stepping up – taking the leap into technical leadership : devlink 2014


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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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What’s a Leader?

A person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.

The principal player in a music group.

What’s a Leader?

The person in the front of the line.

What’s a Leader?

Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of

a common task". For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow….”

Leader vs. Boss

IT Leader?

Leader vs. Boss

Says “Go!”

Creates Fear

Know how

Relies on Authority

Takes Credit

Knows Everything

Says “Let’s Go!”

Creates confidence

Shows how

Relies on Cooperation

Gives credit

Admits Mistakes

Traits of a Leader

Purpose Driven





What Leaders Do

Be world class in your fieldTry to do the best at what you do

What Leaders Do

Take Personal Responsibility

What Leaders Do

Be enthusiastic about the big picture

What Leaders Do

Be all about relationships

What Leaders Do

Don’t make excuses…Difficult times are when you get to shine

What Leaders Do

Give the extra 1%

“The last one percent most people keep in reserve is the extra per cent champions have the courage to burn.” - Chris Carmichael

Break the Rules

Leaders knowwhen to breakthe rules.


One of the things that is essential to good leadership, is the ability to cooperate with others. To do this, you must look at things from the point of view of others.

Why’s it important?

Employee Engagement

When our bosses completely ignore us, 40% actively disengage from work.

Why’s it important?

Employee Engagement

If our bosses criticize us regularly 22% of us actively disengage from work.

Why’s it important?

Employee Engagement

If our bosses recognize just 1 of our strengths, and reward us for doing what we’re good at, only 1% of us actively disengage.

For Our Health

People that don’t feel recognized for their work are more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Home life

“Working late doesn’t negatively affect our children, but rather how we feel at work does… If you don’t like your work, for your kid’s sake, don’t go home.” - Simon Sinek

Who can be a leader

Are Leaders born or made?

Anyone can lead…

“There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.” - Simon Sinek

Start with Why

Everyone knows what they do

Most know how to do their job

Leaders know why they do what they do.

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” - Simon Sinek

Biology of Leadership

Endorphins and dopamine can be considered the “individual achievement” chemicals and are addictive.

Serotonin and oxytocin are “social” chemicals.

The best leaders focus on enabling teams to release serotonin while praising achievement to release.


Afraid to lead?

What’s the worst that can happen?

Leaders who care, overcome their fears.


More than just “trying” you must “train”

Education vs. Training

You must practice being a leader, don’t just learn about it.

It takes time - Picasso story

It’s a Process…

It’s a Process, Not a Project.

The end is a mirage.




Same Day Summary

A Short summary of important meetings (less than a page)

Answer the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHYs in a short summary and email it to the participants of the meeting.

Email Shorts

The Rules of 4

Keep email short - 4 sentences or less. If it needs to be longer than 4 sentences… it doesn’t, shorten it.

If it takes more than 4 transactions back and forth, stop the email, and go have a conversation.

Use bullets and short thoughts, no paragraphs.

Add IF/Else Logic to emails.

Tough is not relative… Hard is Hard

Three rules for tough conversations by Ash Beckham

1) Be Authentic - Be Real with them

Tough Conversations

Tough Conversations

2) Be Direct - Just Say it

rip the bandaid off

Tough Conversations

3) Be Unapologetic

Time Management

“By faithfully working eight hours a day you may eventually get to be the boss and work twelve hours a day.” - Robert Frost

Time Management



Parkinsons’s Law

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

Pareto’s Law

The 80/20 rule. Focus on the 20% that will give you the 80% of the result you’re looking for.

The only way to accomplish moreis to do less.

“Busyness is a form of laziness.”


Addiction to Distraction kills productivity

Use your best hours to do your best work

A 5 minute distraction can take up to 20 minutes to recover from.


Snatch Ideas

Choke Productivity

Stifle Creativity

Lead to Poor Code Quality

Sabotage Important tasks


During times of creative genius, turn IM to DND.

Book time in your calendar and go hide in conference rooms

Use the Pomodora Technique

Beat Procrastination


Timing is never right… You’ll never feel like it…. it’s okay, Just Do It!

Tweet it!

Under Pressure

I’ve been here before

It’s not that important

Under Pressure

I’m better under pressure because…

Pressure creates power.

More Pressure = More Power.

Admiral Stockdale

A story of leadership…

Software Leaders

“There are no experts…There is only us.”

Final Thoughts

Your goal as a leader is to develop your team. Think of your team like your family, and treat them as such. Never give up on your team, just like you wouldn’t give up on your kids or your family.



Greater - Steven Furtick

Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek

Start with Why - Simon Sinek

Drive - Daniel Pink

Notes to a Software Team Lead - Roy Osherove

Good to Great - Jim Collins

Extraordinary Leadership - Robin Sharma

The 4 Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss

Ted Talks
