st~nding ord~~ no - delhi order/235.pdfst~nding ord~~ no.235...

St~nding Ord~~ No.235 Subject: - Theft of motor vshicle~1 action regardingo .It .has been experienced that considerable confusion is caused in locating stolen vehicles and restoring the same to their owners due to belated dissemination of information regarding detaiIs of such vehicles, to police stations. As soon as theft of a ,car, scooter or motor-cycle is reported to the police, its details should be communicated by the Police Control Room to all Police Stations and Police Posts, who,' in turn,. would direc~ all officers and men to keep a sharp look-out for the vehicle, particularly in areas where stolen vehicles might have been found abandoned in the past. Special look- out for .such Stolen cars/vehicles should be kept opposite tyre-markets, dealers in second hand parts, motor garages and on foot-paths and lonely places. All officers and men should be instructed, that if they come across any car parked in any such place and wheels or tyres are folindrnissing,they should ,watch it for some ti~e, and if one approaches it, information about it should be given to 'the Police Control Room and the Police Statioh immediately, .and identity· of car/vehicle should be established with utmost speed. If it is found to be stolen~ the inves.tigating·officer.-should be asked to--take all nec·eB"scrry. steps'to exam±ne-the v ehicle-for-sc±ent-±f±c--c 1 u~~ like, finger prints, etc. In short the following dril.l shall be followed in such caees r- 1. To register a case immediately and inform the control r~ simultaneously giving reglstratlon number, make, cc~~. engine and chass~s ~~e=. e~c. of the so;::_~ veb i.cI e. 2. To send wireless messages to all the SHOs in the capital and to all the Superintendents/Deputy com;;;rissioners of Police-in India. 3. To send immediate information on the prescribed proforma about the par.ticularsof the stolen vehicle to CRO. If the engine and chassis number are provided by the Complainant later on, information of the same should be s~t to CRO and to all these to ~hom the earlier wireless messages were sent~

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Page 1: St~nding Ord~~ No - Delhi order/235.pdfSt~nding Ord~~ No.235 Subject: - Theft of motor vshicle~1 action regardingo.It .has been experienced that considerable

St~nding Ord~~ No.235

Subject: - Theft of motor vshicle~1 action regardingo

. It .has been experienced that considerableconfusion is caused in locating stolen vehicles andrestoring the same to their owners due to belateddissemination of information regarding detaiIs of suchvehicles, to police stations. As soon as theft of a ,car,scooter or motor-cycle is reported to the police, itsdetails should be communicated by the Police Control Roomto all Police Stations and Police Posts, who,' in turn,.would direc~ all officers and men to keep a sharp look-outfor the vehicle, particularly in areas where stolenvehicles might have been found abandoned in the past.Special look- out for .such Stolen cars/vehicles should bekept opposite tyre-markets, dealers in second hand parts,motor garages and on foot-paths and lonely places. Allofficers and men should be instructed, that if they comeacross any car parked in any such place and wheels or tyresare folindrnissing,they should ,watch it for some ti~e, andif one approaches it, information about it should be givento 'the Police Control Room and the Police Statiohimmediately, .and identity· of car/vehicle should beestablished with utmost speed. If it is found to be stolen~the inves.tigating·officer.-should be asked to --take allnec·eB"scrry. steps'to exam±ne-the vehicle-for-sc±ent-±f±c--c 1u~~like, finger prints, etc. In short the following dril.lshall be followed in such caees r-

1. To register a case immediately and inform the controlr~ simultaneously giving reglstratlon number, make,cc~~. engine and chass~s ~~e=. e~c. of theso;:: _~ vebi.cIe .

2. To send wireless messages to all the SHOs in thecapital and to all the Superintendents/Deputycom;;;rissionersof Police -in India.

3. To send immediate information on the prescribedproforma about the par.ticularsof the stolen vehicleto CRO.

If the engine and chassis number are provided by theComplainant later on, information of the same shouldbe s~t to CRO and to all these to ~hom the earlierwireless messages were sent~

Page 2: St~nding Ord~~ No - Delhi order/235.pdfSt~nding Ord~~ No.235 Subject: - Theft of motor vshicle~1 action regardingo.It .has been experienced that considerable

s. Knownmotor vehicle thieves should be interrogated inthe ·case.

6. If the stolen vehicle is found abandoned, it shouldnot be removed from that place till the Crime Team,CFSLexperts inspect it for clues like finger printsof the culprits, etc, on some part of·the vehicle .....Articles lying in the abandoned vehicle like bottlesand glasses should also not be disturbed till theseare examined by the experts. Meanwhile the vehicleshould be kept under watch and identity of personsapproaching it established.

7 All articles found in the vehicle should be taken:'::.~opossession through a recovery memoand depositedin the Malkhana.

8 Information about the stolen vehicle having beenfound abandoned must be sent to all concerned i. e.CROand to all those to whomwireless messages weresent earlier including the Control Room fordiscontinuirig the search. This important aspect mustnot ·be ignored.

9. If any stolen vehicle is found in the area of aparticular Police station,". it must be guarded andinformati~n sent to the Co~trol Room, Crime Team andto all the Lons in the Capital. If the vehicle

-------be"ars----registlation- " number. of serne etheI'----:...:...--.-.State/District, wireless message should be sent tothe concerned authorities· giving the registration,engine and chassis number, make and colours of thevehicle. If the vehicle is to be brought to thepolice sta~ion, the vehicle as well as ~I articlesfound t:-.ei..:: in should not be 1ist".!~be:! C~ !:'_:'E~.:.?!:dled.The ~e~'=:~ should be taken in:o posseSS1C~ ~cug~ arecc-,,-ery _~•.•o alongwith all the articles f=-..:::;.:: in it.

::;0 The SHO should ensure that information about thestolen vehicle found in his jurisdiction =eac:hes theCROas in some cases, a vehicle found abandoned inthe area of a police station and stolen from .t.he areaot the adjoining police station, remains un-connectedfor a lor:g time.

11. The registration of a case in respect of theft of acctcx -.-e::i::le should not be delayed as sometimes itleads to serious consequences such as commission of ahighway robbery or dacoity by .the· occupants of the >

vehicle bearing the same registration (original)

Page 3: St~nding Ord~~ No - Delhi order/235.pdfSt~nding Ord~~ No.235 Subject: - Theft of motor vshicle~1 action regardingo.It .has been experienced that considerable

number. -It has been noticed that in some cases theduty officers put off the registration of the caseunnecessarily by telling the complainant to be on .t.helook out for the vehicle in the adjoining areas andthen come again. This should. never be done.

12. Whena stolen vehicle is found abandoned and is .taken.into possession, the missing parts such as wheels,head lights, battery, etc, should be clearly. mentioned in the seizure memo.-

13. If the stolen vehicle is· found abandoned in someother state/district, the complainant _should not beasked to bear the expenses to be incurred inconnection with the bringing - of the vehicle fromthere. The expenses are met by the state throughjudicial bills.

14. If a vehicle found abandoned appears to have met withan accident, i~ should be photographed properly fromdifferent angles. All the damages sh9uld be mentionedin the seizure memo ;'

15. It must· be ensured that there· is no pilferage ofaccessories from tQ~ recovered vehicle. The recovered

--ve1rtrt-eB'-mIOu~ be paLked ill tilePol-±Ce-.:-station-and----- case it La not possible, a guard may be posted atleast during the nigl?-t hours.· In order to checkpilferage from within the Police Station, thefollowing remedial measures are suggested:-

a 10 of t..h.ecase should mention in grea~~r ;~s, accessories -in the s eazuxe !!:e=lOi~se1f e.g. stereo, battery, stepany, tools,jack, radiators and other fancy accessories.

b 0 !<5C (M) should take charge of the vehiclea::cording to the seizure memoand should mentionall the de:ail= of the seizure memo in registerNo.IS.

c. MHC (M) and his assistant should conduct randomc~ecks till the release of the vehicle.

d. While releasing such vehiclethe ...rightful· owners, . MHC (M)

on i Superdari i

should delivertothe

Page 4: St~nding Ord~~ No - Delhi order/235.pdfSt~nding Ord~~ No.235 Subject: - Theft of motor vshicle~1 action regardingo.It .has been experienced that considerable

possession in accordance with the details iistedin the seizure memoand register No.19.

16. The vehicle should be returned to the registeredowner on 'Superdari' immediately on the order of thecourt.

17 Notorious workshops which change the colours ofstolen vehicles in a short time must be, raided inimmediately. The police station staff ,should have alist of such workshops and keep an eye on them. Withthe change of, colours and registration number,detection becomes difficult.

18. Traps s::'cu::i be i::~elligently laid at places fromwhere motor vehicles are frequently stolen.

19. Watch must be kept on the known receiver of stolenmotor vehicles and motor parts who prompt theft ofmotor vehicles.

,20. In the event, of thef~ of a motor vehicle, the PCRshould pass on the information to all DistrictControl. Rooms and to the wireless, cabins located ateach police station.

21. The SHO/DOshould immediately write -the informationabout the stolen vehicle on the Notice Board.--------~'---.---------~------,--

.22. The patrolling parties should know the details of thestolen vehicles and should look for it 'in the area.

'23. Motor vehicle owners must be advised (through cinemaslides, newspapers, TV. etc.) to park vehicles a~ theparking places ~.eQ,,~ r cx the purpose ~at!:e!' -:'!:2r..leaving ~em "ra~~e---~_

24. The local police must request the local bodiesfederation of businessmen and residents of the areato arta.::.;e manning of parking place to avoid motorvehicles thefts.

2S. The control Room should maintain a running- list ofstolen motor cars, scooters and motor-cycles showingthei= recc7eries a~so.

26. Since tile Traffic Police have been provided withwireless fi ':':ed X~t~~ Cycles they should also beinformed about the theft of cars/vehicles for,necessary' action. Each upper' and lower subordinateswho locates the stolen or abandoned car/vehicle

Page 5: St~nding Ord~~ No - Delhi order/235.pdfSt~nding Ord~~ No.235 Subject: - Theft of motor vshicle~1 action regardingo.It .has been experienced that considerable

. .

should be rewarded suitably to encourage thepatrolling staff and to make them more alert forensuring quicker recovery.

)27. Each Distt. Control Room will also alert their

wireless fitted motor cycle riders to look - for thestolen vehicle.

28. On receipt of" a report of theft of a motor-carscooter or motor-cycle, the Control Room shouldimmediately instruct all the patrol cars to keep asharp look-out for the stolen motor vehicle. All theknown-details of the vehicle should be conveyed toall" such patrol carsinunediatelYe Each patrol carshould carry a r".lI:."ling 1is~ of cars stolen in thelast, 30 days which remain unrecovered.

29. The tendency of sending car theft cases untraced,when it is prima facie premature needs to be avoided.The final reports in such cases should be sent afterand when all measur-es have been exhausted.

30. DCsPDistt./Crime & Railways/IGI Airport shall send amonthly statement regarding stolen a~d.vehicles to Secretary, Transport Govt. ofDelhi latest by 5th of succeeding months'.


This ·.supersedes 'previous S.O~No.235 issued vide this-----Hdqrs-;No-;-H~~ 1€-&--'I'-;-A€-I-I-±--da-t-ed-~--...()2-.-a-9-.--;---- -----

~~<\~(YODlm :m:m DADWAL) SPLoCP/ADMN.,fer ~SSIONER OF POLICE: ~~~r.

No. Ac-::r ~~~~. ~elhi

Copy to:-

1. ALL spL,Cs. P.,· DeJJ:.i/NewDelhi.2. All Jt. CaP ~ ACCl.CsP., Delhi/New Delhi.3. All DCsP of Distt/units including FRRO, Delhi/New-

Delhi.4. Principal/PTC,Jharoda Kalang NewDelhi with 10 spare

copies.5. DCP/HQand DCP/HQ(Estt.), Delhi.6. ACsP/HQ (P) I (CB), (G)D (CEtT) and (IT).7 . SO/PA to CP/Delhi .8. All Inspectors, PEQ including Acctt./PHQ.9. HA~;:;PHQ -with 5 spare copies.