stop smoking natural remedies

Stop Smoking Natural Remedies By http://2stopsmokingtips.c om

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Post on 28-Nov-2014



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The natural remedies revealed in this presentation can help you quit smoking.


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Stop Smoking Natural Remedies


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• Even though several stop smoking natural remedies exist, many people are unaware of them. This presentation exposes the different ways to quit smoking at home, without spending a cent.

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Why You Need Natural Remedies

• While it’s generally accepted that smoking is a deadly habit that must be stopped, it’s just not easy to do. This is because cigarettes or tobacco contain nicotine, an addictive substance, causing you to stay hooked. If you quit all of a sudden, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, leaving you frustrated, anxious, angry and unable to focus. Coughing, insomnia, headaches, and an increased appetite are also part of the symptoms you may experience immediately you drop off smoking.

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Why You Need Natural Remedies(2)

• In some cases, the withdrawal symptoms may be so severe that depression will set in. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are by far the greatest hindrance to many people who decide to quit smoking. This is because most of them, while keeping to their resolve to stop smoking, are unable to cope with the withdrawal symptoms, so they go back to the habit.

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Why You Need Natural Remedies(3)

• However, coping with smoking withdrawal symptoms need not cost you an arm or a leg as you could very well have everything you need to quit smoking in your kitchen (or make a fast dash to the closest grocery store!). And, no! You don’t need to buy a nicotine patch, or chew the gum to drop off cigarettes.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home

• Water: Generally, drinking lots of water will assist to detoxify your body. Water is a powerful cleanser and using it at this critical period in your smoking cessation journey, will help fight off cravings and lessen the withdrawal symptoms. It will also flush nicotine out of your body system.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(2)

• Multivitamins: Use multivitamin tablets to help energize you and fight against smoking withdrawal. Tobacco addiction usually sets in due to deficiencies in the human body. In a bid to satisfy these deficiencies, people turn to smoking. The good thing is, these deficiencies can be conquered through the use of multivitamins such as Vitamin A, C and E – Vitamin A helps repair the mucus damaged by smoking, vitamin C is broken down by smoking, and vitamin E helps repair all the smoke-damaged cells. Smoking breaks down vitamin C in the body, so replenishing the quantity of this vitamin in the body is helpful when you try to quit. Vitamin C supplements or orange juices are good home remedies for quit smoking as they will help your body flush away toxins and nicotine.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(3)

• Supplements: Taking some supplements that work as cleansers may help as well. Specifically, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Tea (decaffeinated), Chlorophyll (fantastic cleanser), and even good amounts of fiber and water helps some people (although it’s not very comfortable for the lower level of detoxification you get).

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(4)

• Healthy Diet: Smoking makes addicts lose a lot of energy and the vital nutrients in food, so, when you are trying to quit, please eat balanced and healthy meals. A diet that contains all the useful nutrients is necessary to keep you in tip-top shape and also help you cope with the challenges of nicotine withdrawal.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(5)

• Ginger: This helps addicts overcome nausea, one of the common symptoms of smoking withdrawal. Nausea is most experienced in the first day to few weeks of smoking cessation and relying on ginger to pull through is a wise decision.

• Lobelia: Just like ginger, Lobelia helps to fight nausea.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(6)

• Oats: This is a readily available home remedy which works in 2 ways. It eliminates the toxins and makes the body recover easily from the absence of nicotine. The preparation is quite easy: take two cups of boiled water and add it to a tablespoon of ground oats. Leave it overnight and then boil it for 10 minutes. Drink the mixture throughout the day, a few hours after your main meals. Please don’t take the mixture at night.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(7)

• Get an oral replacement: Keep things handy that you can stick in your mouth when you have cravings. Licorice sticks can be very helpful because they can be chewed when you feel an urgent need to smoke. Secondly, they can deceive the brain to forget about cigarettes. Other good choices include carrots, mints, hard candy,gum, etc

• Grape and Orange Juice: The acidity in these 2 juices helps to eliminate the nicotine in the body system.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(8)

• Grape Seed Extract: This repairs the damage done to the lungs while you were smoking.

• Cayenne. The warm peppery taste of cayenne can be used to overpower nicotine cravings by using cayenne to desensitize the respiratory linings to tobacco and chemical irritants contained in the smoke. Cayenne is also an antioxidant that stabilizes your lung membranes and helps to prevent further damage.

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking at Home(9)

• Honey: This is very rich in nutrients that will help the body recover faster. It contains enzymes, vitamins and proteins which make giving up smoking effortless.

• Many people have been able to quit smoking with these stop smoking natural remedies, yours could be the next success story but nothing will happen if you don’t try. So, try these tips today!

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