strategic target objective

Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective Strategic Goal I: Focus on Student Growth and Success 2012-2013 Target Objective: 1.2 Promote a Strong Digital Learning Environment District Focus: Teaching and Learning Renee Smith-Faulkner P PLAN: Identify the gap and the approach List Target Objective: Enable Teachers to Create Personalized Digital Learning Experiences for Students Data Analysis: (What summative & formative data will be considered as you assess the impact, fidelity & completion of this goal?) What work has been accomplished already to meet this goal? Training at ALT on “Blended Learning” Meeting with Curriculum Directors Adopted Math and Science Electronic Resources Infrastructure Upgrades Provided Technology Equipment (Netbooks) Provided Web portal for Teachers to Create Online Classrooms What is insufficient with the current status or system? Technology equipment not utilized by students to fullest potential Staff technology proficiencies (Lack of transfer to student application) Little staff buy-in that digital tools improve student learning Teachers see student use of technology as an add on, afterthought, or event, and not seamlessly utilized in the core curriculum Not enough time to research, develop, and implement new digital tools into lesson plans Digital resources not available to students from home What data points will be used to accomplish this goal? (measurable) Accessibility- Student to Digital Tools Access Ratio

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Page 1: Strategic target objective

Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

Strategic Goal I: Focus on Student Growth and Success


Target Objective: 1.2 Promote a Strong Digital Learning Environment

District Focus: Teaching and Learning

Renee Smith-Faulkner

P PLAN: Identify the gap and the approachList Target Objective: Enable Teachers to Create Personalized Digital Learning Experiences for Students

Data Analysis: (What summative & formative data will be considered as you assess the impact, fidelity & completion of this goal?)

What work has been accomplished already to meet this goal? Training at ALT on “Blended Learning” Meeting with Curriculum Directors Adopted Math and Science Electronic Resources Infrastructure Upgrades Provided Technology Equipment (Netbooks) Provided Web portal for Teachers to Create Online Classrooms

What is insufficient with the current status or system? Technology equipment not utilized by students to fullest potential Staff technology proficiencies (Lack of transfer to student application) Little staff buy-in that digital tools improve student learning Teachers see student use of technology as an add on, afterthought, or event, and not seamlessly utilized in the core curriculum Not enough time to research, develop, and implement new digital tools into lesson plans Digital resources not available to students from home

What data points will be used to accomplish this goal? (measurable) Accessibility- Student to Digital Tools Access Ratio Utilization-Student Surveys, Teacher Surveys, Walkthroughs, Professional Development Portfolio, Lab Schedules, Network Report Student Experiences-Student Technology Product (Student Samples)

State the strategy that will be implemented to improve the gap(s): (measurable)

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

Accessibility-Improve the accessibility to technology for student use Increase netbook inventory Pilot a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program Apply for a grant that includes netbooks with Internet access from home Add netbooks for all 8th, 11th and 12th grade students Increase the usage of labs, library computers, and COWS Add wireless access points to high school

Utilization-Increase utilization of digital resources Conduct Walkthroughs indicating student use of technology observed Increase Internet access per student Increase lesson plans that include the use of technology in core curriculum

Personalized Learning Experiences-Increase teacher and student learning Provide staff development that addresses student use of technology (web 2.0) Collect Student Learning Experiences or Products Teachers required to upload 2 student samples per six weeks

Identify Measures for Plan Effectiveness:List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the strategy was implemented/completed.

Measure ReportedTechnology Expectations

Monthly in Technology Expectation Report

List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the strategy was implemented with fidelity.

Measure ReportedLesson PlansClass WalkthroughsEquipment InventoryIT Classroom/Lab VisitsNetwork Utilization Chart

WeeklyAt least 5 a yearEnd of year



List measure(s) the team will use to determine if the overall goal was met (impact).

Summative ReportedSurveys (teacher, student, administrator)

End of year

Formative ReportedStudent ProductsIT Blogs

Each Six WeeksMonthly

I IMPLEMENT: Develop the steps to be taken to reach your year-long goal

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

STEPWhat step will you and your team


Measure/IndicatorWhat data will be collected? How

will you know the step is completed?

End DateWhen will work be completed?

Person(s) Responsible

Train ALT Members on Blended Learning Strategies

Web 2.0 Assignments completed, uploaded and shared at each ALT Meeting

Formative: Each ALT MeetingSummative: End of Year

ALT Members

Meet with Curriculum Directors Calendar DatesAgendas

During a combined curriculum and technology meeting

Associate Director of Instructional ServicesAssistant Superintendent of Technology Services

Adopt Math and Science Electronic Resources for all grade levels

Textbook Adoption August 2012 Textbook Adoption Committee

Upgrade the technology infrastructure at IMMS and CHS

Map of Wireless NetworkAll secondary netbooks connect to wireless infrastructure

September 2012 Network Coordinator

Provide netbooks for students in 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades

Student netbook inventoryTechnology grant awarded at IMMSStudent to digital tools access ratio

October 2012And ongoing

Technology Department

Provide web portal for teachers to create online classrooms district-wide (Sharpschool)

Student accounts createdView teacher online classroom activities


Instructional TechnologistStudent netbook tech

Instructional Technologists conduct classroom visits and conference with teachers on creating digital learning experiences

12 month agenda May 2012 Instructional Technologist

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Provide more Distance Learning experiences for elementary students

12 month agendaStrategic Plan

June 2012 Instructional Technologist

Administrators set technology expectations and monitor the plan

Technology Expectations Report May 2012 Campus Principals

M MONITOR: Study the analysis of data after implementing an approach

August - OctoberWhat data gives evidence to progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

What data gives evidence to a lack of progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

Student samples posted by AVC, JJE, CE, and CHSBlogs Documenting Class VisitsTechnology Expectations updatedTotal Professional Development Sessions offered reflects “Target Tech”Elementary teachers attended on average 94% of their scheduled lab timeGrowth in the utilization of the COWs at AVC by teachersIncrease in the student to netbook percentages at CHS and IMMSSustaining 100% student to netbook at REACHIncrease in distance learning sessions at AVCIncrease in student use of technology at CHSIncrease in teacher use of technology integration on all campuses (no data for REACH and TRUCE)Increase in Network usage indicates an overall increase use of digital resources district-wide

Lack of student samples posted by IMMS, REACH, and TRUCEMinimal COW usage at CE and JJE by teachersLow distance learning sessions attended by JJE, CE, IMMS, and CHSTeachers not submitting student samples prior to October 31st at IMMS, REACH, and TRUCE (Second Six Weeks due date: November 16th)Low Web 2.0 activities observed district-wide

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Technology Dashboard

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Data as of end of 2nd 6 weeks – November 16th

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

October – JanuaryWhat data gives evidence to progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

What data gives evidence to a lack of progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

Student SamplesClass Walkthroughs and Class VisitsEquipment InventoryLesson PlansTechnology Expectations

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12 Month AgendaMeeting Agendas

Insert data dashboard to be used in monitoring plan:

To be completed in February

January – MarchWhat data gives evidence to progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

What data gives evidence to a lack of progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

Student SamplesClass Walkthroughs and Class VisitsEquipment InventoryLesson PlansTechnology Expectations

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

Insert data dashboard to be used in monitoring plan:

To be completed in March

Year EndWhat data gives evidence to progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

What data gives evidence to a lack of progress of plan effectiveness (refer to the measures you listed)?

Student SamplesClass Walkthroughs and Class VisitsEquipment InventoryLesson PlansTechnology ExpectationsStudent Surveys

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Teacher SurveysAdministrator Surveys

Insert data dashboard to be used in monitoring plan:

To be completed in June

A ACT: Revise or continue with implementation based on data analysis

What steps do you anticipate needing to take to reach this new year-long goal?

August – OctoberSTEP

What step(s) will you and your team take?

Measure/IndicatorWhat data will be collected?

How will you know step is completed?

End DateWhen will work be completed?

Person(s) Responsible

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

Train AP’s how to identify Web 2.0 activities

Sign in sheet November 30 Instructional Technologists

Meet with Principals during Technology Expectation Meetings

Technology Expectation Document Monthly Instructional Technologists and Asst. Superintendent of Technology

Educate teachers how they can use the COWs for daily activities

and not just big projects

Sign in sheet End of December

Elementary Instructional Technologist

Review student technology sample expectations

Faculty Meeting Agenda December Principal at IMMS, REACH, and TRUCE

Offer distance learning incentives Faculty Meeting Agenda December PrincipalsIncrease network bandwidth New Lightspeed server installed November Network Coordinator

Implementation Plan Quality CheckWhat resources/budget needs do you have?


What professional development, if any, will be conducted? When?Train AP’s how to identify Web 2.0 activities (see chart)Review student technology sample expectations (see chart)


What step(s) will you and your team take?

Measure/IndicatorWhat data will be collected?

How will you know step is completed?

End DateWhen will work be completed?

Person(s) Responsible

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

Implementation Plan Quality CheckWhat resources/budget needs do you have?

What professional development, if any, will be conducted? When?


What step(s) will you and your team take?

Measure/IndicatorWhat data will be collected?

How will you know step is completed?

End DateWhen will work be completed?

Person(s) Responsible

Implementation Plan Quality Check

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

What resources/budget needs do you have?

What professional development, if any, will be conducted? When?

Year EndAt the end of the year, please reflect on your answers above and check which option best describes what you will do in your next plan:

Year-long target goal has been met and will be changed to a new target goal on a similar topic.

Year-long target goal not met but current plan is effective so we will continue it.

Year-long target goal not met so plan will continue with improvements to the plan.

Year-long target goal not met and we will move in a different direction.

Other (Please explain)

STEPWhat step(s) will you and your team

Measure/IndicatorWhat data will be collected?

End DateWhen will work

Person(s) Responsible

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take? How will you know step is completed? be completed?

Implementation Plan Quality CheckWhat resources/budget needs do you have?

What professional development, if any, will be conducted? When?

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Castleberry ISD – Strategic Plan Target Objective

Progress Monitoring Signatures:1st 9 week –October 22-26Progress Meeting

Principal Executive Director/ Superintendent

2nd 9 week –January 7- 11Progress Meeting

Principal Executive Director/ Superintendent

3rd 9 week –March 4-8Progress Meeting

Principal Executive Director/ Superintendent

End of Year June 10-14Progress Meeting

Principal Executive Director/ Superintendent