step up 2015 application form

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Step Up 2015 Application Form


    STEP UP 2015 APPLICATION FORMPlease send completed form (with video link, applicants will NOT beconsidered without this)to [email protected] 5pm on Friday16thJanuary 215. !hank "ou.

    Name ofApplicant

    Address (forcorrespondence)

    Home address(if dierentfrom above).Email


    Date of birth

    Do you have anymedia! ondi"ion

    o# addi"iona!need$%

    I& you havean$'e#ed ye$ "oa(ove) 'ha"addi"iona!$u**o#") i& any)

    'ou!d you needom u$%

    Previous Education and Trainin Histor! (in an!ph!sical discipline or performin art). #dd e$tra rows

    Please insertheadshot%passport

    photo here

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Step Up 2015 Application Form


    if necessary.

    "ourse #$uali%cation

    Name ofcollee&institution


    'elevant Emplo!ment Histor! i.e 'esume of an!obs or roles in the performin arts or sportssectors. #dd e$tra rows if necessary.

    *ob title&role Emplo!er&Production Dates

  • 8/10/2019 Step Up 2015 Application Form


    Please use this space to tell us +h! !ou thin, !ou+ould ma,e a suitable candidate for this -tep ptrainin proram and ho+ !ou +ould ma,e use ofthe s,ills learnt on the course.&ma$ 2 words. 'f you would rather not write( you may record spokentestimony instead( and send as a link or attachment)

    Please insert a /ou tube or 0imeo lin, here of a video of !ou performin in!our stronest ph!sical discipline to ive us an idea of !our s,ill level. 1t

    doesn2t need to be a sho+ reel and can simpl! be footae that is %lmed on aphone. TH1- 1- AN APP31"AT14N 'E51'EMENT.

    'eferee. Please ive the details of a previous emplo!er ortrainer +ho has a ood ,no+lede of !ou and !our +or, . 6e +illonl! contact this person if !ou are shortlisted.

    Name andposition&title of


    "ontact details7Email and


    Number of!ears 'eferee

    has ,no+n !ou.

    Declaration71 con%rm that the information iven on this form is true8 completeand accurate.

  • 8/10/2019 Step Up 2015 Application Form


    -inature&Name99999999999999999999999999999 Date 9999999999999999999

    E$ualit! and Diversit! formThe information !ou ive in this section is used for statistical andmonitorin processes onl! and does not form an! part of theselection or admissions process.

    Ho+ did !ou learn of the Proram: U*$'in+ e,-ye# U*$'in+ 'e($i"e A#"$.o($ITC 'e($i"e /o#d o& mou"h A#"$ Couni!

    O"he# *!ea$e $*ei&y99999999999999999999999

    Personal Details

    Date of ;irth 999999999999999999999999999 P#e&e# no" "o an$'e#

  • 8/10/2019 Step Up 2015 Application Form


    Note: !he *isability *iscrimination #ct 1++5 de,nes a disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial andlong term &i.e. lasting more than 12 months) ad-erse eect on your day to day li-ing. "ou may still be considered to ha-e a disabilityif you are not currently ad-ersely aected but the impairment is likely to recur( or the condition is progressi-e.

    Do !ou have dependants: Dependants miht include children8 the elderl!8 or other people +ho rel! on!ou for care.

    6ES NO P#e&e# no" "o an$'e#