stop marketing to people - context marketing

Marwann AL SAADI Brieuc SAFFRÉ Stop marketing to people…

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...and begin marketing to situations! To know more about brand utility and context marketing, have a look to and


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Stop marketing to people…

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…and begin marketing to situations

s l a v i c k g o o n s x c . h u

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As a marketer, you always have tobring your solution to some specific

needs© S a n i y a A l S a a d i

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R o y a l s h o t o n s x c . h u

Whether youare a woman…

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t o l g a k o s t a o n s x c . h u

...a man

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J a n a _ k o l l o n s x c . h u

…a child

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c o l o n i e r a 2 o n s x c . h u

…or an old person

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You can be in a hurry…

a n a l o g o n f l i c k r

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g o o d y 2 2 3 0 o n s x c . h u

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C h r i s t i e m o n s x c . h u

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a r s e l o n s x c . h u

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…or thirsty

l u s i o n s x c . h u

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You can be an expert in finance…

n g o u l d o n s x c . h u

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…and a newbie in DIY

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It is all about context and situations

© S a n i y a A l S a a d i

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and how you can adapt your productor service to them…

L e g o m y p h o t o . w o r d p r e s s . c o m

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This is why you have to customizeyour speech

a c a b e n o n f l i c k r

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H u s h h u s h F R

Nestlé Aquareltargets its thirsty users in concerts, because they know they will be useful to them.

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They satisfy an instant need.

S a m e t i m e n x t y r o n d e v i a n t a r t

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Old spice engages tweeters andTV advertisement spectators…

© O l d S p i c e

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…answers to each tweet with apersonalized video…

© O l d S p i c e

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…and entertainspeople in a new way!

© O l d S p i c e

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MINI in USA answers to particularsituations with its Roadside assistanceapp…

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…and provides useful help to cardrivers facing problems on the road.

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A s o s . c o m w e b s i t e

Asos helps you choose your clothes dependingon weather and activity: your situation.

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Nowadays, people tend to care lessabout a company’s story

© S a n i y a A l S a a d i

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It is now all about discovering, livingand sharing new experiences

© S a n i y a A l S a a d i

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Whatever your product or service is…

b w a c l a w s k i o n s x c . h u

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…it is related to one “personal” situation

n a v i g e r g o o n f l i c k r

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Stop providing useless stuff toyour customers...

E l e c t r o n i c t o i l e tp a p e r d i s p e n s e r

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…and make them come to you by helping them.

S i t o r S q u a t i s a n i P h o n e a p p l i c a t i o n c r e a t e d b y C h a r m i n , t o i l e tp a p e r b r a n d .I t h e l p s y o u f i n dt h e n e a r e s t t o i l e t sa n d t e l l s y o u i f i ti s o p e n o r n o t .

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Social Media and geolocation for example are some good

opportunities to learn more about contexts and situations. They permit to collect data.

© S a n i y a A l S a a d i

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Fiat takes advantage of situationswith Ecodrive…

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…and provides a free and useful service helpingdrivers to consume less.

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Relationship is thus not limited to the purchasing process anymore…

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…and Fiat collects data to innovate andimprove its next cars.

D a t a t r o n

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Crème Brûlée carts in San Francisco take advantage of social media

c h r i s l e e s p h o t o s o n f l i c k r

T h i s C r è m e b r û l é ec a r t l e t s c u s t o m e r s

k n o w w h e r e h e i s t h r o u g h T w i t t e r a n d

g e o l o c a t i o n a p p s .

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…and bakers do even morefor their customers!

B a k e r T w e e t s e n d s a t w e e t t o f o l l o w e r sw h e n t h e b r e a d i sh o t a n d r e a d y .

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The History channel makes good use of geolocation…

The History Channel created tips on Foursquare that share historical facts with users when they check into specific locations.

They brought interestingand relevant information.

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Knowing situations will permit you to be more meaningful and relevant.

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Being relevant means bringing value andconverting new members to your brand!

© S a n i y a A l S a a d i

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Thank you foryour attention.

And many thanksto Saniya, flickr.comusers for theircool photos.

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Inspired by

Helge Tenno

Faris Yakob

Paul Isakson paulisakson.typepad.comTrendwatching


The Book of Revelations

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b k p 5 5 0 o n f l i c k r

marwann al

brieuc saffré

August 2010