stebbing my dilemma now is do i...

1 This edition of Stebbing Scene is in what I hope will be, the new format for a while, with the colours reflecting the seasons. I would like to thank Rodney Evans and John Troup for all their help with collating during my first year as editor, also Jackie and Bonita who organise the advertising and make life easier for me. Finally a big thank you to those who deliver each edition. May the Great Spirit watch over you, as long as the grass grows and the water flows, and may He bring Peace, Contentment and Good Health to all of you in 2006. Jenny McGinn Stebbing Scene EDITION No: 96 Winter 2006

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This edition of Stebbing Scene is in what I hope will be, the new format for a while, with the colours reflecting the seasons. I would like to thank Rodney Evans and John Troup for all their help with collating during my first year as editor, also Jackie and Bonita who organise the advertising and make life easier for me. Finally a big thank you to those who deliver each edition. May the Great Spirit watch over you, as long as the grass grows and the water flows, and may He bring Peace, Contentment and Good Health to all of you in 2006.

Jenny McGinn

Stebbing Scene

EDITION No: 96 Winter 2006

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THE MAD MEDIC Hello Everyone, I hope that you are all well and happy, also that you did not have too much Christmas preparation stress and that your Christmas was wonderful. You know the old saying that people often look like their pets? Well I cannot decide which of ours I resemble the most just now. I taught a group of nursery nurses in Braintree for their 2 day child care and nursery nurse certificate and their gift to me was 2 African snails [ I haven't cuddled them yet !] Posh and Becks. Then for my birthday one of my presents was a bearded dragon whom Luke promptly named Colin. He is adorable but his skin care regime leaves a lot to be desired [I cuddle him all of the time, he sits on my knee while I do my paperwork]. So my dilemma now is do I look like slimy Posh and Becks or rough scaly Colin dragon? Whatever, I am now using industrial strength moisturiser. Memo to the nursery nurses, I am not ungrateful and whilst my snails are uumm… very welcome chocolates have more clout as a bribe. My last Bombay trip was very successful but so busy. Snehasadan house 8 had 10 feet of flood water which has ruined the building structure, it will have to be demolished and rebuilt. There were 5 bullocks from the dairy next door floating dead in the grounds, they had knocked the wall down in their panic to escape the flood water. Although it was scorching when we arrived and the waters had dried up, there was so much evidence of the tragedy and I lost several of my darling precious little children, so heartbreaking. It cost a great deal of money trying to help as many people as possible but wonderful to see the relief on their faces as they received their things, an extremely humbling experience. The floods came so quickly that people didn't stand a chance and many people lost every single thing that they owned. We lost sacks of rice and grain etc, stored for wadala and dharavi. but my children just dust themselves off and smile even getting excited when they opened their goodie bags. There is so much to tell you but I can't hog all of the space so bear with me for now. Once my little healing place is up and running I will have photos and other things for you to look at, with regular bulletins. Thank you to Chris Beavan and 'the great unwashed ' for their generous gift to be sent out for the flood relief supplies. Also to Alan and Barbara Daines for all of the gifts for the children from their Alladin's Cave, everything has reached the children safely. I did a couple of talks in Harwich and Ipswich raising £275 for 'Mummy's House' then Katy Russell, my dear friend, held a raffle to bring the total in the trust fund to £10,000 isn't that fab? Thank you to anyone who supports my work I am so grateful, bless your hearts. John Wright of Tooleys Grange asked me how I was doing with my plan of obtaining a defibrillator for use in cardiac arrest emergency situations. I was doing a first aid course at the Grange at the time. I told him that it was a hopeless task so he decided that he would raise the amount needed.

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We have been offered one for £600 almost brand new [new over £2,000 ] and the ambulance service will replace batteries, service it and keep routs following arrests, it will be for the village and I will be responsible for it. We need to build up a full village response kit but I will see if I can get one from Essam. Great news though isn't it?. thank you John [and Bev just for being you ]. Well I have rattled on endlessly so I will say bye for now, take care, keep safe and well. Love and hugs Valerie xxxxxxxxxxxxx p.s. just heard I have passed my psychoanalysis exams (phew! hard work for my little blonde brain, but worth it ].

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES & DEATHS Congratulations to Matthew and Julie Scott Théa Anaïs Nancy Scott was born..... albeit after a little cajoling..... At 13:20 on the 24th September. She came in at a respectable 8lb 2oz and has been doing fantastically since. I have attached a photo for you.

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FARMING DIARY Since my last article we have drilled 90 acres of Winter Beans, and they are now up and looking very well. After what was probably the most open Autumn that I can remember, all the crops of Oilseed Rape and Winter Wheat are looking excellent. Slugs have been a nuisance, as usual, on the Oilseed Rape plants but we have managed to contain them, and the crop is growing away from them. All the Autumn weed control is now finished and we have, I hope, closed the gate on the arable side of the farm. We have to be vigilant throughout the winter months and not allow pigeons to settle on the rape. On the livestock side we housed all the cows and some calves on November 14th and since then 6 new calves have been born. All cattle are fed hay ad lib and a ration of reject potatoes with permanent access to mineral licks. 25 calves have been sold on to the store cattle market making more space in the yards. Since we no longer employ any labour we will be spending several hours in the workshop servicing machinery ready for next year. Tony Lanyon SHEPHERD JOKE. A shepherd is standing at the gate admiring his flock, when a stranger approaches him. The stranger says 'I'll bet you a hundred pounds against one of your lambs that I can tell the exact number of sheep in this flock". The shepherd thinks it over, it is a big flock so he takes the bet. "943", says the man. The shepherd is astonished, because that is exactly right. "OK." says the shepherd, "I am a man of my word, take an animal". The man picks one up and begins to walk way. "Wait", cries the shepherd, "let me have a chance to get even. Double or nothing that I can guess your exact occupation". Stranger says, "Sure, why not?" "You are an economist for a government think tank", says the shepherd. "Amazing!" responds the man, "How did you deduce that?" "Well," says the shepherd, "Put down my dog and I'll tell you!!!!!"

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• In October the meeting started with congratulations to Chairman Michael Kingdom for winning the Essex Association of Local Councils competition for the best presented Chairman’s Report and Annual Statement. • STEBBING GREEN MATTERS • The Parish Council approved expenditure of £1395.22 for a hexagonal tree seat to be ordered and a 14ft oak tree. The bench is being paid for from the balance of the legacy left to the Parish Council by Daphne Rogowski and the oak tree is being partly funded by Tom Going in memory of his father Dr Charles Going. Weather permitting the tree is scheduled to the planted on 14th December. • Expenditure of £490 plus VAT was approved to remove 1 dead willow, 3 dead/dying elms and removal of damaged limb from Norway Maple near Old Ryes. The work was completed in November • Open Spaces Society – Commons Bill – a rare opportunity. “Legislation on commons comes along once in a generation which is why the Commons Bill, currently in the House of Lords, is such a rare opportunity” says the Open Spaces Society. “………..We need the law on registering greens to be clarified and give better results for the public. This work will cost around £15,000 in staff time and administration”. The Parish Council approved a donation of £75 to support the work of the Open Spaces Society. • A traffic calming scheme requested by residents on Stebbing Green has been included in the 2006/2007 Locally Determined Budget and the Clerk has requested detailed plans from ECC Highways

• SHOOTING RANGE SALING ROAD – it was reported to the Council that the red flags are not always flying when shooting is taking place and those that are have become very faded and ineffective. Having spoken to the owner of the range it was established that the flags were replaced during the summer but have since disappeared. • HIGHWAYS - ECC Highways Planned Parish Visits – Extensive remedial works have been carried out on the roads, footways and footpaths around the village during November. These have been done under an annual parish visit scheme set up by ECC Highways last year where the Parish Council submits a list of works to the Highways Department and their contractors during a specific week carry out the works. • ROAD NAMEPLATE – “The Downs”. Following a request from a resident on The Downs two new signs have been erected to reduce confusion for delivery and emergency services. • STREET LIGHTING - Continuing the Parish Council`s scheme to improve the street lighting to the more attractive Iffley lanterns approval was given in November for three further lights to be upgraded. Our lighting contractors are carrying out the annual maintenance works in December and from their report three further lights will be identified for upgrading in the 2006-2007 financial year. • PLAY EQUIPMENT – The Parish Council has been advised that the slides at both Pulford Place and Mill Lane recreation grounds need replacing and we are actively obtaining quotations and investigating grants in the hope that the new equipment can be in place for the spring next year

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STEBBING - OLD PUBLICATIONS – At the October meeting Cllr Kingdom produced copies of various publications, Christmas cards and postcards which have been produced by residents of Stebbing over the last few years. It is hoped that further publications can be produced by residents of Stebbing and if agreement is reached they can be republished for the benefit of others to read. • STEBBING SCENE – Following a request by the Treasurer of Stebbing Scene it was agreed to donate £150 in the current year towards the running costs and consideration would be given to an annual donation if this proves necessary. • Extract from Minutes November 2005. STEBBING SCENE – Letter to the Editor October 2005 – Extended Opening Hours – The White Hart. Following the publication of an e-mailed letter from a local resident to the Parish Council it was agreed that the Parish Council would not publish a response. The matter had been dealt with directly with the resident in question at the time that the e-mail was received in September 2005 when it was explained that the Parish Council could not represent interested parties and therefore no further action was considered necessary. The Clerk would respond to the letter sent directly to the Chairman by the resident concerning the publication of his e-mail. • BUS SERVICE Route 315 – Stebbing Green – Stebbing – Dunmow. At a recent Transport meeting it was reported that this service is currently

• under review. If the service is not used more it may have to be withdrawn. ECC Transport Liaison Manager would like views on ways to improve the service i.e. improved publicity, modifying the existing service to better fit passenger needs or looking at an alternative service to replace it. If you have any views please submit them to the Clerk to the Parish Council. • TRANSPORT Minibus Grant • Transport Representative Mr Adrian Greenway reported that ECC had offered a grant of £20,000 from the Essex Community Solutions Fund. Conditions applying to this grant were discussed by the Council and it was unanimously agreed to accept the grant based on the ECC letter dated 30th November 2005. The Clerk is currently investigating the situation with regards claiming back the VAT and clarifying with ECC whether the grant will cover the VAT if it is found it cannot be claimed back. Mr Greenway, Mrs Joan Matthews and the Clerk were thanked for the work they had done to obtain this grant. • FOOTPATHS - ECC has supplied the Clerk with a copy of the 2002 Definitive Map showing the footpaths in the Parish of Stebbing. Copies can be made available on request at a small charge • PRECEPT – The Parish Council approved an increase of £1,177 for the year 2006/2007 to £27,322. This would represent an increase of 4.5%.

Date of Next Meetings 12th January 2006, 9th February and 9th March 7.30pm Old Friends Meeting House



A speed reduction scheme for Stebbing Green is to be included in the ECC Highways budget for 2006-2007. Mr Chris Stoneham from ECC Highways will be attending the public session of the Parish Council meeting on 9th March at 7.30pm with proposals for discussion. If you are interested in having an input into this scheme please come along on the 9th March, 7.30pm, Old Friends Meeting House. Linda White Clerk 856756

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VILLAGE NEWS COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2005/200 Stebbing Parish Council nominated Peter and Dol McGuinnness for the above award. We would like to congratulate them on being awarded the Uttlesford District Council Community Achievement Award 2005-2006 for their work and dedicated services to the community of Stebbing. The award will be presented by the Chairman of the District Council at a ceremony on Thursday 23rd February. Well done to you both. STEBBING MINIBUS We had thought that due to the age of our bus and the need for volunteer drivers we were nearing our extinction, but some great news for the end of 2005. With the help of Stebbing Parish Council we have been able to secure a grant from Essex County Council for the purchase of a new bus. We are currently seeking quotes and hope to purchase within the next few weeks. This year we lost two of our regular drivers Doreen Cumming retired in April and in September Tony Ford. We thank them for all their help in driving on Tuesday’s, the Over Sixties runs and helping when the bus needed servicing etc. We are in need of more drivers for our Tuesday run and also we would like to introduce another visit to Dunmow possibly on a Friday. This will prove crucial if the Thursday service bus is discontinued. To do this we would need a larger pool of drivers. If you feel that you could volunteer to drive one morning a month please give me a ring. The bus is also used by the over 60s and they to require a driver for one Wednesday a month. If any one is able to take on this responsibility then please contact Peter on 856254. The minibus is there for the use of village organisations primarily. The bus is available on a self-drive basis following certain driver checks. We ask for a small donation to cover running costs and insurance, plus the user is responsible for fuel. When available it can also be used by villagers. If you can help us or need further information please call me on 856892 evening preferred an answer phone always in operation. ADRIAN GREENWAY STEBBING MINIBUS

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POPPY APPEAL 2005 The Annual British Legion Poppy Appeal door-to-door Collection took place in early November, in time for Remembrance Sunday, 13th November 2005. Nine Collectors visited every house in the village and with collecting boxes placed in the School, White Hart and a gifted Collection from the Church, Stebbing Residents donated a sum of £558.55. The total collection for the Dunmow District amounted to £7,807.23. Of the many Charity Appeals throughout the year, the Poppy Appeal remains one of the best supported, perhaps because it remains so relevant. Remembrance Sunday was known as Armistice Day until 1945, to commemorate the signing of the armistice on 11 November 1918. Although now moved to the second Sunday in November, it remains as a day of national remembrance for those killed in both world wars and later conflicts, up to the present day. The “Flanders Poppy” is symbolic of the blood shed in battle and the money raised from the sale of the flowers helps those whose lives have been damaged by war. Thank you for your generosity and kind support. Jackie Kingdom KATH SARGEANT As many of you know our 'ace' reporter for the Dunmow Broadcast and the Dunmow times has been, for many years, Mrs Kath Sargeant. She has now decided to lay down her pen and retire. However she has not so much 'laid down her pen', as passed it on to me! Kath will be behind me for a while, to see that I keep to the rules etc.! So, if you have a report from your Society or Club that you would like to see printed in the papers mentioned. Please send it to me, Joan Matthews, 2 Downs Terrace, Stebbing. phone 856041, or email [email protected]. I will submit any reports as soon as I receive them, but cannot be guarantee when they will appear. I would like to thank Kath, on behalf of everyone, for her hard work. I hope I can do as well, she is a hard act to follow! it's up to you. Thank you, Joan Matthews.

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GARDEN CLUB SSPPRRIINNGG SSHHOOWW SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 88tthh AAPPRRIILL 22000066 22PPMM SSTTEEBBBBIINNGG VVIILLLLAAGGEE HHAALLLL FFUULLLL BBRROOCCHHUURREE//EENNTTRRYY FFOORRMMSS AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE FFRROOMM SSEECCRREETTAARRYY LLIINNDDAA WWHHIITTEE 0011337711 885566775566 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Section A CUT FLOWERS – Rule 5 applies A1 3 single trumpet daffodils of one variety A2 3 double daffodils of one variety A3 3 single short-cup narcissi of one variety A4 3 multi-headed narcissi of one variety A5 3 single-headed tulips of one variety A6 3 flowering stems from miniature spring bulbs of one variety Section B PLANTS (GROWING) B1 Pot or Bowl of spring flowers B2 1 flowering house plant B3 1 foliage house plant Section C SPRING FLOWERS AND FOLIAGE C1 3 stems of flowering shrubs – one or more varieties – Rule 5 applies C2 6 blooms of pansies with stems (container for showing provided) – Rule 5 applies C3 3 stems of foliage – different varieties – Rule 5 applies C4 An arrangement of small flowers & foliage – not more than 9 inches overall – use own pot Section D PRESERVES D1 Jar of jam D2 Jar of lemon curd D3 Jar of marmalade D4 Jar of chutney D5 Any other preserves Section E COOKERY – Recipes in full brochure from Secretary E1 Fruit Cake E2 Shortbread Fingers E3 Butterfly Cakes – 6 (Men Only) Section F FLORAL ARRANGEMENT – “Right Royal Birthday” Fresh flowers/produce – three accessories only. Space allowed – 18 inch (457mm) in depth, width and height. Rule 3 does not apply. Section G CHILDREN`S SECTION (Age on 1st April 2006 applies) G1 Under 4’s Potato Prints G2 4-5-6 year olds Easter Card G3 7-8-9 year olds Painted Hard Boiled Egg G4 10-11 year olds Decorated Easter Hat Section H CRAFTS H1 A picture – any medium not more than 24 inches square H2 An item of needlecraft H3 Knitted Toy Section I PHOTOGRAPHS – SIGNS OF SPRING I1 Up to 3 prints, black & white or colour 6” x 4” or 5” x 4” – mounted on card

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23rd Jan Social & Competitions 27th Feb Good Life (Humorous) Peter Webb 27th Mar Garden Design & Build Sean Butler 24th April Game Keeping Graham Bendall 22nd May Plant Finder Peter White 26th June AGM 1st July Outing to Rytons Organic Gardens Nr Coventry 22nd July Open Gardens with Tea (Members Only) 12th August Visit to Cambridge Botanic Gardens 25th Sept Gardeners Question Time 23rd Oct Bees In The Back Garden David Perry 27th November Wildlife Of An Essex Village Mr & Mrs Roger

Meetings are held in the Village Hall in Mill Lane at 8pm For further details contact Sec. Linda White 01371 856756

The AFSS quiz night held on Friday 14th October was, as usual, a huge success and enjoyed by all. A very jubilant team consisting of Stebbing School Teaching Assistants and Admin Staff were the winners this year. Many thanks go to everyone who helped make the night a success, especially Bruce and Wendy Haynes for all their hard work. In addition to all the fun, the event raised over £1,100 for the school.

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OVER 60s Our Christmas lunch was enjoyed by about 36 members at the beginning of December. There was a raffle prize for each member and we were entertained by Russell on his keyboard. We look forward to 2006 with a full programme for the year arranged by Eve Stephenson. 18th January we have a talk by Jenny Oliveira of the Dunmow Broadcast. 15th February is a Social and Bingo. 15th March there will be a talk by Air Ambulance. 19th April. A.G.M. with entertainment to be arranged. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, at 2pm in the Village Hall. Do come and join us. For Queries please contact Peter McGinness. Tel. 856254.



Wed Jan 25th Tea Drinking Rituals, East and West Anne Howarth Wed Feb 22nd Pretty, Witty Nel; Mistress, Mother,

Matriarch Peter Dewar

Wed Mar 29th ‘Let’s Talk of Graves, of Worms and Epitaphs’

Jo Walton

All lectures are held in the music school, Stebbing Road, Felsted at 8:00pm. New members are welcome. Non-members are invited to attend up to 3 lectures a year at a cost of £5 per lecture. Enquiries to Helen Willey, 01371 850376 1ST STEBBING CUB PACK. In October the 1st Stebbing Pack held a toy sale in aid of Send a Cow. Although only 14 boys were at that meeting, £45.00 was raised. The boys chose to send:-

2 Flocks of chickens. 30 Fruit tree saplings. 1 Fishing net to be shared by four families.

The cubs were so enthusiastic that this is to become an annual event. Well done boys! Wendy Kibblewhite.

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FRIDAY MORNING MARKET The Friday Morning Market Committee would like to inform you all that the profits from last years markets have yet to be distributed to be decided on in January £570.90 Essex Air Ambulance £242.05 was raised from bookstall and donations We have supported all Village organizations in the past and feel that running the monthly markets has been an asset to these over the last 24 years, and we plan to continue again next year. Separate to the market funds a charity book stall will be held each market and monies raised will be donated to The Essex Air Ambulance Service. We would like to thank you in anticipation of donations of books and your support. We would like more support from the Village residents . A lot of effort goes into holding these markets , but I'm quite sure a lot of you have never been. Please try and come and see what we are all about . We could also do with some help and contributions of produce and cakes to sell . We keep 15% of all sales ,and distribute the profits each year. If you would like more details about the market , stalls , supplying us with goods to sell or indeed lending us a hand , please contact me at the number below. Dates for this years markets are the 1st Friday of each month from March to Dec namely:- 3rd March, 7th April , 5th May , 2nd June , 7th July , 4th August, 1st Sept , 6th Oct , 3rd Nov , 1st Dec . To be held in The Village Hall , Mill Lane at 10 a.m to 11.30 a.m Susan Tekell , 11 Jubilee Court , Great Dunmow, 01371 873225 STEBBING FOOTBALL CLUB. Over the last few months Stebbing have had a goal run of form. winning eight of the last nine games, the winning streak came to an end the last game before Christmas. We have however reached the semi-final of the League Cup. The date of this fixture is not known. I, Vinny, the manager, will let you know as soon as I get it, we are still aiming to get promotion to the Premier League which is still a reasonable possibility. Thanks to everybody for your continued support. Vinny.

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LETTERS AN ANONYMOUS LETTER FROM A FARMER TO THE INLAND REVENUE SOMETIME BEFORE 1970..... Dear Sirs, In reply to your request to send a cheque for income tax, I wish to inform you the wolf is at my door and in the present condition of my bank account it is almost impossible My shattered financial condition is due to federal laws, state laws, county laws, corporation laws, liquor laws, mother-in-laws, and outlaws. Through these laws I have to pay business tax. Even my brain is taxed. I am required to get a business licence, car licence, liquor licence not to mention marriage licence and dog licence. For my own safety, I am required to carry life insurance, property insurance, liability insurance, burglary insurance, accident insurance, business insurance, fire insurance, old age insurance and flood insurance. My business is so governed it is no easy matter for me to find who actually owns it. I am inspected, disrespected, rejected, dejected, examined and re-examined, summonsed, fined, commanded and compelled, until I provide an inexhaustible supply of money for every known need, desire or hope for the human race. The few shillings I once used to save is now stopped for I am controlled by the egg board, milk board, potato board, wheat board, wool board, barley board, bread board, and government boards. In fact the whole thing makes me board. I can tell you honestly except for the miracle that just happened I would not enclose a cheque. The wolf that came to my door had pups in the kitchen. I sold them- and here is the money. Yours truly 'Bewildered One' '' To use an old phrase: The more things change the more they stay the same. If any reader knows any more about this letter I would be interested to hear from them! APOLOGY In the last Stebbing Scene, Edition 95 – October 2005, I wrote a report on “Stebbing’s farewell to the Vicar” As an amateur writer, I attempted a particular style which was not successful. The result was clumsy and I am sorry it offended some people. Jackie Kingdom

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BITS & PIECES More 'sayings' from Peter Walsh. Cut a hedge in May, then it will want cutting another day. Cut a hedge in June then you can cut it again soon. Cut a hedge in July then it will want cutting again before the Autumn. When the moon rises after midnight, then it is a morning moon, and a morning moon is a wet moon. But if the moon rises near midnight, better the day. A Fridays moon and Saturday full, won't go out till the ditches are full. If a Sunday moon comes in on a Sunday, and goes out on a Sunday, the very worst weather can be expected. When the sun goes late to bed it will rise with a watery head. If in the fall, the leaves long hold, the coming Winter will be cold. If leaves fall not ere Martins Day, (11th November), a cruel winter is on the way.


There was not much response which is disappointing. The Team have offered a few suggestions: 'They're after my pheasants again….!' 'Something else for Grumpy to complain about……..!' 'Just the thing for discouraging poachers……!' 'Septic Tank – Big Stink!'

Come on you village wits – surely you can do better? The competition will stay open until the next edition.

TAILPIECE Caption Competition Submit your caption by 16th December – fantastic prize for the winner To be judged by the Editor.

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STEBBING DIRECTORY Stebbing Scene Jenny McGinn 856249

AFSS School 856260 Archive Derek Towler 856680 Badminton Lynda Sowter 856396 Beavers John Edwards 856342 Bell Ringing John Gilbert 856516 Bowls Club Ken Copping 856338 Brownies Jean Hards-Nicholls 856301 Carpet Bowls Reg Frost 856712 Church – St. Mary’s Brian Snelling 856080 Craft Group Angela Newbrook 856464 Cricket Club Adrian Farr 856691 Cubs Wendy Kibblewhite 856470 Dorcas Society Olive Frost 856712 First Aid Training Val Mulcare-Tivey 856076 Flowers-Church Pat Jones 856776 Footpath Rep. Ernest Howard 856325 Friday Morning Market Sue Tekell 873225 Friends Meeting House Jim Newbrook 856464 Garden Club Linda White 856756 Holistic Therapies/sports massage/spiritual healing Val Mulcare-Tivey 856076 Guides Liz Parker 870493 Judo Club Louis Bach 856482 Ladies Group Pat Bush 856891 Library Direct Pauline McAllister 856478 Local History Society Derek Towler 856680 Meals on Wheels Eve Stephenson 856293 Medi-Call EMS Val Mulcare-Tivey 856076 Minibus Adrian Greenway 856892 Mother & Toddler Yvonne Ryan 856490 Newspapers Colin Moorman 856689 Over 60s Peter McGuinness 856254 Parish Council Clerk Linda White 856756 Police Gt. Dunmow 872208 Rainbows Liz Hooper 856814 Scamps Vicky Kemp 856027 Scouts John Edwards 856342 Stebbing School Office 856260 Stebbing Society Jenny Nichol 856401 Taxi Bev Harrod 856440 Tennis Club Dorice Phillips 856456 Village Hall Ursula Bunn 856628 Any omission, errors or changes please tell me - Jenny McGinn 856249

DISCLAIMER The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. Every care is taken to ensure that the contents of the magazine are accurate but the Publishers cannot assume responsibility for errors. As you will know, Stebbing Scene is free and its existence depends on our advertisers. However, the Publishers cannot accept any responsibility for any resulting unsatisfactory transactions.

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Date Event Notes Jan 12 Parish Council 7:30 pm Jan23 Garden Club 8 pm Competition Jan 25 Felsted DFAS Tea Drinking Rituals Feb 9 Parish Council 7:30 pm Feb 22 Felsted DFAS Pretty Witty Nell Feb 27 Garden Club 8 pm Good Life Mar 3 Friday Morning Market 10am to 11:30 am Mar 9 Parish Council 7:30 pm Traffic Calming scheme Mar 27 Garden Club 8 pm Garden Design Mar 29 Felsted DFAS Lets Talk Graves Apr 6 Parish Council 7:30 pm Apr7 Friday Morning Market 10am to 11:30 am CIVIC AMENITY SKIP DATES - BNOS MILL LANE - 8.00am –11.30am o There is a garden waste collection skip in the village on The Downs every Saturday morning

from 11 am to 12 noon. o Bulky items can be taken to the recycling sites at Shalford or Saffron Walden. o There are skips at the entrance to the Hoblongs Industrial Estate in Dunmow every Sunday

for scrap metal, garden waste and scrap wood.


You may think I'm a grumpy old boar, but there's this bloke who lives in Stebbing…………………!! Thanks to David Emery for the picture

If you spot anything interesting or amusing on the Stebbing Scene, let us have it and we will publish it…..Ed Closing date for contributions to the next issue 17th March 2006 Editor: Jenny McGinn 01371 856249 [email protected]