storystack - the role of narrative & story telling for startups

STORYSTACK The Role of Narrative and Story Telling in Your Startup & How it Can Lead to Your Getting Media Coverage June 1, 2014

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STORYSTACKThe Role of Narrative and Story Telling in Your Startup & How it Can Lead to Your Getting Media Coverage

June 1, 2014

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• Need 3 volunteers / 2 minutes each

• What’s your story?

• What makes you interesting?

• Who’s had media coverage?

• Where do you think you need to be covered?

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• Live on blog & Slideshare

• Ask questions….I’m not here to “lecture…”

• Based on belief sets, principles, and experimentation

• Real world examples

• Premise based on your doing much of this yourself - and as a team…

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• Tech PR / Branded Journalism

• 30+ years…. been through major shifts & cycles

• 20 years back and forth to Israel

• U.S. and Israel

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• Learn about the role of narrative and story telling for your startup

• Take-away five steps you can apply through the end of 2014

• Build a body of work that will contribute to your being discovered

• How it can help lead to media coverage

• Add a layer of value to your brand

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A huge, global volume of startups…. all vying for attention in the media

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Just get us some press…

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Do you have the right contacts in the media to get us a huge story in….. ?

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We have a huge (and important) announcement next week and we need to be covered everywhere….

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_____ is on our Advisory Board….our team came from the IDF….we have the most disruptive technology in the

history of man-mind….we are going to be the Google of

______, etc….

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I heard that if you _________ with journalists, it’s a sure way to get__________. At least that’s what a friend of mine at another start-up did….and got

covered in ______…

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Our space is very unique, and unless you have relationships

with media in the ____ sector, how can you help us?

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There’s always a story behind the story, and what it took to get there….

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• Listen

• Build a sustainable body of work

• Pitch - with expectations

• Keep listening and contribute to your ecosystem

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• Identify the writers, bloggers, analysts who you think matter

• Come up with 15 - 20 as your target and assign the founders the responsibility to tune in, read, and just listen…

• Share your insights with the team on what they write about, say, issues they cover, what they could be missing, and most of all, where you can help them.

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• Depends on what you are doing… use common sense

• Social, of course,

• Blog is best.

• Helpful content. Not self-promotional.

• Write to help the media discover you and be an authoritative source…”thought leader…”

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• Introductory email

• Various ways to “pitch”

• Meeting and following up at conference is a good way

• Commenting on articles can help you be discovered

• Not every pitch sticks

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As story tellers you have the opportunity to add a massive layer of value to your startup

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What’s Branded Journalism?

The art of applying story telling and building narratives to support and

reflect a brand’s values…

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Having a body of work separates your startup… all vying for attention

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The new tools of building your startup

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Technology Stack LAMP Java

Python OpenStack

Ruby AWS

Rackspace Microsoft

IBM / Softlayer

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Blog YouTube Instagram Twitter LinkedIn

SoundCloud FaceBook

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• Builds a new type of defensible position

• Your body of work helps you define who you are

• Media can discover and cover you

• Can lead to new types of unexpected deal flow

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• Sets the stage for the heart and soul of your company

• Builds and expresses culture

• Attracts customers, partners, media, etc

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• Connected events

• Gluing your story together

• Ties your channels together

• Helps you express, connect and engage with your ecosystem

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• Lets you listen

• Give your customers / partners a voice

• Enables amplification of your story

• Which can lead to….

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• Techie

• Fashion

• Sports

• Music

• Culture

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• An act of faith

• People are searching for you

• Let them discover you

• Find others

• Get discovered, covered by media

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content (curated,

contributed, posts)



Branding your startup with content adds a unique layer of value

Your Startup’s Voice

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• News

• Content

• Story Telling

• Media

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• Agree to some basic milestones

• Don’t be afraid to write

• Don’t publish until you feel comfortable doing so

• Build out an editorial calendar

• Share the responsibility with your co-founders

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• Decide on the outposts (channels)

• Allow 90 days to get the process going

• Use stock tools

• Your SmartPhone is a very powerful story telling platform

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• • all photos (except for The Beatles, BB King, etc) by me.

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• Twitter

• Facebook

• LinkedIn

• Instagram

• SoundCloud

• YouTube

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Thank You.

[email protected]

all photos by me…