step by step mag draft one


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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Step by step mag draft one

Here is a screenshot of me

searching for an image to make

my main background . To get an

image onto Photoshop I must

select an image from my file then

click open.

Page 2: Step by step mag draft one

Once you add a new layer you’ll be able to edit things that you’ve added onto the main background.

I wanted a suitable font for my magazine title but to do this I had to insert a new layer which means that when I want to hide something that is on my image I can do so. Adding a new layer allows me to move objects around the page.

Page 3: Step by step mag draft one

I wanted an interesting colour and font style for my magazine title , so to experiment I looked at different styles to see which one would suit my magazine genre. I chose the colour red because it connotes danger and blood which conforms to horror magazine genres.

Page 4: Step by step mag draft one

I used the font style stencil and the colour red for my masthead because

I thought that it has a big impact towards my film magazine and also the

Colour red allows the audience to be alerted and recognise the masthead name.

Page 5: Step by step mag draft one

In order to get the rectangle

background for my background I had

to select the rectangle shape tool

right click it and draw the shape size

that I wanted. After doing this I was

able to customize the rectangle

background shape I made the

rectangle background shape red

because I wanted to the white text to

stand out , the colours red and white

contrast against each other well as

they compliment one another.

Page 6: Step by step mag draft one

I included another image onto my magazine front cover , this

image is my sub image to get my sub image on the front page I

had go to file open then look for the image in my file, once I found

my image I selected open and I had to resize and position where I

wanted it to be on my page .

Page 7: Step by step mag draft one

once creating my sell lines and headline I wanted to make them stand out to my audience so I underlined them. To

underline your text you must highlight the text then select the A tool which is situated on the right hand side of the

screen near the colour wheel , once you select the A tool you have different template option styles to pick from I

selected the underlined T . However once I completed my magazine front cover I realized that it was not a good

idea to underline my text because it looked un professional and made my front cover look messy so simply undid

the underlining on my text by selecting the Underlined T and selecting the correct tick which is situated above y

image .

Page 8: Step by step mag draft one

Here is my magazine draft