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  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    1.1 INDUSTRIAL BACKGROUNDIndia retail industry is the largest industry in India, with an employment of around 8% andcontributing to over 10% of the countrys GDP. Retail industry in India is expected to rise 25%

    yearly being driven by strong income growth, changing lifestyles, and favorable demographicpatterns.

    It is expected that by 2016 modern retail industry in India will be worth US$ 175-200 billion.India retail industry is one of the fastest growing industries with revenue expected in 2007 toamount US$ 320 billion and is increasing at a rate of 5% yearly. A further increase of 7-8% isexpected in the industry of retail in India by growth in consumerism in urban areas, risingincomes, and a steep rise in rural consumption. It has further been predicted that the retailingindustry in India will amount to US$ 21.5 billion by 2010 from the current size of US$ 7.5billion.

    Shopping in India has witnessed a revolution with the change in the consumer buying behaviorand the whole format of shopping also altering. Industry of retail in India which has becomemodern can be seen from the fact that there are multi-stored malls, huge shopping centers, andsprawling complexes which offer food, shopping, and entertainment all under the same.

    India retail industry is expanding itself most aggressively; as a result a great demand for realestate is being created. Indian retailers preferred means of expansion is to expand to otherregions and to increase the number of their outlets in a city. It is expected that by 2010, Indiamay have 600 new shopping centers.

    In the India retailing industry, food is the most dominating sector and is growing at a rate of 90%annually. The branded food industry is trying to enter the India retail industry and convert Indiaconsumers to branded food. Since at present 60% of the Indian grocery basket consists of non-branded items.

    India retail industry is progressing well and for these continue retailers as well as the Indiangovernment will have to make a combined effort.

    Opportunities in Indian Organized Retail Sector:-

    The opportunities in Indian organized retail sector are many, for this sector is witnessing a boom.

    The retail industry in India amounted to US$ 200 billion in 2006, and out of this amount theIndian organized retail sector amounted to US$ 6.4 billion. The opportunities in India organizedretail sector can be judged from the fact that by 2010 it is expected to rise to US$ 23 billion.

    The Indian government in 2005 allowed foreign direct investment (FDI) in single brand retail to51%. These have opened up a lot of opportunities in India organized retail sector. In fact 325departmental stores, 300 new malls, and 1500 supermarkets are being built which shows thetremendous opportunities in the organized retail sector in India.

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    Many Indian companies seeing the various opportunities in organized retail sector in India haveentered it. Pantaloons have decided to increase its retail space to 30 million square feet with aninvestment of US$ 1 billion. Reliance Industries Limited is targeting for annual sales of US$ 25billion by 2011. It is planning to invest US$ 6 billion in order to open 1,500 supermarkets and1000 hypermarkets. Bharti Telecoms is planning a joint venture with Telco a global retail giant

    worth 750 million.

    Scope of the Indian Retail Market:-

    The scope of the Indian market is immense for this sector is poised for the highest growth in thenext 5 years. The Indian retail industry contributes 10% of the countries GDP and its currentgrowth rate is 8.5%. In the Indian retail market the scope for growth can be seen from the factthat it is expected to rise to US$ 608.9 billion in 209 from US$ 395 billion in 2005.

    The organized retailing sector in India is only 3% and is expected to rise to 25-30% by the year2010. There are under construction at present around 325 department stores, 300 new malls, and

    1500 supermarkets. This proves that there is a tremendous scope for growth in the Indian retailmarket.

    The growth of scope in the Indian retail market is mainly due to the change in the consumersbehavior. For the new generation have preference towards luxury commodities which have beendue to the strong increase in income, changing lifestyle, and demography patterns which arefavorable.

    The scope of the Indian retail market has been seen by many retail giants and that is the reasonthat many new players are entering the Indian retail industry. The major Indian retailers are:

    Pantaloons Retail India Ltd. Shoppers Stop. Bata India Ltd.

    Employment Generation by Indian Organized Retail Sector:-

    India is going through a radical economic change. Though it is in very infant stage, people canfeel the climate is changing. The unorganized retailers takes the lion's share in the Indian retailsector, but the organized retailers are growing at a good pace, and promises an increase ofproportion of 9 - 10% by 2010. This is to be the largest sector after the agricultural sector.

    The increase in the number of consumers twinned with the introduction of organized sector hasbrought numerous corporate investments in retail sector. The entry of super markets, enormousdepartmental stores, and shopping malls has encouraged the retailers to look at new businessplans of expansion.

    An economic growth on a monumental scale is offered by the Indian retail sector, equally in thenational and international market which in turn will generate a huge source of employment and avariety of options for the consumers. The Ernst & Young's report 'The Great Indian Retail Story',

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    anticipates that the Indian retail sector would come up with 2 million employment opportunitieswith in the year 2010.

    Benefits to the economic growth:-

    Better quality products and services would lead to better competition. More exports bring more foreign direct investments. Organized Indian retail sector would encourage tourism. Along with the employment boom there would be a vast development in the expertise of

    the human resource.

    There would remain future scope for improvements in agriculture, small, and mediumscaled with the help of the Indian retail sector.

    Formats in Indian Organized Retail Sector:-

    Formats in Indian Organized Retail Sector and its subsequent successful operation is credited toIndia Economic System reform earnest in July 1991. Formats in Indian Organized Retail Sectorare at its nascent stage. The Central Government has ultimately realized the need to remove theinsulation out of the Indian retail sector. Skeptics opine opening up Indian retail industry wouldjeopardize way of income for the poor small retailers.

    In fact, the actual story is quite heartening for the small time retailer and its vendors.

    It is the second fastest growing economy of the world. Potential to be the third largest economy in terms of GDP in next few years. It ranks high amongst the top 10 FDI destinations of the world. Fastest growing tourist market in Asia. World Bank states, India to be worlds second largest economy after China by the year


    Offers highest shop density in the whole world. Having almost 1, 20,000 shops, across the length and breadth of the country. In a nascent stage of development as an organized industry.

    Role of Supply Chain in Indian Organized Retail:-

    The role of supply chain in Indian organized retail is very significant for on it depends thegrowth of this sector. The Indian Supply Chain Council have been formed to explore the

    challenges that a retailer faces and to find possible solutions for India.

    The role of supply chain in the organized retail sector in India should be a shelf- centricpartnership between the retailer and the manufacture for this will create supply chains that areloss free. This will also give rise to top and bottom line growth. In the organized retail sector inIndia the presence of fresh produce (vegetables and fruits) is very small. This is so for the natureof supply chain is very fragmented. This shows the important role of supply chain in theorganized retail sector in India.

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    The role of supply chain in Indian organized retail has expanded over the years with the boom inthis industry. The growth of the Indian retail industry to a large extent depends on supply chain,so efforts must be made by the Indian retailers to maintain this property.


    GENERAL INTRODUCTIONHuman resource is of paramount important for the success of any organization. It is a source ofstrength and aid. Human resources are the wealth of an organization which can help it inachieving its goals. Human resource management concerned with the human beings in anorganization.

    Human resource is a resource like any other natural resources. It means that management can getand use the skill, knowledge, ability, etc. through the development of skills, tapping, andutilizing them again and again.

    Human resource management is that process of management which develops and manages thehuman elements of enterprise.



    According to him HRM is the planning, organizing, directing & controlling of procurement,development, compensation, integration, maintenance & separation of human resources to the endof that individual organization & social objectives are accomplished.

    According to FRENCH

    HRM is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization of & accommodation of humanresources by organization. The human resources of an organization consist of all individualsregardless of their role, who engaged in any of the organizations activities.


    The primary objectives of HRM are to ensure the availability of a component to willing workforceto an organization. Beyond this, there are other objectives too specifically:

    HRM are four objectives are fold:-

    1. Personal objectives

    2. Functional objectives

    3. Organizational objectives

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    4. Social objectivesPersonal objectives:-

    To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least, in so far as there goals enhance theindividual contribution to the organization. Personal objective of employees must be met if

    workers are to maintained retained & motivated otherwise, employee performance & satisfaction.

    Functional objectives:-

    To maintain the departments contribution at a level appropriate to the organizations needs.Resources are wasted when HRM is either more or less sophisticated to suit the organizationsdemands. The department level of services must be tailored to fit the organization.

    Organizational objectives:-

    To recognize the role of HRM in bringing about organizational effectiveness. HRM is not an end

    in itself. It is only a means to assist the organization with its primary objectives. Simply stated thedepartment exists to save the rest of the organization.

    Societal objectives:-

    To be ethically & socially responsible to needs & challenges of the society while minimizing thenegative impact of such demands upon the organizations to use their resources for the societysbenefit in ethical ways may lead to restrictions. For example, the society may limit HR decisionsthrough laws that enforce reservation in hiring & laws that address discrimination, safety or othersuch areas of societal concern.


    Performance Appraisal

    Performance Appraisal or merit rating is one of the oldest & most universal practices ofmanagement. It refers to all the formal procedures used in working organizations to evaluate thepersonalities, contributions & potentials of group members. Modern management makes somewhat less use of the term merit rating that what was common in earlier periods. In the partemphasis used to be on the evaluation of merits of an individual his worth as a person. Theapproach resulted in an appraisal system in which the employees merits like initiative,

    dependability, & personality etc, where compared with others & ranked or rated.

    History of Performance Appraisal:-Employee appraisal techniques are used for the First World War Walter dill Scott the US armyadopted for evaluating military personal.During the 1920-3- period relation wage structure for hourly paid workers were adopted inindustry units. Under this system the policy of giving grades wage increments on the basis of

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    meritrating performance which is continued to be so called up to the mid fifties, by then most ofthese plans were of the rating scale type where emphasis was given to factors degrees 2 points.In early fifties however attention began to be devoted to the performance appraisal of technicalprofessionals & managerial personal. Since then as a result of experiments to a detailed study.

    However the philosophy of performance appraisal has undergone tremendous changes. A changehas also taken place in the terminology used. In the early fifties & mid fifties it is called as meritrating programs which was restricted to the rating of hourly paid employees & is used frequentlyis developing criteria for salary adjustments.

    Promotions, transfers etc but in this decades the price is called as performance appraisal whichemphasis on the development of individuals, as & widely used to evaluate technical, professional& managerial personnel.



    According to him performance appraisal is an impartial rating of a systematic periodic & so faras humanly possible, an important and impartial rating an employees excellence in matterpertaining to his present job and potentialities for a better job.

    Others regard it as a process of estimating or judging the value excellence qualities or status ofsome object person or thing.

    Objectives of Performance Appraisal

    To improve current performance assess past performance. Identify training & development needs. Providing the organization with better people. Setting performance goals for future. To improve the morale of workers. By adopting performance appraisal organization can select a person who has done best job

    & made good results can be rewarded.

    These are the important objectives which help for an organization can exploit employees skillscapacity and knowledge. Effectively, improve personal life style & standard of living ofindividuals.


    The benefits of a successful appraisal scheme can be summed as follows:-

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    Benefits of the organization:-

    Improves relationship between manager and staff. Improves performance through the organization due to more effective

    communication of the organization objectives and values. Managers who are better equipped to use their leadership skills and motivate to develop

    their staffs. Identification of ideas for improvement. The message is conveyed that people are valued. Training and development needs identified more clearly. A culture of continuous improvement and success can be treated and maintained. Expectations and long term views can be developed.

    For the Appraiser:-

    The opportunity to develop an interview of the individual jobs and complete departments. Identification of ideas for improvements. Increased job satisfaction. Increased sense of personal value. The opportunity to clarify expectation of the contribution the manager expects from teams

    and individuals. The opportunity to re- priorities targets. The means of forming a more productive relationship work staff based on mutual trust and

    understanding.For the Appraise:-

    By performance appraisal the appraise gets motivated. Increased job satisfaction. Increased sense of personal value. A clear understanding of what is expected and what needs to be done to achieve

    organizational goals. The opportunity to discuss work problems and how they can be overcome. The opportunity to discuss aspirations and any guidance support or training needed to

    fulfill these aspirations.

    Improve working relationship with the managers.

    Importance and Purpose:-

    PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL is important and plays significant role as it provide the basisfor:


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    a) Provide information about the performance ranks.b) Provide feedback information about the level of achievement and behavior of the

    subordinate.c) Provide information, which helps to counsel the subordinate.d) Provide information, to diagnose deficiency in the employee, and to prescribe the

    means for employee growth provides information for correcting placement.

    Performance Appraisal Reward System:-

    Accurately and thoroughly assessing subordinate performance. For completing the forms conscientiously. For communicating their judgments to subordinates

    Methods, Techniques and Tools for Appraising Performance:-

    a) There are several methods and techniques of appraisal are available for measuring theperformance of an employee the methods and scales differ for obvious reasons.

    b) They differ in source of traits or qualities to be appraised.c) The qualities may differ because of the different kinds of workers who are being rated. Ex:-

    factory workers and salesman etc.d) The variations may be caused by the degree of precision attempted in an evaluation.e) They may differ because of the methods use to obtain weightings for various traits.

    Signification of Performance Appraisal:-

    Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of personnel by superiors or others, familiar withtheir performance. It is described as a merit rating in which one individual is ranked as better orworse in comparison to others. Performance appraisal is expected to provide answers to many ofthe questions relating to management of the people in the organization. Indian companies useperformance appraisal for facilitating organization planning and placement of people and fortraining purposes.

    There are different methods of performance appraisals, which are based on two bases:-

    a) Appraisal of employees according to traits, attributes and general behavior on the job,commonly known as traits approach.

    b) Appraisal of results, work and goals achieved by employees, known as appraisal by results.These two approaches are not mutually exclusive and can be used in combination.

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    The methods of appraisal are basically divided into two they are:-

    Traditional method Modern method

    Confidential method Assessment centre

    Graphics scales

    Human resource accounting Straight ranking Behaviorally anchored rating scales Paired comparison Management by objectives Grading system 360 degree performance appraisal Forced distribution Check list method Critical incident method Free essay method Field review Nominations Work sample tests


    It laid emphasis on the rating of the individuals personality traits such as initiative, dependability,drive, responsibility, creativity, integrity, leadership, potential, intelligence, judgment, organizationability etc.


    In most of the government departments and public enterprises, performance appraisal is donethrough annual confidential reports. These reports differ from department to department and fromlevel to level. The confidential report is written for a unit of one year and relates to theperformance, ability and character of the employee during that year.


    The graphic rating scale is the simplest and most popular method for appraising performance. Arating scale lists traits and a range of performance values for each traits. The supervisor rates eachsubordinates by circling or checking the score that best describes his performance for each traits.The selection of factors to be measured n the graphic rating scales is an important point under thissystem.

    These are two types

    1) Characteristics such as initiative and dependability.2) Contributions such as quantity and quality of work.

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    It is the simplest and oldest method of merit-rating. Every employee is judged as a whole withoutdistinguishing the rates from his performance. A list is then prepared for ranking the workers inorder of their performance on the job so that an excellent employee is at the top and poor at the

    bottom. It permits comparison of all employees in any single rating group regardless of the typesof work.


    In this method every person is compared trait-wise, with other persons one at a time, the number oftimes, the number of times one person is compared with others is tallied on a piece of paper. Thesenumbers help in yielding rank others of employees.


    In this method, certain categories of performance are defined well in advance and persons are putin particulars category depending on their traits and characteristics, such categories may bedefinitional like outstanding, good, average, poor, very poor, or in terms of letters like A, B, C, Detc with A indicating the best and D indicating the worst.


    It contains a series of group of statements and the rater checks how effectively the statementdescribes each individual beings evaluated. There may be variations in method and statement used,but the most common method of forced choice contains two statements both of which are positiveand negative.


    A check list is a list of statements that describes the characteristics and performance of employeeson the job. The rater checks to indicate whether the behavior of an employees is positive ornegative to each statement. The performance of the employee is rated on the basis of numbers ofpositive checks.


    In this only critical incidents and behavior associate with these are taken for evaluation. Ideabehind this rating is to apprise the people who can do well in critical situations because in normalsituations most of the employees work a like. This is to discover the potential of employees whocan be useful in critical situations.

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    Under free essay methods, the supervisor, writes a report about the employee which is based on hisassessment. The supervisor continuously watches the subordinates and writes his assessment in thereport.


    Under the group appraisal method, employees are rated by an appraisal group, consisting of theirsupervisor, and three or four other persons who have some knowledge of their performance. Thesupervisor explains to the group the nature of his subordinates duties.


    Under the field review method, an expert from the personnel department interviews linesupervisors to evaluate their perspective subordinates. The expert questions the supervisor and

    obtains all the important information on each employee and takes notes in his note book. There isno rating form with factors or degrees, but overall ratings are obtained.


    Under the nominations method, appraisers are asked to identify the exceptionally good andexceptionally poor performs, who are then singled out for special treatment.


    In this method, employees are given, from time to time, work related tests which are then



    It place emphasis on the evaluation of work results, job achievements on personality traits. Resultsoriented appraisal tends to be more objective & worth while especially for counseling anddevelopment purposes.


    This is a system or organization where various experts do assessment of several individuals byusing various techniques. These techniques include role-playing, case studies.


    Human resources are the valuable asset of any organization. This asset can be valued in terms ofmoney. Human Resource Accounting methods attach money values to the values of a firmsinternal human resource and its external customer goodwill.

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    This method combines elements of both the traditional rating scales and critical incident methods.Using BARS, job behaviors from critical incidents-effective and ineffective behaviors aredescribed more objectively. It employs individuals who are familiar with particular job to identify

    its major components. Then they rank and validate specific behaviors for each of the component.


    MBO is a process by which the superior and subordinates managers of an organization jointlyidentify its common goals, define each individual major areas of responsibility in terms of resultsexpected of him and use these measures for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of itsmember.

    1.4 MCKINSEY 7-S MODEL:-


    It refers to the high level requirement of the project and the means to achieve them.Strategy is the determination of basic long-term goals and objectives of an organization. Thecourse of action to attain the predetermined goals. It develops the company from its presentposition to the desired future position.


    It refers to the hierarchical order/set up in the organizational management for carrying out theproject.

    Companies build structures for their organizations based on their strategies. There are a number ofmethods that the organizations can be structured. The simple strategies require simple structures

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    whereas the growth strategies require flexible structures and complex strategies necessarilyinfluence to build matrix structures. In fact, the stable strategies require a mechanistic organizationand a growth strategy require an organic structure.

    Structure is an established pattern of relationship among the component parts of an organization.

    Structure is made up of three component parts viz.,complexity, formalization and centralization.


    It includes various methods for designing, monitoring and controlling the project. These generallycontain the rules of procedures for the project.

    These are several types of organization system. They are:

    1) Functional Structure:-This structure consists of various functional departments like production,

    marketing, finance, and human resources. Each functional department consist of those jobs inwhich employees perform similar jobs at different levels.

    2) Product Organization Structure:-Companies producing two or more than two products organize their

    structured based on product organization.

    3) Geographic Structure:-Companies operating in more than one geographic center, organize their

    structures based on geographic structures.

    4) Matrix Organization Structure:-Companies possessing dual chain of command.

    5) Project Team Structure:-Project teams are created to handle special kind of situations with a finite

    life expectancy. Companies doing project business structure their organizations based onteam structure.

    6) Virtual Structures:-Companies which mostly outsource their business operations, structure based

    on virtual structure as various operators are carried out by different companies.


    Staff means the employees working for a project. But for project management, it meansrecruitment, selection, training development and leadership of people working in the project.

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    Skill includes both management and technical skills which are essential for the project manager.It includes his personality, decision-making and leadership.


    Style refers to the way a team works for a project in the organization. Leadership is practiced byits styles which may be positive or negative.

    The four styles are:

    Telling Style:-This is a high task, low relationship style. It is effective when followers are at low level of


    Selling Style:-This is a high task, high relationship style. It is effective when followers are on the low side

    of maturity.

    Participate Style:-This is a low task, high relationship style. It is effective when followers are on high side of


    Delegation Style:-This is a low task, low relationship style. It is effective when followers are at a very high

    level of maturity.


    These are the individual/groups that are interested in the project outcome. These includemanager, employees and shared holders. The value widely shared by managers and employeesare the core of the corporate structure. Fits with strategy should be created internally regardingstructure, organizational skills and distinctive competence, budgets, support system, rewards andincentives, policies and procedures and culture.

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    Retailing is the most active and attractive sector of last decade. While the retailing industryitself has been present since ages in our country, it is only the recent past that it has

    witnessed so much dynamism. The emergence of retailing in India has more to do with the increased purchasing power of

    buyers, especially post-liberalization, increase in product variety, and increase ineconomies of scale, with the aid of modern supply and distributions solution.

    Indian retailing today is at an interesting crossroads. The retail sales are at the highest pointin history and new technologies are improving retail productivity. Though there are manyopportunities to start a new retail business, retailer are facing numerous challenges.


    The company will be rolling out E3 to its other retail formats namely Crossword and ShoppersStop. The I-scan technology is being leveraged for fresh applications at Shoppers Stop. On theheels of a successful deployment of this technology at Hyper CITY, the company is exploringother technologies from Symbol Technologies.

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    A sound performance appraisal system should result in employees development and inachieving organization objective. An appraisal system should be beneficial for both theemployees and employers. The organization has to grow along with that the employees alsoshould grow .This will happen only when there is a proper appraisal system and there is propercommunication between the employees and employers regarding their performance and if theyhave proper measures to improve the employees performance.

    This leads to number of questions which needs convincing answers. Some of the questions are asfollows:-

    a) Does the organization perform performance appraisal?b) Is it beneficial for their employees and employers?c) Do the employees and employers consider the appraisal for their future improvement?d) Does the organization have 360 degree performance appraisal system?e) Does the performance appraisal system boost up the morale of the employees?f) Does this act as a motivation tool to improve the employees performance?

    These are the questions, which need convincing answers to the problem connected with

    performance appraisal system.


    The study was done with the following objectives:-

    Awareness among employees regarding the existing performance appraisal system. To examine the present performance appraisal system of the organization. To study the opinions of the employees towards the existing performance appraisal

    system in the organization.

    To study that whether this performance appraisal system is beneficial to employees ornot.

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    The scope of the study is restricted to SHOPPERS STOP LTD., Bangalore and its

    performance appraisal system. As performance appraisal is a component so this forms a gap inthe study. This gap becomes a direction to undertaken a study on performance management inthe organization.

    Duration of the project:-

    I have done my project in SHOPPERSS STOP LTD. Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore for twomonths.


    From company perspective, know the level of understanding among its employeesregarding performance appraisal system.

    Effectiveness of the existing Performance appraisal system. To improve the existing Performance appraisal system. From management perspective employees are satisfied to the managements rule and


    The angle of employees the study gives a platform for the employees to give in theirview point with regard to current appraisal system practiced by the organization, at thesame time to put forward there view point as to how to make the appraisal system humanfriendly or employee friendly.

    Employees with respects to the performance appraisal of their employees. It enables thecompany to attract, retain and motivate competent employees.

    From the other organization perspective employees and employers do their work infriendly way.

    From the angle of other organization the study helps them to know the importance ofconducting such research in order to evaluate their own system and the necessity to haveappraisal system.

    For the outside researcher the study will act as a basis for carrying out further research insame field, thus the need for the study.

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    RESEARCH:-Research is a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific concept or


    Thus, research is a systematic process of answering the questions about events or phenomenonthrough the application of scientific methods. It is an original contribution to the existing stock ofknowledge making for its advancement. Research is an act of objective, impartial, empirical andlogical analysis and recording of controlled observations, principles or theories.


    The purpose of the study is to understand the effectiveness of the performance appraisal &

    reward system practiced in SHOPPERS STOP LTD.The study was descriptive in nature.The methodology evolves from the objectives of the project and involves collecting primarydata.

    The outcome of this discussion and study is put in, point-to-point basis, which has beenconverted into questions. These questions, which likely to emerge, were serially laid out to froma questionnaire.

    At this level of study the respondents were drawn randomly from the organization keeping inview of the following aspects.


    Experience.b) Knowledge on the appraisal.c) Intake pattern of the company.d) Department.

    This team was provided with the questionnaire which was simple to understand and easy toanswer. After the individual answers to the questionnaire the answers collected were analyzed.This analysis leads to the answer which were analyzed to find out the short comings of theexisting system and to suggest best methods and ways in which the performance can be done inthe organization.

    3.2 RESEARCH DESIGNA research design is the conceptual structure within which the research would be conducted. Itinforms what, where, when, how much, by what means a research study is to be conducted.

    According to C. Selltic and others (1962,p-50) A research design is the arrangement ofconditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to theresearch purpose with economy in procedures.

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    Types of Research Designs:-

    a) Exploratory Research Designs:-Exploratory research is to formulate a problem for more precise investigation or to develop theworking hypothesis from an operational point of view. These studies emphasizes on thediscovery of ideas and insight.

    b) Descriptive and Diagnostic Research Designs:-Descriptive Research:-

    Those studies which are concerned with study of present status or characteristics of a particularindividual or group is called descriptive research.

    Diagnostic Research:-

    Those research studies which determine the frequency with which something occurs or itsassociation with something is called diagnostic research.

    c) Hypothesis-testing Research Designs:-Hypothesis-testing Research Designs studies are commonly known as experimental researchstudy. It is a method or procedure involving the control or manipulation of conditions for thepurpose of studying the relative effectiveness of various treatments applied to members ofdifferent sample.


    One of the complex and controversial human resource techniques is performance appraisal.Genuine performance appraisal participation is a process that can alleviate many of thedysfunctions of traditional performance.

    The company having better performance appraisal system feels that they can appraiseemployees performance, to identify changes in the organization which would enable individualsto improve their performance.

    The main criteria are whether the system contributes to the accomplishment of the organizationalobjectives; if it does it is a good system to the organization and to the employees.

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    The Research Methodology used is based on descriptive research techniques as the researchinvolves gathering and presenting the statement of fact through interview schedule method.


    Data collection is one of the important step in the research process. The validity of the researchdepends upon accuracy of the data collected.


    The sample chosen for the study are the SHOPPERSS STOP LTD. employees and m anagementboth. The criteria for the selection of sample employees and management number of years ofexperience, knowledge on the appraisal etc.


    In this study primary as well as secondary data is being used. Primary data is collected with thehelp of questionnaire while the secondary data from companiesBrochures, business magazine, reference book, journals, and articles were extracted to provide avaluable and vital input in the study, so as to drawn proper results.Data given below with two types:-

    a) Primaryb) Secondary PRIMARY:-

    It involves data, which has directly obtained through interviews. They are usually up to date, asthe analysis system immediately after obtaining primary data is collected with two types ofmethods.

    Observation method Survey method

    Here survey method has been followed for the collection of primary data. In this methodquestioning is a process of data collection. There are 3 types of questioning-

    1) Personal interview2) Telephone interview3) Mail survey

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    The researcher has followed personal interview type of questioning.

    SECONDARY:-It is data that are collected from various sources, are government publication, statisticalorganization and company records. This data is cheaper and almost easily available than primarydata.

    It has following advantages-

    I. The information is usually accurate it is published one.II. It is easily available from company records and brochure.

    It has the following disadvantages-

    I. The data may be out dated.II. May not have present information.

    3.7 SAMPLING

    All items about which inquiry is made are known as population or universe. When it ispossible to collect data from the whole population we do it. It is called as a census study. Butsometimes the population or universe is so large that it is not possible to collect data from, entire

    population. Sometimes it is also foolish to collect data from the whole population as it cam bepossible to obtain accurate results by studying only a part of the population. This is possible bySampling.

    This process of sampling involves four distinctive steps such as:-

    i. Defining the population.ii. Listing the population.

    iii. Selecting representative sample.iv. Obtaining an adequate sample.

    The sampling methods can be classified in to two broad categories such as:-

    a. Non probability sampling.b. Probability sampling.

    Non probability sampling:-

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    It is that sampling procedure which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability thateach item in the population has, of being included in the sample.

    Probability sampling:-

    It is that sampling where all the units of a population have an equal chance or fixed chance ofbeing selected as sample. The major techniques of probability sampling are-sample randomsampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, area multistage sampling &sequential sampling.

    1) Sample Size: - A part of the respondents, which is selected for obtaining thenecessary information. Survey was done in COMMERCE@MANTRI,GROUND FLOOR, N.S. PALYA, BANNERGHATTA ROAD, BANGALORE-

    56007. In this case 60 numbers 50 employees and 10 management were contracted andresponse drawn.

    2) Sample Unit: - A sampling unit is the basic unit containing the elements of therespondents to be sampled. It refers to individuals who are to be surveyed in the study itis the employee and management who are working in Shoppers Stop Limited, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore.

    3) Samplingmethod: - It is the way the sample units are to be selected.4) Non probability sampling: - Is one in which chance selection procedures are not used.5) Sampling Technique: - It is the way in which the samples are selected.6) Convenience Sampling: - Is one in which the only criterion for selecting the sampling

    units is the convenience of the sampler.


    Structured Questionnaire consisting of both open ended and closed ended for the management ofthe Shopperss Stop ltd..

    Structured Questionnaire consisting of closed ended for the employees of the Shopperss Stopltd..


    The reference period for conducting this study was from 5THFEBRAURY to 15TH MARCH.


    The study was conducted on employees and managements of Commerce @ Mantri, N.S Palya,Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore. India

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    The limitation of the performance appraisal is given below:

    As the study is limited to only one case organization, the findings of the study cannot begeneralized over large number of organization. The second limitation is the restriction of time, but due care has been taken to cope up

    with the above limitation.

    The data has been collected from the employees as well as management. So, thefacts/information provided by them may be based on approximation.


    CHAPTER 1:- Provides a brief insight into the industry background, general introduction, the

    theoretical background of the study and current issue of Shoppers Stop.

    CHAPTER 2:- Includes the statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope of studyand need or purpose of the study.

    CHAPTER 3:- Study on the topic of research design, source of data, sampling, limitation andplan of analysis.

    CHAPTER 4:-Provides information related to the origin of the organization and present statusof the organization and briefs growth and development of the organization its future prospects,the structure and functioning departments in the organization, customers of the organization.

    CHAPTER 5:-Provides the classification and tabulation of collected data, its analysis anintrepretation.

    CHAPTER 6:- Provides a summary of the findings.

    CHAPTER 7:-Provides a conclusion and recommendation of the research.

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    This Company Profile will assists individual investors, managers and companies in evaluatingopportunities, trends, market innovations, and selecting appropriate information solutions in

    order to make effective decisions. The report has been made after extensive research using thedata available from reliable publications, trade association and the companies sources.

    The report elaborates on the companys business structure and operations, products and services.The report include strategic analysis that intends to aid investors to find better prospects with thecompany and gain an insight into the corporate policies.

    Report Highlights:-

    a. Provides a snapshot version of the companys performance.b. It offers key company data and analysis vis--vis to the major industry players. This

    information is vital from the point of estimating business strategies of the company andfacilitate in decision-making process for the investors.

    c. Tracks major M&A trends and developments undertaken in the current fiscal year to geta better understanding ofcompanys growth strategies.

    d. The report identifies and analyzes the companys strength and weaknesses to come upwith the possible opportunities for the company.

    e. The report comments on the companys outlook for the forthcoming periods on thestrategic point of views.

    f. Supplemented with graphs and tabular information on the key industry players, overallfinancial and market performances, list of products and services, and companys shareperformances.





    We Will Provide The BEST Value In Terms Of

    Products and Services, AndAdopt BEST Process For Stakeholder, WithoutCompromise, Thereby Matching Global

    Standards Of Performance

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    To Be Global Retailer In Indiaand

    Maintain Its No.1 Position In The Indian Market

    InThe Department Store Category

    Service Vision Statement:-


    We Will Create An Environment Which Is UniqueAnd Enjoyable For The Customer and Employee.

    We Will Ensure That Each Stakeholder Feels A Sense 0fInvolvement, Satisfaction and Commitment To The

    Organization, As If It Were His/Her Own.


    a) We will not take what is not oursWe will strive to create systems and a culture that ensures

    Integrity at all levels of the organization.

    b)The obligation to disset

    We will provide a workspace that offers freedom and securityto express a point of view on a decision or action perceived to

    be incorrect or detrimental to the best interests of anyStakeholder.

    c) We will have an environment conducive to


    We will have an environment enabling transparency inCommunication intent and actions, thereby building trust of

    Customer, employees, shareholders and business associates.

    d) We will have an environment for innovationWe will encourage and foster an environment supportive to

    new ideas, thereby creating progress and momentum for changein the right direction.

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    e) We will have an environment for developmentWe will recognize and support the individuals need for

    growth through constant input, direction and opportunitieswith respect to both employees and business associate.

    f) We will have a willingness to apologize andforgive

    We will create an environment that is development ratherthan punitive by building accountability and responsibility forour actions and a willingness to acknowledge and learn from


    g) We will respect our customers rightsWe will at all times, be focused on understanding and thenfulfilling the expectations of the customer. By definition, the

    Customer is anyone who interacts with us, i.e. customer,supplier, owner, employee, shareholder and business associate.

    h) We will create an environment of trustWe will continually create systems and structures, and

    encourage behavior that allows people to trust each other.

    i) We will be fairWe will at all times, treat employees, customers and business

    associates equally and impartially.

    j) We will be socially responsibleW e will at all times, as individuals and as an organization,

    ensure that the effects of our actions on society are beneficialor not detrimental.

    4.3 INCEPTION OF SHOPPERS STOP LIMITEDShoppers Stop Ltd. Was formed in 1991 by the K.Raheja corporation group of companies, oneof the largest players in the country in the business of real estate development and hospitality.SSL is promoted by K.Raheja corporation (C.L.Raheja Group). Founded in 1956, the group hassuccessfully ventured into the area of Real Estate, Hospitality and Retailing. The Retail businessis professionally managed with directional inputs from the family.

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    Today, Shoppers Stop has acquired the status of a pioneer in organized retailing in the country.It has a very strong national presence and is also well connected with International Retail scene.It is the only department store chain in India to be a member of IGDS, International Group ofDepartment Stores where only the best store of each country gets an opportunity to be aprivileged member. Shoppers Stop plan to become a 49 store company by 2010, with a totalretail selling space of over 3.6 million square feet.


    October 1991: Shoppers Stop is launched as a Mens ready-to-wear garment store in Andheri,Mumbai.

    March 1992: 27th March 22, 1992 saw the addition of Shirtings, Suiting, & Boys section.

    December 1992: On 13


    December 1992 we started catering to the ladies merchandise. In orderto cater to the yuppie crowd, we also added the casual merchandise section.

    May 1993: A separate division for children was started on the third floor with merchandise forgirls, boys and infants.

    July 1993: Catering till now to only garments, we realized the potential for accessories andadded a section on jewellers, cosmetics & watches.

    August 1993: Institutional salesa new concept of selling was ushered in. This involves takingup bulk orders from customers who were not the end users i.e. sales to corporate clients, sale of

    gift hampers and gift vouchers, dress kits etc.

    September 1993: We introduce our first Retail Management Trainee program, an in-housemanagement program where we selected graduates on the basis of written entrance exam. Thecandidates were then imparted intensive training for one year, after which they were confirmedeither as Supervisors or Assistant Merchandisers.

    December 1993: We co-hosted a carnival with all four Disney characters; Mickey, Mini, Donaldand Goofy in their first joint appearance in India. The event attracted about 31,000 customer.

    April 1994: 3rd April 1994 saw the launch of our in-house brand of merchandise STOP.

    April 1994: In response to the ever-growing customer base, we decided to establish a long-standing and mutually beneficial relationship with our customers through The First CitizensClub a member of this club, by virtue privileges and benefits. The First Citizen program todayhas more than 7 lakh members.

    December 1994: We entered business schools and recruited our first batch of ManagementTrainees. Today we recruit a minimum of 20 students per year from colleges all over India.

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    October 1995: The second store of Shoppers Stop with an area of 38,000 sq.ft was opened inBangalore.

    September 1996: The Festival of Britain, in collaboration with the British High Commission

    was celebrated in both the Bombay and Bangalore stores for a period of over 21 days spread overthe months of September & October.

    August 1997: Parikrama (a Sanskrit word meaning undertaking a complete circle of sacredobjects) was launched. In Shoppers Stop, this is an annual event which celebrates Indiantraditions and culture.

    May 1998: Shoppers Stop made its entry into the land of the Nawabs Hyderabad; and true ofthe style of the land, it opened with an area of 72,000 sq.ft.

    June 1998: In June 1998 we were awarded the prestigious IGDS membership.

    It was turn of technology next. ERP( Enterprise Resource Planning) package J.D.Armstrong waslaunched.

    December 1998: The Corporate Office of Shoppers Stop shifted from the Retail Store premisesto MIDC, Andheri (East)

    September 1999: The smallest store of Shoppers Stop Ltd. Of 19,000 sq.ft. was opened inJaipur. It was inaugurated by a Grammy award winner Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt. Emphasis wasgiven on new look to make it look better, unmarried, stylish, modern & bigger in size, since thecarpet area available was very less.

    November 1999: From Jaipur we went to the capital city Delhi where we opened our next unitof 50,000 sq.ft. at the Ansal Plaza Mall.

    March 2000: Oracle Financial was brought in and implemented across the country.

    April 2000: CROSSWORD the renowned retail chain of bookstores became part of ShoppersStop Ltd.

    August 2000: We opened the 6th Store in our chain at Chennai.

    December 2000: Mumbai got a new landmark as we opened our stores at Chembur.

    January 2001: The Corporate Office was shifted from MIDC to Malad (West)

    May 2001: We opened a new store at Pune on May 20th 2001. A Kargil hero honored us bycutting the ribbon.

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    October 2001: The event 7 Wonders was launched. A promotion where lucky draw winnerwere flown to the 7 wonders of the world. This event saw look-alikes of famous personalitieswalking t of cities and our stores depicting the look of 7 wonders of the world.

    October 2001: Also saw the launched of Ramco Human Resources Information System, an ERP

    which automates all the HR activities.

    November 2001: We undertake a B2B initiative providing necessary information to oursuppliers such as stocks and sales related to their merchandise. Our corporate also complemented this initiative. Through this website all our FirstCitizen members can view their loyalty card point statements.

    December 2001: We opened at Bandra, an up market location in Mumbai. It has the mostremarkable features of being the first stores to not have any show windows.

    November 2002: Kandivli the 4th store in Mumbai city opened as the first store in the history of

    the company with wireless POS machines.

    January 2003: The 11thstore in the chain was opened at Gurgoan with an area of 27,000 sq.ft

    March 2003: We ventured into Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, the land of the intellectualsand set up our first store on Elgin Road.

    April 2003: We opened the 13th store in the chain and the 5th store in Mumbai at Mulund.

    February 2004: We opened the 14th store in the chain and the 6th store in Mumbai at In orbitMall, Malad.

    June 2004: Kolkata got a 2nd store at Salt Lake; the 15th in our chain. The size of the store is42,065 sq.ft. The design and fixtures are very contemporary. Every department is color coded.There is a clear departure from wooden fixtures to metal. The new look and feel is veryinternational.

    October 2004: We opened our 16th store in the chain and 2nd one in Bangalore at BannerghattaRoad.

    April 2005: Punes up market M.G.Road saw the addition of a 2nd store in Pune.

    May 2005: Juhu got a new landmark with the 7 th store in Mumbai being opened near the mainhub of Juhu, the famous Iskcon Temple. The store is spread over 3 levels and measures about55,000sq.ft. The faade is a combination of a glass curtain and alucobond panels that highlightsthe window displays and graphic panels. The presentation concept of the interiors isminimalistic and contemporary which is achieved with use of light colors, brushed steel andglass.
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    June 2005: We opened out 20th store in the chain at Shipra Ghaziabad. It is strategically locatedto cater to residents of Noida, Ghaziabad and East Delhi. The store measures approximately39,000 sq.ft. (Carpet Area) and is spread over two floors. The faade is in a classical style with acombination of arches & minarets.July 2005: Indias First ever M.A.C. was store launched at Shoppers Stop, Juhu. M.A.C(Market Art Cosmetics), globally the professional artists brand of choice for fashion, film, TV,theatre, music and photography, is the first brand under the Estee Lauder portfolio to enter theIndian retail market. It has broad line of colour cosmetics, makeup tools, skin care, foundations,and accessories targeting professional makeup artist and fashion forward consumers.

    December 2005: Our 1stspecially home store Home Stop was opened in Bangalore with greatfanfare. The vision behind Home Stop is Create your Home with us. The store takes care ofmaking your Home from a House. It is a one stop solution for all your Home needs.

    March 2006: Launch of BRIO at Bangalore. BRIO offers a stylish, new world of gourmetcoffee, specialty tea and delectable European bistro fare which promises to offer something

    which promises to offer something which all the coffee connoisseurs across the country havenever experienced before.

    April 2006: Launch of mother care at the Juhu & Bandra Stores. mother care is the leadingspecialist retailer for mothers-to-be and parents of young children, offering the widest range ofclothing, hardware and toys for the pre-school child, in the UK and internationally.

    May 2006: Launch of Hyper CITY at Mumbai. We made a foray into food and generalmerchandise retailing through Hyper CITY, our 124,000 sq.ft. hypermarket. The productoffering includes fresh fruits and vegetables, groceries, apparels, electronic appliances etc allunder one roof.

    July 2006: Shoppers Stop Limited is appointed as Master Franchisee of CrosswordBookstores Limited for conducting the business of retail book stores (Crossword Owned Stores)wherever permissible and excluding stores which are operated by Crosswords existing franchisees.

    September 2006: Launch of the second Home Stop at Malad, Mumbai. The store approximately49,000 sq.ft. on a single floor with displays of bedrooms, living rooms, a modular kitchen and acentre podium to exhibit lifestyle displays in a live atmosphere. The store has an array of brandsin kitchenware and bed linen from India and abroad.

    December 2006: Launch of our first store in the city of Nawabs, Luknow.Measuringapproximately 53,000 sq.ft. and spread over three floors, it is the anchor store of the E-City FunRepublic Mall at Gomi Nagar.

    January 2007: Shoppers Stop Limited forays into airport retailing through a joint venture withThe Nuance Group AG of Switzerland, which is the worlds leading airport retailer. Thecompany has bagged concessions for retail operations at the Terminal IB Departure of the

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    Mumbai Domestic Airport and the Greenfield Bangalore International Airport for both domesticand international terminals.

    February 2007: Shoppers Stop Ltd. And Hyper CITY Retail India Pvt. Ltd. Sign aMemorandum of Understanding to enter into a franchise arrangement for the ARGOS formats ofcatalogue and internet retailing, with Home Retail Group. Home Retail Group is UKs leadinghome and general merchandise retailer with sales of over 5.5 billion in the last financial year.

    April 2007: We opened our first store in Noida at The Great India Place mall. This isShoppers Stops fourth stire in NCR. Spread over 54,000 sq.ft. of retail space, the look and feelof the store is refreshing.

    July 2007: We opened our twenty-second store of Shoppers Stop in the country and the secondstore in Delhi at Raja Garden. This new Shoppers Stop store is the largest departure store in thecountry with a retail area of 1.35 lakh sq.ft. and houses an overwhelming range of premium

    international and national brands.


    1.STRATEGY:-SHOPPERS' Stop has been expanding its footprint even as it has started to experiment withdifferent retail formats. Mr B. S. Nagesh, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer ofthe company has been at the forefront of its initiatives. Having spent close to 15 years with thegroup, he has acquired a rich experience in retailing that is matched by few in the Indian context.

    In a discussion with Business Line, he shared his on the hot topic of FDI in retail presented onPage 6. Here we provide experts of his views on other aspects of the rapidly growing industry aswell as the business strategy of Shoppers' Stop.

    1) We have pioneered the departmental store format and are now branching out to Hypercityand, of course, have Crossword. Will department stores remain a major driver of

    revenues.2) We are expanding into Tier-2 cities as well. Will this expansion be mainly via malls or on

    a standalone basis.

    3) Is a there pressure for quality space, especially Tier-2 cities. There is no pressure forspace in this country. But in retail, location is always important. More important thanlocation is the right kind of retail environment. It is very difficult today for anyone todeclare that this is the best location.

    4) Malls tend to have lower conversion rate (visitors who turn customers). Does increasedfootfall offset the lower conversion? Yes, they do and we have to look at lowerconversions in a positive way.

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    5) And it wears you down to walk all that distance. Retailers would make more seatingarrangements in their malls.

    6) Shop, till you drop, then... No, shop in our shop and drop in the competitor's shop. Sowe would have to encourage our competitors to have a lot of seating area


    CCA & Managing Director

    CCA & Chief Executive Officer-Sho ers Sto

    CCA Executive Officer-Hyper city

    CCA & Chief Financial OfficerCCA & Vice President-E-Commerce & Cor orate Plannin

    CCA & Chief People Officer CCA & Chief Technology Officer.

    CCA & Chief Executive Officer

    CCA & DirectorB & M

    CCA & Senior General Manager-Pro ects

    CCA & Business HeadHomeDirector

    CCA & HeadHuman Resources

    CCA & General Manager-


    CCA & General ManagerDistribution and Logistics

    CCA & Senior General Manager-Finance & Accounts

    CCA & Vice PresidentMarketin and Communication

    CCA & Chief of Operation

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    The chain of stores, the first of its kind in India, was running a dated IT infrastructure. Itsaffiliate retail bookstore Crossword was running close to a dozen disparate applications, fromaccounting to inventory management. The challenge for Krishnan was not only to deal with thelegacy infrastructure but also gird up for the big leap ahead in terms of scale and size.


    Shoppers Stop deployed various technologies for the roll-out of Hyper CITY, a one-of-its-kindhypermarket. From a technology standpoint, the challenge was to deploy technologies that hadnever been used in India before. Further, the company wanted to have common applicationsacross all retail formats. Hyper CITY was a completely new retail format that the ShoppersStop group had embarked on in order to diversify and capitalize the immense retail potential forhypermarkets. The group started selecting the technologies for this venture around August 2004.The technology selection involved acquiring several pieces of software and hardware.Shoppers Stop having been successful in lifestyle and books retail formats, subsequentlydecided to branch out into the hypermarket format. The initiative was challenging in itselfbecause the use of state of the art technology was never used in the Indian Retailing segmentbefore. Some of our biggest challenges involved sourcing this technology and building it inIndia. This has never been done before in India, hence, we had to develop the entire solution onour own.


    A step up the evolutionary ladder from franchised coffee bars, Brio has been designed to be awarm & friendly Oasis a place where you can relax, revive and reflect. Brios beverageselection has something to please all. Using a coffee blend created and roasted exclusively forBrio results in a range of coffee beverages that are perfect suited for the Indian palatte. Coffeeslike Macadamia Mochaccino and Choco Caramel Latte, a unique range of frozen & icedcappuccinos, and innovative shakes like the Strawberry Cheesecake Shake are favouritesamongst Brios regulars. Brios food menu features a sinful array of hand-sculpted desserts,cookies, brownies, muffins, croissants and savoury puffs baked fresh and served hot from theoven. For something more substantial, there is an excellent selection of freshly-madesandwiches. For the gourmand, there is the excellent Oven-Roasted Vegetable Foccaccia orfor one looking for a taste closer to home, they make a superb Mumbai Masala SandwichIf you are someone who enjoys style, comfort and excellent food, Brio, the Caf Bistro is theplace for you.


    Krishnan is more or less satisfied with the changes that he has brought into the retail industry atlarge. In the past two or more years, over 100 new technologies have been implemented at

    Shoppers Stop and its affiliate retail outlets.

    "The best thing is we have had a 100 per cent success rate, unheard of in this vertical," he saysand his fingers reach out to touch the wooden wall at the back, "touchwood," he smiles.

    As of now, there are over 20 Shopper Stop outlets in India, over 60 Crossword bookstores, andthe company has intentions of setting over 55 Hyper city malls in India.

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    The foundation of Shoppers' Stop was laid on October 27, 1991 by the K. Raheja Corp. group ofcompanies. Being amongst India's biggest hospitality and real estate players, the Group crossed

    yet another milestone with its lifestyle venture - Shoppers' Stop.

    From its inception, Shoppers' Stop has progressed from being a single brand shop to becoming aFashion & Lifestyle store for the family. Today, Shoppers' Stop is a household name, known forits superior quality products, services and above all, for providing a complete shoppingexperience. We have 20 company owned stores scattered across 9 nine cities in India


    Shoppers Stop, the retail major in India, is all set to deploy Business Objects' CRM data-warehousing suite by the end of this month.

    Speaking to CXOtoday, Vikas Prabhu, CTO, Shoppers Stop, elaborated on the companys ITinitiatives, saying, "After deploying the BconnectB suite from Siemens, we are now goingforward with the implementation of a CRM solution for becoming more productive, as far as ourcustomer relations are concerned.' The implementation of the CRM is being carried on by Wipro.

    The most significant challenge in retail business processes are usually related to merchandisingresponse time. It is basically the time period required for a supplier to send a product note forverification, which in turn is sent back either after approval for product dispatch or a rejectionnote. Prabhu added, "Such non-productive losses are a big drain to our credibility."


    While competing for customer business in a flourishing Indian retail market, Shoppers' Stopalso competes for the young, multilingual, college graduates who we hire as our front-lineCustomer Care Associates (CCAs). These employees work the retail floor and have primarycontact with customers. Turnover with these quality employees is a challenge, given thenew opportunities opening up every day for young people in the service, informationtechnology, and financial sectors.

    Through our ongoing employee and customer satisfaction research with Customer

    Satisfaction Management & Measurement (CSMM), a division of Indian Market ResearchBureau (IMRB) International, and one of more than 20 partners comprising the WalkerInformation Global Network, Shoppers' Stop had previously identified "employeesatisfaction" as a key driver for retention of quality employees. Beginning in December2002, we completed a number of studies, along with customer satisfaction research. What'smore, we have started exploring with CSMM to determine whether a more satisfied and

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    committed employee base could contribute to tangible improvements in business measures,such as improved customer loyalty, more return visits, and increased spending amongcustomers.

    Jo jita wohi sikander

    Hindi for "winners are champions!"CSMM initiated this research program with a series of employee surveys that established abaseline measure of employee satisfaction at our retail outlets. Results of these initialsatisfaction surveys also revealed that the three top factors driving employee loyalty were"leadership/supervisor quality," "fairness (mainly compensation)," and"appreciation/recognition."

    Armed with these initial survey results, we implemented a series of training, reward, and

    recognition programs designed to improve employee loyalty among our front-line CCAs.Because "quality of supervision" was a principal factor in driving up employee satisfaction,Shoppers' Stop conducted training for 100 of our best supervisors, each of whom attended200 hours of advanced courses ranging from management techniques to personalcounseling skills to detailed product knowledge.

    Where our research showed us "compensation" and "reward/recognition" also contributedto employee loyalty, Shoppers' Stop implemented a series of programs designed to addressthese issues. We revamped our salary structure, giving employees the opportunity toincrease their variable pay through a reward system tied to performance in which take-home pay is directly linked to monthly performance. Individual monetary performance

    awards were augmented by group reward programs, like one we called Jo jita wohisikander, which is Hindi for "winners are champions!" Under this group reward program,CCAs at each store are rated on product knowledge, operational skills, and customerfeedback, with individual CCAs and supervisors designated as sikanders (champions) andwith the leading store receiving a substantial cash award divided among the team.

    Shoppers' Stop also kicked off several non-monetary reward/recognition programs forstrong employee performance. In addition, we gave employees a voice by implementingopen employee/management forums, and creating an employee opinion page in our in-house magazine, Retale.

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    After the collecting of data it is necessary that these data should be analyzed. As there are severalstatistical techniques available to do this, the researcher has to decide which of them is to beused.

    For analysis of data, first the data is tabulated and entered to the system.

    Data processing consists of a number of closely related operations.

    EDITING:-The initial step in the processing of data is editing of the complete information gathered

    from the questionnaires/interviews. Editing is the process of checking to detect correct errors andremove the omissions.

    CLASSIFICATION:-The next step of data processing is classification of the edited data. The collected data

    are classified into categories to bring out the essential pattern.

    TABULATION:-After the transcription of data is over, data is summarized and arranged in compact

    from for further analysis.

    GRAHIC REPRESENTATION:-In presenting the data frequency distribution and statistical computation, it is often

    desirable to use appropriate forms of graphic representation. It involves the use of graphs, chartsand other pictorial devices.

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    TABLE NO.5.1:-

    How periodically does your organization conduct practiced performance appraisal ?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 Quarterly 0 0%

    2 Half yearly 10 100%

    3 Yearly 0 0%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 10 of the respondents are very much clear about their how

    Periodically is appraisal conducted?

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    GRAPH NO.5.1:-

    Graph showing how periodically does your organization conduct practiced performance



    On the basis of this graph 100% of the respondent are known how periodically does your

    organization practiced performance appraisal.








    Quarterly Half Yearly Yearly


    Half Yearly


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    TABLE NO.5.2:-

    Is ranking of appraisal made known to the employee?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 Yes 9 90%

    2 No 0 0%

    3 Not Known 10 10%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 9 of the respondents are very much clear about their ranking of

    Appraisal made known to the employee and only few of them are not known.

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    GRAPH NO.5.2:-

    Graph showing is ranking of appraisal made known to the employee?


    On the basis of my survey 90% of the respondents are very much clear about their ranking of

    appraisal made known to the employee and only few of them are not known.











    Yes No Not known

    Not known



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    TABLE NO.5.3:-

    Which method of performance appraisal does the company follows?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 Self assessment 2 20%

    2 360 degree 2 20%

    3 Both 1 & 2 6 60%

    4 Check list 0 0%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 2 of the respondents said self assessment performance appraisal is

    Followed by the company, 2 said 360 degree, 6 said both self assessment as well as 360 degree.

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    GRAPH NO.5.3:-

    Graph showing which method of performance appraisal does the company follows?


    On the basis of my survey 20%of the respondents said self assessment performance appraisal is

    Followed by the company, 20% said 360 degree, 60% said both self assessment as well as 360










    Self assessment 360 degree Both a & b Check list

    Self assessment

    360 Degree

    Both a & b

    Check List

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    TABLE NO.5.4:-

    Is the parameter of evaluation made known to the employee before appraising them?

    Serial No. Options No. of respondents Percentage

    1 Yes 10 100%

    2 No 0 0%

    TOTAL 10 100%


    From the above table analysis that out of 10 respondents, all of them known what is the

    Parameter of evaluation made known t the employee before appraising them.

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    GRAPH NO.5.4:-

    Graph showing is the parameter of evaluation made known to the employee before

    appraising them?


    From the above graph analysis that out of 100% respondents, all of them known what is the

    parameter of evaluation made known t the employee before appraising them.












    Yes No



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    TABLE NO.5.5:-

    While appraising what are the basis on which individual is appraised?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 First Citizen 0 0%

    2 KYBC 0 0%

    3 Selfassessment

    0 0%

    4 All the above 10 100%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION: - From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey all the respondents are very clear about while appraising what are the

    basis on which individual is appraised.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.5.5:-

    Graph showing while appraising what are the basis on which individual is appraised?


    On the basis of my survey 100% of the respondents are very clear about while appraising what

    are the basis on which individual is appraised.








    First Citizen KYBC Sales


    All of the above

    First Citizen


    Sales Achievement

    All of the above

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.6:-

    Does the organization practice transparency of appraisal?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 Yes 10 100%

    2 No 0 0%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION: - From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 10 of the respondents are very much clear about is performance

    appraisal is transparent.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    Graph no.5.6:-

    Graph showing does the organization practice transparency of appraisal?


    On the basis of my survey 100% of the respondents are very much clear about is performance

    appraisal is transparent.
















  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.7:-

    What are the aspects on which outcomes of appraisal report of each individual employee

    are being used for?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 Promotion 2 20%

    2 Hike & Salary 1 10%

    3 Increase inresponsibility 0 0%

    4 Both 1 & 2 7 70%

    5 All of the above 0 0%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 2 of the respondents are of the opinion that promotion are the aspects

    on which outcome of appraisal of each individual employee used for, 1 of the respondents are of

    the opinion that Hike & Salary, 7 of the respondent are of the opinion that Both 1 & 2 and 0 of

    the respondent are of the opinion that All of the above. According to this answer there is some

    confusion not good answer is given.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.5.7:-

    Graph showing what are the aspects on which outcome of appraising of each individual

    employee used for?


    Onthe basis of my survey 20% of the respondents are of the opinion that promotion is the

    Aspect on which outcome of appraisal of each individual employee used for, 10% of the

    Respondents are of the opinion that Hike & Salary, 70% of the respondent are of the opinion that

    Both 1 & 2 and 0 of the respondent are of the opinion that All of the above. According to this

    Answer there is some confusion arises.











    Hike & Salary

    Increase in responsibility

    Both a& b

    All above

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.8:-

    On what basis performance appraisal is conducted?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 Individual Basedappraisal

    8 80%

    2 System basedappraisal

    2 20%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of this survey 8 of the respondents are of the opinion that individual appraisal is

    Conducted and 2 of the respondents are of the opinion that System based appraisal is conducted.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.5.8:-

    Graph showing on what basis performance appraisal is conducted?


    On the basis of this survey 80% of the respondents are of the opinion that individual appraisal is

    Conducted and 20% of the respondents are of the opinion that System based appraisal is












    Indivdiual appraisal System based appraisal

    Individual appraisal

    System based appraisal

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.9:-

    Over all how do you rate the appraisal conducted in your organization?

    Serial No. Options No. of



    1 Excellent 2 20%

    2 Good 7 70%

    3 Average 1 10%

    4 Poor 0 0%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:

    On the basis of this survey 2 of respondents are of the opinion that excellent rate of the appraisalIs conducted, 7 of respondents are of the opinion that good rate of the appraisal is conducted and

    1 of respondent is of the opinion that average rate of the appraisal is conducted.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.5.9:-

    Table showing over all how do you rate the appraisal conducted in your organization?


    On the basis of this survey 20%of respondents are of the opinion that excellent rate of the

    appraisal is conducted, 70% of respondents are of the opinion that good rate of the appraisal is

    conducted and 10% of respondents are of the opinion that average rate of the appraisal is

















  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.10:-

    Do you intend to bring any change in the current appraisal system?

    Serial No. Options No. of respondents Percentage

    1 Yes 8 80%

    2 No 2 20%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:-From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 8 of the respondents says yes they want change and 2 of the

    respondents says no.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.5.10:-

    Graph showing do you intend to bring any changes in the current appraisal system?


    On the basis of my survey 80% of the respondents says yes they want change and 20% of the

    respondents says no.










    Yes No



  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.10(1):-

    What kind of changes you intend to bring?

    Serial No. Options No. of respondents Percentage

    1 Transparency can beimproved

    7 70%

    2 To conducting KRAsperiodically

    3 30%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:-From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 7 of the respondent says that transparency can be improved, 3 says

    conducting KRAs periodically.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.5.10 (1):-

    Graph showing any suggestion to improve performance appraisal system?


    On the basis of my survey 70% of the respondent says that transparency can be improved, 30%

    says conducting KRAs periodically.










    Transparency can be


    To conduct KRA's periodically

    Transparency can be improved

    To conduct KRA's periodically


  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.11:-

    Does Shoppers Stop Limited have practiced to reward its employee?

    Serial No. Options No. of Respondents Percentage

    1 Yes 9 90%

    2 No 1 10%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 9 of the respondents say yes and 1 of the respondents say no.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.5.11:-

    Graph showing does Shoppers Stop Limited have practice to reward its employee?


    On the basis of my survey 90% of the respondents say yes and 10% of the respondents say no.

















  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.12:-

    In a month, how many employees are rewarded in your organization?

    Serial No. Options No. of Respondents Percentage

    1 15employee 2 20%

    2 20employee 8 80%

    Total 10 100%

    INTREPRETATION:- From the above table it is observed that:-

    On the basis of my survey 2 of the respondents say 15 employees and 8 of the respondents say

    20 employees.

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    GRAPH NO.12:-

    Graph showing in a month, how many employees are rewarded in your organization?


    On the basis of my survey 20% of the respondents say 15 employees and 80% of the

    respondents say 20 employees










    15 employees 20 employees

    15 employees

    20 employees

  • 8/3/2019 Stoppers Stop (2)



    TABLE NO.5.13:-

    On what basis is a reward given to the employee please indicates with the degree?

    Serial No. Options No. of Respondents Percentage

    1 Highest First CitizenEnrolment

    8 80%

    2 Highest KYBCEnrolment

    2 20%

    3 Suggestion forms

