stereotypes then and now

Community Norms 1. Be Open, Present, and Engaged 2. Speak Your Truth from the "I" Perspective 3. Lean into Discomfort 4. Accept and Expect Non-Closure 5. Listen, Listen, Listen and Process 6. Honor Confidentiality

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Page 1: Stereotypes Then and Now

Community Norms

1.  Be Open, Present, and Engaged

2.  Speak Your Truth from the "I" Perspective

3.  Lean into Discomfort

4.  Accept and Expect Non-Closure

5.  Listen, Listen, Listen and Process

6.  Honor Confidentiality

Page 2: Stereotypes Then and Now

The “Big Eight” Social Identifiers

1. Ability (physical and mental)

2. Age

3. Ethnicity (first language; country of origin)

4. Gender

5. Race (in U.S., color of skin)

6. Religion/Spirituality

7. Sexual Orientation

8. Socioeconomic Status

Page 3: Stereotypes Then and Now

Discrimination in Late 19th Century America:

That was then. . .

Page 4: Stereotypes Then and Now

Haffner, F.J. "Vintage Chinese Postcards." Shiloh Postcards. Shiloh Postcards. 8 Jan 2008


Page 5: Stereotypes Then and Now

“The Question of the Hour: Gosh! I’ve got this critter lassoed right enough but how in thunder am I going to get him over thar to China?”

The Wasp Magazine. 1893. Teng, Emma. "MIT Asian American Studies Homepage." MIT. Asian American Studies Department. 7 Jan 2008 <>.

Page 6: Stereotypes Then and Now

“The Indian of the Novelist” “The Genuine Article”

Triplett, Frank. Conquering the Wilderness; or New Pictorial History of the Life and Times of the Pioneer Heroes and Heroines of America. New York and St. Louis: N.D. Thompson & Company, 1883. "Mass Market Appeal." Images of Native Americans. 08 DEC 2006. The Bancroft Library. 7 Jan 2008 <>.

Page 7: Stereotypes Then and Now

“Painless Dentistry” “Dese bones am sho’ loaded with good wishes fo’ you”

Page 8: Stereotypes Then and Now

Barnes, Michael. "Teaching Diversity with Multimedia." The Authentic History Center. 14 NOV 2007. The Authentic History Center. 8 Jan 2008 <>.

Page 9: Stereotypes Then and Now

The Usual Irish Way of Doing Things

"Anti-Irish Racism." Wikipedia. 05 JAN 2008. Wikimedia Foundation. 8 Jan 2008 <>.

Page 10: Stereotypes Then and Now

This is now?

Rosie "Ching Chong" O'Donnell

Page 11: Stereotypes Then and Now

Barnes, Michael. "Teaching Diversity with Multimedia." The Authentic History Center. 14 NOV 2007. The Authentic History Center. 8 Jan 2008 <>.

Page 12: Stereotypes Then and Now

Chief Illiniwek

Page 13: Stereotypes Then and Now

Blitt, Barry. “The Politics of Fear." New Yorker. 21 July 2008: cover.

Page 14: Stereotypes Then and Now

"Black Liberal Guilt"