
Shot No: 1 Camera shot: Wide shot Shot No: 2 Camera shot: Wide shot Shot No: 3 Camera shot: Over the shoulder Shot No: 4 Camera shot: Mid shot Shot No: 6 Camera shot: Wide shot This shot shows the younger sister writing letters to her brother who has passed. The lower key lighting connotes the upsetting and disheartened atmosphere. Thus, the way the shot cuts off some of her it implements the idea that a piece of her is missing when her brother is gone. This is the first shot introducing the protagonist – Tommy. Here we see him within the first memory, at an aquarium. The unique effect of the lighting reflecting from the glass walls of the aquarium gives the shot a sense of euphoria. He is admiring what is around him. This shot follows on continuing to show the protagonist looking around. The unique lighting again caused by the reflection of the tanks around, gives the shot a sense of nostalgia. This could give the audience the impression that this is a special memory or day that the family had together. Here the protagonist is shot with his dog, running up towards the gate together, implementing the idea of a man’s best friend. The high key lighting created by the natural daylight encourages a happy and joyful impression. This shot largely incorporates the focus on the surrounding picturesque landscape. In doing this it almost emphasises the importance of such memories, even the slightest of things can mean something to someone. Shot No: 7 Camera Shot: Wide shot This is a simple but effective shot taken from the Aquarium memory also. The darkness of the shot signifies the unhappiness and upset that is felt whilst the fluorescent lights emerging from the

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Storyboard

This shot largely incorporates the focus on the surrounding picturesque landscape. In doing this it almost emphasises the importance of such memories, even the slightest of things can mean something to someone.

Here the protagonist is shot with his dog, running up towards the gate together, implementing the idea of a man’s best friend. The high key lighting created by the natural daylight encourages a happy and joyful impression.

This shot follows on continuing to show the protagonist looking around. The unique lighting again caused by the reflection of the tanks around, gives the shot a sense of nostalgia. This could give the audience the impression that this is a special memory or day that the family had together.

This is the first shot introducing the protagonist – Tommy. Here we see him within the first memory, at an aquarium. The unique effect of the lighting reflecting from the glass walls of the aquarium gives the shot a sense of euphoria. He is admiring what is around him.

This shot shows the younger sister writing letters to her brother who has passed. The lower key lighting connotes the upsetting and disheartened atmosphere. Thus, the way the shot cuts off some of her it implements the idea that a piece of her is missing when her brother is gone.

Shot No: 6

Camera shot: Wide shot

Shot No: 4

Camera shot: Mid shot

Shot No: 3

Camera shot: Over the shoulder

Shot No: 2

Camera shot: Wide shot

Shot No: 1

Camera shot: Wide shot

Shot No: 7

Camera Shot: Wide shot

This is a simple but effective shot taken from the Aquarium memory also. The darkness of the shot signifies the unhappiness and upset that is felt whilst the fluorescent lights emerging from the jellyfish themselves symbolise the good memories the family had together.

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Shot No: 8

Camera Shot: Mid shot

Shot No: 9

Camera Shot: Long shot/mid shot

Shot No: 10

Camera Shot: Mid shot

Shot No: 11

Camera Shot: Close up shot

Shot No: 12

Camera Shot: Long shot

This shot simple shows the protagonist smiling at the camera, happy and enjoying his time. The direct interaction with the camera will make the audience feel as though engaged and hence feel an increasing amount of sympathy for the character. The healthy greenery surrounding the protagonist symbolises as the healthy and good life that he once had, and the happy memories he had.

This shot continues to be quite blurry throughout, this implies how old this memory could be and the difficulty in remembering it. However, its little focus almost makes the audience pay further attention to it. The fireworks in this shot symbolises the idea that a life has took off/been taken, as well as the opposite of how there is a light at the end of this dark road.

Here the protagonist is shown looking down, this implements the reality of him passing, and the way he is looking down suggests how he is just thinking about life. This is the first shot which has some negative connotations through its imagery and that he has in actual fact gone. This shot juxtaposes one of the previous where he is smiling at the camera, making the audience feel saddened and wanting him to look up.

Low key lighting is used within this shot to show that it is again set in the evening, whilst it highlights the interaction between the two sparklers. This connotes the spark of happiness that is felt between the family.

This is another, but different shot of the protagonist admiring his surroundings. This shows the audience how much, as a character; he values life and likes to make as many memories as he can. The slow effect on this shot is particularly effective as we are simply watching his character in awe of what he is seeing.

Shot No: 13

Camera Shot: Panning shot

This is a vital shot within the short film, this is because it shows the whole family together enjoying an evening of fireworks. The idea of it being set within the garden of their home, gives the shot a personal feeling, further making the audience feel sympathy.

Page 3: Storyboard

The slow motion effect that I have used within all of the shots captures a strong moment of emotion and creates a dramatic atmosphere. It gives a sense of bliss and felicity. Additionally, the aged edit that I have also used on all the shots makes them seem more like memories that have formed over a long period of time, which is the effect I wanted. Rather than keeping the original filter, that made the shots seem as though filmed recently. I have tried to use shots that include unusual things and show that not of just your typical day. Additionally, I have tried to give each of my shots a sense of personality as well as a sentimental vibe.