
Notes: Hall Cross logo. This is what Scott Lowes made. It lasts about 14 seconds. The introductory music starts at the beginning

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Post on 21-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Hall Cross logo. This is what Scott Lowes made. It lasts about 14 seconds.

The introductory music starts at the beginning

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There is a transition of the logo and the next shot. The logo is seen through the window of this shot.

This would be done by either a mask, or an eraser tool. The camera keeps on panning out like it does on the logo.

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There is a section when the camera pans down and the mask for the logo disappears. A wall covers the logo, so the logo is not needed anymore. The camera keeps on tracking out. A motion tracker may be needed for this shot just to stabilize it more than the original.

We are in a hallway.

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Still tracking

A few credits may be tracking at the same speed of the camera but not that many. Maybe one or two.

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The guy on the left is played by Jack Dye. His hair is a blue wig. Joe Buckingham is the one on the right.

The camera either goes through the back wall or slides through the door but we eventually go to this shot as the lyrics in the introductory song begins.

The camera is now static to make the audience listen to the lyrics. These two characters are singing along to the song. The quality of the song slowly decreases as we realise that the song is coming out of their phone/iPod. The song does get quieter when the camera tracks back but it doesn’t decrease as much as it would in real life.

We are in a classroom, we know this by the work of other students on the wall.

Come to meCome to meHear me speakHear me speakIn your armsIn your armsWe’re uniqueWe’re uniqueCome insideCome insideOpen wideOpen wideInsert massive d*ck of mineInsert massive d*ck of mineEveryone’s watchingEveryone’s watchingI don’t give a…I don’t give a…

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The two characters start to rave and mosh to the beat of the song and then the camera starts to backward track again.

As the camera tracks back, more credits can be added on.

F*CKF*CKI don’t give a…I don’t give a…F*CKF*CKI don’t give a…I don’t give a…

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A girl pans into shot, she is angry at the loud music and she chucks a heavy looking book at them when they shout ‘I DON’T GIVE A...’ for the third time.

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Her chucking the book

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We sweep over to another person who is looking down. He is played by James Holliday. He is slightly more smarter dressed than the other guys.

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He brings up his gaming console to the screen as he gets more into it..

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Somehow, he falls down suddenly. At this point, the audience doesn’t know why he has fallen. For health and safety reasons, we will have a blue crash mat off screen for him to safely fall onto. If he doesn’t feel right about falling off his chair, he is able to not have the chair on the shot.

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As the camera quickly pans, we realise that the kids on the left to him actually pulled his chair. The pan can be a new shot looking like it has carried on. We do not need to have the fallen character in shot if it is any easier

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The second guy throws a paper aeroplane.

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The camera follows the aeroplane and it also slowly turns right as it is still getting to the front of this class.

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The aeroplane hits the back of someone’s head.

This shot will be cheated by cutting it without the audience knowing. This will save time on shots.

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We finally get to the front of the class room and we introduce the teacher played by James Hodge.

He tells the boys to shut that sh*t off (music).

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He pulls down his porn magazine and reveals that he is smoking. We will make our own fake cigarettes that make smoke when lit.

He talks to the two boys saying that with music like that, that they will be in detention for ever.

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Title name. Quick zoom in from centre. Then slower after a while and then zooms out faster again.

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A hard looking guy acting camp enters the detention room.

The camera is looking up to him.

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We cut to a teen near the window and the hard lad sits down next to him.

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He gives him the game that the hard man wanted. There can be a cut shot to a close up of the game for comic effect.