story boards

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Post on 18-Feb-2017




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Establishing shot and pan of the basement, My actor laying back on a bed on his own. A close up on his bed side table , this has a Polaroid camera, train sets and tracks covering it.A mid close up of the train when put on the track. The camera switched angels to the end of the track and the train comes towards the camera.


The actor lays back on his bed. Extreme closes up taken with a macro lens on his eye it shut, then reopens.

They are now in a new location of a grand room lit with candles. He is laying in a bed with a woman next to him, he turns to look at her. Shot with an over the head shot. There is a close up of the pair holding hands when on the bed, shot with a 50mm prime for depth of field.

There will be candles and romance to create a romantic atmoshia. This will have a pan showing it the all laid out.Extreme close up as the girl blows out the candles. Cut to black.A pint of view shot from the mans perspective as the woman climes out the window, he flows.

The couple start in the wood as begin ranging of with each other. Establishing shot will show a location.Mid close ups of their feet as the run will be shown . I will be level to the floor

Thought he whole video there should be around 5 lip-sync sections. There should be a variety of shots so the audience will not be board. I am using a close up from many angles. The actor should look in to the camera braking the 4th wall with the audience.