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Strategic Intent - The Path Forward

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Page 1: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

Strategic Intent - The Path Forward

Page 2: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

Strategic Intent - The Path Forward

Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York health science centers and, of those, one of two campuses that is a dedicated academic medical center focused on health professional education, research, clinical care, and public service. Downstate is significant nationally and regionally in the physician and healthcare professional supply chain - one of every nine physicians practicing in New York City and one of every three physicians practicing in Brooklyn can trace their education or training to the institution. While the College of Medicine is Downstate’s educational anchor and linchpin, all of the colleges and schools hold equal importance. The School of Graduate Studies educates premier biomedical scientists. The School of Public Health is considered unique for its special focus on urban and immigrant health. The Colleges of Health Related Professions and Nursing enroll richly diverse student bodies. DMC is nationally recognized for its diversity of both the student body and faculty, attracting a large proportion of students who are underrepresented minorities into the healthcare professions. The student body is of the highest caliber, and consistently scores above average on the national board exams and professional licensure exams. The faculty is frequently lauded for their educational, research and clinical reputations. Curricula are constantly updated and revised to meet the workforce demands of the dynamic healthcare environment, while the state tuition cost is a fraction of what students pay at private institutions. The leadership is responsive to the needs of the faculty and students, providing resources for technology and learning in today’s rapidly changing health system. Among recent projects are the new nursing simulator facility, new top-of-the-line anatomy lab, and the construction of a new academic building. Downstate is the academic flagship for Brooklyn’s clinical facilities and hospitals with a long history of strong collaborative partnerships with our diverse communities. Downstate is committed to Brooklyn’s communities, a population disproportionately affected by chronic disease and lack of healthcare access. Bold multi-disciplinary research strategies are needed to develop new insights into the complex nature of health disparities and their social determinants, as well as to develop innovative approaches to eliminating them. DMC recently established the President’s Health Disparities Research Fund to maximize its diverse biomedical and population-based research strengths across the campus and to facilitate partnerships between its clinical, basic science, and public health


Page 3: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

faculty with industry and the community. The central goal is to become a major innovator in and focal point for health disparities research, and, in conjunction with this effort, DMC is reaching to form partnerships that transcend and intersect the disciplines of science, practice, and policy.

Contextual Framework Academic medical centers, like DMC, are the nucleus of the United States health system, however there are multiple challenges that confront both institutions of higher education and healthcare delivery systems. Among these challenges are diminution of revenue streams, keeping pace with a rapidly changing technology environment, payor reform, scientific advancements, and consumer demands including affordability and accountability. To meet the needs of this complex environment, SUNY System Administration appointed Dr. John F. Williams, a dynamic and nationally recognized leader, as President of DMC in late 2012. Upon his arrival, Dr. Williams launched an in-depth discovery and assessment process, and recognized that the most immediate need was a rigorous performance improvement plan. SUNY then developed a Sustainability Plan1 at the request of the New York State Executive and Legislature that provides for the fiscal viability of DMC and University Hospital Brooklyn. To secure the future growth and advancement of the medical center, Dr. Williams formed a new, experienced management team and initiated a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)2, a Sustainability Plan, and a major restructuring plan3. Significant progress has been made with the implementation of these plans, and the experience gained through these endeavors has generated actionable insights, observations, and clarity to enable the development of a nuanced and informed strategic process and plan that will represent the best that DMC has to offer and its vision for the future. In the midst of unprecedented changes, increasing complexity, radical transformation, ambiguity, and uncertainty, DMC is poised to adapt and shape its future with a forward-looking roadmap to position the institution for success. DMC’s plan will allow for such dynamism without sacrificing focus on its purpose - a collaborative approach to education, research, and patient care and to improve health through leadership.

1 The Sustainability Plan is represented in Appendix A 2 The Performance Improvement plan is represented in Appendix B 3 The restructuring plan will be made available upon request


Page 4: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

Next Planning Cycle – The Path Forward - Downstate 2020

This document includes the strategic plans of Downstate’s five colleges and schools for the 2010-2015 timeframe. Prior to formulating the strategic plans, the Deans and their faculty conducted thorough assessments of the political, economic, social and technological environments as well as in-depth analysis of their individual program strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and presented their findings to Downstate leadership. The plans are a culmination of all of these inputs. Outlined within the strategic plans are the goals and objectives of each college/school, benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms as well as intended outcomes. The current status of each objective is listed to demonstrate progress to date. Downstate will embark on a broader campus-wide integrated strategic planning process with the academic, research and clinical programs for the next five years. It will undertake a process that will examine DMC’s institutional mission and then develop a roadmap for the future. The roadmap, Downstate 2020, will articulate the strategic intent for the future growth and development of DMC. Not everything outlined in the plan will be accomplished immediately. Some of the more far-reaching goals will likely take years to attain. Resources will be used and allocated wisely, and some new resources will be required to fully achieve the outlined objectives. The new institutional strategic planning review process will be an exercise designed to reinvigorate, rediscover, and rebrand the institution and to set the course for the ongoing success of DMC. Educating and providing life-long learning opportunities for the next generation of physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals, public health professionals, and researchers serving New York State; improving health; promoting health equity; and serving minority and immigrant populations have always been and will continue to be a cornerstone of DMC’s mission. DMC will pursue multi-faceted solutions with our communities to the very complex issues of health disparities, social determinants, and changes in the healthcare delivery system. By viewing the institution as a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts and by working collaboratively across the constellation, DMC can enhance the quality and impact it makes in all three areas of its mission – education, research, and clinical care. Downstate 2020 will leverage the achievements and contributions of those who have been instrumental in the development of the institution over the last 150 years. DMC’s rich tradition of leadership, diversity, and service will provide the foundation upon which DMC’s future and the Downstate 2020 plan will be based.


Page 5: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York


C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E 2010-2015

Page 6: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Medicine 2010-2015


STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES1. Modify the medical school education and clinical setting

learning experience to meet the changing needs of the healthcare landscapen Develop and implement a new Integrated Pathways

Curriculumn Increase opportunities for students to provide continu-

ous care of patients, usually in an outpatient setting, over the entire four years of medical school

n Develop a clinical competence centern Expand educational technology infrastructure

2. Form and strengthen multidisciplinary centers of excel-lence in researchn Have Downstate recognized as a national leader

in health disparities and health equity education, research and practice

n Form three Research Centers of Excellence in the areas of Molecular Cognition, Cardiovascular and Metabolism and Translational Control and RNA

n Form a multi-investigator group for basic, clinical and translational research in stroke

n Create interdisciplinary research institutes as part of SUNY-wide REACH and Networks of Excellence programs

n Expand the MD/PhD program in Nanomedicine with SUNY Polytechnic Institute

3. Improve faculty development and assessmentn Establish an Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional

Developmentn Establish a taskforce on campus culture focusing on

community lifen Establish a workgroup for mentoring and professional

developmentn Establish a workgroup on excellence in education to

provide best practices to the teaching faculty

4. Enhance Downstate’s clinical enterprisen Restructure Downstate’s major teaching facility,

University Hospital of Brooklyn (UHB), for innovative models of care and for training of future providers

n Continue to work with Kings County Hospital to optimize its role as a major educational affiliate

n Support affiliated training institutions to excel as edu-cational partners and collaborators in training, patient care and research

n Establish a borough-wide pilot initiative in Brooklyn to address health care needs in the community and to identify community partners

Page 7: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Medicine 2010-2015


GOAL 1: Modify the medical school education and clinical setting learning experience to meet the changing needs of the healthcare landscape

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Develop and implement a new Inte-grated Pathways Curriculum

1) Develop an Integrated Pathways Curriculum in response to emerging trends in medical education

2) Enhance the medical student re-search experience

n Phased-in implementation of the curriculum

n Student assessment measuresn Grading and student progress

n A four year integrated academic curriculum in place for the first year class entering in August 2013 and overseen by the newly configured Office of Education

2. Increase opportunities for students to provide continuous care of patients, usually in an outpatient setting, over the entire four years of medical school

1) Identify ambulatory teaching sites and establish clinical satellites

2) Undertake a pilot project involving one major public health problem in our community, such as diabetes or obesity

n Ongoing n Increase in structured learning experiences combining commu-nity service with preparation and reflection

n Continuity of care expe-rience for all medical students

3. Develop a clinical competence center 1) Facilitate teaching and certification of clinical skills through the use of standardized patients, mechanical task-trainers, and computerized simulators

2) An expanded clinical center is ex-pected to be operational by 2017

n Ongoing n Direct assessment n Individual assessment of clinical

skills throughout the four years of medical school

n Standardized patient experience

n Task training and simulation available throughout the four year curriculum

4. Expand educational technology infra-structure

1) Develop online objective-based modules for clerkships

2) Institute computerized testing3) Implement a software monitoring

system of clinical exposures for students and residents

4) Create an electronic curriculum database

n Ongoingn New Innovations software to

track clinical experience imple-mented

n ILIAS curriculum database and computerized testing in place to track specific learning objectives

n Demonstration of how learning objectives are achieved through specific learning experiences

n State of the art infor-mation technology to assist in evaluation and assessment of learning objectives and student progress in place and operational

Page 8: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Medicine 2010-2015


GOAL 2: Form and strengthen multidisciplinary centers of excellence in research

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Have Downstate recognized as a na-tional leader in health disparities and health equity education, research, and practice

1) Develop a strategic plan for transdisciplinary research includ-ing public health, pre-clinical and translational studies, among others

2) Receive funding for a proposal from the President’s Health Disparities Research Fund

3) Seek and secure additional extra-mural support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other agencies

n The Brooklyn Health Dis-parities Center (BHDC) is funded by NIH as an EXPORT Center

n President’s Health Dis-parities Research Fund is open to the faculty

n A minimum of three NIH R01 (or equivalent) currently funded investigators

n Associate members with funding and publications in health disparities and health equities research

n Productivity of the BHDC and the general research produc-tivity of the campus

n Development of a robust Center of Excellence in Health Disparities and Health Equity

n Sustainable Center of Excellence funded by extramural resources

n Partnerships in place across cam-pus and with industry and the com-munity with the goal of becoming a major innovator in and focal point for health disparities research

2. Form three Research Centers of Excel-lence in the areas of Molecular Cogni-tion, Cardiovascular and Metabolism and Translational Control and RNA

1) Form a Research Centers of Excel-lence Committee with faculty and Center directors identified

2) Propose Oversight Committee mem-bership

3) Develop a program proposal

n Planning in progress n Final selection of initial Re-search Centers of Excellence with founding membership and directors

n Program proposal completed with staffing requirements, laboratory and office space identified, implementation of recruitment and enrich-ment activities for trainees, and evaluation of campus resources for Center support

n Implementation of financially sustainable Research Centers of Excellence program

3. Form a multi-investigator group for ba-sic, clinical and translational research in stroke

1) Develop the infrastructure for a research group

2) Submit published results3) Secure ongoing research funding

n Planning in progress n Group formed and meeting regularly

n Funded research n Expanded publications

Page 9: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Medicine 2010-2015


What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


4. Create interdisciplinary research insti-tutes as part of SUNY-wide REACH and Networks of Excellence programs

1) Develop a new organizational model for institutes and centers of excel-lence among SUNY’s four academic medical centers

2) Plan a SUNY-wide center for Pain and Addiction from Bench to Bed-side

n Planning in progress n Development of a com-prehensive plan includ-ing faculty, funds, space, technology, communication and collaborative partners in priority areas

n Formation of interdisciplinary groups among SUNY’s four academic health centers

n Comprehensive program plan with identified resources

n Funding secured through grants

5. Expand the MD/PhD program in Nanomedicine with SUNY Polytechnic Institute

1) Develop curriculum, faculty and budget resources

2) Finalize a plan with projected enroll-ment

3) Develop new funding streams to support students in the Program

n Executive committee comprised of faculty from both institutions and co-program Direc-tors (one from each campus) are in place

n Program approved in January 2011 and is an ongoing partnership with SUNY Polytechnic

n Development and imple-mentation of a joint degree program

n Approval of New York State Education Department (NYSED) and SUNY

n Students enrolled in the MD/PhD Program

n Students completing the Program

Page 10: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Medicine 2010-2015


GOAL 3: Improve faculty development and assessment

What do we want to have accom-plished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Establish an Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development

1) Appoint a Vice President to lead the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development

2) Support the diversity of the faculty and their professional development

3) Address academic personnel matters including recruitment, on boarding, promotion and tenure

4) Support individual faculty devel-opment across their professional careers

n Vice President of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development hired August 2014

n The Office of Faculty Affairs and Profes-sional Development was established

n Deans are actively being recruited for the Colleges of Medicine and Health Related Professions

n Onboarding process is being stream-lined with senior leadership

n Human Resources and Finance are working to determine the necessity of using a search firm when hiring difficult to recruit faculty

n A campus-wide faculty orientation is being planned

n A faculty development lecture series is being organized

n Faculty mentors are being assembled from all Schools/Colleges

n On-site workshops, lectures and web-based resources for teaching and as-sessment methods are being planned

n Utilization of web-based re-sources

n Attendance at faculty develop-ment presentations

n Paper survey results of presenta-tions

n Participation in Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) faculty survey by June 2015

n Fully staffed and func-tioning Faculty Affairs and Professional Devel-opment Office

n Campus-wide faculty orientation

n Satisfaction by faculty with the usefulness and faculty-focus of the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Devel-opment

2. Establish a taskforce on campus culture focusing on community life

1) Implement SUNY-wide policies against sexual violence

2) Hold regular taskforce meetings

n Priorities of taskforce are being deter-mined

n Assessment of completion plan action items

n A campus that is col-legial, focused on the well-being of students and faculty alike, foster-ing an atmosphere conducive to education, research, and clinical care

3. Establish a workgroup for mentoring and professional development

1) Schedule regular social events, some with educational presenta-tions, to recognize the contribu-tions of outstanding faculty from all our Schools/Colleges

2) Assemble a list of available men-tors across all Schools/Colleges

3) Implement special coaching for mentors

n Events are currently being scheduled and held

n Surveying participants to see if their professional goals are being met

n Surveying participants on useful-ness/satisfaction with mentors

n Useful and value-added individual development plans utilized over the entire academic year

n Target number of goals achieved

Page 11: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Medicine 2010-2015


What do we want to have accom-plished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


4. Establish a workgroup on excellence in education to provide best prac-tices to the teaching faculty

1) Keep faculty updated on new ideas through enrichment pro-grams

2) Help faculty grow towards teach-ing excellence with educational techniques utilizing workshops, lectures, and web-based presen-tations

3) Assist faculty in expanding their academic and teaching portfo-lios

n Formal and informal programs have been established across campus using workshops, lectures, and web-based presentations

n Participation in the monthly learning academy series

n Monthly advertising and market-ing series across campus

n Participation in quarterly faculty development conferences/semi-nars

n Participation in the lunch and learn special interests series

n Faculty becoming aware and more comfortable using SUNY educational resources

n Better understanding by faculty of what works in the classroom, with small groups and with adult learners

n Presentations that are interactive, stimulating, engaging and add value for students

Page 12: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Medicine 2010-2015


GOAL 4: Enhance Downstate’s clinical enterprise

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evalua-tion mechanisms


1. Restructure Downstate’s major teaching facility, University Hospital of Brooklyn (UHB), for innovative models of care and for training future provid-ers

1) Reconfigure inpatient and outpa-tient services to meet community needs

2) Develop an adequate and geograph-ically diverse primary care base through partnerships

3) Enhance ambulatory and commu-nity based health care models

n Ongoingn Downstate is an active participant

in the State Delivery System Re-form Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program through partnership with the Health and Hospitals Corpora-tion (HHC)

n Stable or growing inpatient and outpatient volumes at UHB

n Compliance with all edu-cational accreditation standards for clinical placements

n University Hospital of Brooklyn is a major innovator in the delivery of health care services that are integrated with educational and clinical training programs for medical professionals

2. Continue to work with Kings County Hospital to optimize its role as a major educational affiliate

1) Increase clinical collaboration and educational training

2) Partner in the development of an accountable care organization (ACO) and patient-centered medical home (PCMH)

3) Serve as a model for clinical training

n Ongoingn DSRIP partnership established

n Resident and student evaluations for clinical sites

n Compliance with all edu-cational accreditation standards for clinical placements

n In partnership with Downstate, Kings County Hospital aligns its educational and training pro-grams to meet the new models of healthcare in Brooklyn

3. Support affiliated training institutions to excel as educational partners and collaborators in training, patient care, and research

1) Provide enhanced professional development opportunities for affili-ated faculty and program directors including teaching skills develop-ment, mentoring, and evaluation techniques

n Ongoing n Improved retention of affiliated faculty

n Improved undergradu-ate and graduate medi-cal trainee experiences and evaluations at affiliated facilities

n Development programs in place for faculty at affiliated training sites

n Greater collaboration between the College of Medicine and af-filiated faculty

n Improved site evaluations by Downstate trainees

4. Establish a borough-wide pilot initia-tive in Brooklyn to address healthcare needs in the community and to iden-tify community partners

1) Develop partnerships for the aca-demic enterprise within the DSRIP Performing Provider System (PPS) in Brooklyn

n DSRIP partnership established n DSRIP application submitted to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) in December 2014

n DSRIP project funded (expected in early 2015)

n Addressing priority health work-force needs in Brooklyn through DSRIP funding of academic pro-grams, particularly primary care, behavioral health, and ambula-tory care health professionals

n Development of new models of care, addressing community health care needs and health equity

Page 13: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York


S C H O O L O F G R A D U A T E S T U D I E S 2010-2015

Page 14: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Graduate Studies 2010-2015


STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES1. Increase financial resources through diversification of

revenues and funding basen Double the School for Graduate Studies (SGS) non-

personnel budget within five years n Increase the percentage of faculty awarded federal

training grants and other extramural fundingn Establish an endowment fund for student fellowshipsn Reactivate the Alumni Association and create an

Alumni Directoryn Develop a grants officer position n Promote research achievements to the campus and

community more aggressively

2. Increase opportunities for campus wide interdisciplinary research collaborationn Initiate a program of informal research presentations

by faculty and students of all Schools/Collegesn Develop an interdisciplinary research group to identify

collaborative grant projectsn Establish a mechanism to review the scientific content

of grants before submission to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other funders

n Initiate a faculty development program for enhanced mentoring skills

n Develop a clinical trials program with University Hospital of Brooklyn (UHB) and the College of Medicine (COM)

n Create interdisciplinary research institutes on campus as part of SUNY-wide REACH and Networks of Excellence programs

n Develop an online database of faculty research, grant opportunities, and grants awards

n Explore development of translational research centersn Develop joint degree programs on campusn Develop incentives for educational and collaborative

research in biomedical science and engineering with other SUNY campuses

3. Enhance recruitment and diversity of the student bodyn Develop and implement a recruitment strategy to

attract diverse students with interests in Downstate’s areas of research strength

n Increase enrollment of U.S. citizens or permanent residents to meet criteria for federal training grants

n Implement biomedical educational pipeline programs from secondary through undergraduate school

n Expand the graduate student teacher program with undergraduate colleges to include SGS students with experiences in mentoring

4. Expand research and educational collaborations with internal and external partnersn Expand the MD/PhD program in Nanomedicine with

SUNY Polytechnic n Develop a campus wide entrepreneurial curriculum

focused on product and business developmentn Explore joint Master/PhD programs in business, law

and/or educationn Develop an industry Advisory Board for the SGSn Expand academic and research programs with Biobat

and the Biotech Incubator

5. Develop student mentoring and student support programs to reduce time to degreen Reduce degree time from 5.5 years to 4.5 years by

2015n Develop faculty mentoring programs for oversight,

evaluation and progress of SGS doctoral studentsn Expand career counseling and employment assistance

programs for students

Page 15: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Graduate Studies 2010-2015


GOAL 1: Increase financial resources through diversification of revenues and funding base

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Double the School for Graduate Stud-ies (SGS) non-personnel budget within five years

1) Develop business and fundraising plans

n Business plan is about 70% completed

n Yearly assessment of progress to target

n Increased non-person-nel budget

2. Increase the percentage of faculty awarded federal grants and other extramural funding

1) Identify potential opportunities for extramural research

2) Submit federal and other training grants

n Successful R24 funded training grant with Medgar Evers College

n Submission of grantsn Grant awards

n Increased number of faculty grant awards

n Funded R24 and other grants

n Grants fund established

3. Establish an endowment fund for student fellowships

1) Identify opportunities for endow-ment in coordination with the Office of Institutional Advancement and Philanthropy

n Endowment fund and donor identification are in the early phases of development

n Development of fundraising materials

n Implementation of fundraising campaign

n Endowment fund estab-lished

n Financial plan in place

4. Reactivate the Alumni Association and create an Alumni Directory

1) Initiate regular communication with alumni

2) Develop a plan for an alumni philan-thropy campaign

3) Establish an online alumni directory that is updated regularly

4) Promote alumni career services (i.e., job opportunities)

n Ongoing communication with alumni

n Alumni Directory is 50% com-pleted

n Development of a faculty com-mittee for alumni relations

n Creation of a newsletter with current graduate activities

n Creation of an interactive website

n Publication of an alumni direc-tory

n Completed Alumni Directory

n Consistent correspon-dence with alumni

n Alumni meetings/events held

n Alumni supported activi-ties organized (sem-inars, students, other)

5. Develop a grants officer position 1) Develop a cost sharing financial plan for securing a grant officer with other Schools/Colleges at Down-state

n A potential candidate has been identified and hiring is depen-dent on funding allocation

n Position funded and staffed n Part-time or full-time hire

6. Promote research achievements to the campus and community more aggressively

1) Highlight accomplishments, awards and publications of residents, stu-dents and faculty

n Ongoing n Regular dissemination of school research activities

n Increased number of media references to the SGS and researchers

Page 16: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Graduate Studies 2010-2015


GOAL 2: Increase opportunities for campus wide interdisciplinary research collaboration

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Initiate a program of informal re-search presentations by faculty and students of all Schools/Colleges

1) Three presentations planned per year

n Three interdisciplinary seminars are currently coordinated by the SGS annually

n Regular departmental faculty talks on research topics held

n Focused research presentations offered

n Attendance and participation by faculty interested in collabora-tive research

n Interdisciplinary re-search projects initiated

2. Develop an interdisciplinary campus research group to identify collabora-tive grant projects

1) Form thematic interdisciplinary teams to discuss potential projects and funding sources

2) Open new lines of collaborations with external research organizations

n Current working groups include Otolaryngology, Health Dispari-ties and Stroke

n Working teams formed with representation of all Schools/Colleges to develop potential projects

n Relationships developed and fostered among faculty

n Grant applications prepared and submitted by multi-disciplinary teams

n Papers published in peer re-viewed journals

n Development of interdis-ciplinary proposals for funding and increased number of awards

3. Establish a mechanism to review the scientific content of grants before submission to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other funders

1) Develop a joint review process with the College of Medicine (COM)

2) Convene a group of funded faculty from all SGS programs to review applications

n Ad Hoc committees to review grants are in development

n Increased percentage of grants funded

n Additional grant awards

4. Initiate a faculty development pro-gram for enhanced mentoring skills

1) Incorporate time for mentorship and faculty development skills

2) Build stronger ties with the Division of Medical Ethics and Humanities

n Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development was recruited in August 2014

n Working group for mentoring was recently created by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development

n Positive faculty evaluations by students

n Mentoring the mentors becomes an integral part of the faculty devel-opment program

5. Develop a clinical trials program with University Hospital od Brooklyn (UHB) and the College of Medicine (COM)

1) Discuss the recruitment of a clinical trials coordinator with UHB and COM

2) Create a working collaborative group for clinical trials with internal and external partners

3) Contribute to the SUNY-wide clinical infrastructure

n SUNY-wide service has been established

n Campus trials office under study

n Development of a comprehen-sive plan to support clinical trials including required infrastructure, core facility, external funding, equipment, space, and collab-orative partners

n Campus trials office in place

n SUNY-wide clinical trials service available to all campuses

Page 17: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Graduate Studies 2010-2015


What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


6. Create interdisciplinary research insti-tutes on campus as part of SUNY-wide REACH and Networks of Excellence programs

1) Develop a new organizational model for inter-campus institutes and centers of excellence

n Planning in progress n Development of a compre-hensive plan including faculty, funds, space, and collaborative partners in priority areas

n Formation of interdisci-plinary groups through-out SUNY

n Presentationsn Peer reviewed papers n Successful grant ap-


7. Develop an online database of faculty research, grant opportunities, and grants awards

1) Redesign website n Campus-wide redesign of web-site planned for 2015

n Website operational with current content

n An interactive research database available SUNY-wide

8. Explore development of translational research centers

1) Discuss a traumatic brain injuries center with the Brooklyn Veterans’ Hospital (VA)

2) Establish an Otolaryngology Transla-tional Research group

3) Establish a Microvascular Disease group

n Otolaryngology Translational Research group has been estab-lished

n Microvascular Disease group has been established with partners

n Development of a formal proposal to establish centers of translational research, including faculty, resources, and priority areas

n Formation of interdisci-plinary groups

n Published papersn Grant awardsn Targeted faculty hires

9. Develop joint degree programs on campus

1) Explore joint PhD programs with the School of Public Health

2) Develop joint MD/Masters of Sci-ence degree with the College of Medicine

3) Develop MD/PhD program for medi-cal residents

n Ongoing discussions between Deans

n Feasibility of the joint degree programs

n Establishment process initiated with New York State Education Department (NYSED) and SUNY

n Approval received from NYSED and SUNY

n Students enrolled in the degree Program(s)

10. Develop incentives for educational and collaborative research in biomedi-cal science and engineering with other SUNY campuses

1) Explore opportunities with SUNY col-leges of engineering for collabora-tive research

2) Discuss funding mechanism with the COM Dean and faculty for joint pilot projects through the Graduate Research Initiative (GRI)

n Ongoing meetings with the University of Albany on a joint degree plan and collaborative research

n Current projects in place with the SUNY Network of Excellence

n Inter-campus SUNY Brain and Health groups are established and led by the SGS Dean

n Collaborative partners and areas of interest identified

n Approval of new degree pro-grams by SUNY and NYSED

n Inter-campus groups formed around areas of research interest

n Professional publica-tions

n Funded grants

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Graduate Studies 2010-2015


GOAL 3: Enhance recruitment and diversity of the student body

What do we want to have ac-complished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015? Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Develop and implement a recruitment strategy to attract diverse students with interests in Downstate’s areas of research strength

1) Improve marketing and outreach to diverse students and develop social media presence

2) Publicize the research accomplishments of our faculty and students

3) Develop an active alumni network for student advisement

4) Maintain an active presence at national meet-ings

n Research pipeline R25 applica-tion is in development with Brooklyn College for underrep-resented students in Masters/PhD program

n Number of diverse appli-cants to the SGS

n Increase in minority recruit-ment and retention

n Research with Medgar Evers College funded for minority recruitment

n Research pipeline application with Brooklyn College funded

n Application numbers and statistics reflect a more diverse student population

2. Increase enrollment of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to meet criteria for federal training grants

1) Develop a recruitment and marketing plan aimed at U.S. citizens and permanent residents

n Minimal progress to date n Increased admissions of U.S. citizens or permanent residents

n Higher enrollment numbers of U.S. citizens and permanent residents

n Increased training grant sub-missions and awards

3. Implement biomedical edu-cational pipeline programs from secondary through undergraduate school

1) Organize and seek funding for potential pro-grams through federal grants, National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

2) Expand current summer training programs for high school students

3) Discuss development of pipeline programs with potential partners, including Brooklyn and Medgar Evers Colleges, Polytechnic Institute of New York, Cooper Union and the SUNY State College of Optometry

4) Obtain NSF grant funding for Science, Technol-ogy, Engineering and Math (STEM) mentoring in middle schools through a partnership between SUNY and the NY Academy of Sciences

n Successful R24 funded train-ing grant with Medgar Evers College

n A R25 grant application was submitted with Brooklyn Col-lege

n Funded pipeline programs established

n Increase in student ap-plications and admissions from partner colleges

n Formal research programs for undergraduates estab-lished

n STEM mentoring program funded

n High school undergraduate students engaged in research

n Enrolled students in funded pipeline program

n Enrolled students in research track for high school and under-graduate colleges

n Applicants and enrollees from pipeline programs entering and obtaining degrees from Down-state or other health profes-sional schools

4. Expand the graduate stu-dent teacher program with undergraduate colleges to include SGS students with experiences in mentoring

1) Develop a model student teacher program that encompasses student mentorship, educational seminars and workshops with Medgar Evers College and other schools

n Planning in progress n Incorporation of education and mentoring responsibili-ties for SGS students

n STEM mentoring enrolleesn High school and undergraduate

students engaged in research at Downstate

n Number of students accepted to SGS or related programs at other schools

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Graduate Studies 2010-2015


GOAL 4: Expand research and educational collaborations with internal and external partners

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Expand the MD/PhD program in Nano-medicine with SUNY Polytechnic

1) Finalize the program curriculum, faculty and required resources

2) Finalize plan with projected enroll-ment

3) Develop new funding streams to support students in the program

n Program was formally approved in 2011 by SUNY

n Students are currently enrolled in the program

n Development and implementa-tion of joint degree program in Nanomedicine

n Approval of NYSED and SUNY

n MD/PhD degrees awarded

n Internships

2. Develop a campus wide entrepreneur-ial curriculum focused on product and business development

1) Identify knowledge areas required for product development: patents, intellectual property, contracts, and business practices

2) Develop a seminar series for campus on entrepreneurship with business and industry partners

n Seminar series in place n Seminar series initiated with partners

n Entrepreneurial curricu-lum in place and active

n On-going product devel-opment

3. Explore joint Master/PhD programs in business, law and/or education

1) Discuss potential partners and cur-riculum

2) Conduct feasibility study for joint degree programs

3) Develop preliminary proposal

n Opportunity with the University at Albany Law School is under discussion

n Completion of feasibility study n Program proposal developed

n Approval of SUNY and NYSED

n Students enrolled in the degree Program

4. Develop an industry Advisory Board for the SGS

1) Develop a proposal for advisory board with faculty

2) Obtain funding from Start Up NY in collaboration with Biobat

n Advisory Board is in the planning stage

n Establishment of Advisory Board n Design a scope of work for Advisory Board

n Identify membersn Licenses/startups or


5. Expand academic and research programs with Biobat and the Biotech Incubator

1) Develop a working relationship with startup companies for student train-ing at the biotech facilities

2) Collaborate on grant submissions

n SGS Dean continues to meet with company directors

n Ongoing discussions with the Biotech Incubator/Biobat on student training

n Student internships in placen Discussion with Biobat to in-

clude SGS in an advisory rolen Initiate discussion of collabora-

tive grant submissions

n Student internships in incubator labs

n Intellectual property agreement on research products in place

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Graduate Studies 2010-2015


GOAL 5: Develop student mentoring and student support programs to reduce time to degree

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Reduce degree time from 5.5 years to 4.5 years by 2015

1) Increase faculty oversight of stu-dents and progress towards degree

2) Implement mentoring and a formal evaluation process for students’ progress to degree that is conduct-ed every six months

3) Establish structured work and prog-ress programs

4) Offer a grant writing course to stu-dents

n Students are currently graduat-ing on time and hitting mile-stones

n Completion of program within the required time

n Time to degree reducedn Time to other mile-

stones (qualifying exams, thesis proposal) being met

2. Develop faculty mentoring programs for oversight, evaluation and progress of SGS doctoral students

1) Establish benchmarks for faculty participation in education and men-toring

2) Institute formal recognition of teach-ing and mentoring achievements (e.g., Nomination for Chancellor’s Award of Excellence)

3) Integrate more rigorous monitoring programs

n Ongoing n Reporting mechanism for partici-pation by faculty

n Institutionalization of education and mentoring responsibilities for each faculty member

n Mentoring the mentors becomes an integral part of a broader men-toring initiative

3. Expand career counseling and employment assistance programs for students

1) Expand placement resources for students

n Significant progress has been made and a potential partner-ship with the University of Albany is under discussion

n Establishment of a career guid-ance program for students with successful placements

n Regular postings of relevant jobs

n Number of students with interviews, offers and employment

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S C H O O L O F P U B L I C H E A L T H 2010-2015

Page 22: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Public Health 2010-2015


STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES1. Gain reaccreditation of the School of Public Health (SPH)

n Recruit Chairs for Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and Health Policy and Management vacancies

n Prepare for occupancy of the new School of Public Health/Academic Building

n Hire a full-time faculty member for Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences

2. Provide an academic environment for public health education, research, and practice in an urban setting with an emphasis on urban and immigrant health, to an increasing number of studentsn Maintain a strong curricular, research and practice

focus on urban and immigrant healthn Matriculate a minimum of 45 Master of Public Health

(MPH) students each yearn Matriculate a minimum of 6 Downstate medical

students each year in the concurrent MD/MPH program

n Matriculate a minimum of 3 Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) students each year

3. Advance public health knowledge through scientific investigation of health and disease, with a focus on urban and immigrant health issuesn Have 45% of full-time faculty engaged in community

based public health research by 2015n Have 45% of full-time faculty secure an extramural

public health grant or contract funding each year by 2015

n Have faculty publish at least 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, books or book chapters per year on public health issues by 2015

n Have faculty make at least 25 scientific presentations or poster presentations annually at national meetings by 2015

4. Advance the health of underserved communities, both locally and globally, through collaborative public health approaches to health promotion, disease prevention and intervention n Have 75% of faculty participating in external community

service activities, including serving on advisory boards by 2015

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Public Health 2010-2015


GOAL 1: Gain reaccreditation of the School of Public Health (SPH)

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Recruit Chairs for Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and Health Policy and Management vacan-cies

1) Recruit Chair of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (per-son to start September 2015)

2) Recruit Chair of Health Policy and Management (person to start July 2015)

n Candidates were interviewed for both Chair positions in Fall/Win-ter 2014

n Recruitment and search commit-tee activities in place

n Chairs hired

2. Prepare for occupancy of the new School of Public Health/Academic Building

1) Complete plans for furniture and technology needed for the new School of Public Health/Academic Building

n Ongoing faculty input regard-ing furnishings and technology needs

n Occupancy of new School of Public Health/Academic Building in 2016

n Furniture and technol-ogy installed in the Public Health/Academic Building

3. Hire a full-time faculty member for En-vironmental and Occupational Health Sciences

1) Hire a full-time faculty member for Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences

n Position has been posted and applicants are actively being reviewed

n Recruitment and search commit-tee activities in place

n Faculty member hired

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Public Health 2010-2015


GOAL 2: Provide an academic environment for public health education, research, and practice in an urban setting with an emphasis on urban and immigrant health, to an increasing number of students

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Maintain a strong curricular, research and practice focus on urban and im-migrant health

1) Engage in faculty and administra-tion strategic planning to keep all curricula, research and practice current

n Major curricular review complet-ed in September 2014

n Competencies for each degree and concentration were fully mapped by October 2014

n A number of syllabi are currently undergoing updating

n Changes in curricular content, research activities and practice experiences

n Continued updating of curriculum, research and practice activities

2. Matriculate a minimum of 45 Master of Public Health (MPH) students each year

1) Grow the enrollment in the Master of Public Health Program

n Ongoing recruitment efforts at education/career fairs

n Recruiter being hired in Spring 2015

n Annual number of newly enrolled MPH students

n A minimum of 45 MPH students enrolled per year

3. Matriculate a minimum of 6 Down-state medical students each year in the concurrent MD/MPH program

1) Grow the enrollment in the MD/MPH Program

n Faculty of the SPH continue to interview large numbers of applicants to the College of Medicine as part of the admis-sions process

n Annual number of newly enrolled MD/MPH students

n A minimum of 6 medical students in the MPH program enrolled per year

4. Matriculate a minimum of 3 Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) students each year

1) Grow the enrollment in the Doctor of Public Health Program

n Ongoing recruitment efforts at education/career fairs

n Recruiter being hired in Spring 2015

n Annual number of newly enrolled DrPH students

n A minimum of 3 DrPH students enrolled per year

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Public Health 2010-2015


GOAL 3: Advance public health knowledge through scientific investigation of health and disease, with a focus on urban and immigrant health issues

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Have 45% of full-time faculty engaged in community-based public health research by 2015

1) Increase mentoring of junior faculty in applying for research grants

n As of November 2014, 35% of the full-time faculty were engaged in community-based public health research

n Monitoring of the number of faculty successfully applying for research grants

n Increased number of faculty engaged in this type of research per year

2. Have 45% of full-time faculty secure an extramural public health grant or contract funding each year by 2015

1) Increase mentoring of junior faculty in applying for research grants

n As of November 2014, 20% of full-time faculty had secured an extramural public health grant or contract funding

n Monitoring of number of faculty successfully applying for re-search grants

n Increased number of faculty receiving extra-mural funding per year

3. Have faculty publish at least 20 ar-ticles in peer-reviewed journals, books or book chapters per year on public health issues by 2015

1) Encourage faculty to publish their research and scholarly activities

n For the first half of 2014, the faculty published 24 articles, books and book chapters

n Number of articles, books and book chapters published by faculty

n Increased number of faculty publications per year

4. Have faculty make at least 25 scien-tific presentations or poster presenta-tions annually at national meetings by 2015

1) Encourage faculty to make scien-tific presentations and to provide stipend/travel support to them

n For the first half of 2014, faculty made 25 scientific presentations at national meetings

n Number of scientific presenta-tions made by faculty

n Increased number of faculty presentations at national meetings per year

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan School of Public Health 2010-2015


GOAL 4: Advance the health of underserved communities, both locally and globally, through collaborative public health approaches to health promotion, disease prevention and intervention

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Have 75% of faculty participating in external community service activities, including serving on advisory boards by 2015

1) Continue to encourage faculty to participate in external community service activities

n By the first half of 2014, 70% of the faculty participated in exter-nal community service activities

n Number of faculty engaged in such activities

n Increase number of faculty participating in these types of activities per year

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C O L L E G E O F N U R S I N G 2010-2015

Page 28: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Nursing 2010-2015


STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES1. Develop the College of Nursing (CON) as a Center for

Nursing Scholarshipn Facilitate student and faculty scholarshipn Establish a Center for Nursing Research and

Innovations as a vehicle for developing new knowledge through research and disseminating faculty and student scholarly activities

n Enhance collaborative research and scholarly activi-ties with other Schools/Colleges/departments at Downstate and other institutions

n Recognize and encourage faculty and students to dis-seminate their scholarly activities to the professional community at the local, state and national levels

2. Expand the College’s academic programs in response to trends and changes in health care, nursing and higher educationn Establish a CON Advisory Boardn Ensure adequate faculty/student ratios to meet

accreditation and regulatory standardsn Develop a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Programn Design an online registered nurse baccalaureate

(RN-BS) in Nursing Programn Develop a Post-Master’s degree in Nursing Education

Programn Establish a Master’s (MS) in Nursing Administration

Programn Acquire additional space for classroom, faculty offices,

computer lab, and Learning Resource Center (LRC)/Simulation Lab to accommodate program expansion

3. Integrate health policy and evidence-based care for diverse populations into the curriculumn Implement the undergraduate and graduate curricula

consistent with the current American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) core competencies expected of graduates of baccalaureate and graduate programs

n Integrate health policy, evidence-based and culturally competent care into the undergraduate and graduate curricula

n Conduct workshops and/or continuing education programs related to health policy, cultural competency, and evidence-based nursing for faculty and students

4. Establish collaborative partnerships with internal and external institutionsn Continue to strengthen partnerships with University

of Brooklyn’s (UHB) Clinical Resource Committee in providing continuing education programs for registered nurses (RNs)

n Strengthen ties with the community through educa-tional and service programs

n Establish an Annual Research Day in collaboration with Schools/Colleges/departments at Downstate and other institutions

5. Improve the economic resources of the CONn Develop a “Giving Tree” initiativen Establish a CON Alumni Academyn Expand the continuing educational (CE) programs of

the CON by having a dedicated staff and faculty

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Nursing 2010-2015


GOAL 1: Develop the CON as a Center for Nursing Scholarship

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mecha-nisms


1. Facilitate student and faculty scholarship

1) Integrate scholarship into the under-graduate and graduate curricula

2) Create a Taskforce for the College’s Honor Society

3) Hold the Inaugural Induction Cer-emony

4) Establish a Scientific Research Com-mittee

n Completed n Scholarship integrated into the un-dergraduate curricula in September 2012 and into the graduate curricula in September 2013

n Honor Society Taskforce was formed in January 2013

n Inaugural Induction Ceremony was held in April 2014

n Scientific Research Committee was established in January 2012

n Student and faculty scholarship more formally integrated into the CON

2. Establish a Center for Nursing Research and In-novations as a vehicle for developing new knowledge through research and disseminating faculty and student scholarly activities

1) Create an internal position of As-sociate Dean for Research and Innovations

2) Form a Research Advisory Group 3) Collaborate with other Schools/Col-

leges/departments at Downstate and other institutions

4) Strengthen collaboration with clini-cal partners

5) Coordinate efforts with the Re-search Foundation

6) Disseminate faculty and student scholarship

n Associate Dean for Research and Inno-vations was appointed in August 2014

n Conferences held in collaboration with University Hospital of Brooklyn (UHB) and Maimonides Medical Center in November 2013 & 2014

n Faculty scholarship reviewed annually

n Associate Dean for Research and Innovations was appointed

n Center for Nursing Research and Innovations is in the process of being established

n Increased faculty scholarship by 20% annually (e.g. research/ grants, pub-lications, presentations, consultan-cies, grant reviewers, clinical practice expertise)

n Increased research funding and activity with additional mechanisms for dissemi-nation

3. Enhance collaborative research and scholarly ac-tivities with other Schools/Colleges/ departments at Downstate and other institutions

1) Create an interdisciplinary Research Advisory Group

2) Form Taskforces focused on particu-lar initiatives

n Ongoing (UHB Nursing Department, Maimonides Nursing Department, 2013 & 2014; Faculty & students par-ticipated in the Annual Research Day sponsored by the School of Graduate Studies, 2013-2014)

n Ongoing collaborative Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) grant ac-tivities with New York University (NYU) & Stony Brook Schools of Nursing

n Number of research collaborations, with at least three annually

n Increased research funding and activity

4. Recognize and encourage faculty and students to disseminate their scholarly activities to the profession-al community at the local, state and national levels

1) Initiate an annual Dean’s Distin-guished Lecture Series

2) Create a plan for faculty compensa-tion and scholarly productivity

n Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series in the planning stage

n Ongoing work to obtain necessary funding to align faculty compensation and scholarly productivity

n Annual Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series scheduled for Fall 2015

n Recommendations that align faculty compensation with scholarly produc-tivity developed

n Increased faculty scholar-ship and dissemination

n Faculty compensation that aligns with scholarly productivity

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Nursing 2010-2015


GOAL 2: Expand the College’s academic programs in response to trends and changes in health care, nursing and higher education

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Establish a CON Advisory Board 1) Identify and invite nursing leaders in education, practice and research; professional nursing organiza-tions and other health professions; community leaders; alumni and students

n Advisory Board Members identi-fied in Fall 2014

n First meeting scheduled for Fall 2015

n Ongoing work to obtain necessary funding to support the College of Nursing Advisory Board activities

n College of Nursing Advisory Board meetings held annually

n Integration of new programs and offerings by the CON to meet the current needs of the marketplace and stay on trend in nursing education

2. Ensure adequate faculty/student ratios to meet accreditation and regu-latory standards

1) Recruit and retain qualified faculty to meet accreditation and regulatory standards

2) Assess staffing/faculty levels and required credentials and skills to achieve program goals and ex-pected outcomes

3) Replace faculty vacancies expedi-tiously

n Ongoing work to obtain funding for additional necessary faculty

n Acceptable faculty/ student ratio based on Commission on Colle-giate Nursing Education (CCNE) and specialty accreditation and regulatory standards

n Faculty meet the educational and clinical requirements based on accreditation and regulatory standards

n Maintain accreditation status

3. Develop a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program

1) Conduct a Feasibility Study 2) Create DNP Taskforce 3) Develop DNP curriculum 4) Submit a Letter of Intent to SUNY

and New York State Education Department (NYSED)

n Feasibility Study conducted in May 2012 and will be updated in Spring 2015

n DNP curriculum developed and to be updated in Spring 2015

n Letter of Intent submission de-ferred due to faculty resources

n Ongoing work to obtain addition-al faculty resources to support DNP Program

n Doctor of Nursing Practice Pro-gram established

n Approval of degree by SUNY and NYSED

n Students enrolled in the DNP Program

4. Design an online registered nurse baccalaureate (RN-BS) in Nursing Program

1) Create online RN-BS Taskforce2) Develop online RN-BS curriculum3) Submit a Letter of Intent to SUNY


n Online curriculum development to start in 2015-2016

n Ongoing work to obtain addition-al faculty and technology support required for the online RN-BS in Nursing Program

n Online RN-BS in Nursing estab-lished

n Approval of degree by SUNY and NYSED

n Students enrolled in the online RN-BS in Nursing Program

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Nursing 2010-2015


What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


5. Develop a Post-Master’s degree in Nursing Education Program

1) Conduct a Feasibility Study 2) Create a Taskforce on Post-Master’s

in Nursing Education program3) Develop the curriculum 4) Submit a Letter of Intent to SUNY


n Planning to start in 2015-2016 n Ongoing work to obtain funding

for additional faculty to support the Post-Master’s degree in Nurs-ing Education Program

n Post-Master’s in Nursing Educa-tion program established

n Approval of degree by SUNY and NYSED

n Students enrolled in the Post-Master’s degree in Nursing Education Program

6. Establish a Master’s (MS) in Nursing Administration Program

1) Conduct a Feasibility Study 2) Create a Taskforce on Post-Master’s

in Nursing Education program3) Develop the curriculum 4) Submit a Letter of Intent to SUNY


n Planning to start in 2015-2016 n Ongoing work to obtain funding

for additional faculty to support a Master’s (MS) in Nursing Admin-istration Program

n MS in Nursing Administration established

n Approval of degree by SUNY and NYSED

n Students enrolled in the Master’s (MS) in Nursing Administration Program

7. Acquire additional space for class-room, faculty offices, computer lab and Learning Resource Center (LRC)/Simulation Lab to accommodate pro-gram expansion

1) Conduct a comprehensive assess-ment on the need for additional space to accommodate program expansion

2) Assess programmatic needs regarding the use and integration of technology and computer-related equipment throughout the curricu-lum

n Completed n Comprehensive assessment conducted in September 2013

n Programmatic needs assess-ment completed in 2013-2014

n Additional spaces acquired (Classroom F/G were acquired in September 2013 and the LRC/Simulation Lab was completed in Spring 2015)

n State-of-the-art nursing Simulation Laboratory in full operation

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Nursing 2010-2015


GOAL 3: Integrate health policy and evidence-based care for diverse populations into the curriculum

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Implement the undergraduate and graduate curricula consistent with the current American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) core com-petencies expected of graduates of baccalaureate and graduate programs

1) Revise the undergraduate and graduate curricula to reflect the current AACN core competencies for graduates of baccalaureate and graduate programs

n Revised curriculum was imple-mented in September 2012 for undergraduate and in September 2013 for graduate students

n Revised undergraduate and graduate curricula implemented

n Undergraduate and graduate curricula con-sistent with the current AACN core competen-cies implemented

2. Integrate health policy, evidence-based and culturally competent care into the undergraduate and graduate curricula

1) Revise undergraduate and graduate curricula to reflect the integration of health policy, evidence-based and culturally competent care into appropriate courses

n Revised curriculum was imple-mented in September 2012 for undergraduate and in Septem-ber 2013 for graduate students

n Health policy, evidence-based and culturally competent care integrated into undergraduate and graduate curricula

n Health policy, evidence-based and culturally competent care fully integrated into the un-dergraduate and gradu-ate curricula

3. Conduct workshops and/or continuing education programs related to health policy, cultural competency, and evidence-based nursing for faculty and students

1) Conduct needs assessments related to health policy, cultural compe-tency, and evidence-based care

2) Develop programs related to health policy, cultural competency, and evidence-based care for faculty and students

n Faculty and students’ research presentations in cultural com-petency and evidence-based nursing were held in Academic Year 2013, however, this goal is being reexamined in light of faculty resources

n Annual workshops on health policy, cultural competency, and evidence-based nursing for faculty and students held

n Continuing education programs related to health policy, cul-tural competency, and evidence-based nursing available to faculty and students

Page 33: Strategic Intent - The Path Forward · Strategic Intent - The Path Forward Introduction SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Downstate, or DMC, is one of four State University of New York

SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Nursing 2010-2015


GOAL 4: Establish collaborative partnerships with internal and external institutions

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Continue to strengthen partnerships with University Hospital of Brooklyn’s (UHB) Clinical Resource Committee in providing continuing education pro-grams for registered nurses (RNs)

1) Collaborate with UHB’s Clinical Resource Committee to develop and provide nursing grand rounds to DMC nurses

n Ongoing Grand Rounds offered on a monthly basis with tracking of participants

n Grand Rounds offered monthlyn Attendance by 20-25 UHB

nurses at each session

n Continuing education programs offered to UHB registered nurses onsite

2. Strengthen ties with the commu-nity through educational and service programs

1) Develop a database of current com-munity projects for campus dissemi-nation and potential collaboration

2) Form a Taskforce on Community Initiatives

3) Create a Community Advisory Board with industry and civic group mem-bers

n Task Force on Community Initia-tives created in Fall 2014

n Planning in progress n Ongoing tracking of educational

programming and participationn Community Advisory Board will

be established in Fall 2015

n Participation in community health activities by faculty and students at least two to four times per year

n Educational programs on health related topics offered to the community twice per year

n Community Advisory Board established to focus on health promotion and disease preven-tion projects

n Community Advisory Board meetings held annually

n Stronger ties fostered with the community through health promo-tion and disease pre-vention projects

3. Establish an Annual Research Day in collaboration with Schools/Colleges/ departments at Downstate and other institutions

1) Develop a program for Research Day

2) Collaborate with Schools/Colleges/ departments at Downstate and other institutions

3) Engage faculty and students to col-laborate on research projects

n Research conferences were held in collaboration with UHB’s Nurs-ing Department and Maimonides Medical Center in 2013 & 2014

n Annual Nursing Research Day collaboratively sponsored with UHB and other institutions

n Creation of partnerships across campus and with other institutions to increase research and mechanisms for schol-arly dissemination

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Nursing 2010-2015


GOAL 5: Improve the economic resources of the CON

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Develop a “Giving Tree” initiative 1) Create a Taskforce on the “Giving Tree” initiative

2) Develop a proposal on the “Giving Tree” initiative

3) Design a brochure for a marketing campaign and publication

4) Install a ”Giving Tree”

n Taskforce created in March 2014n Design proposal completed in

May 2014n “Giving Tree” installed in October

2014n Ongoing work around marketing

campaign and fundraising

n “Giving Tree” installedn Marketing campaign launchedn Fundraising campaign started

n “Giving Tree” installed with successful market-ing and fundraising for the College

2. Establish a CON Alumni Academy 1) Conduct alumni survey and develop database

2) Form a Taskforce for the Alumni Academy

3) Develop Alumni Academy bylaws4) Elect a Board of Directors and other

Officers of the Alumni Academy

n Taskforce created in September 2013

n First draft of the bylaws was completed for review in Decem-ber 2013

n Ongoing work to obtain funding for the Alumni Academy

n Alumni survey conducted with more than 50 % response

n Alumni database established and updated regularly

n Board members and officers elected and meet regularly

n Bylaws developed and publishedn Alumni reception held annuallyn Annual fund-raising event with

contributions and donations received

n Strengthened ties with the CON alumni

n Generate additional revenue for the College

3. Expand the continuing educational (CE) programs of the CON by having a dedicated staff and faculty

1) Form a consortium with a minimum of four participating Brooklyn hospi-tals

2) Appoint dedicated faculty and staff for CE

n Ongoing work to obtain addi-tional funding to expand the CE programs

n Annual survey distributed to faculty and clinical partners with more than 50% response rate

n Continuing educational pro-grams offered annually with at least 50 participants

n Expansion of the pro-gram to meet the needs for continuing education of the nursing com-munity

n Generate additional revenue for the College

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Health Related Professions 2010-2015


STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES:1. Develop and expand educational programs and related

educational opportunities to meet the evolving and varied needs of each disciplinen Ensure adequate faculty/student ratios in all College of

Health Related Professions (CHRP) programs to meet accreditation and enrollment requirements

n Offer BS/MS Program in Physician Assistant (PA) education

n Offer clinical doctoral level education in Midwifery (MW)n Offer a second track in Diagnostic Medical Imaging

(DMI) called Certificate Program for Sonographersn Offer a second track in Medical Informatics called

PACS (Picture Archiving Communication System) Administrator

n Offer a doctoral program in Occupational Therapy (OTD)n Expand simulation activities offered to studentsn Expand phantom and hands on scanning activities for

DMI students

2. Improve clinical training through diversification of sites, preceptorships, and innovative placementsn Expand clinical affiliate training opportunities to

increase the College’s competitiveness in the environment

n Strengthen relationships with preceptors through education opportunities and online offerings

n Enhance evaluation of the clinical training experiences

3. Develop mechanisms to facilitate diverse student recruit-ment and employment opportunities for graduatesn Maintain and/or expand the percentage of applicants

who are well qualified and from under-represented populations in the health professions

4. Foster faculty development, recognition and supportn Partner with the Office of Faculty Affairs and

Professional Development to continue to support faculty development in building curriculum and inte-grating innovative teaching methods

n Secure extramural funding to support clinician faculty development and training

n Increase faculty publications, presentations and dissemination

n Increase faculty participation in professional organizations

n Work with the campus in the development of grants officer positions

5. Expand research, clinical and educational opportunities both internally and externallyn Participate in urban health education, prevention or

direct care activities each year to underserved popula-tions either for credit or as community service

n Enhance collaborative research activities with other professions, schools, SUNY colleges and other institu-tions, with emphasis on providing care to underserved populations

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Health Related Professions 2010-2015


GOAL 1: Develop and expand educational programs and related educational opportunities to meet the evolving and varied needs of each discipline

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Ensure adequate faculty/ student ratios in all CHRP programs as to meet accreditation and enrollment requirements

1) Retain faculty to meet national standards

2) Replace vacant positions expedi-tiously

3) Assess staffing levels and required skills at the program level to facili-tate implementation of programs and goals and objectives

n Student/faculty ratios are reviewed annually and were reviewed in Summer 2014 and are discussed in the College’s September 2014 annual report

n Licenses, certifications and professional development assess-ment instruments were reviewed in July 2014 and are reviewed annually by the CHRP Dean in September

n Maintain acceptable student/faculty ratios in each program

n All faculty, with exception of adjuncts and preceptors, have their NYS licenses and national certifications up to date

n Professional development assessment instruments are reviewed annually to assure continued competencies and on-going professional development

n Student/faculty ratios at constantly acceptable levels

2. Offer BS/MS Program in Physician Assistant (PA) education

1) Submit a Letter of Intent to the New York State Education Department (NYSED)

2) Submit an accreditation application to the professional accreditation body

3) Admit first class to BS/MS Physician Assistant program

n Letter of Intent was finalized in Spring 2014

n NYSED approval received in 2015

n Accreditation by professional accreditation body granted in 2016

n First students admitted to the program in Summer 2017

n Permission to grant the degree

n Students enrolled in the BA/MS PA Program

3. Offer clinical doctoral level education in Midwifery (MW)

1) Submit a Letter of Intent to the New York State Education Department (NYSED)

2) Submit an accreditation application to the professional accreditation body

3) Admit first students to doctoral program

n Letter of Intent was finalized in November 2014

n NYSED approval received in 2015

n Accreditation by professional accreditation body granted in 2016/2017

n Fundraising to support in-creased faculty and doctoral support services underway in 2015-2017

n First students admitted to the program in Fall 2017

n Permission to grant the degree

n Students enrolled in the doctoral level Midwifery Program

4. Offer a second track in Diagnostic Medical Imaging (DMI) called Certifi-cate Program for Sonographers

1) Evaluate interest of practicing so-nographers in attaining certification in additional specialties

2) Develop content for specialty tracks3) Develop description of each spe-

cialty track requirements4) Enroll students

n Committee supervised by Chair is meeting regularly to discuss which credential is of most interest

n Survey conducted to measure interest in practicing sonogra-phers by 2015

n Course syllabi and academic policies for this track developed by 2016

n Track offered to an incoming class of practicing Sonographers in 2017

n Choice of track finalizedn Curriculum developed n Students enrolled in the

Certificate Program

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Health Related Professions 2010-2015


What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


5. Offer a second track in Medical Infor-matics called PACS (Picture Archiving Communication System) Administrator

1) Develop description and content required for this certificate track

2) Collaborate with the DMI and Radiol-ogy programs for common course content

3) Recruit practitioners interested in this certificate

n Program is working on develop-ing what additional courses are needed and how they would fit with the course work that is cur-rently offered

n Course syllabi developed by 2015

n Track first offered to incoming students in 2016

n Development of syl-labus for track

n Students enrolled in PACS Program

6. Offer a doctoral program in Occupa-tional Therapy (OTD)

1) Compare current curriculum with other OTD programs

2) Determine accreditation criteria for the OTD degree

3) Develop course syllabi for new and revised courses

4) Submit a Letter of Intent to the New York State Education Department (NYSED)

n Faculty committee meeting regu-larly and engaged in information gathering process about other OTD programs already offered by other institutions

n Faculty committee reviewing oth-er OTD Programs by July 2015

n Accreditation criteria for the OTD degree determined by July 2016

n Syllabi for new and revised courses finalized by December 2017

n Letter of Intent submitted to NYSED by December 2018

n Development of degree offerings

n Permission to grant the degree

n Students enrolled in the OTD Program

7. Expand simulation activities offered to students

1) Integrate simulation activities into MW, DMI, PA, OT, and PT curricula

n Simulation has already been integrated into MW and DMI

n Faculty committees are currently discussing a plan to integrate simulation activities into classes for PA, PT and OT

n Simulation activities integrated into PA, PT and OT Programs by July 2016

n Simulation activities integrated into PA, PT and OT Programs

8. Expand phantom and hands on scan-ning activities for DMI students

1) Integrate scanning with didactic content

2) Expand hours available to students for scanning practice

n Additional faculty are needed to fill open DMI positions and expand program hours

n Curriculum development under-way to integrate more scanning where it fits with curriculum content

n Scanning integrated with didac-tic content by July 2015

n Expanded hours available to students for scanning practice by July 2015

n Faculty positions filled in order to oversee expanded scanning activities aligned with the didactic content of the DMI Program

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Health Related Professions 2010-2015


GOAL 3: Develop mechanisms to facilitate diverse student recruitment and employment opportunities for graduates

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Maintain and/or expand the per-centage of applicants who are well qualified and from under-represented populations in the health professions

1) Update each CHRP Program’s Downstate website page to attract a diverse applicant pool

2) Develop a mechanism to track and involve alumni in CHRP recruitment and employment opportunities

n Ongoing annual review and update of program websites

n Ongoing annual review of ap-plicant data

n All program websites reviewed and updated annually, including: faculty research, publications, service and involvement in pro-fessional organizations

n Student activities, student com-ments about the program, etc. publicized

n Annual review in September/October of applicant data from Student Admissions

n Continued growth in the percentage of ap-plicants who are well qualified and from under-represented populations in the health professions

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Expand clinical affiliate training op-portunities to increase the College’s competitiveness in the environment

1) Offer a range of sites that match the number of students

2) Expand into new sites

n Sites are reviewed each clini-cal semester with reporting of findings every May, August and December

n Adequate ratio of sites offered each clinical semester to stu-dents is maintained

n Number of new affiliated training sites per year

n Ratio of students to sites is 1:1 or greater

n Twenty new clinical af-filiate training contracts annually

2. Strengthen relationships with precep-tors through education opportunities and online offerings

1) Offer at least one educational opportunity per year to clinical su-pervisors/preceptors for each CHRP Program

n Ongoing annual review of pro-gram offerings

n Number of offerings per yearn Number of clinical supervisors

who attend or use the offerings

n At least one offering per year with a maximum of two offerings per year per CHRP Program

n Ten clinical supervisors attending or using CHRP educational offerings per year

3. Enhance evaluation of the clinical training experiences

1) Improve use of data tracking (MW and OT continue to use New Innova-tions software during clinical place-ments)

n Discussed regularly throughout the year at Program Chairs meetings

n Ongoing sharing by Program Chairs of the methods of data tracking being used including collecting, storing, and analyz-ing data related to the students’ clinical experiences

n Continued improvement in the collection, storing and analysis of clinical training experience data for each CHRP Program

GOAL 2: Improve clinical training through diversification of sites, preceptorships, and innovative placements

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Health Related Professions 2010-2015


GOAL 4: Foster faculty development, recognition and support

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Partner with the Office of Faculty Af-fairs and Professional Development to continue to support faculty develop-ment in building curriculum and inte-grating innovative teaching methods

1) Poll faculty for perceived needs2) Involve faculty in mentoring program

activities3) Involve faculty in teaching academy


n Faculty development is inte-grated as a component of the College’s Annual Report

n Poll faculty by July 2015n Number of CHRP faculty involved

as mentors to junior facultyn Number of CHRP faculty involved

in teaching academy committee and planning activities

n Three CHRP faculty involved as mentors to junior faculty

n Two CHRP faculty involved in teaching academy committee and planning activities

2. Secure extramural funding to support clinician faculty development and training

1) Identify funding sources2) Support programs to complete suc-

cessful proposals

n OT attained a grant in July 2014 from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYCDOHMH), Early Intervention Program to develop training materials for a specialization program in Early Intervention for Occupational Therapy students (grant runs until 6/31/15 - $40,000)

n Number of training grants se-cured annually

n College to secure one training grant annually

3. Increase faculty publications, presen-tations and dissemination

1) Develop student research projects that promote faculty projects and/or interests

n Faculty publications, presenta-tions and dissemination are integrated as a component of the College’s Faculty Report

n Number of presentation(s) or publication(s) for each program per year

n One presentation or publication for each CHRP Program per year

4. Increase faculty participation in pro-fessional organizations

1) Encourage attendance at profes-sional conferences

n Faculty participation in profes-sional organizations is inte-grated as a component of the College’s Faculty Report

n Percentage of faculty who annu-ally attend at least one national or local conference or meeting of their professional organization

n 50% of faculty annually attending at least one national or local confer-ence or meeting of their professional organiza-tion

5. Work with the campus in the develop-ment of grants officer positions

1) Ensure that CHRP priorities and needs are part of the search and hir-ing process

2) Convey the interests and needs of CHRP for the Pre-Award Director

3) Increase the ability and skill of fac-ulty to search for and find applicable training grants in health and educa-tion professions

n CHRP Dean participated in the Research Foundation search committee and hirings that were finalized in Summer 2014

n CHRP Dean met with the Pre-Award Officer in Fall 2014

n Faculty workshop held in No-vember 2014

n CHRP Dean’s participation in the search committee for leader-ship positions in the Research Foundation

n CHRP Dean and interested fac-ulty meet with Pre-Award Officer every semester

n Workshop held for faculty on how to search for service and training grants in health and education professions

n Ongoing collaboration between the College and the Research Foun-dation to successfully apply and receive grant funding

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SUNY Downstate Medical Center Strategic Plan College of Health Related Professions 2010-2015


GOAL 5: Expand research, clinical and educational opportunities both internally and externally

What do we want to have accomplished in the next two to five years?

What do we want to accomplish in 2014-2015?

Status Benchmarks and evaluation mechanisms


1. Participate in urban health education, prevention or direct care activities each year to underserved popula-tions either for credit or as community service

1) Continue CHRP faculty and student participation in the Brooklyn Free Clinic work

2) Continue student participation in community settings as part of their coursework

n Activities are integrated as a component of the College’s Annual Report

n Number of settings in which the College participates

n Number of students of each course conducting a needs assessment

n Number of faculty participating in the Brooklyn Free Clinic or in Community Practice course-work each year

n CHRP is involved with 25 community service settings each year

n Twenty students per each course conducting a needs assessment

n Four faculty participating in the Brooklyn Free Clinic or in Community Practice course-work each year

2. Enhance collaborative research activi-ties with other professions, schools, SUNY colleges and other institutions, with emphasis on providing care to underserved populations

1) Collaborate to promote training in early intervention to expand ser-vices to underserved populations by OT Program and NYCDOHMH

2) Collaborate between PA Program and the Special Treatment and Research (STAR) Program

3) Collaborate with the School of Pub-lic Health (SPH)

n Training materials for col-laboration with NYCDOHMH currently in development

n Medical Informatics Program is currently collaborating with SPH as part of a workforce retraining grant

n Ongoing discussion between CHRP and SPH for future collaboration

n Number of internal and ex-ternal collaborative research activities focused on providing care to underserved popula-tions

n Training materials for col-laboration with NYCDOHMH finalized between August 2014 and July 2015

n Specialty in Early Intervention practice offered to current OT students by Summer 2015

n Specialty track in HIV/AIDS offered to PA students started in Summer 2014

n At least one collaboration per year with the School of Public Health