stepping into the water live

Stepping into the water!

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Post on 24-Dec-2014




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A message of faith.


Page 1: Stepping Into The Water Live

Stepping into the water!

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STEPPING INTO THE WATER.Reading: Joshua 3:1-17.“And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you” Joshua 3:5.

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For 40 years the men and women of Israel lived in fear. Fear of the giants, fear of the walled cities, fear of the

Jordan River, and fear of the enemy. And that fear bought them death!

Living, but dead! Because they were going nowhere.

Can you guess what it is like to live in fear?

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1. GETTING READY TO MOVE ON.“Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and they set out from Acacia Grove and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they crossed over” Joshua 3:1.

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NOW they are ready to leave the wilderness for good, and to claim their

Canaan, the Promised Land of abundance and victory. BUT, in their way is the

Jordan River. How many times had they come near to the river Jordan, and still looked upon it

in fear. Some may have wanted to go around it, or to find a bridge over it. BUT, God tells them they must cross the river,

which looks impossible. 

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But take note, when God sends you, HE will make a way for you! We sing “God will make a way for you, when

there seems to be no way.” Be it a closed door or a fast flowing river! God parted the waters again, like He did 40 years earlier, with the

Red Sea. What is a river to God after parting a


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Note, it says in verse 15 “for the Jordan overflows all its banks during

the whole time of harvest.” We need to expect things to be at

their worst, before things get better. The river was full, because it was the

time of harvest, but once the river was crossed, the harvest could be

gathered in.

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The land of Canaan pictures the victorious Christian life. It means you

are no longer a slave to habits and sin.

It is a place of joy, walking with God and trusting in Him in all things.

Sure, we all have rivers of difficulty in our way. But do not let those rivers

keep us from our land of opportunity. 

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When God commands you to cross a river, here is the good news: GOD will

make a way for you!

Got any rivers that seem uncrossable?Got any mountains you can’t tunnel

through?God specializes in things thought

impossibleAnd He knows a thousand ways to make

a way for you!

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2. GETTING READY FOR A MIRACLE. “And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you” Joshua 3:5.

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The “wonders” here mean “miracles.” Some people do not believe in miracles. They think

they can explain it in some other way. But if you believe in God, you

should believe in miracles. God is not dead, He is not even

sick! My God is alive! 

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In our text, the priests had to get their feet into the water before the water

parted. Sometimes before God steps in and does something on our behalf He requires us to do our part and take a

step of faith. That first step was the hardest step they

took. Their obedience led to God’s promise coming true. Sometimes God wants us to take a step of faith and get

our feet wet.

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It was not easy to stand in the rushing waters of the river Jordan.

Yet, it takes greater faith to stand in the waters, as they build up behind

you. At first the water was a few feet high, but soon it would and was well over

the heads of the priests, till a “well of water” stood above the heads of the


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Great faith was needed to enter into the waters, yet that is where the miracle was

going to happen. Without faith they could not enter into

the blessing of God, they waited 40 years for their faith to arise, note Hebrews 3:19

“We see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.” We must have faith to see the miracles of God in the midst of


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Here is a Biblical illustration: When Jesus’ friend Lazarus died Jesus knew He

was going to raise him from the dead. But what did Jesus do?

He told the people to roll away the stone. Wait a minute. Why did not Jesus

just roll the stone away? He wanted them to do what they could do before He would step in and do what

ONLY He could do!

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God helps those who help themselves. What step might

God be asking you to take right now?

You take that step and God will take the rest!

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CONCLUSION: Are you of the courage to face the Jordan, the

walled cities, and the giants?Are you of the faith too entre rushing water?Are you of those near to the voice and heart

of God?Are you willing to come into a new anointing?

It took a miracle to put the stars in place, it took a miracle to hang the world in space, and

it took a miracle to save my soul.