step into life berwick fresh air march 2014_berwick

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  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    Directors DeskTechnology prevails

    Dear members, family and friends,

    Last month saw the launch of our first annual member survey, and we have been overwhelmed by your positive feedbackand experiences. If you were one of the thousands of members that took the time to respond to the survey that was emailedout, wed like to say a very big thank you the feedback youve provided will only help us in continuing to make Step intoLife bigger and better than ever for you. You spoke, we listened! The feedback weve received so far will assist Step into Lifegreatly in taking steps in new and exciting directions, including an update to our monthly Fresh Air newsletter

    This will be the last issue of Fresh Air in the format that you currently know. Im thrilled to announce that as of April,youll be receiving Fresh Air direc tly via email in a new and easier to digest format with a fresh new look! Your Trainer will

    still be in touch with you regularly via email and Facebook to provide you with regular updates and member news for yourFranchise, so youll still be able to recei ve the information you need to stay on top of your fit and healthy lifestyle. This is inone of many exciting changes taking place as Step into Life moves forward into the future with our members, and werelooking forward to being able to provide you with a dose of Fresh Air straight to your inbox.

    Step into Life is committed to building fitter and healthier communities, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to the 295members that joined us nationally as a result of Fitness N.O.W, our recent National Open Week. We were very happy to seeso many new faces enjoying our unique brand of fitness and fun in the fresh air, and our Trainers are looking forward toworking with you all to achieve your health and fitness goals.

    Enjoy your training and your fitness journey and remember, the first 12 weeks is all about building a base, not too much toosoon too hard or injuries occur. Build that base and then the results will flow. Welcome to Step into Life, team!


    Larry CohenFounder and Director

    Step into Life BerwickPhone: 0402 076 913Email: [email protected]

    March 2014, Issue 90

    Merchandise Order via your trainer or visit


    Omega Fish Oil$51.95

    Muscle & CellReplenishment



  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    Local NewsLooking back, February 2014 was another very busy month for Step into Life Berwick and even Step into Life Victoria for thatmatter. Step into Life Victorian head office, led by Cathy Stacy (Director), proudly held their first state conference at thestunning RACV resort in Torquay VIC. An amazing 64 Victorian franchisees attended this greatly anticipated event. MarkoRadisic was lucky enough also to celebrate his 31stBirthday camping out for this weekend, where he proudly showcasedStep into Life Berwicks notorious Endurit videos to other intrigued franchisees. Over the weekend all trainers were putthrough their paces with early morning training sessions, back to back showcase classes, very informative presentations andimprovement group workshops. This initiative by Step into Life Victoria was invaluable to further enhance ourprofessionalism and service we consistently strive for at Step into Life Berwick. Some of our members may have noticedsome new exercises throughout our sessions already, which we are eager to share with you all, so keep a close eye out andenjoy!!! A big thank you and job well done to Step into Life Victorian!!! Here are some photos... see if you can spot Marko inthe thick of things.

    Also in Feb, one of the biggest & best

    enduit BOOTCAMP missions at Step into

    Life Berwick was successfully

    completed by our brave recruits. With

    perfect weather, beautiful beaches,

    fun was had by all!! Those of you that

    missed it, dont worry, Autumns

    bootcamp is around the corner!!!

    Your B.I. awaits...1, 2, 3... Oooo ah!!

  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    Comic Relief

    EventsWhat is happening? Id love to join in!

    Coming this year

    The BIGGEST & arguably the BADDESTerwick arbarians team to date are out

    to conquer the Tough Mudder obstacle

    course yet again. With plenty of newobstacles, it just couldnt come sooner!

    1, 2, 3... Oooo AH!!!

    Timetable Changes

    this month is... !!!So please bring your Fit-balls along to

    all Tone-up sessions for the month of March.

    If you need to purchase one, please see one of your

    trainers to match you up with an appropriate fit-ball.

    TIMETABLE:All Mon & Wed classes will be held at ourSt. Michaels Primary (SMP) School venue,

    except for the 9:15am sessions on those

    days.16 Scanlan St Berwick, park on

    Princess HWY service lane (High St) nearthe pedestrian crossing.

    Talk to your Trainer regularly to ensure youre completing the bestmix of training available to you to reach your goals.

    May 4

  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    New MembersNew Members:

    Ildi Tyler, Carole Stephens, Kathy Kouniakis,John Flynn, Corin Breguet, Madelyn Mills, Liz

    Mills, Cindy Smith & Craig Wilson

    Welcome back:Trisha Ranchod

    Member BirthdaysMarch:

    8thShireen Richardson17thSandra Rousseaux

    18thLinda Boatman21stCorin Breguet26thJeanette Hird27thJeff Robinson

    Happy Birthday!

    Member ProfileJim Mackenzie Where were you born?

    Box Hill, grew up aroundDoncaster, spent 5 years inPerth, 15 years now inBerwick.

    What is your currentprofession?On my 4thcareer change!From a Medical Scientist toSenior Executive in Quality

    Management/ProcessImprovement to Consultingto owning my ownLandscaping/Gardeningbusiness.

    What sports have you been involved withduring your life/best achievement?Bit of Footy and Golf, but mainly Motorsports.

    What is your favourite Step into Life session?

    Probably down at the beach, but


    What is your favourite naughty treat whenyour trainers arent looking?Just taking a break! Also need my after-dinnerIce-cream hit... every night!!!

    What are your top 2 goals you would like toachieve?- See the Northern Lights,- Be as fit as I am in 10 years time!

    What goals have you achieved at Step intoLife so far?- Getting fit enough (after surgery), to do Tough

    Mudder in Jan 2013,- Achieving 1000TC points,- Reaching Fitness Category 7!!!

    Training ClubAchieving your goals at Step into Life

    Goal setting is a key element to gaining fitness, weightloss and improved health benefits. At all Step into Lifesessions we add Training Points to your Training Club

    tally (totals available on your fortnightly progress report).

    Points gained are a measure of your commitment to yourtraining.

    How close are you to your next Training Club milestone?

    Ask your Trainer to help you set some time lines for yourgoals.

    Awards achieved:

    200 pointsJessica Birks, Aiden Olsson, Fiona Waters, Tracy

    Feiner & Nicki Nicola Wilson

    500 pointsPaula Olsson, Arek Rainczuk, Ivanka Mecanovic &

    Jess Hosemans

    1000 pointsSarah Birleson, Christine Jackson & Stephen Penn

    1500 pointsJodie Donnellon, Fiona Mackenzie & Lisa Boulton

    2000 points

    Leanne Bury

  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    3. Do not stop and start moving while exercising;instead, keep steadily moving so fresh blood will besent to repair your taxed muscles.

    4. While you are working out, stay hydrated bydrinking water every 15 minutes.

    5. If you are sweating a lot, its important to replacelost electrolytes with a sports drink or otherelectrolyte-rich foods, because these essential saltsregulate heartbeats, muscular contractions, andnerve function.

    6. STRETCH! You can use a foam roller to lengthen

    muscles and break up knots.

    7. Immediately after working out, eat a post-workoutsnack that has a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein to helprestore the nutrients lost in the muscles during theworkout.

    8. Consider getting a sports massage to increasecirculation and break up major knots in problemareas that are always sore.

    9. Take a cold shower post-workout to reduce

    inflammation of the muscles.

    10. An hour or so after your training session, go for alight stroll to increase blood flow and circulation.

    Too easy say goodby e to DOMS!

    Training TipsDealing with DOMS

    Struggl ing to w alk up the sta i rs at the tra in s tat ion

    after yesterdays workout? Unable tolaugh w i thoutyour abs feeling pain (Oh the pain so muchpain!)? Af ter an intense card io w orkout or w eight -

    training s ession , you migh t be feel ing a l it t le st i f f

    wi th some sore musc les, known as DOMSDelayed Ons et Muscle Soreness. So what can y ou

    do to avoid DOMS? Because were wonderful,weve put together 10 quick steps for you to takebefore, during and after training to avo id the

    dreaded pain of DOMS:

    1. Eat a pre-workout snack that is low-fat and high-carb with some protein.

    2. Take the time to warm up and cool down so you donot stress and overtax your muscles and heart.

  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    Office / Desk drawerFresh & packaged ready-to-eat snacks: Soup- Continental Vegifull Eight Vegetables soup 250g =

    3 Veg, 1 Starch Fruit tub- Diced fruit in natural juicesmall tub = 1 Fruit Tuna- John West Tuna with onion and tomato savoury

    sauce95g = 0.75 Protein Mixed nuts, 30g = 3 Healthy Oils Muesli barCarmens Classic Fruit Muesli Bar 1.5

    Starch, 1.5 Healthy OilsCarPortable one-handed options: Grapes- 1 small bunch of grapes = 1 Fruit (replace those

    travel lollies!) Nobbys Nude Trail mix25g = 2 Healthy Oils, 0.75

    Fruit Chic nuts roasted chickpeas- Herbs & garlic flavour,

    25g packet. = 1 Starch Cheese and crackers- Mainland On the Go tasty light,

    30g = 0.5 Dairy, 0.5 Extra Yoghurt - Dairy Farmers Thick and Creamy 170g tub

    Field Strawberries = 1.5 Dairy

    Keep in your handbagBack-up items that wont squish: Mandarinsx 2 = 1 Fruit Edgell 3 beans and cornthai sweet chilli flavour, 150g =

    0.5 Protein OR 1.25 Starch

    Muesli bar- Be Natural fruit and nut trail bar = 1 Starch,0.25 Fruit Sanitarium Up & GoVive- banana flavour = 1 Dairy, 0.5

    Starch Dried apricot halvesx 6 = 1 Fruit

    MoviesYes, you can bring in healthier options: Maltesers- 12g snack pack = 1 Extra (Yes, you can bring

    a choc fix!) Uncle Tobys simply fruit bar1 bar = 1 Fruit Grain waves1 Small pack (30g) = 2 Extras Trail mix(1 cup air popped popcorn, 20g mixed nuts,

    tbs sultanas, 3 dried apricot halves) - 2 Healthy Oils, IFruit, 0.5 Extra Diet soft drink1 can = Free food (limit of 1 artificially

    sweetened product a day) Jelly snakesx 6 = 2 Extras

    Matt ONeillBSpSc, MSc, APD, AN, Nutritionist,

    The Morning Show

    Snacks for home,office, anywhereSnacks are an important part of your MJ Plan to addnutrients, provide energy and help you manage between-meal hunger. Here is a list of snack ideas for differentlocations, complete with MJ Exchanges.

    HomeQuick ideas out of the fridge or pantry: Fruit salad- cup fruit salad with 100g Yoplait

    Forme French vanilla yoghurt = 1 Fruit, 1 Dairy. Raw veg sticks- 1 cup raw veggies dipped in 100g of

    low-fat cottage cheese = 2 Veg, 0.5 Dairy. Bread & Philli Light- 1 slice of Burgen fruit and

    muesli bread with a thin spread of reduced-fat tablespread = 1 Starch, 0.5 Fruit, 1 Healthy Oil

    Strawberry smoothie- (200ml skim milk, 2 tbsp low-fat yoghurt, 250g frozen strawberries) = 0.75 Dairy, 1Fruit

    Vitaweats- 4 small Vita-weats = 1 Starch Kraft Free cheese2 Slices, 40g = 0.5 Dairy

    Office / Desk drawer Fresh & packaged ready-to-eat snacks: Soup- ContinentalVegifullEight Vegetables soup

    250g = 3 Veg, 1 Starch Fruit tub - Diced fruit in natural juicesmall tub = 1

    Fruit Tuna- JohnWest Tuna with onion and tomato

    savoury sauce95g = 0.75 Protein Mixed nuts, 30g = 3 Healthy Oils Muesli barCarmens Classic Fruit Muesli Bar 1.5

    Starch, 1.5 Healthy Oils

    Office / Desk drawerFresh & packaged ready-to-eat snacks: Soup- Continental Vegifull Eight Vegetables soup

    250g = 3 Veg, 1 Starch Fruit tub- Diced fruit in natural juicesmall tub = 1

    Fruit Tuna- John West Tuna with onion and tomato

    savoury sauce95g = 0.75 Protein Mixed nuts, 30g = 3 Healthy Oils Muesli barCarmens Classic Fruit Muesli Bar 1.5

    Starch, 1.5 Healthy Oils

  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    Steps to Jumpstart yourMetabolism!

    Tired of conflicting diet advice? Re-wire your appetite andre-ignite your metabolism through Matt ONeills MetabolicJumpstart. This 4 week program provides you with acomplete metabolically matched diet plan, report &program.

    For only $79.95you will receive:

    Body shape assessment and health risk profile Personal calorie burning times for specific foods Menu plan sample with meals and correct portions Nutrition targets for kj, calories, fat, protein and carb Daily food group exchanges Mix & match guide Motivational Pack posted to you with 8 daily targets,

    fridge cards, fact sheets and special offers Access to My Jumpstart Online with audio guides,

    weekly checklists, faqs and discussion posts

    Enhance your results with your FREEMJ Plus + program(worth $120 per year) when you sign up through a Step

    into Life trainer for the duration of your membership, andreceive:

    Weekly motivational emails and articles Motivation Planner MJ Recipes Tip Sheets Expert interviewsfrom hormones to intolerances Downloadstools and templates Ongoing support & expert advice from Matt O Neill Access to seminars online Supermarket foodsMJ Exchanges

    For more information talk to your trainer.

    At Last - Guilt Free Eating!

    Healthy Recipe

    Citrus infused strawberries

    Serves:2 Prep: 15 mins

    Ingredients 1 cup fresh strawberries

    1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon orange liqueur 1 teaspoon lemon juice

    Method1. Combine strawberries, sugar, Grand Marnier (or other orange

    liqueur) and lemon juice in a medium bowl.2. Let stand, stirring once or twice, until the strawberries release

    their juice, about 10 minutes.

    Exchanges per serve*

    0.5 0 0 0.5

    Nutr ients per serve259kJ (73cals),1g Protein,0g Fat,0g Saturated Fat,

    17g Carbs,15g Sugars,1g Fibre,2mg Sodium

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  • 8/12/2019 Step into Life Berwick Fresh Air March 2014_Berwick


    Members BenefitsDiscounts & Offers

    See your trainer to learn about the full range of Memberbenefits available to you.

    Due to customer demand we have Franchiseterritories available throughout Australia and NewZealand.

    If you know anyone with an interest in health and fitness thatwould love to run a Fitness Franchise, please let them knowabout this exciting opportunity.

    $1000 referral bonus for any one you refer that becomes aStep into Life Franchisee.

    Contact your state office on1300 134 136 for more information.

    Franchise Directory

    To find your nearest location please visit our website -

    Follow us on -

    Refer a friend and well give you

    anything you want!

    At Step into Life we value your patronageand the people you refer to us.Thank you for giving a gift of good health and fitness to yourfriends and family by referring them to Step into Life.

    For each friend who joins as a result of your referral to anyStep into Life Franchise nationally, you will receive a Stepinto Life Any Store Gift Card to the value of $25.

    Use your referral gift card from us to purchase almostanything provided it can be purchased from a store whichhas EFTPOS facilities.