strategi pembelajaran kimia


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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Strategi Pembelajaran




Kelompok 1

Oczhinvia Dwitasari ( A1F011005)Despita Yuliantari ( A1F011021)Efti Kurniawati ( A1F011031)

learning strategy is the selection of the learning effort that will provide opportunities to achieve optimal goal, both in terms of learning outcomes, the work (product), as well as the process of learning to achieve learning objectives that have been defined, effectively and efficiently.

Effectiveness (yield to) the level of instrumentality or linear causal relationship between learning strategy and objectives. The selection of a learning strategy should be determined taking into account the needs in terms of achievement of learning objectives, in other words, the right learning strategy should always give the results to the optimal.


Learning effectiveness is often measured by the achievement of the goal, or it can also be interpreted as the accuracy in managing a situation, or "doing the right things" this sense contains characteristics:• Applying the (systematic)• Consistent or sequential• Sensitive to the need for the task of learning and learner needs• Clarity of purpose

The effectiveness of the learning process of teaching factors (teacher) will occur if:• Teachers have to teach professional skills required• Teachers can present motivational lessons learned• Teachers can assess the level of skills and learning needs of students

The effectiveness of the learning process of students will occur if the factor is supported by:• Intelligence level students adequate• Providing sufficient time to study at home• Accompanied by parents caring for their children's education.

The effectiveness of the learning process of the material factors, which make the material increases student interest or materials that interest students.The effectiveness of the learning process of the media factor, availability of media or props that can facilitate students and can support the learning process.

Efficiency (the efficiency), which is related to the ratio of effort (learning process) with the outcome (goal achievement), particularly in terms of economic principles, such as the selection of learning strategies are simpler, cheaper and easier, and varied but the optimal goal. Efficiency must take into account the efficiency (in terms of time, cost and effort) and still achieve optimal goal.


The efficiency of the learning can be defined as equivalence between time, cost, and energy used by the results obtained or can be said to be doing something right. Characteristics contained include:• designing learning activities based on a model which refers to the importance• needs and conditions of learners• organizing learning activities and learning neat  • learning resource utilization• innovative businesses that are saving

Making Effective Decisions

in teaching and learning effective, we must be precise in making decisions for effective learning. it can happen by concentrate upon those few key areas that produce outstanding results. . all that is likely to happen is failure through lack of time and energy. priorities have to be set and, much more difficult, maintained.

Pareto LawPareto's law relating to the effectiveness area and key effectiveness area. This law is also known as the Law 20/80, or the Law of the Few (Law of the Few) where 20% would generate the largest 80%. Another simple example is, in a successful learning, no doubt 80% of the success of a lesson most only 20% due to the learning process of their students. Something like this is pareto law works.Of course 20% of the business that we are doing here is not interpreted as a lazy effort, minimal effort, etc.. But the effort pareto apply where 20% of business that we do is effective and efficient business. So pengggunaan pareto law in everything we do. With that, we would save more energy in doing something.

The ABC ClassificationABC classification, is a method of making a group or classification values ranked from highest to lowest, and divided into 3 major groups called group A, B and C.• The “A” items. amounted for 20% of the

total and representing 80% of the effort of learning

• The “B” items. Amounted to 30% of the total achieved and 15% of the teaching and learning of efforts

• The “C” items. Amounted for 50% of the total and 50% of the teaching and learning of efforts


• Effectiveness and efficiency is related to the learning process for both teachers and students• Required skill in learning effective and efficient• Required primary goal or priority in an effective and efficient learning

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