story tubes ala 2011 edited by faithdr

StoryTubes and You: Online Kids’ Booktalks @ Your Library Or, “Recipes for the Digital Shelf”

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Post on 20-Jan-2015




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Storytubes presentation for ALA 2011.


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StoryTubes and You:Online Kids’ Booktalks @ Your


Or, “Recipes for the Digital Shelf”

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What is StoryTubes?•An annual contest.•An opportunity for students to promote favorite books in two-minute videos.•Open to English-speaking kids and teens everywhere.•Individual entries and group entries are welcome.•Online voting for video entries encourages participation and excitement.

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Why do we do StoryTubes?“…We need to change this notion that reading is a chore.” ----James Patterson

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Kids & Reading• A majority of kids say they like to read books for fun

and that reading books for fun is important.

• Most kids perceive a correlation between reading and success.

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Kids & Reading• Reading frequency declines after age eight and is

stronger among girls than boys.

• Trouble finding books they like is a key reason kids say they do not read more frequently.

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Technology & Reading

• Kids believe that technology will complement — not replace — book reading.

• After age eight, more children go online daily than read for fun daily; however, high frequency Internet users are still more likely than lower frequency users to

read books for fun every day.

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Nearly two in three online tweens and teens (age 9-17) have extended the reading experience via the Internet. These kids are more likely to value and enjoy reading, read more frequently, and agree with the statement: “No matter what I can do online, I’ll always want to read books printed on paper.”

2008 Kids & FamilyReading Report™

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Across the Pond

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Kids & StoryTubes

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One School’s Experience:Spring Brook Elementary

Spring Brook Headlines


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Cameras and Equipment

• Camcorder

• Digital Camera

• Webcam

• Cell/Mobile Phone Camera

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Editing Tools

• Video: – Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP)

– Windows Live Movie Maker (Windows 7 – not pre-loaded)

– iMovie (Macintosh)

• Images: Paint.NET (Windows)

• Audio: Audacity (Windows)

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Uploading StoryTubes VideosTwo Basic Steps:

1. Create a YouTube or TeacherTube Account

2. Upload the Video

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Create a YouTube Account – Step One

Click on the Create Account link.

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Create a YouTube Account – Step Two

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Create a YouTube Account – Step Three

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Create a YouTube Account – Step Four

Activate your account and log in.

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Upload Video – Step One

Click on the Upload Link!

Now for the upload step…

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Click on the Upload video button!

Upload Video – Step Two

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Select the video file .

Upload Video – Step Three

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Review and update the video information.

Note:• Entries can’t be “private”.• Descriptions and tags are

nice but not necessary.

Upload Video –

Step Four

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Upload Video – Step Five

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Click on the Edit button to see allvideo information and options.

Note:• Entry videos must allow embedding by external sites (e.g.,• They can’t be “private”.• Descriptions and tags are nice but not necessary.

Upload Video – Step Six

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Next Step…

…enter StoryTubes!

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Join the Fun in 2012!January 2012 – Ramp Up to the Contest

February 2012 – Entries Accepted

March 2012 – Entries Reviewed & Judges’ Choices Awarded

April 2012 – Runner Up Voting Rounds