stochastic finance - arbitrage ·...

Introduction 1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities 1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures 1.3 Derivative securities 1.4 Complete market models Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory Tadeáš Horký Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague October 8th, 2007 Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

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Page 1: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Tadeáš Horký

Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsFaculty of Mathematics and Physics

Charles University Prague

October 8th, 2007

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 2: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models



1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures

1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 3: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models


I Hans Föllmer, Alexander SchiedI Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete TimeI Chapter 1 - Arbitrage theory

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 4: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models


I one-period model of financial market, trading at time t = 0I finite number of primary assets, their initial prices at time

t = 0 known, future prices at time t = 1 random variablesI arbitrage - trading opportunities which yield a profit without

any downside riskI characterization of financial market with absence of such

arbitrage - martingale measures, contingent claims, perfecthedge

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 5: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

One-period model

I financial market with d + 1 assets (equities, bonds,commodities, . . .)

I priced at initial time t = 0 and at the final time t = 1I we assume that the i th asset is available at time 0 for a price

πi ≥ 0, collection π = (π0, π1, . . . , πd) ∈ Rd+1+ is called a

price systemI prices at time 1 non-negative random variables S0, S1, . . . , Sd

on probability space (Ω,F , P)

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Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

One-period model

I riskless investment possibility in bonds: by assuming π0 = 1and S0 ≡ 1 + r , where r > −1 (enough, more natural wouldbe r ≥ 0)

I notation

S = (S0, S1, . . . , Sd) = (S0, S),

π = (π0, π),

ξ = (ξ0, ξ1, . . . , ξd) = (ξ0, ξ) ∈ Rd+1,

I where ξi represents the number of shares of the i th asset,which an investor choose at t = 0

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Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

One-period model

I price for buying the portfolio at time t = 1

π · ξ =d∑



I at time t = 1 the portfolio will have the value

ξ · S(ω) =d∑


ξi S i (ω) = ξ0(1 + r) + ξ · S(ω)

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 8: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Loan and short sales

I ξ0 < 0 corresponds to taking out a loan, at t = 0 we receive|ξ0| and pay back (1 + r)|ξ0| at t = 1

I ξi < 0 for i ≥ 1 means short sale of the i th asset, receivedamount πi |ξi | can be used for buying quantities ξj ≥ 0, j 6= ioh the other assets

I price of the portfolio ξ is given by π · ξ = 0

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 9: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Definition 1.1. - arbitrage theory (page 5)

I A portfolio ξ ∈ Rd+1 is called an arbitrage opportunity ifπ · ξ ≤ 0 but ξ · S ≥ 0 P-a.s. and P[ξ · S > 0] > 0.

I with positive probability a positive profit without exposure toany downside risk

I market inefficiency, certain assets are not priced wellI absence of arbitrage implies that S i vanishes P-a.s. once

πi = 0, hence with no loss in generality we assume πi ≥ 0 fori = 1, . . . , d .

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 10: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Lemma 1.3. (page 5)

I The following statements are equivalent1. The market model admits an arbitrage opportunity2. There is a vector ξ ∈ Rd such that

ξ · S ≥ (1 + r)ξ · π P-a.s. and P[ξ · S > (1 + r)ξ · π] > 0

I no arbitrage opportunity =⇒ investment in risky assets whichyields with positive probability a better result than investingthe same amount in the risk-free asset must be open to somedownside risk

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

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Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Definition 1.4. - martingale measure (page 6)

I characterization of arbitrage-free market models which donot admit any arbitrage opportunities

I Definition 1.4. A probability measure P∗ is called arisk-neutral measure, or a martingale measure, if

πi = E ∗[

S i

1 + r

], i = 0, 1, . . . , d . (1)

I price πi is identified as the expectation of the discountedpayoff under the measure P∗

I pricing formula (1) does not take into account any riskaversion, therefore measure P∗ is called risk-neutral

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 12: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Fundamental theorem of asset pricing (page 6)

I let us define the set of risk-neutral measures which areequivalent to P

P := P∗|P∗is a risk-neutral measure with P∗ ≈ P

I Theorem 1.6. A market model is arbitrage-free ⇐⇒ P 6= ∅.In this case, there exists a P∗ ∈ P which has a boundeddensity dP∗/dP.

I Remark: in an infinite market model of tradable assetsS0, S1, S2, . . . is implication =⇒ no longer true

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 13: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Discounted net gains (page 7)

I in the proof is used random vector Y = (Y 1, . . . , Y d) ofdiscounted net gains

Y i :=S i

1 + r− πi , i = 0, 1, . . . , d . (2)

I with this notation Lemma 1.3. implies that arbitrage-freemodel is equivalent to the condition

for ξ ∈ Rd : ξ · Y ≥ 0 P-a.s. =⇒ ξ · Y = 0 P-a.s. (3)

I since Y i is bounded from below by πi , P∗ is a risk-neutralmeasure if and only if E ∗[Y ] = 0.

I discounted asset prices and time value of money

S i

1 + r, i = 0, 1, . . . , d . (4)

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 14: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Attainable payoff and its return (page 10)

I let V :=ξ · S | ξ ∈ Rd+1

denote the linear space of all

payoffs which can be generated by some portfolio, the set Vwill be called attainable payoff

I the portfolio that generates V ∈ V is not uniqueI therefore it is reasonable to define the price of V ∈ V as

π(V ) := π · ξ if V = π · S . (5)

I Definition 1.11. Suppose an arbitrage-free market model andV ∈ V an attainable payoff such that π(V ) 6= 0. Then thereturn of V is defined by

R(V ) :=V − π(V )

π(V ).

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Page 15: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Expected return of V in arbitrage-free model (page 11)

I Proposition 1.12. Suppose arbitrage-free market model andlet V ∈ V be an attainable payoff such that π(V ) 6= 0.

1. Under any risk-neutral measure P∗, the expected returnequals E∗[R(V )] = r .

2. Under any measure Q ≈ P such that EQ [|S |] < ∞

EQ [R(V )] = r − covQ


dQ, R(V )


where P∗ is an arbitrary risk-neutral measure in P and covQ

denotes the covariance with respect to Q.

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 16: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Derivative securities (page 13)

I in real financial markets not only the primary assets are tradedI securities whose payoff depends in non-linear way on the

primary assets S0, S1, . . . , Sd , and sometimes other factorsI derivative securities, options, contingent claimsI Example 1.15. - forward contract: one agent agrees to sell

another agent an asset S i at time 1 for a delivery price K attime 0, such contract corresponds to random payoffC fw = S i − K

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 17: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Call and put options (page 13-14)

I Example 1.16. - call/put option: the owner has the optionto buy/sell the i th asset at time 1 for a fixed strike price K

C call = (S i − K )+, C put = (K − S i )+,

C call − C put = S i − K

I relation between the price of call and put options: put-callparity

π(C call) = π(C put) + πi − K1 + r

. (6)

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 18: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Reverse convertible bond (page 15)

I Example 1.19. - reverse convertible bond: pays interest rwhich is higher than interest r of riskless bond

I at maturity t = 1 the issuer may convert the bond into apredetermined number of shares of asset S i instead of payingthe nominal value in cash

I equals purchase of standard bond and the sale of a put optionI suppose that 1 is the price of a reverse convertible bond at

t = 0, nominal value at maturity is 1 + r , and that it can beconverted into x shares of the i th asset

I conversion will happen if S i < K := (1 + r)/x and the payoffthe reverse convertible fond is 1 + r − x(K − S i )+

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 19: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Contingent claims (page 15)

I Definition 1.21. - A contingent claim is a random variableC on the underlying probability space (Ω,F , P) such that

0 ≤ C < ∞ P-a.s.

I contingent claim C is a derivative of S0, . . . , Sd if it ismeasurable with respect to the σ-field σ(S0, . . . , Sd)generated by the assets, i.e., if C = f (S0, . . . , Sd) for ameasurable function on Rd+1

I it is a contract which is sold at t = 0 and which pays arandom amount C (ω) ≥ 0 at time 1

I security with negative terminal value can be reduced tocombination of a non-negative contingent claim and a shortposition in some of S0, . . . , Sd

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 20: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Arbitrage-free price of a contingent claim (page 16)

I so far, we have fixed prices πi of standard assets S0, . . . , Sd

I for a contingent claim C it is not clear, what the correct priceshould be

I our goal: identify possible prices which do not generatearbitrage in the market

I trading C at time 0 for a price πC corresponds to introducinga new asset

πd+1 := πC and Sd+1 := C . (7)

I Definition 1.22.: A real number πC ≥ 0 is called anarbitrage-free price of a contingent claim C if the marketmodel extended according to (7) is arbitrage-free.

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Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

The set of arbitrage-free prices (page 16)

I the set of all arbitrage-free prices for C is denoted Π(C ),the respective lower and upper bounds of Π(C ) are

π↓(C ) := inf Π(C ) and π↑(C ) := sup Π(C )

I Theorem 1.23.: Suppose that the set P of equivalentrisk-neutral measures for the original market model isnon-empty. Then

Π(C ) =

[E ∗

C1 + r

]| P∗ ∈ P such that E ∗[C ] < ∞

. (8)

I Moreover, the lower and upper bounds are given byπ↓(C ) = inf


[E ∗ C


]and π↑(C ) = sup


[E ∗ C



Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory

Page 22: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Superhedging duality (page 18)

I the definition of arbitrage bound π↑(C ) can be restated as:

π↑(C ) = inf

m ∈ R | ∃ξ ∈ Rd with m + ξ · Y ≥ C1 + r


I π↑(C ) is the smallest amount of capital which, if investedrisk-free, yields a superhedge (superrepliacation) of C in thesense that

(m − π · ξ) +ξ · S1 + r

≥ C1 + r


I in this view is π↑(C ) in Theorem 1.23. often called asuperhedging duality

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Page 23: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Lower and upper bounds of call and put option (page 18)

I consider arbitrage-free market model, and letC call = (S i − K )+ be a call option

I for any P∗ ∈ P is C call ≤ S i so that[E ∗ C call


]≤ πi

I from Jensen’s inequality, we obtain the lower bound:[

E ∗C call

1 + r


(E ∗

[S i

1 + r

]− K

1 + r



(πi − K

1 + r


I thus, we have following universal bound for any arbitrage-freemarket model:

(πi − K

1 + r


≤ π↓(C call) ≤ π↑(C call) ≤ πi . (9)

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Page 24: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Lower and upper bounds of call and put option (page 18)

I for a put option C put = (K − S i )+, we could obtain in similarway


1 + r− πi


≤ π↓(C put) ≤ π↑(C put) ≤ K1 + r

. (10)

I in many situations, the universal bounds (9) and (10) are infact attained

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Page 25: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Attainable contingent claim and replicating portfolio(page 20)

I Definition 1.27. A contingent claim C is called attainable(replicable, redundant), if there exists a portfolio ξ ∈ Rd+1

such that

C = ξ · S = ξ0(1 + r) + ξ · S P-a.s.

Such strategy ξ is called a replicating portfolio for C.I if we can replicate a given contingent claim C by some

portfolio ξ, then the problem of determining a price for C hassimple solution, the price of C should be equal to the costξ · π of its replication

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Page 26: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Unique arbitrage-free price (page 20)

I Theorem 1.28. Suppose that the market model isarbitrage-free and that C is a contingent claim.

1. If C is attainable, then the set Π(C ) of arbitrage-free prices forC consists of the single element ξ · π, where ξ is any replicatingportfolio for C.

2. If C is not attainable, then either π↓(C ) = +∞, orπ↓(C ) < π↑(C ) and

Π(C ) = (π↓(C ), π↑(C )).

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Page 27: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Example 1.29. (page 21)

I Example 1.29. We consider a call option C call = (S i − K )+

traded in a arbitrage-free market model.I if the risk-free return r ≥ 0 and if C call is not deterministic,

then Jensen’s inequality yields

(πi−K )+ ≤(

πi − K1 + r


< E ∗[

(S i − K )+

1 + r

]for all P∗ ∈ P.

I time value of a call option: the value of the right to buy thei th asset at t = 0 is strictly less than any arbitrage-free pricefor C call

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Page 28: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Complete arbitrage-free market model (page 22)

I Definition 1.30. An arbitrage-free market model is calledcomplete if every contingent claim is attainable.

I In every market model following inclusion holds for eachP∗ ∈ P:

V = ξ · S | ξ ∈ Rd+1 ⊆ L1(Ω, ω(S1, . . . , Sd), P∗)

⊆ L0(Ω,F , P∗) = L0(Ω,F , P)

I if the market is complete, these inclusions are in fact equalitiesI linear space V is finite dimensional and the model can be

reduced to a finite number of relevant scenarios - atoms of(Ω,F , P)

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Page 29: Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage · Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory ... I Stochastic Finance - An Introduction in Discrete

Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Characterization of a complete arbitrage-free market model(page 23)

I Proposition 1.31. For any p ∈ [0,∞], the dimension of thelinear space is given by

dim Lp(Ω,F , P) = supn ∈ N | ∃ partition A1, . . . , An of Ω

with Ai ∈ F and P[Ai ] > 0.

Moreover, n := dim Lp(Ω,F , P) < ∞ if and only if thereexists a partition of Ω into n atoms of (Ω,F , P).

I we will use this result in following theorem

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Introduction1.1 Assets, portfolios and arbitrage opportunities

1.2 Absence of arbitrage and martingale measures1.3 Derivative securities

1.4 Complete market models

Characterization of a complete arbitrage-free market model(page 23)

I Theorem 1.32. An arbitrage-free market model is complete ifand only if there exists exactly one risk-neutral probabilitymeasure, i.e., if |P| = 1. In this case, dim L0(Ω,F , P) ≤ d + 1.

I application of this theorem in Example 1.33., pages 23-25

Tadeáš Horký Stochastic Finance - Arbitrage theory