&E System

5. Establishing a CBM Fund

Community Biodiversity Management:Empowering farmers’ communities

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Supporting the maintenance and use of crop genetic diversity:Conservation and utilization practices

Diversity Field Fora

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Diversity Field Fora

• Strengthening farmers’ skills to manage their plant genetic resources; it strengthens human capital, through education and training, natural capital, by developing and improving access to adapted material, and social capital by facilitating systematic interactions among

•It consists of co-research and co-learning activities / tasks in the field, with periodic measurements and observations, meetings between partners (farmers, extension, development NGOs, research, etc.) to discuss about activities

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•Teacher vs Facilitator

1. Teacher: a leader, teaches how to think, how to do

2. The facilitator : guides people to think, to do, not a leader.

3. Required qualities for a good facilitator: the 3L: look, listen, and learn. Should not dominate, should not interrupt

Diversity Field Fora:co-research and co-learning activities

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Step 1: Participatory appraisal of the initial state of PGR

Objective: Seek for farmers’ buy-in, identify the real needs of farmers with respect to PGR management

• First organize site visit with farmers

• Inventory of existing varietal diversity at village level and map the importance of each variety to people

Diversity Field Fora

Step 2: Negotiating DFF activities

Objective: identify key activities, select both traditional and improved varieties to be tested

• Decide who is responsible of what

• There are short (pest & diseases, seed multiplication) and long term activities (PVS, PPB, CSB)

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Step 3: Implementation of the DFF - field experiments

• Objective: Monitor crop cycle

• Co-research (co-learning) activities or tasks in the field

• Data collection

• Periodic visits to the field for data collection, measurements and observations, followed by gropu discussion about activities

• Periodic meetings held for data presentation and discussion

Diversity Field Fora

Step 4: DFF evaluation

• Objective: Share results and show to the audience what can be achieved though collective action

• Organize the feedback and validation meeting or community forum

• Present DFF results to other community members and

• Negotiate agenda for the next season

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Supporting the maintenance and use of crop genetic diversityConservation and utilization practices

Community Biodiversity registry

Diversity Field Fora

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• To provide a record of local knowledge for the

use of present and future generations of village

community people.

• To promote the revitalisation of local knowledge

by: (a) recognising the range of such

knowledge; (b) rewarding outstanding

knowledge, skills, techniques and conservation

practices; (c) validating and promoting sound

local knowledge and resource management

traditions; and (d) promoting intercommunity

transfer of knowledge for capacity


• To alert conservationists about the need for

action concerning threatened resources and

the need for protection of local resource rights.

• To protect local biodiversity and knowledge

from misappropriation by companies such as

though patenting of modified products,

processes and biological resources.

Community Biodiversity Registry







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Supporting the maintenance and use of crop genetic diversity

Community Biodiversity Management

Community Biodiversity Registry

Diversity Field Fora

Community seed bank

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Community Seed Bank

Community seed banks are mainly informal institutions, locally governed and managed, whose core function is to preserve seeds for local use.

Community seed banks are trying to regain, maintain, and increase control over seeds by farmers and local communities and to strengthen or establish dynamic forms of cooperation among and between farmers and others involved in the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity.

Community seed bank represent an alternative source for seeds of local crops and varieties, as commercial seed companies, extension input depots, and private dealers are marketing only modern varieties and hybrids of a limited number of crops.

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i. Situation analysis - To understand crop trends, the seed system analysis

ii. Formulation of objectives and functions of the seedbank - To ensure

a common understanding among the community

iii) Site selection and land acquisition

iv) Development of and agreeing to modalities of running the seedbank

To set the standard operating procedures for

Tougouri, Burkina

Faso, Seed bank and

underground genebank

Community Seed Bank: The process

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v) Seedbank establishment

vi) Establishment of community management structure for the

storage facility - capacity building of office bearers, roles and


vii) Development of work-plan and monitoring system

Community Seed Bank

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Supporting the maintenance and use of crop genetic diversity

Community Biodiversity Management

Community Biodiversity registry

Seed/Diversity fairs

Diversity Field Fora

Community seed bank

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To create public awareness on the value of local crop diversity

To locate prime areas of diversity and identify rare and unique


To promote exchange of community based seed and

knowledge as social learning

To improve access to rare germplasm

To identify key custodians who maintain high genetic diversity

and the reasons for conserving them

To document variety names and associated knowledge on

uses and other values for community biodiversity register

To educate young generation and also to influence policy makers on the value of agricultural biodiversity

Seed/Diversity fairs

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Seed/Diversity fairs: the processi. Hold participatory planning meetings with grassroots institutions to

discuss guiding principles of the diversity fair and the criteria for

participating community selection, selection of the venue and date, in

consultation with local institutions.

ii. Establish organizing committee and sub-committees to identify roles and

responsibilities for each committee.

iii. Define agro-ecological zones to determine the participants of diversity fair

at the domain level.

iv. For each sample provide variety names, distinguishing traits and address

of custodians, passport information of materials, specific reasons for cultivation and valuable traits

v. Define clear criteria for evaluation of the stalls, rules for display or

competition, as number, and type of prizes and rules and regulations for

the fair.

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vi. Provide orientation training to participating group members on

displaying materials, information to be shared, labelling the


vii. Participants should be guided to visit the stalls and facilitate in

sharing information and knowledge associated with the exhibited


viii. Evaluation of the stalls should be done in advance

ix. Create, maintain or update a database/inventory of the local crop

diversity for future monitoring

Seed/Diversity fairs

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Seed/Diversity fairs

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Links between DFF and seed fairs

Community seed banks and

Community Biodiversity registries•Seed storage and conservation

•Physical access to quality seeds (both local

and improved varieties) by smallholder


•Promoting local crop and varietal diversity

•Increased resilience of local farming systems

Diversity Field Fora•Participatory selection of

local and improved varieties

adapted to local

environmental conditions

•Improvement of the quality

of seeds produced

•Capacity building for

smallholder farmers

Seed fairs •Dissemination of best adapted


•Promotion of technologies

•Income generation for farmers

•Reduction of risks of crop failure

•Feedback of the users of DFF

results collected

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Supporting the maintenance and use of crop genetic diversity

Community Biodiversity Management

Improved processing

Community Biodiversity registry

Seed/Diversity fairs

Diversity Field Fora

Geographical indication

Community seed bank

Conservation and utilization practices

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Improved processing

Geographical indication

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•Active participation of both farmers and breeders for creation and

dissemination of new variety

•Complementary roles of farmers and breeders

•Action and learning in both research stations and farmers fields

•Highly relevant when specific adaptation is sought

•Complementary to conventional breeding (especially global plant


Participatory Plant BreedingWhat is it?

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• Clarify local needs

• Local knowledge and genetic diversity

• Testing on their fields under their management

• Local adaptation

• Local institutions/system


•New (exotic) genetic resources

•Difficult crosses

•Long-term view (e.g. climate


•Key traits (e.g. heat tolerance)

•Scientific evaluation, interpretation

•Cross-region activity

•Scale-up opportunity

Participatory Plant BreedingWhat they contribute?

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Note: F=Farmer ; S=Scientist.

Typology of PPB as defined by nature of farmer participation


Model 1: Traditional

Farmer Breeding

Model 2: Model 3: Complete

Participatory Breeding

Model 4: Efficient

Participatory Breeding

Model 5: Participatory

Varietal Selection

Model 6: “Conventional” Plant Breeding

Selection of Source Germplasm (goal setting)

Trait Development

Cultivar Development

Varietal Evaluation


(Source: Modified from Morris and Bellon, 2004)



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