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Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten 2010/2011 Internationales Klimaschutzstipendium

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Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten 2010/2011

Internationales Klimaschutzstipendium

Impressum: Herausgeber: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Übersetzung: Dr. Lynda Lich-Knight/Michael GardnerGestaltung: intention GmbH, BonnDruck: Druckpartner Moser, RheinbachStand: August 2010Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dr. des. Judith Schildt und die Stipendiatinnenund Stipendiaten

Bildnachweis:Titel: Joao Virissimo/Shutterstock | S. 5: Hum-boldt-Stiftung/Eric Lichtenscheidt | S. 6/8 Moun-tainpix/Shutterstock | S. 7/9 Tobias Müller/Fotolia |Porträtfotos der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendia-ten: El-Sayed Ali, Gebrehiwot, Jiang, Matias, Omo-nijo, Upadhyaya: Friedrich Freiherr v. Maltzahn |alle anderen Porträtfotos: privat

Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten 2010/2011

Internationales Klimaschutzstipendium

Preface VorwortDie Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung hat im Jahr 2010erstmals Internationale Klimaschutzstipendien vergeben.Die Programminitiative für Nachwuchsführungskräfteaus außereuropäischen Schwellen- und Entwicklungs -ländern ergänzt die bestehenden Förderprogramme derAlexander von Humboldt-Stiftung mit dem Ziel, denAufbau und die Pflege eines Netzwerks zu unterstützen,in dem deutsche und ausländische Experten langfristigzusammenarbeiten, um den Herausforderungen desKlimawandels und seinen Folgen zu be gegnen.In dieser Broschüre wird Ihnen der erste Jahrgang derInternationalen Klimaschutzstipendiaten vorgestellt.Die Gruppe umfasst fünfzehn Stipendiatinnen undStipendiaten aus Ägypten, Äthiopien, Kenia, Indien,Mexiko, der Mongolei, Nigeria, Peru, den Philippinenund der Volksrepublik China. Sie repräsentieren sovielfältige Fachbereiche wie Außenpolitik und Inter-nationale Beziehungen, Geodäsie, BiotechnologischeVer fahren, Forstwissenschaft, Ökonomie, ÖffentlichesRecht, Abwasserchemie, Ökologie und Klimatologie. Sieverwirklichen ihre Projektvorhaben an Universitäten,bei politischen Organisationen und in Vereinen. Ich wünsche allen Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiatenund ihren Gastgebern eine erfolgreiche Zusammen -arbeit und danke allen, die sie beim Aufbau fachlicherund persönlicher Netzwerke unterstützen.

Professor Dr. Helmut SchwarzPräsident der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has grantedInternational Climate Protection Fellowships for the firsttime in 2010. The programme initiative for prospectiveleaders from non-European emerging economies anddeveloping countries complements the Alexander vonHumboldt Foundation’s existing programmes with theaim of establishing and maintaining a network in whichGerman and foreign experts work on a long-term basisto meet the challenges of climate change and its conse-quences. This brochure introduces the first group of Internation -al Climate Protection Fellows. The group comprises fif-teen Fellows from Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, India,Mexico, Mongolia, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines andthe People’s Republic of China. They represent fieldsas diverse as foreign policy and international relations,geodesy, biotechnological methods, forestry, eco-nomics, public law, wastewater chemistry, ecology andclimatology. They are hosted by universities, politicalorganisations and associations. I wish all Fellows and their hosts success in their co-operation and thank everyone supporting them inbuilding academic and personal networks.

Professor Dr. Helmut SchwarzPresident of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation


„Auf das Zusammenwirkender Kräfte, den Einfluss derunbelebten Schöpfung auf

die belebte Thier- und Pflanzenwelt, auf die

Harmonie sollen stets meineAugen gerichtet sein.”

Alexander von Humboldt (1769– 1859)

Im Frühjahr kommen die Stipendiaten zueiner Fortbildungsveranstaltung zusam-men. Diese wird durchgeführt in Koopera-tion mit dem Centre for InternationalPostgraduate Studies of EnvironmentalManagement (CIPSEM) an der TechnischenUniversität Dresden.

Weitere Kooperationspartner sind derBundesverband der Deutschen Industrie(BDI), der Deutsche Akademische Austausch-dienst (DAAD), die Deutsche Gesellschaft fürTechnische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) und dieRenewables Academy AG (RENAC).


Zusätzlich zur finanziellen Förderung des einjährigen Deutschlandaufenthaltes ge währt die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Sprachstipendien, die die Geför-derten bereits vor Beginn der Arbeitenzur Durchführung des Projektvorhabensbeim Erwerb der deutschen Sprache un-terstützen.

Weitere Informationen

Sie möchten sich um ein Stipendium bewer-ben, Gastgeber werden oder sich umfas-sender über das Programm informieren?

Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter:

Das Internationale Klimaschutzstipendienprogramm

Der globalen Herausforderung des Klimawandels kannnur im Rahmen grenzüberschreitender internationalerKooperation begegnet werden. Hierzu leistet die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung mit der Vergabe vonjährlich bis zu 20 Internationalen Klimaschutzstipen-dien einen Beitrag. Gefördert werden Nachwuchs -führungskräfte aus außereuropäischen Schwellen- undEntwicklungsländern im Bereich Klima- und Res sour -censchutz. Finanziert werden die Stipendien aus Mitteln der Internationalen Klimaschutzinitiative desBundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Re-aktorsicherheit.

Die Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten verfügen zumZeitpunkt der Bewerbung bereits über erste prakti-sche Erfahrungen im Bereich des Klimaschutzes undzeichnen sich durch außergewöhnliches Führungs -potenzial aus. Im Rahmen eines einjährigen Aufent-haltes in Deutschland führen sie in Kooperation mitFachkollegen an einer deutschen Gastinstitution einselbst gewähltes forschungsnahes Projektvorhabendurch.

Im Sinne Alexander von Humboldts wird durch wechsel-seitigen Austausch von Wissen, Methoden und Technikender Grundstein für ein internationales Netzwerk gelegt, in dem Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichendes Klimaschutzes langfristig international zusammen-arbeiten, um dem Klimawandel und seinen globalenFolgen zu begegnen.

Programmveranstaltungen und Kooperationspartner

Ein zentraler Bestandteil des Internationalen Klima-schutzstipendienprogramms sind Veranstaltungen, diedie Stipendiaten mit den aktuellen sozialen, politischen,kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen und historischen Dimensio-nen des Klima- und Ressourcenschutzes in Deutschlandvertraut machen und die Vernetzung in der Gruppesowie mit Multiplikatoren in Deutschland fördern.

Das Einführungsseminar findet im September in ver-schiedenen Orten in Deutschland statt, das Abschluss-treffen im Sommer des Folgejahres in Berlin. BeideVeranstaltungen werden in Kooperation mit dem Zen-trum für Umweltkommunikation der Deutschen Bun-desstiftung Umwelt (DBU) durchgeführt.

Das Programm

Die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

Die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung för-dert seit 1953 Wissenschaftskooperationenzwischen ausländischen und deutschenForscherinnen und Forschern aller Fachge-biete. Nach dem Vorbild Alexander vonHumboldts fördert sie den Aufbau einesinternationalen Netzwerks der Kooperationund des Vertrauens, in dem hoch qualifi-zierte Wissenschaftler und Ent schei dungs -träger aus aller Welt gemeinsam mitdeutschen Fachkollegen Antwor ten aufaktuelle Fragen an den Grenzen des Wis-sens suchen. Dem Netzwerk der Alexandervon Humboldt-Stiftung gehören mehr als24.000 Geförderte aus über 130 Ländernan – unter ihnen 43 Nobelpreisträger.


“I will observe the interaction of forces and the

influence of the inanimateenvironment on plant and

animal life. My eyes will constantly focus on this

harmony.”Alexander von Humboldt (1769– 1859)

In spring, the fellows meet for a trainingcourse organised in cooperation with theCentre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management(CIPSEM) at the Technische UniversitätDresden.

Further partners involved in this programmeare the Federation of German Industries(BDI), the German Academic ExchangeService (DAAD), the Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) andthe Renewables Academy AG (RENAC).

Sponsorship Provisions

In addition to the financial support of theyear-long stay in Germany, the Alexandervon Humboldt Foundation awards languagefellowships to help fellows acquire Germanlanguage skills before they begin pursuingtheir projects.

Additional Information

Are you interested in becoming a fellow orhost, or would you like to learn moreabout the programme?

For further information please visit:

The International Climate ProtectionFellowship Programme

Climate change poses global challenges that can onlybe met by cross-border international cooperation. TheAlexander von Humboldt Foundation contributes to the establishment of international collaborativenetworks by granting up to 20 International ClimateProtection Fellowships annually. The programme targets prospective leaders in the fields of climate protection and resource conservation from non-Euro-pean emerging economies and developing countries.The fellowships are funded under the InternationalClimate Protection Initiative by the Federal Ministryfor the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

All fellows have practical experiences in the field of climate protection and have demonstrated excep-tional leadership potential in their applications. During a 12-month stay in Germany, they conduct aresearch-related project of their own choice in coope-ration with specialist colleagues at a German host in-stitution.

In the spirit of Alexander von Humboldt, the sharing ofknowledge, methods and techniques helps lay the foun-dations for an international network in which expertsfrom different areas of climate protection can pursuelong-term international collaboration to meet the chal-lenges of climate change and its global consequences.

Fellowship Events and Cooperation Partners

Activities that familiarise the fellows with the currentsocial, political, cultural, economic, and historical dimen-sions of climate protection and resource conservation inGermany are one of the essential elements of the Inter-national Climate Protection Fellowship Programme.They are also designed to promote networking amongstthe group as well as with multipliers in Germany.

The introductory seminar takes place in various placesin Germany in September; the final meeting duringthe summer of the following year in Berlin. Bothevents are organised in cooperation with the Zentrumfür Umweltkommunikation at the Deutsche Bundes-stiftung Umwelt (DBU).

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundationhas been promoting academic cooperationbetween foreign and German researchersof all disciplines since 1953. In the spirit ofAlexander von Humboldt, the Foundationpromotes an international network of aca-demic cooperation and trust in whichhighly-qualified academics and decision-makers from around the world work to -gether with specialist colleagues fromGermany to seek the answers to the ques -tions at the very frontiers of our knowledge.The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’snetwork embraces over 24,000 alumni frommore than 130 countries – among them 43Nobel Prize Winners.

e Programme


Monitoring Long-Term Veg -etation Dynamics and

Conservation Mapping ofAcacia tortilis Populationsin South Sinai by Using Remote Sensing and GIS

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryThe new generation of fine spatial resolution satellitesensors provides an opportunity for detailed and accurateecological studies, reducing the need for expensiveground survey. In this project, digital image processingwill be implemented on remote sensing data to produceparameters which control the dynamics of Acacia trees inSouth Sinai. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will beused to integrate various spatial parameters, particularlyenvironmental factors including climatic conditions andhuman land use. They will help to establish a sustainableuse strategy and effective conservation program for Aca-cia trees. The project will bring Ayman Abdel-Hamid to-gether with a research team with international expertisein climate change, remote sensing, and ecological studiesat Technische Universität Berlin. This will considerablybroaden his research capabilities and increase his scientif icknowledge and management experience.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Environmental Re-

searcher | Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host Institution in Ger-

many: Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Ökologie |

Gastgeber/Host: Privatdozent Dr. Harald Kehl


Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Vorsitzende, Mongoli-

sche Grüne Bewegung | Berufs erfahrung/Professional Expe-

rience: Lektorin, Mongolische Universität für Wissenschaft

und Technologie, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei (seit 2000); Lektorin,

Mongolische Staatsuniversität, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei

(1994– 2000) | Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host Institution in

Germany: Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Berlin |

Gastgeber/Host: Andrea Schwarzkopf

Agvaandorjiin, Saruul Hochschulabschluss/Degree: Dr. phil. | Fachge biet/ Field: Politikwissen-schaft | Anbindung/Affiliation:Mongolische Grüne Bewegung, Ulaan-baatar, Mongolei

Abdel-Hamid, AymanHochschulabschluss/Degree: Master of Science | Fachgebiet/Field:Environmental Sciences, Remote Sensing and Geographic Informa-tion Systems (GIS) | Anbindung/Affiliation: Egyptian Society for En-vironmental Sciences, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryIn allen 34 Umweltgesetzen in der Mongoleifehlt der Aspekt Verantwortung; zum großenTeil halten diese mit den heutigen insbesonderedurch den intensiven Bergbauboom verursach-ten aktuellen Bedingungen in der Mongoleinicht mehr Schritt.Der Schwerpunkt des UWU-Projektes (Umwelt-Wissenstransfer-Umsetzung) liegt auf der Er-gänzung der mongolischen Umweltgesetzebezüglich der Verantwortung der Bergbaufir-men, der Bürger sowie der Entschei dungs träger,der Einführung von modernsten umweltfreund-lichen Technologien und neuesten gesetzlichenBestimmungen im Bergbau, insbesondere imBereich der Goldgewinnung, der erneuerbarenEnergien sowie im Wasserverbrauch. Außerdemsollen Möglichkeiten des Ausbaus von Mitspra-cherechten der Bürger und der Umwelterzie-hung untersucht werden. Das Projekt zieltdarauf ab, flächendeckende Kooperationenzwischen den entsprechenden Institutionen inDeutschland und der Mongolei herzustellen.Im Rahmen des UWU-Projektes werden Hospi-tationen in entsprechenden Institutionendurch geführt und auch Vorträge zum ThemaUmweltprobleme in der Mongolei gehalten.


Options and Impact ofForest-Based Climate

Change Mitigation: Assess -ing Cost-Effectiveness and

Equity Implications of Reducing Emissions from

Deforestation and Degradation of Forests(REDD) in the Amazon

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryReducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation ofForests (REDD) is a low-cost option to mitigate climatechange, attempting to reduce the economic burden of con-servation borne by those involved in land and forest use. MostREDD cost assessments focus on opportunity costs and fewhave evaluated the impact of associated costs. This assess-ment of REDD considers both opportunity costs and trans -action costs, while evaluating the best combination of policiessuch as payment for environmental services (PES) and commandand control (C&C). The use of scenarios will provide spatialand numerical models that would allow targeting of REDDprograms in terms of cost-effectiveness and identification ofthe scheme or combination of schemes to be applied. AngelArmas expects that his research will provide a prognosis ofthe effects of REDD programs on land users in order to enablea more equitable distribution of impacts and benefits. TheBrazilian and Peruvian Amazon regions have been chosen ascase studies since they share similar biophysical characteristicsbut differ significantly in terms of land distribution andownership, which would mean that different approaches tothe implementation of REDD programs would be needed foreach region.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Main Consultant | Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience:

Regional and National Coordinator, National Institute of Natural Resources, Lima, Peru (2005– 2007) |

Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host Institution in Germany: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), Bonn |

Gastgeber/Host: Dr. Tobias Wünscher

Armas, AngelHochschulabschluss/Degree:Master of Science | Fach-gebiet/Field: Environmental Management of TropicalEcosystems and Forests | Anbindung/Affiliation:Min -istry of Environment, National Service of ProtectedAreas, Lima, Peru

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryClimate change and its impacts on natural systems is along-term issue. Although we are only at an early stagein the projected trends of global warming, ecologicalresponses to recent climate change are already clearlyvisible. Hamada El-Sayed Ali follows a two-step ap-proach in his research plan. First, the recent climate im-pacts on vegetation are analyzed based on a survey ofthe recent past in the southern Sinai Mountains. Theaim of this approach is to detect recent changes in theabundance and distribution of plants in an area and cli-matic region that so far is not represented in interna-tional compilations of climate change impacts. Thesecond approach establishes a baseline for the monitor -ing of future changes using a sophisticated and interna-tionally recognized monitoring scheme. The perspectiveof a young scientist facing a career over the comingdecades allows monitoring and supervising research ac-tivities with a long-term perspective. Long-term ap-proaches are highly needed in ecological research ingeneral and climate impact research in particular.

Climate Change Impactson Natural Vegetation inthe Southern SinaiMountains

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Environmental Researcher

Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host Institution in Germany: Universi-

tät Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie | Gastgeber/Host:

Privatdozent Dr. Gian-Reto Walther und Professor Dr. John D.


El-Sayed Ali, HamadaHochschulabschluss/Degree:Master of Science | Fachge biet/ Field: Environ-mental Sciences | Anbindung/Affiliation: Suez Canal University, Depart-ment of Botany, Ismailia, Egypt


German Climate Policy andSichuan Low Carbon

Reconstruction – A CaseStudy of Direct Sino-German

Carbon Market Based onBiogas-Linked Low Carbon


Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryDrylands are home to millions of pastoraland agro-pastoral communities who dependon livestock rearing. The degradation ofthese resources has economic, social, ecologi-cal, political, and institutional dimensions.Due to degradation of woodlands, there isan indication of dust movement over thenorthwestern parts of the country which inthe long range may result in land degradationand desertification. However, little attempt ismade up to now to assess the landusechanges, climatic variability and vegetationproductivity in relation to current climatechange. In Germany there is a huge experi-ence of environmental management, biodi-versity conservation, and sustainable planning.The collaboration of Worku Zewdie Gebrehi-wot with these professionals will help him togain experience, knowledge, and insight. Heplans to assess the changes occurring in dry-land areas for exploring their implications forsustainable development. He will learn howenvironmental assessment will be done forthe sustainable utilization of the existing natural resources.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Coordinator, Natural

Forest Research | Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience: As-

sistant Researcher, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research,

Forestry Research Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2001– 2003

and 2005– 2008) | Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host Institution in

Germany: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Photo-

grammetrie und Fernerkundung | Gastgeber/Host: Professor Dr.

Elmar Csaplovics

Gebrehiwot, Worku Zewdie

Hochschulabschluss/Degree:Master of Science | Fachgebiet/Field: Forestryand Remote Sensing | Anbindung/Affiliation: Ethiopian Institute of Agri-cultural Research, Forestry Research Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryAccounting for both direct and indirect emission fromthe perspective of the entire production supply chain,CO2 emission led by economic activities could be pri -marily driven by building. So there is an urgent need toimplement low carbon building (LCB) in reconstruction.Dr. Jiang adopts Guangyuan Municipality as a case studyto analyze the feasibility, barriers and solutions for theChinese earthquake-disaster areas to meet the target ofLCB. Cooperating with the host institute, Dr. Wei Jiangwill study German climate policies, especially the meas -ures of implementation of biogas-linked LCB, and intro -duce them to Sichuan earthquake-disaster areas. Dr.Wei Jiang will explore a cooperation mechanism of bi-lateral direct carbon trade between China and Germanybased on LCB as an effective way beyond Clean Devel -opment Mechanism (CDM). The ultimate goal of thisproject is to find effective paths and measures of LCBand to popularize them in other regions in China’sWest ern rural areas.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Assistant Re-

searcher | Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience:

Chief Director of Guangyuan Municipal low-carbon

development Group (2009– now); Deputy Secretary-

General of Guangyuan Municipal Government and

Vice Mayor of Lizhou District (2008– now); Editor of

Social Sciences Management and Review, Chinese

Academy of Social Sciences (2001– 2008) | Deutsche

Gastinstitution/Host Institution in Germany: Deut-

sches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Bonn | Gast -

geber/Host: Dr. Imme Scholz

Jiang, WeiHochschulabschluss/Degree:Doctor of Economics | Fachge biet/Field: Climate Change and Sustainable Development | Anbin-dung/Affiliation: Institute of World Economy and Politics, Chi-nese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China

Impact of Climate Variability andLanduse Change on EcosystemProductivity of Northwestern

Drylands of Ethiopia


The Constitutional Duty ofEnvironmental Protection

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Associate Professor |

Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience: Visiting Scholar,

Utrecht University, Netherlands (2008) | Deutsche Gastinstitu-

tion/Host Institution in Germany: Freie Universität Berlin,

Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft | Gastgeber/Host: Professor

Dr. Philip Kunig

Li, YongHochschulabschluss/Degree: Doctor of Law | Fachgebiet/Field: Constitu-tional Law | Anbindung/Affiliation: Institute of Procuratorial Theory, Su-preme Peoples Procuratorate, Beijing, China

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryClimate change is one of the major environmentalconcerns in the world. The waste sector contrib -utes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions directlyand indirectly, while it is also in a unique positionfrom being a source of global GHG emissions tobecoming a major saver of GHG at a global scale.Thus, it is important to look at the climate impactand benefit of the full range of waste practices.Dr. Ziyang Lou’s work will focus on a comparativeinvestigation on the climate impacts and benefitsof different waste management activities in de vel -oping and developed countries. Shanghai in Chinaand Dresden in Germany are chosen as city caseexamples. Working on this project will allow Dr.Lou to understand the overall relationship be -tween waste and climate, and improve waste prac-tices in his and other developing countries.

Climate Impact and Benefit fromWaste Management Practices inDeveloping Countries

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Assistant Professor |

Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience: Visiting Scholar,

Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

(2007) | Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host Institution in Ger-

many: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Abfallwirt -

schaft und Altlasten | Gastgeber/Host: Professor Dr.-Ing.

Bernd Bilitewski

Lou, ZiyangHochschulabschluss/Degree: Ph.D. | Fachge biet/ Field: Environmen-tal Engineering | Anbindung/Affiliation: Shanghai Jiaotong Univer-sity, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai,China

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryIt is necessary to form the citizens’ consciousness of en-vironmental protection in China. The constitutional dutyof environmental protection is not only a startingpoint for legislations of environmental protection, butalso the starting point of awareness of environmentalprotection. Legislations of environmental protectionbeing made in Germany provide good conditions toresearch this problem. Dr. Yong Li’s subject of researchis to explore the necessity and feasibility for the con-stitutional duty of environmental protection and spe-cific approaches prescribed. He will work togetherwith leading experts in this field and collect the mostcutting-edge information, also in other Europeancountries. The results can be used in China to encour -age efforts in training citizens’ environmental con -scious ness and forming the constitutional duty ofenvironmental protection.


Climate Change in Devel -oping Asia: Energy and

Development Perspectives

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryDenise Matias has encountered climate change person -ally through typhoon Ketsana in 2009 when her ho use -hold was submerged in floodwater for three days. Asclimate change impacts are progressing faster than ex-pected, Ms. Matias will carry out research with Ger -manwatch e.V. on climate change and development inAsia, which will consolidate projected impacts and thecurrent impacts happening. Experts say that a shift inthe usage of energy can help avert the worst impactsof climate change. Ms. Matias will also explore climatechange solutions in renewable energy and energy ef-ficiency. Germany, a leader in renewable energy, canassist in identifying renewable energy policy mecha-nisms (such as the feed-in law) that can fit developingcountries. A review of existing renewable energy lawsin Asia will assist in formulating policy recommenda-tions that will help Asian countries attract markets forrenewable energy and boost local knowledge on alter-native forms of energy other than the conventional.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Master of Science Can-

didate | Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience: Solid Waste

Project Officer, Handicap International Emergency Response,

Antipolo City, Philippines (2010); University Research Associate II,

Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman,

Quezon City, Philippines (2008– 2009); Coordinator, SolarGene-

ration, Manila, Philippines (2006– 2008); Direct Dialogue Cam-

paigner and Climate Campaign Assistant, Greenpeace Southeast

Asia, Quezon City, Philippines (2006); Teaching Assistant, Ate-

neo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines (2005) |

Deutsche Gastinstitution/ Host Institution in Germany:

Germanwatch e.V., Bonn | Gastgeber/Host: Christoph Bals

Matias, Denise Margaret SantosHochschulabschluss/Degree: Postgraduate Diploma | Fachgebiet/Field:Environmental Science | Anbindung/Affiliation: University of the Philip-pines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryAkinyemi Gabriel Omonijo’s study will focus on the Envi-ronmental Early Warning Systems (EWS) for Communicab -le Diseases Preparedness and Sustainable Interventionin Ondo State, Nigeria. The study will attempt to ex-amine the influence of weather parameters, El NinoSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) and vegetation patterns onthe morbidity pattern of each communicable diseaseselected in the study area. The current research is aimedamong other things at identifying the season with thehighest prevalence of common communicable diseases,the key environmental variables of interest and strengthof their sensitivity. Akinyemi Gabriel Omonijo will devel -op an environmentally-based early warning systemmodel to predict future common communicable diseaseswith the ultimate goal of reducing morbidity and mor-tality among the human population in Ondo State. Fur-thermore, he seeks to transfer the knowledge andexperience gained in the area of human biometeorologyin Germany to the study area in Nigeria in order to fostersustainable health management systems.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Lecturer III

& Officer in Charge of Meteorological Station | Be-

rufserfahrung/Professional Experience: Assistant

Lecturer & Officer in Charge of Meteorological

Station, Department of Agricultural Engineering,

Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria

(2003– 2006); Trainee, Department of Meteorolog -

ical Services, Federal Ministry of Aviation, Lagos,

Nigeria (1998) | Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host In-

stitution in Germany: Universität Freiburg, Me-

teorologisches Institut | Gastgeber/Host: Professor

Dr. Andreas Matzarakis

Omonijo, Akinyemi GabrielHochschulabschluss/Degree:Master of Environmental Man -agement and Protection | Fachgebiet/Field: EnvironmentalSciences (Atmospheric Science Option) | Anbindung/Affilia-tion: Department of Agricultural Technology, Rufus GiwaPolytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria.

Environmental Early WarningSystem (EWS) for CommunicableDiseases Preparedness and Sustainable Intervention inOndo State, Nigeria


Developing Analytical Tech-niques for Forensic Analysis

of Wildlife Poisoning andEnvironmental Contamina-tion by Carbamate and Or-ganophosphate Pesticideswith Special Focus on Lake

Naivasha in Kenya

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryThe use of acutely toxic pesticides like carbamates andorganophosphates in flower farms as well as their useas poison to kill predator animals and other wildlife iscurrently a matter of concern to the conservation ofwildlife. The presence of these pesticides and theirtoxic residues in the environment, especially surfacewater, has presented serious risks to humans and wild-life being exposed to it. It is, therefore, imperativethat the levels of pesticides are determined by an ap-propriate analytical tool that has high precision andaccuracy. The technique will help generate accuratedata for ecological risk assessment and the formulationof an appropriate legal framework that safeguardsthe environment and contributes to resource conser-vation. In collaboration with the German Centre forEnvironmental Health, Peter Otieno intends to devel -op the analytical tool during his research study thatwill be used to investigate the levels of carbamatesand organophosphates in Lake Naivasha as well as thelevel of wildlife poisoning. Toxic pesticide residuesfrom flower farms are suspected to have caused mas-sive deaths of fish in this lake. The research project inGermany is expected to provide advanced analyticalskills from their equipped laboratories, which will helpPeter Otieno in investigating the levels of the pesti -cides’ residues.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Chemistry Teacher |

Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience: Research Assistant,

Department of Chemistry, Maseno University, Maseno, Kenya

(2006– 2009); Deputy Principal, Nyatindo High School, Kenya

(2002– 2006) | Deutsche Gastinstitution/ Host Institution in Ger-

many: Helmholtz Zentrum München – Deutsches Forschungs-

zentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt, Institut für Ökologische

Chemie, Neuherberg | Gastgeber/Host: Professor Dr. Dr. Karl-

Werner Schramm

Otieno, PeterHochschulabschluss/Degree: Master of Science | Fachgebiet/Field: Envi-ronmental Chemistry | Anbindung/Affiliation: Nyakakana High School,Science Department, Kenya

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryNowadays, in developing and transition countries, there isa big potential in the use of sludge as main source for biogasproduction through anaerobic digestion avoiding green-house gas emissions coming from landfills and/or opendumps. On the other hand, new sustainable sources ofenergy, such as Hydrogen (H2), offer the advantages ofbeing well storable and transportable. An example is theuse of H2 through multi-fuel cells, which is completely emis-sion-free since only water vapour develops as exhaust gas.In 2008, Mexico City implemented the Green Plan whoseobjective is to offer solutions to the environmental problemsin the city, concerning wastewater, waste and air qualitymanagement. Kristy Peña Muñoz’ twelve-month researchis part of a long-term project related to the Green Plan. Shefocuses on studying the feasibility of using bio-waste to pro-duce H2 and biogas through a two-stage anaerobic-aerobicdigestion process. While defining the metabolic pathwayon the anaerobic digestion and the main control paramet -ers, the H2 production will be highly efficiently increased.Characterized facultative bacteria like E. coli (H2 production)and methonogenic bacteria (CH4 production) will be used.The study will set the basis for further research on H2 pro-duction from biosolids in Mexico, offer alternatives forsludge from wastewater treatment plants and, finally, en-courage investment on Clean Development Mechanism proj -ects in the country.

Feasibility of Using a Bio-Hydrogen and Biogas as aRenewable Energy Sourcein Wastewater TreatmentPlants, through Bio-Wasteand Anaerobic DigestionProcesses

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Freelance Engineer |

Berufserfahrung/Professional Experience: Environmental Engi-

neer and Occupational Health, SERVINTESP, Monterrey, Mexico

(2009– 2010); Environmental Engineer, Daimler Tractocamiones,

Saltillo, Mexico (2008– 2009); Master Thesis and Practical Train -

ing, Daimler AG, Sindelfingen, Germany (2007– 2008); Environ-

mental Engineer, Ingeniería y Equipos Ambientales, Mexico City,

Mexico (2003– 2005); English and Spanish Teacher, Mexico City,

Mexico (2002); Research Assistant, Centro de Investigación y de

Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional CINVE-

STAV-UPIBI, Mexico City, Mexico (2001– 2002) | Deutsche Gastin-

stitution/Host Institution in Germany: Universität Stuttgart,

Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirt-

schaft | Gastgeber/Host: Professor Dr.-Ing. Heidrun Steinmetz

Peña Muñoz, KristyHochschulabschluss/Degree: Master of Science | Fachge biet/Field: Wasteand Wastewater Treatment | Anbindung/Affiliation: Ingeniería y EquiposAmbientales, Mexico City, Mexico


Energy Efficiency andCarbon Dioxide in China

Linking Prospective Devel -oping Country EmissionsTrading Schemes (ETS)with Existing ETS

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryThe UNFCCC process with the best of its intentions might notbe able to come up with a strong post-2012 climate changeregime. It is of utmost importance that signals are providedto policymakers to reflect the ground reality and preparednessor lack of it in different countries. Emission Trading Schemes(ETS) are now also being discussed in developing countries asa means to mitigate climate change. Linking them with ETSalready in existence or emerging in industrialised countries offersan additional vehicle and platform for bilateral and multilateralcooperation, complementing the UN-driven climate negotia-tion process. Not only could such cooperation potentially in-crease mutual goodwill and align domestic interests, therebysupporting the UN negotiations. But it may also promoteeventual convergence of domestic policies and administrativecapacities in participating jurisdictions – which is by itself acondition for ambitious global cooperation. It is of impor-tance, therefore, to explore whether such schemes can be linked to existing ETS to provide cost effectiveness and improveimplementation.

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryAt the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copen -hagen (COP15), China committed a CO2 intensity cut goal. Inthe context of CO2 intensity constrains, what is the role energyefficiency will play? What are the economy loss and the envi-ronmental benefit? All these questions motivate Dr. Chu Wei toexplore the linkage between energy efficiency and CO2, as wellas the energy policy’s effect. To achieve this goal, Dr. Wei willcollaborate with the Centre for European Economic Research(ZEW), an outstanding think tank on EU climate policy, to ex-amine the impact of energy efficiency on CO2 emission, and eva-luate China’s energy and climate policy. During his stay inGermany, Dr. Wei will study the Computable General Equi -librium (CGE) model, access the world input-output databaseand work on related projects with leading researchers in thesefields. He expects to promote the spillover of knowledge andskill, to facilitate the international cooperation on climate changeas well as to provide consultation for China’s policy-makers.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position:Assistant Professor | Berufs -

erfahrung/Professional Experience: Visiting Scholar, University of

Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, USA (2009– 2010); Visiting Ph.D.

Student, Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France

(2007– 2008); Research Assistant, College of Economics and Man -

agement, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, China

(2003– 2008); Network Engineer, Great-Wise Consultant Ltd,

Shanghai, China (2001– 2002) | Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host

Institution in Germany: Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschafts-

forschung, Mannheim | Gastgeber/Host: Privatdozent Dr.

Andreas Löschel

Wei, ChuHochschulabschluss/Degree: Ph.D. | Fachge biet/ Field: Energy and Environ-mental Economics | Anbindung/Affiliation: College of Economics and Man -agement, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, China

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Associate

Fellow | Berufserfahrung/Professional Experi-

ence: Research Associate, The Energy and Re-

sources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, India

(2007– 2010); Business Development Manager,

EcoSecurities, Jaipur, India (2006– 2007); Officer

Raw Materials, ITC Limited, Paperboards and

Specialty Papers Division, Bhadrachalam, India

(2007) | Deutsche Gastinstitution/ Host Institu-

tion in Germany: Ecologic Institute for Interna-

tional and European Environmental Policy, Berlin |

Gastgeber/Host: Benjamin Görlach

Hochschulabschluss/Degree: Post Graduate Diploma in Forest Manage-ment (PGDFM) | Fachgebiet/Field: Climate Change | Anbindung/Affilia-tion: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, India

Upadhyaya, Prabhat


Study on the Pattern ofKnowledge Spillovers andTrade of Climate-FriendlyTechnologies in Germany

and Conclusions for China

Projektdarstellung/Project SummaryThe Fourth Assessment Report of the United Nations’ Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change confirmed that theEarth’s climate is changing as a result of human activities, par-ticularly from fossil energy use. The climate-friendly techno-logies, especially renewable energy technologies, arereceiving high interest as backbone of a sustainable energysystem. Governments around the world are placing consider -able faith in these technologies as important technologiesfor reducing energy-related environmental problems, par -ticularly CO2 emissions. Dr. Xiuping Zou will focus on spatialclusters and trade flows of renewable energy technology inGermany, and analyze the factors for establishing a lead mar-ket in renewable energy technology. The objective of thestudy is to look at the German policy and experience and totransfer and implement this knowledge in China.

Derzeitige Position/Current Position: Research Assistant |

Deutsche Gastinstitution/Host Institution in Germany: Fraun-

hofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung, Compe-

tence Centre Nachhaltigkeit und Infrastruktursysteme,

Karlsruhe | Gastgeber/Host: Professor Dr. Rainer Walz

Zou, XiupingHochschulabschluss/Degree: Ph.D. | Fachgebiet/Field: Renewable Ener-gies and Climate Policy | Anbindung/Affiliation: Institute of Policy andManagement, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Jean-Paul-Straße 1253173 BonnGermany

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