steve kingsbury and ann york. letting go of families part of the elf tends to be one of the habits...

Letting Go of Families Steve Kingsbury and Ann York

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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Letting Go of Families

Steve Kingsbury and Ann York

Page 2: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Letting Go of Families Part of the ELFTends to be one of the Habits we find hardest

Helps with

E: Extend capacity

F: Flow management

Page 3: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow


Handle Demand

Extend capacity.

Let go of families.

Process map and redesign.

Flow management.

Use Care Bundles.

Look after staff.









Data from 100 teams in 2005 Average total score 38% (42/111)

Page 4: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

VariationNatural variation

Users are differentWe are different

Artificial variationHow we do things (structures and processes)

Research shows that artificialvariation affects services most!

Page 5: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Let go of familiesEvery contact with a family / young person involves a

Choice ofAnother appointment orNot…

How do we decide which is which?

Page 6: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

L and Artificial variation in CAMHSWe tend to have well thought through standard

processes to get into the serviceBut how do you get out?DNA?

Page 7: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow
Page 8: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Letting go exercise IGet into small groupsThink about the reasons that make it hard to let goChoose what you think are the most important 3

and write them on post it notes…

Page 9: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Working towards endingWhat is your prevailing team value

system?Long term support of vulnerable

families to promote developmentQuick crisis resolution and close

What is yours?

Page 10: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Letting go exercise IIGet into small groupsThink about the reasons that make it hard to let goThen think of things you or our service could do to

make it easierChoose what you think are the most important 3

and write them on post it notes…

Page 11: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Solutions…Closing tends to be easier when End point is clear e.g.

menstruation returns in anorexia nervosaPsychosis resolves

You are leaving!End point is clear- you won’t be there! Families don’t want

to start again Limited session models

Endpoint is clear- used up the sessionsBut the work may not be done

The family / young person have made the changes they wanted (CHOICE!)

Page 12: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

And……You have time to close

Admin/liaison time in job planReview times with familiesMultidisciplinary discussion and supervision

Page 13: Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Letting Go of Families Part of the ELF Tends to be one of the Habits we find hardest Helps with E: Extend capacity F: Flow

Recap:Always work towards endingEnsure it is in your literatureRemind users at all stagesRemind referrers!Remind yourself!

Have standard processes to help you