
A Birthday Trip By Stephani e

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Page 1: Stephanie

A Birthday Trip

By Stephanie

Page 2: Stephanie

Hi my name is Tommy. My birthday is coming up

and my parents were planning something for it.

They let me pick between going to the zoo or my

grandma’s house. I guess it was a no brainer. To tell

you the truth my grandma isn’t the most exciting

person in the world. I was thrilled! I took my brand

new camera and was going to make a scrapbook of

one animal. My favorite animal in the whole world

are zebras.

Hi my name is Tommy. My birthday is coming up

and my parents were planning something for it.

They let me pick between going to the zoo or my

grandma’s house. I guess it was a no brainer. To tell

you the truth my grandma isn’t the most exciting

person in the world. I was thrilled! I took my brand

new camera and was going to make a scrapbook of

one animal. My favorite animal in the whole world

are zebras.

Page 3: Stephanie

I’ve always wanted to know why zebras have those stripes all over their body. I

finally got my answer when I went to the zoo. Zebras have those stripes for

camouflage. “Camouflage” means to blend into your environment. Who knew

that animals could play such fun games?

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Baby zebras names’ are foals. They can walk 20 minutes after they’re born. After an hour, they can run. They would be great at the Olympics!

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Zebras have to watch out for animals like lions and hyenas, since they are these creature’s predators. Zebras have to watch out for animals like lions and hyenas, since they are these creature’s predators.

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Zebras are herbivores. This means that they don’t eat meat. Instead, they feed on grasses and plants. I guess you could think of them as watching their weight. Unlike lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!

Zebras are herbivores. This means that they don’t eat meat. Instead, they feed on grasses and plants. I guess you could think of them as watching their weight. Unlike lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!

Page 7: Stephanie

These creatures’ stripes are like fingerprints. No two are alike. Zebras are so admired that they are even made into movie stars.These creatures’ stripes are like fingerprints. No two are alike. Zebras are so admired that they are even made into movie stars.


Page 8: Stephanie

Well that’s about it. I hope you enjoyed

all the pictures and information in my

scrapbook. Maybe the next time I go to

the zoo, I could make one about some

other animal.

Page 9: Stephanie


"Mammals:Zebras." San Diego Zoo's animal bytes. 2009. San Diego Zoo. 29 Jan 2009 http://www.sandiegozoo. org/animalbytes/t-zebra.html

"Zebra." National Geographic Society. 2009. National Geographic. 29 Jan 2009 <>.

"Wildlife:Zebra." Zebra. African Wildlife Foundation. 29 Jan 2009 <>.

"Zebra ." Zebra Facts. Out to Africa . 29 Jan 2009 <>.

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