stonyhurst giving report-034825 final6 · stonyhurst giving report financial year september 2014 -...


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Page 1: Stonyhurst Giving Report-034825 FINAL6 · stonyhurst giving report financial year september 2014 - august 2015 amdg

S t o n y h u r s tG I V I N G R E P O RT

F I N A N C I A L Y E A R S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 4 - AU G U S T 2 0 1 5


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Thank you from the HeadmasterYou hardly need me to tell you that Stonyhurst is a quite remarkable place! I am pleased to be able to report that the College is in very good heart with our pupils achieving well on so many fronts. That the place is thriving is, in no small way, thanks to those who give generously to support the work of Stonyhurst and so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have donated funds to Stonyhurst over the past year. We are very grateful indeed for your support of the Stonyhurst community which has enabled us to do our utmost to educate our pupils more effectively. Thanks to the help given by donors over the past year, we have been able to offer more bursary support, to improve outdoor recreational spaces and

equipment and to upgrade and broaden the range of technological resources available to our pupils. We are also ambitious for the future and I know that the College will be able to count upon future generous support from donors.

Please accept my grateful thanks and warmest good wishes to all our donors.

Andrew Johnson Headmaster

Words from the Chair of the Development Committee

Thank you from the Headmaster

This report provides an overview of the generosity Stonyhurst supporters have shown during the past year which has been fantastic.

Whilst Stonyhurst strives to cover its annual costs with income (school fees, trading and income from investments) this does not cover major renovations, signifi cant building projects or the extension of the Bursary Programme. As a consequence we are increasingly reliant on the support of the Stonyhurst family; former pupils, former parents, current parents, staff, friends, Trusts and Foundations.

As you will see, the support comes in many different ways including, but not limited to, fi nancial support which I am pleased to report this year was a healthy £320,000. We are very grateful to all those who have donated.

However we cannot rest on our laurels and whilst Stonyhurst has a very bright future we need to continue to raise money for investment so as to ensure the pupils get the very best from Stonyhurst.

The Development Offi ce and I promise that with your support we will help make that happen.

Thank you.

Simon glassbrook

Chairman of the Development Fundraising Committee & Current Parent


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Gifts in KINDSupport has come in many different ways since our fi rst generous benefactor Thomas Weld was able to offer the building to the Jesuits who were looking for somewhere to house their school. That was the beginning of Stonyhurst. Thomas Weld’s generosity has made a huge difference to generations of students.

As individuals we are unlikely to be able to be as generous as Thomas Weld, but collectively, we can all do something that will make a difference to future generations here at Stonyhurst. People give support in many different ways and this support is vital to the future of Stonyhurst and the future of our students.

Completed Annual Fund Projects


modern languages Computer Room - £20kA fully equipped computer suite housing 25 PC’s within our Modern Languages Department.

St. mary’s Hall Centenaries Theatre light & Sound - £25,500Upgraded light and sound infrastructure including radio microphones.

gym equipment for Higher line girls - £4,000A treadmill, cross trainer and upright bike purchased for the use of the students in their boarding accommodation.

Ladies’ Lunch

Evening with Tom O’ConnorBath Convivium at the Guildhall

Derby Arms Parent Social EventCurator Evening

Hong Kong Reception

We have been holding a number of small gatherings of our Alumni to promote our Bursary Fund with a Subscription for Stonyhurst campaign. Such bursaries support families both at the College and SMH who need assistance with the cost of school fees. We currently help about one third of families and, in line with our Ignatian educational mission, we would like to do more. The aim of the evenings is to explain in more detail about how we fund our Bursaries, to gain input regarding initiatives, and to ask for help and advice for further fundraising.

Antique books

Various pieces of artwork


Electric piano

Curtains for the Bayley Room

Vouchers for the SMH garden project


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The management objective of the Stonyhurst investment portfolio is to achieve a positive real return in capital terms over the medium term and to provide Stonyhurst and St. Mary’s Hall (SMH) with an agreed and growing income each year. This income is payable to Stonyhurst for the support and development of the College and SMH and for Bursaries. It is calculated on the basis of a 4% p.a. yield on the value of the portfolio.

To achieve these returns, without taking undue risk and, as far as possible, in all stock market conditions, the portfolio is divided into two sections. The fi rst is under the management of two Absolute Return Investment Managers, who are tasked with producing a positive investment return on a rolling 12 month basis in all stock market conditions. The second part is under the management of more conventional growth Investment Managers, who are tasked to outperform specifi c stock market Benchmarks. At a time when stock markets fall ( e.g. in 2014 and 2015) the Absolute Return Managers are expected at least to maintain the value of their portfolios; this may mean that at a time of sharply rising markets their portfolios may rise by slightly less than the market average. In these conditions the growth Investment Managers are expected to outperform for Stonyhurst.

How has this policy worked in practice? In 2014 when the UK equity market fell by 2.1% the Stonyhurst portfolio, in aggregate, rose in value by 2.8% and in 2015 when the UK market fell by 2.5% the Stonyhurst portfolio as a whole rose by 1.3%. This is after the payment of income to the College, noted above.

An Investment Committee of the Governors meets Stonyhurst’s Investment Managers Quarterly, and reports to the Finance & Buildings Committee, and through them to the Governors as a whole. In this way the Investment Managers are closely monitored and any necessary changes made.

The objective remains to produce the best overall return to the College in all conditions over time, whilst placing Stonyhurst at below average risk of volatile markets.

Richard BrumbyChairman of the Investment Committee, Governor & Former Parent



“During my term as President I want to imbue current and future members of the Thomas Weld Society with the same spirit of generosity that was displayed by Thomas Weld so long ago.”

Henry Weld StewartPresident

Thomas WeldThe

S o c i e t y A n n u a l Lu n c h

The importance of Bursaries

We get a lot of satisfaction from the Bursary we assist in funding. The gift of education

and opportunity has the potential to benefi t not just the recipient but hopefully the wider community as that individual has an impact

on the people and world around them.

paul and Susan Howarth

Donors of the Ryder Systems Bursary

Our Bursary students are not selected only on academic ability; they are selected according to their motivation to come to Stonyhurst and their approach to participating in the life of the school. A bursary is fi nancial support awarded to a child by the Headmaster and the bursary committee, to assist in helping to pay school fees and is awarded on the basis of need.

By contributing to the Stonyhurst Bursary Fund you are joining many others committed to giving a boy or girl the life changing opportunity of a Stonyhurst education.


The members of the Thomas Weld Society are a very special group of people who have supported Stonyhurst by making a legacy pledge in their Will. We have been delighted to welcome several new members who will be invited to join us for our annual lunch held in College.

The Society has been set up to acknowledge and thank, during their lifetime, those who have pledged to leave a legacy gift to the School and our aim is to see membership of this group increase as more Alumni, parents and friends recognise the benefi ts of legacy giving.


We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.Winston S. Churchill


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The Year In Numbers

£11,500Received in Gift Aid

£12kSports Ball

Stonyhurst fundraising for other charities


£31,520One Legacy realised

7Legacies pledged this year

655Attendees at parent events

£5kRaised for school

projects from events

£320kTotal raised

£660kSpent on general maintenance

£70kRenewal of SMH boilers

£1.6mBursaries and Scholarships

£1m(over 3 years) Historic library renovation

and creation of Old Chapel Museum

£72,138Telephone Campaign

No of countries called 30 Calling

hours 742No of calls made 600

Alumni 58%

Former parents 19%

Parents 13%

Friends 9%

Trusts 1%

% of donors

233Donors in 2014/15

£5,530Children for Children

£1,158Schola Cantorum

£1,000 Asthma UK

£1,000 Jesuit Missions

£800Turkana Mission

£1,212Derian House Children’s Hospice

£1,400 MaaChild

Learning to Care fundraising for:-

£12,900Stonyhurst Children’s Holiday Trust

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Anonymous Donors x 64Mr & Mrs O Adenowo Mr & Mrs Daniel AgborMr Peter A AnwylMrs Mary BaileyMrs Jane Bannigan Ms Anna L BellMr & Mrs Bentley Mr & Mrs Richard F BrumbyMr Canada & Mrs Baque Mr & Mrs David Chang Ms Christine A ChesterMr & Mrs K CoeDr & Mrs John CoffeyJohn & Lina ConnellMr & Mrs Edward CowperthwaiteMr Dauban Mr & Mrs Michael I DavisMr Juan Jose de Palacio The De Ramón-Laca Family Mr & Mrs Andrew Dodd Mr & Mrs Wayne Earnshaw Mr & Mrs Ellis Eastham Mr & Mrs John EckersleyMr John EnglandMr & Mrs Bernd FrankeMr & Mrs Javier Garcia Perez Mrs Rebecca Gascoyne Mr & Mrs Chris Gateley Mrs Angela HarwoodMrs Yvonne HerrickMrs Rachel HindleMr David HoldenMr Piotr HolyszDr Jacqueline HowellAndrew and Dawn JohnsonMr & Mrs Darwin Kaluba Mrs Pat KearnsMr Hugh Kent

Mr & Mrs Edgar Lavarello Miss Margaret LeeMr Carlos Losada & Mrs Mercedes CavestanyMs Victoria LoveMrs Sheila LoweMr Jonathan LoweMr & Dr C LuetzenrathDrs Barry & Mitzi Macey-DareMr & Mrs Laurence MarlorMr A Martinez & Mrs M FreileMr & Mrs F MartinezMr & Mrs Andrew MashidaMr & Mrs Timothy McCullough Mr & Mrs Philip McDowellMr & Mrs Andrew McHugh Ms Kathryn Mitchell Mr Matthew MostynMr Richard J O’SheaDr Martin OswaldMr & Mrs Keir Powell Mrs Jill RaymakersMr Francis J Richardson & Dr Anne UeberhurstMr & Mrs Paul RidingMr & Mrs Howard Rishton Ms Anne M Rocco O’Connor Mr Christopher J RocheMr & Mrs Danjuma SalehMr & Mrs Paul Scaffardi Mr Shaft & Ms De SenaMrs Anna P StevensDr Bodo Stoschus & Mrs Dina Lohausen-StoschusMrs Roxanne TaylorMr Graham Tom Mr & Mrs Ian ToppingMrs Maxinne Torrents del PratsMr & Mrs Sean Wells

Mr & Mrs Christopher WillaimsMr & Mrs Wilson Yung

OS ‘40 -’49Dr Peter J Adams OS ‘49Mr Michael J Ashman OS ‘47Major Anthony C Booth OS ‘47His Honour John A Cotton OS ‘44Mr Justin H Gardener OS ‘48Mr Brian N Killick OS ‘46Mr Peter J McNally OS ‘49

OS ‘50 -’59Dr Harold J Bradley OS ‘52Dr Paul E Burke OS ‘53 Mr Joseph L Cash OS ‘54Mr Christopher Cheetham OS ‘57Dr & Mrs Jay Chitnis OS ‘50Mr Bronislaw T Chrobok OS ‘50Mr Michael Cockburn OS ‘58Mr Ninian P Evans OS ‘53Dr Paul Feeny OS ‘57 & Ms Mary BerensMr William M Franklin OS ‘54 Mr Timothy S Gillin OS ‘56Mr John J Hartley OS ‘53 Mr Michael A Joseph OS ‘59Mr Peter E May OS ‘57 Mr Barry S McCombe OS ‘59Mr Jerome O’Hea OS ‘52Dr John W Higgins OS ‘53Mr Michael J Poole OS ‘53Mr Hamish D Reid OS ‘57Mr John O Ross OS ‘56 Mr David M Serrao OS ‘56Mr John Stiller OS ‘53Mr Frederick Duncan Taylor OS ‘58Mr John A Thornton OS ‘51Mr Anthony F Tilden OS ‘59

OS ‘60 -’69Mr Hans Brenninkmeyer OS ‘64Mr Dermott J Creece OS ‘64 Mr Christopher J Cullinan OS ‘65Mr Mark J de Mallet-Morgan OS ‘67 Mr Ian C Forbes OS ‘65 Mr Paul Franc OS ‘66Mr Jacques A Giles OS ‘61Mr Michael J Goodier OS ‘66 Mr Thomas A Harrison OS ‘60Mr John F Jewsbury OS ‘61Dr Francis Matthey OS ‘69Dr Barry O’Driscoll OS ‘60Mr James W Owen OS ‘69Mr Edmund H Reeder OS ‘62Mr John H Scothorne OS ‘60Mr Andrew Sutherland OS ‘66Mr Peter W Tallon OS ‘67Mr Nicholas P Valios OS ‘61Mr Rodney Witter OS ‘62 & Mrs Susan Witter

OS ‘70 -’79Dr Bernard P Bewlay OS ‘79 Mrs Janet M Cummings OS ‘73 Mr John T Gardner OS ‘77 Mr Philip A Gudgeon OS ‘78Mr Julian G Hucks OS ‘78Mr Edmund W Keenan OS ‘76 Mr Richard King OS ‘71Mr Gerard J Lagerberg OS ‘79Mr Peter J Macdonald OS ‘75Mr Robert C Milne OS ‘70Mr John A Mulholland OS ‘71Mr David B Northey OS ‘71Miss Jacqueline S Shepherd OS ‘77Mr Nigel D Wylie-Carrick OS ‘71

OS ‘80 -’89Dr Dominic Aldington OS ‘84Mr Angus P Bruce OS ‘80 Mr Graeme Coulthard OS ‘85Mr David A Coulthard OS ‘89Mr John H Da Gama Rose OS ‘87Mr John H Daly OS ‘80Mr Stephen J Massam OS ‘83Dr Shaun A Sexton OS ‘89Mr Alexander S Veys OS ‘82Mr John Christopher Waters OS ‘84

OS ‘90 -’99Mr Giles Burke-Gaffney OS ‘94Mr Richard T Drinkwater OS ‘91 Mr Philip J D’Souza OS ‘90 Mr Claudio Ghirardi OS ‘96Mr Juan R Gomez-Cuetara OS ‘93 Mr James M Heaton OS ‘99 Mr Patrick M Heneghan OS ‘92Mr James W Hill OS ‘97 Mr Robert L Horn OS ‘96Mr Ka Lai OS ‘94Mr Gregory P Lenton OS ‘94Mr Andrew N Lester OS ‘99Mr James D McDowell OS ‘92Mr Simon D McVeigh OS ‘97Mr Mark Morris OS ‘96Dr James C Nash OS ‘92Mr Ivan Petej OS ‘94Mr Craig A Porter OS ‘92Mr Domenic Santacaterina OS ‘94Mr Anthony C Taylor OS ‘90Mr Steven Turner OS ‘97

OS ‘00 -’09Mr Benjamin D Allan OS ‘06 Mr Giovanni Della Pesca OS ‘03

Mr Jeremy Dennison OS ‘00 Mr Timothy N Fitzgerald OS ‘04Miss Annabel S Gale OS ‘07 Mr Matthew G Glendon-Doyle OS ‘00Mr Przemyslaw P Gotfryd OS ‘09Mr Gregory Haynes OS ‘03Mr Patrick Hill OS ‘02Mr Phillip M Holliday OS ‘00Mr William Jardim OS ‘02Miss Miranda K Jones OS ‘07Mr James B Kennedy OS ‘07 Mr Terence Lam OS ‘01 Mr Jordan Langstroth OS ‘04 Mr Strachan C Mackenzie OS ‘04 Dr Tomasz Mazur OS ‘03Mr Patrick R Page OS ‘07 Mr Wictor Sho-Willumsen OS ‘06Miss Amalaswintha Wolfsdorf OS ‘02

OS ‘10 -’15Mr Godfrey Ho OS ‘12 Mr Gregory Ho OS ‘14Mr Marcel M Kawinski OS ‘14Mr Lukasz Kolodziej OS ‘15Mr Pawel J Rzemieniecki OS ‘10Mr Oyihoma G Saleh OS ‘11Mr Ocheme G Saleh OS ‘11

Trusts, Foundations & CompanyG E FoundationGroup First Joseph Fattorini Charitable TrustRyder Systems BursaryThe Grumitt Charitable TrustThe Stonyhurst Association

In memory ofCarol AnwylTom and Mollie BaileyFr Leo Belton SJRichard P Carton OS ‘37Fleur Crowther-SmithPhillida Crowther-SmithMrs Crowther-SmithIñaki de Araluze LanzagortaGustave Delisle OS ‘53 Second Lieutenant Edward Dowling OS ‘66George Drew OS ‘63Mrs Lina FlintJoseph Goodier OS ‘23T G Harrison, OBE, MBE (Mil), KCSG OS ‘36Fr. Mark Hartley OCSO OS ‘54Adrain Hastings OS ‘71Fr. HighamChristopher Hoare OSPeter and Paul KearnsMs Elsie KerrFr. Sidney LescherEdmund Joseph McCabe OS ‘45William McGowanGeneral John Humphrey Page OS ‘41Poles Educated at Stonyhurst during WW2David and Kitty PowerJames Francis PowerWilliam K Raymakers OS ‘47John N Reid OS ‘57Ellen Riley OS’06Celia Margaret RobertsTim Roseveare OS ‘04Simon WaterhouseMichael Williams OS ‘52

Along with my team, we would like to thank everyone who has supported Stonyhurst during this financial year. Every donation helps us to enhance the pupils’ educational experience; this would not be possible without the generosity of our benefactors, to whom we extend our thanks. The donors listed below made a donation to Stonyhurst between the 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015.

We try our best to ensure that the list below is accurate but we apologise if any name has been omitted. Please do let us know if this is the case. Some of our donors have chosen to remain anonymous.

Rachel Hindle Development


Thank you for your Support


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DevelOpmenT OFFICe

STOnyHuRST COllege

Stonyhurst College, Stonyhurst, Clitheroe, BB7 9PZ

Email: [email protected] Web: Tel: 00 44 1254 827147

Stonyhurst: a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England. Company No 6632303. Registered office: Stonyhurst, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 9PZ. Registered Charity No: 1127929

Sarah Howell Development Finance Administrator

Yvonne Herrick Assistant Development Director

Rachel Hindle Development Director

James McLeod Development Officer