strategic management and buis pol

Strategic Management & Business Policy Lahore Business School University of Lahore Group Members Muhammad Waqas Shabbir Mehboob Elahi Muhammad Kashif Muhammad Zubair Lahore Business School

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Page 1: Strategic Management and Buis Pol

Strategic Management & Business PolicyLahore Business SchoolUniversity of Lahore

Group Members

Muhammad Waqas ShabbirMehboob ElahiMuhammad KashifMuhammad Zubair

Lahore Business School

Page 2: Strategic Management and Buis Pol

Strategic Management & Business Policy




The Telenor story:.....................................................................................................................6



EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................................................7

Political Environment:.............................................................................................................7

Economical Environment:.....................................................................................................7

Socio-Cultural Environment:................................................................................................8

Technological Factor:..............................................................................................................8

Demographic (Life style):......................................................................................................8

Competitors Analysis:.....................................................................................................................9

THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS:.............................................................................................10

POWER OF SUPPLIERS:.........................................................................................................10

POWER OF BUYERS:..............................................................................................................10

AVAILIBILITY OF SUBSTITUTES:.........................................................................................11

COMPETITIVE RIVALRY:........................................................................................................11


Major Competitor:.........................................................................................................................12

COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS:......................................................................................................12

Internal Environment Analysis...........................................................................................14

VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS:.....................................................................................................14

INBOUND LOGISTIC:..............................................................................................................14

OUTBOUND LOGISTIC:..........................................................................................................15

MARKETING & SALES:...........................................................................................................15



Stage 1...........................................................................................................................................16

EFE MATRIX OF Telenor:.......................................................................................................16

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IFE MATRIX OF Telenor:............................................................................................................17

COMPETITVE PROFILE MATRIX:...........................................................................................18

Stage 2...........................................................................................................................................18

‘‘SWOT’ ANALYSIS:.................................................................................................................18

INTERNAL - EXTERNAL MATRIX..........................................................................................22

Ife Result 3.29..........................................................................................................................22

Efe Result 3.00.........................................................................................................................22

Stage 3:..........................................................................................................................................23

Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix...........................................................................23

STRATEGY EVALUATION.......................................................................................................24



Interview of Telenor Top Management.........................................................................................27

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All acclamation to Allah who has empowered and enabled us to accomplish the task successfully. First of all we would like to thank our Allah Almighty who really helps us in every problem during the project. We would like to express our sincere and humble gratitude to Almighty who’s Blessings, help and guidance has been a real source of all our achievements in our life.We would like to admit that we completed this project due to parents who pray for our success.We also wish to express our appreciation to our instructor Sir Asim Sabri who helps us and introduce us to new dimensions of Strategic Management knowledge.Last but not the least our team efforts, support, cooperation and encouragement showed by each member in the group with each other.

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Our PROJECT is dedicated to our beloved Parents, teachers, brothers, sisters and all of our-selves.

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Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by Telenor ASA and adds on to its operations in Asia together with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh.Telenor Pakistan launched its operations in March 2005 as the single largest direct European investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for further foreign investments in the telecom sector. The company has crossed many milestones and grown in a number of directions, making Telenor Pakistan a leading telecom operator of the country.They are the fastest growing mobile network in the country, with coverage reaching deep into many of the remotest areas of Pakistan. In the most difficult terrains of the country, from the hilly northern areas to the sprawling deserts in the south, at times we are the only operator connecting the previously unconnected.They are keeping ahead by investing heavily in infrastructure expansion. With USD2 billion already invested, they have extended agreements with our vendors for network expansion and services until 2009. The agreements, with a potential to result in USD750 million worth of orders from Telenor Pakistan, are some of the biggest of their kind in the industry.They are spread across Pakistan, creating 2,500 direct and 25,000-plus indirect employment opportunities. They have a network of 23 company-owned sales and service centers, more than 200 franchisees and some 100,000 retail outlets.Telenor ASA is an international provider of high quality telecommunications, data and media communication services. It ranks as world’s 6th largest mobile operator above 170 million subscribers in its mobile operations. Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by Telenor ASA and adds on to its operations in Asia together with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh.

The Telenor story:

1855: Norwegian Telegraph Company founded1877: Graham Bell visits Norway to demonstrate the telephone1966: Mobile phone introduced1969: Data communication introduced1992: TV-signals via satellite1993: First international activity1994: Changed to a public cooperation (AS)1995: New name: Telenor1998: From monopoly to competition2000: Listed on the stock exchange

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Our vision is simple: Telenor exists to help customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives. We're here to help.


“Telenor is a customer focused business mobile service operator/telecommunications Company that seeks competitive advantage in quality and valued added service in both prepaid and postpaid categories through state of the art technology. Telenor relies on building trusting relationships with customers, owners, employees and society in general”


Political Environment:

Before World Trade Organization implementation for deregulation of different sectors of the economy. Pakistan government took steps to regulate the telecom sector by the authority of PTA. Also the political governmental rules cannot be completely applicable in this sector due to the regulation authority of PTA. The political instability in Pakistan now a day has led to unthinkable environment in the country, which is a threat for any business including all the companies of the PTS. Environment of telecom is investor friendly and have great potential to gain profit. The mobile phone tele-density which had reached to 58.75 percent by the end of April 2010. In Pakistan, the total number of subscribers which had touched an all-time high figure of 95,231,335 in March 2010. Pre-paid customers were charged 10 percent tax on every new load. The customers were also paying 15 percent sales tax on every call. The present government increased the sales tax from 15 percent to 22 percent for mobile users by declaring the mobile phone a luxury item.

Economical Environment:

Now a day in Pakistani economic conditions are in a dare condition. Telecom industry continued to attract foreign direct investment to expand the infrastructure of their networks. The unemployment rate is going up with the increase of level of poverty that is reducing the buying power of the people that is a great threat for mobile business. Inflation is being controlled

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by state bank but unemployment rate is increasing day by day with the increase of level of poverty economic instability is getting worse day by day as bankruptcy and inflation is taking over the entire world.

Socio-Cultural Environment:

This is the sector that so far has influenced Telenor Pakistan more than any other factor. Telenor's parent company which is Telenor international is mainly owned by Norway and Denmark. As Pakistan is an Islamic country, so after the publication of cartoon in the newspapers of Norway and Denmark related to Holy Prophet PBUH influenced Telenor Pakistan. The offices of Telenor were burnt down in Pakistan. After that mishap, Telenor built its goodwill with great hard work and consistency.

Technological Factor:

Telecommunication industry is influenced heavily by the technology introduced and being used in the market by the company and its competitors. So far Telenor is dealing well with this factor and it is far ahead as compared to its competitors. Mobile TV is one example and Edge service in another one. GPRS and WAP is more fast as compared to other networks. So, Telenor is having no problems related to technologies.

Demographic (Life style):

Age:-Telenor knows that needs and wants of customers changes as they go

through life. So, with change in age Telenor introduces different services. The main segmented market is the young people of age 15-30.

Pre paid-mostly Students, youngsters and middle classPost paid-Business Class, Industrialists

Pre paid:-

(Talkshawk)Talkshawk Her Second For 15-22 yrsTalkshawk 30 Second For 20-27 yrsTalkshawk Her Minute From 25- onwardDjuiceDjuice From 15-24Djuice Jaagay raho From 18-24

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Post paid:-

(Persona)This Post paid service targets the Business Class mainly. There are four

different plans which varies with the amount of monthly line rent.

Persona From 32-55


Telenor also segments the customers on the basis of income level. Different packages are there for people of different income levelPre paid:

(Talkshawk)Talkshawk Her Second For StudentsTalkshawk 30 Second For Students and Job people (low income)Talkshawk Her Minute For Job peopleDjuiceDjuice For SMS lovers StudentsDjuice Jaagtay raho For SMS lovers & who like to talk them in night

Competitors Analysis:

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Threats of new entranc



power of Custime


Threats of



power of


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It is not easy to enter in this capital intensive sector of the telecommunication industry. So, the threat of new entrants is low. Though the growth and potential of the sector look very attractive, still it is very difficult to take risk for a new investor because the penetration in the market would be very difficult.

It comes as no surprise that in the capital-intensive telecom industry the biggest barrier to entry is access to finance. To cover high fixed costs, serious contenders typically require a lot of cash. When capital markets are generous, the threat of competitive entrants escalates. When financing opportunities are less readily available, the pace of entry slows. Meanwhile, ownership of a telecom license can represent a huge barrier to entry.


This is a type of industry where, at least in present times, the bargaining power of suppliers is at the low level because of the nature of inputs for the business. Moreover, with the deregulated and friendly environment given by the government of Pakistan, the industry has become more competitive and quality services driven.

At first glance, it might look like telecom equipment suppliers have considerableBargaining power over telecom operators. Indeed, without high-tech broadband switching equipment, fiber-optic cables, and mobile handsets and billing software, telecom operators would not be able to do the job of transmitting voice and data from place to place. But there are actually a number of large equipment makers around. There are enough vendors, arguably, to dilute bargaining power. The limited pool of talented managers and engineers, especially those well versed in the latest technologies, places companies in a weak position in terms of hiring and salaries.


The bargaining power of customers in this case is very high because of the low switching cost in the industry. There are attractive substitutes available to the buyer even in the form of keeping the same cell phone number but changing the service provider. It makes very difficult for the market players to retain their customers. I think the brand loyalty can only be created through superior marketing campaigns and service. With

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increased choice of telecom products and services, the bargaining power of buyers is rising. Let's face it; telephone and data services do not vary much, regardless of which companies are selling them. For the most part, basic services are treated as a commodity. This translates into customers seeking low prices from companies that offer reliable service. At the same time, buyer power can vary somewhat between market segments. While switching costs are relatively low for residential telecom customers, they can get higher for larger business customers, especially those that rely more on customized products and services.


Although the cell phone subscribers are more than 100 million now in September 2010, still the threat of substitute products is high for the industry. Buyer inclination to substitute and price-performance trade off are the most important to consider in determining the threat of substitutes. Actually, just the subscription of cell phone service is not enough for a company to get optimal profits but the real challenges is that how many existing customers are using the service regularly for incoming as well as outgoing calls. The quality of service is the parameter for a customer to be loyal with the subscription otherwise fixed line and wireless fixed lines are the better substitutes, as been experienced in festive times.

Products and services from non-traditional telecom industries pose serious substitution threats. Cable TV and satellite operators now compete for buyers. The cable guys, with their own direct lines into homes, offer broadband internet services, and satellite links can substitute for high-speed business networking needs. Railways and energy utility companies are laying miles of high-capacity telecom network alongside their own track and pipeline assets. Just as worrying for telecom operators is the internet: it is becoming a viable vehicle for cut-rate voice calls. Delivered by ISPs - not telecom operators - "internet telephony" could take a big bite out of telecom companies' core voice revenues.


When the competition is fierce, obviously the competitive rivalry will be at the highest level. The very high level of competitive rivalry among the major players of the cell phone sector is clearly observable. Just look at the advertisement campaigns of the rivals and you can see how intense the competition is. It looks like a battle for supremacy going on between the rivals. All means of attracting new and potential switching customers are being used by all the competitors to gain as much market share as they can. Exit barriers, industry growth, product differences, brand identity, and diversity of rivals are the main reasons of very high competitive rivalry in

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this case Competition is "cut throat". The wave of industry deregulation together with the receptive capital markets of the late 1990s paved the way for a rush of new entrants. New technology is prompting a raft of substitute services. Nearly everybody already pays for phone services, so all competitors now must lure customers with lower prices and more exciting services. This tends to drive industry profitability down. In addition to low profits, the telecom industry suffers from high exit barriers, mainly due to its specialized equipment. Networks and billing systems cannot really be used for much else, and their swift obsolescence makes liquidation difficult.


As at 30 June 2010, Telenor Pakistan had a market share of approximately 23.9%. In addition to Telenor Pakistan, there are four other mobile operators in Pakistan: Mobilink, Ufone, Warid, Zong (formerly Paktel). According to data provided by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (the PTA), as at 30 June 2010 Mobilink was the largest cellular mobile operator in Pakistan with a market share of approximately 32.5%, Ufone had a market share of approximately 19.7%, Warid had a market share of approximately 17.1%, Zong had a market share of approximately 6.8%.

Major Competitor:

Parameters Mobilink Telenor

Product Life Cycle Maturity Growth

Market share % 32.5% 23.9%

Coverage 900 cities 1100 cities

Product Portfolio Jazz Octane, MobilinkIndigo, Ladies First,

TalkShawk, TelenorAzadi, Djuice

Customer Base 31,444,099 23,836,209

Marketing Operations Excellent Good


During the year 2008-09, Telenor added about 7.4 million subscribers as compared to 7.1 million in 2007-08.

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Mobilink comes second with the addition of 5.7 million subscribers during the same period.

Warid telecom succeeded to add another 4.8 million subscribers this year.

Ufone added 4.0 million subscribers in 2008-09 as compared to its addition of 6.5 million in previous year. CMPak entered the cellular market with aggressive marketing and infrastructure roll out.Its growth was negative previous year but this year it added 2.9 million subscribers in last few months.

Cellular Mobile penetration in Pakistan reached 54.7% at the end of 2008-09, which is 15.3 percentage points higher than the last year.


Rumor was that Vodafone might take charge of Mobilink, as the management of Mobilink shows great interest to sell it off. This might not be a bad decision because cellular market in Pakistan has matured and maximum Mobilink can do is to play defensive.

Mobilink has launched WiMAX from the first of July, 2008 in Karachi.


With the splendid growth and numbers growing to 18,125,189, Telenor is amazingly grabbing the market slowly.

It has been also said that Telenor has the best HR among all the telecom companies.

Telenor Pakistan has recorded impressive results increasing the revenue as compared to the previous years.


Warid fought back by adding the largest number of subscribers of 375,180 in June with the total of 15,489,858.

Warid Telecom Pakistan plans $5 billion investment to improve its services in the country, total investment in Pakistan will touch $1.5 billion by the end of 2008 while the company will further increase its investment in the telecom sector by $1 billion by the end of 2009. Company has also changed the logo.

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Warid Telecom announced its commercial launch with Aero Mobile an in-flight connectivity solution provider partnered with Emirates Airlines. It is offering free McDonald meal with top up, coping Vodafone's campaign (SMS Lounge) in Germany.


China mobile company has invested $721 million in telecom sector in Pakistan during 2007 and it would further invest $7 million in Pakistan this year 2009.

Trying to make service and rates as simple as possible, they are relying on simple formula to enter in the Red Ocean, i-e, low price, extensive advertising and far-reaching distribution channels.

Zong is covering the cities of Gilgit, Hunza, Skardu, Besharn and Sust. It has added over 2000 sites since its launch and the network cell sites have grown from about 900 to over 3000 today. By the end of 2009, they targeted to grow to over 10,000.

Though the figures are not encouraging but the prediction of penetration of broadband is very positive.

Internal Environment Analysis


Manufacturers (Manufacturing of Sims)Sales & Service Centers/ Franchises(Distributed to Several Authentic Sellers)Activation (Activation of SIMS via 789 ContactsCenter (PTA) (regulations)Services (Customer Support & Services)


The receiving and warehousing of SIMS (Subscriber’s Identification Modules) without IMSI no’s defined, Handsets

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The warehousing and distribution of finished products to the different Sales & Services Centers, Franchises Shops, Retailers.


Marketing Announcement via media’s, offering promotional campaign (offers), BBFD (Bring Back From Dormancy) promotions & relative techniques of Lucky Draws and other techniques to create desire among people and to provide them utter satisfaction & to win back disgruntled customers.


The processes of transforming & ascending in order for which tailor made software’s are being used to record & maintain inventory and for activation, deactivation and service control purposes. Designing & offering vast range of attractive VAS to target people from different demographics for their well interest and satisfaction with high quality affordability and usage pride.


24 hours Customer Service Help Line, more than 2500 + sales service centers to deal and take ownership of problems with willingness of help since Telenor Believes.

The Role of corporate governance:

Telenor Pakistan considers good corporate governance to be an essential tool for achieving our vision, value creation and strategic goals, and for maintaining a healthy corporate culture. Furthermore, good corporate governance is imperative for credibility and for access to capital. Our corporate governance includes openness and transparency towards the company’s owners, the Board and Group Management, as well as other interested parties such as the Group’s employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, public authorities and society in general. Rules and procedures provide Telenor Pakistan with a sound platform for good corporate

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governance and for the further development of a positive, responsible and robust corporate culture. The Management is responsible for ensuring the existence of internal rules, procedures and structures that can efficiently secure value creation for all stakeholders and where authority and responsibilities are clearly set out and mutually understood.

Stage 1


Scoring Criteria:Excellent: 4Good: 3 Average: 2Bad: 1





Innovate service 0.04 4 0.16International call packages

0.06 3 0.18

Package time 0.12 2 0.24Increasing customers 0.10 3 0.30Network coverage 0.20 4 0.80Voice quality 0.07 3 0.21Technology 0.09 3 0.27THREAT:

Cut throat competition 0.05 2 0.10Investment portfolio 0.07 3 0.21Strategy developing 0.13 3 0.39Government policy 0.04 2 0.08Allocation of towers 0.03 2 0.06TOTAL 1 2.83 3.0

Good OpportunityNo threat minimize avail

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Scoring Criteria:Excellent: 4Good: 3 Average: 2Bad: 1





Network structure 0.10 4 0.40International roaming facility

0.11 4 0.44

MMS 0.04 3 0.1224 hours call centre 0.07 4 0.28Pre paid service 0.17 4 0.68SMS packages 0.13 4 0.52Call packages 0.09 4 0.36WEAKNESS:

Customer need(franchise)

0.05 2 0.10

Network problem 0.08 2 0.16Coverage area(voice quality etc)

0.09 1 0.09

Innovative services 0.02 2 0.04Customer services 0.05 2 0.10TOTAL 1 3.00 3.29

Internally strongLess weak

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Scoring Criteria:Excellent: 4Good: 3 Average: 2Bad: 1


HT (W)









)Network 0.25 4 1.00 4 1.00 3 0.75


0.14 2 0.28 3 0.42 2 0.28

Packages 0.18 4 0.72 2 0.36 4 0.72Call rates 0.13 3 0.39 2 0.26 3 0.39Services 0.16 3 0.48 4 0.64 2 0.32Market share

0.06 2 0.12 4 0.24 2 0.12


0.08 3 0.24 3 0.24 1 0.08

TOTAL 1 3.5 3.23 3.14 3.16 2.42 2.66

Telenor has scored more score they have competitive advantage

Stage 2



First one to bring the concept of "Mobile TV" in Pakistan.

Customized packages available for every market segment e.g djuice for price conscious class, smart calls for routine users, telenor persona for upper middle and ellite class.

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State of art technology e.g they are up with the latest networking underground fiber optical network.

Widest network coverage after Mobilink.

The first ones to provide free roaming facility during hajj program.

Telenor is operating in more than 200 destinations with more than 23,836,209 subscribers all over the Pakistan in 2010.


Poor call center performance. Customer service center is not up to the commitment and most of the customers' calls are not served.

Comparatively high prices in Telenor persona (postpaid) as compared to Warid and Ufone.

Poor visual quality of Telenor mobile TV, as there is a buffering problem and stills are received instead of the proper videos Franchise distribution system is not up to the mark. This is the problem with almost every telecom company in Pakistan.


Participation within the growing industry.

Ample opportunities are available in the telecom sector and still many of the areas are not being covered.

Increasing market share.

Product line expansion.

Cost discount strategies.

Product innovation.

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To become customer size specialist.

Constant repositioning.

3G Technology Project


Monopoly of PTA, at any time PTA can alter the facilities of telecom sector.

Implementation of WTO will result in open & competitive pricing even in the service sector exclusively in telecom.

There is an imbalance between prices of inputs & outputs.

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4 3 Ife 2 1




Ife Result 3.29

Efe Result 3.00

So Telenor is in I Quadrant Now they are able to go with Growing and Bold Strategies.

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Stage 3:

Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix


Market Development

Technology Development

Attractive Scores

TASAttractive Scores



Network structure 0.10 4 0.40 4 0.40International roaming facility 0.11 4 0.44 4 0.44MMS 0.04 3 0.12 -24 hours call centre 0.07 4 0.28 -Pre paid service 0.17 4 0.68 -SMS packages 0.13 4 0.52 -Call packages 0.09 4 0.36 -WEAKNESS:

Customer need(franchise) 0.05 2 0.10 2 0.10Network problem 0.08 2 0.16 2 0.16Coverage area(voice quality etc) 0.09 1 0.09 1 0.09Innovative services 0.02 2 0.04 2 0.04Customer services 0.05 2 0.10 2 0.10TOTAL 1 3.00 3.29 1.41 1.13


Innovate service 0.04 4 0.16 4 0.16International call packages 0.06 3 0.18 3 0.18Package time 0.12 2 0.24 2 0.24Increasing customers 0.10 3 0.30 3 0.30Network coverage 0.20 4 0.80 4 0.80Voice quality 0.07 3 0.21 3 0.21Technology 0.09 3 0.27 3 0.27


Cut throat competition 0.05 2 0.10 2 0.10Investment portfolio 0.07 3 0.21 3 0.21Strategy developing 0.13 3 0.39 3 0.39Government policy 0.04 2 0.08 2 0.08Allocation of towers 0.03 2 0.06 2 0.06

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TOTAL 1 2.83 3.0 2.83 3.0

Grand Total 1 - 3.14

- 2.06

In the decision stage we evaluated that Telenor should go with the market development strategy, because Market Development score is 3.14 and Technology development score 2.06. Moreover they can also go with little bit technology development.


As we see that Telenor is internally strong and has less weaken and not avail the excellent opportunity not the threat minimize very attractively and they can adopt the growing strategy to more penetrate in the market…. Their prepaid lies in the stars of market share of 98% and post pay lies in question mark of market share of only 2%...they adopt the aggressive strategy to market development, and product development as the 23.5% share of Telenor. Through their strength and weakness they can more the concentrate more on their product development and their opportunities and threat tells that they can highly concentrate more on market development.


Dealing with challenges requires a coordinated effort so that the company is able to sustain itself in the ever-changing competitive environment and continues to provide superior value to the customers. The group recommends the following:Telenor as described in the report has a functional structure with well-defined department. The coordination and communication is enhanced by the cross functional teams. After viewing the functioning of the organization it is recommended that the organization could have a Hybrid Structure, between the characteristics of functional and horizontal structures. Horizontal model offered the best chance to gain a faster, more efficient approach to a customer service.As the organization's structure is highly Functional, and the Environment is currently stable, organization is suited well to the environment. But organization should also focus on the changing trends in the Environment, and make the structure flexible enough for any sudden changes.

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The organic structure is being used in the Telenor Pakistan but organization is needed to move to Mechanistic structure for the better control of the employees for the better use of rules, policies and procedures.There should be an effective employee exchange program even at the level of middle management so the organization can share the level of skill and expertise at all levels with the parent companyIntroduction of employees stock options would further enhance the motivation level because then the employees too would have a stake in the organization.In their workforce there should be a quota for the disabled people. This is currently being practiced in the parent company. This would enhance the image of the organization being socially responsible

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Management (9th edition)by Steven P. Robbins and Mary CoulterTelenor Broadcast Report as on September 2010Interim Report September 2009-2010.Corporate Responsibility Report 2010Telenor Lahore Regional Head PTA Site

Mr. Khubaib (Regional HR manager of Telenor)Miss Fatima (Assistant HR Telenor)Mr. Adeel Zafar Baig (Trade Marketing Executive

Address: Telenor Regional Head Quarter AAA Complex 35-B,Sector Khyaban-e-Iqbal, DHA Lahore Pakistan

E-Mail : [email protected]: +9294205920972Telephone: +92(42) 111 345 700

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Interview of Telenor Top Management

Place: Telenor Regional Head Quarter Lahore , PunjabDate: 18-May-2011Time: 3 PmInterview Persons:Mr. Hhubaib (Regional HR manager of Telenor)Miss Fatima (Assistant HR Telenor)Mr. Adeel Zafar Baig (Trade Marketing Executive

QuestionerQ 1: Regional HR Manager Mr. Hhubaib’s Experience?Ans: 6 Years in Telenor and 10 Years in Army and other Organizations.

Q 2: Assistant Manager HR Miss Fatima’s Experience?Ans: 3 Years in Telenor

Q 3: How can you explain Telenor in one line?Ans: Best Place to Work.

Q 4: What about the creativity and innovation in Telenor?Ans: Telenor is one of the best network that provide creative services through new services and trends.

Q 5: What kind of social problems are faced by Telenor?Ans: Telenor international is mainly owned by Norway and Denmark. As Pakistan is an Islamic country, so after the publication of cartoon in the newspapers of Norway and Denmark related to Holy Prophet PBUH influenced Telenor Pakistan. The offices of Telenor were burnt down in Pakistan. After that mishap, Telenor built its goodwill with great hard work and consistency.

Q 6:Future in Telenor?Ans: Telenor is working on career development program and karo mumkin program these activities are really helpful for career in Telenor, moreover Telenor has the best HR team in Pakistan and we have achieved many awards for this.

Q 7: Financial strength?Ans: Financial strength is quite satisfactory.

Q 8: Are you working on latest technology?

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Ans: Yes 3G technology project is under process.

Q 9: Biggest Competitor? Ans: Mobilink

Q 10: Any threats for Telenor?Ans: yes PTA monopoly is a threat but we take our threats as an opportunity and never afraid from threats.

Q 11: where you trained your technical team in Pakistan or Abroad?Ans: In Pakistan

Q 12: as a staff your mutual relation?Ans: in fact exemplary and very friendly.

Q 13: Internal Analysis Questions as asked by us?Ans: All the answers were satisfactory.

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