steady state evoked potential (ssep) responses in the ...sep 22, 2020  · 79 intermodulation...

1 2 3 4 Steady state evoked potential (SSEP) responses in the primary and 5 secondary somatosensory cortices of anesthetized cats: nonlinearity 6 characterized by harmonic and intermodulation frequencies 7 8 9 Yota Kawashima , Rannee Li , Spencer Chin-Yu Chen 2 , Richard Martin Vickery 3 , John W. 10 Morley 4 , Naotsugu Tsuchiya 1,5,6 * 11 12 13 14 1 Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, School of Psychological Science, Monash University, 15 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 16 17 2 Department of Neurosurgery, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, New 18 Brunswick, New Jersey, USA 19 20 3 School of Medical Sciences, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 21 22 4 School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Penrith, New South Wales, Australia 23 24 5 Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), National Institute of Information and 25 Communications Technology (NICT), Suita, Osaka, Japan 26 27 6 Advanced Telecommunications Research Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Soraku- 28 gun, Kyoto, Japan 29 30 31 * Corresponding author 32 E-mail: [email protected] (NT) 33 34 35 These authors contributed equally to this work. 36 37 38 39 40 . CC-BY 4.0 International license available under a (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted September 22, 2020. ; doi: bioRxiv preprint

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Page 1: Steady state evoked potential (SSEP) responses in the ...Sep 22, 2020  · 79 intermodulation frequencies (n1*f1+n2*f2) in the output of the system [1, 2, 6, 9-14] (See a 80 review

1234 Steady state evoked potential (SSEP) responses in the primary and 5 secondary somatosensory cortices of anesthetized cats: nonlinearity 6 characterized by harmonic and intermodulation frequencies789 Yota Kawashima1¶, Rannee Li1¶, Spencer Chin-Yu Chen2, Richard Martin Vickery3, John W.

10 Morley4, Naotsugu Tsuchiya1,5,6*11121314 1Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, School of Psychological Science, Monash University, 15 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia1617 2Department of Neurosurgery, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, New 18 Brunswick, New Jersey, USA1920 3School of Medical Sciences, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2122 4School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Penrith, New South Wales, Australia2324 5Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), National Institute of Information and 25 Communications Technology (NICT), Suita, Osaka, Japan2627 6Advanced Telecommunications Research Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Soraku-28 gun, Kyoto, Japan293031 *Corresponding author 32 E-mail: [email protected] (NT)333435 ¶These authors contributed equally to this work.3637383940

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41 Abstract

42 When presented with an oscillatory sensory input at a particular frequency, F [Hz], neural

43 systems respond with the corresponding frequency, f [Hz], and its multiples. When the input

44 includes two frequencies (F1 and F2) and they are nonlinearly integrated in the system,

45 responses at intermodulation frequencies (i.e., n1*f1+n2*f2 [Hz], where n1 and n2 are non-zero

46 integers) emerge. Utilizing these properties, the steady state evoked potential (SSEP) paradigm

47 allows us to characterize linear and nonlinear neural computation performed in cortical

48 neurocircuitry. Here, we analyzed the steady state evoked local field potentials (LFPs) recorded

49 from the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory cortex of anesthetized (ketamine-

50 xylazine) cats while we presented slow (F1=23Hz) and fast (F2=200Hz) somatosensory

51 vibration to the contralateral paw pads and digits. Over 9 experimental sessions, we recorded

52 LFPs from N=1620 and N=1008 bipolar-referenced sites in S1 and S2 using electrode arrays.

53 Power spectral analyses revealed strong responses at 1) the fundamental (f1, f2), 2) its

54 harmonic, 3) the intermodulation frequencies, and 4) broadband frequencies (50-150Hz). To

55 compare the computational architecture in S1 and S2, we employed simple computational

56 modeling. Our modeling results necessitate nonlinear computation to explain SSEP in S2 more

57 than S1. Combined with our current analysis of LFPs, our paradigm offers a rare opportunity to

58 constrain the computational architecture of hierarchical organization of S1 and S2 and to reveal

59 how a large-scale SSEP can emerge from local neural population activities.


61 Introduction

62 Internal processing architecture of physical systems, including neuronal networks of the brain,

63 can be characterized by probing them with steady oscillatory input at a particular frequency and

64 measuring their output in the frequency domain [1-4]. In sensory neuroscience, this technique is

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65 called a “steady state evoked potential (SSEP)” paradigm. With the oscillatory input probe, the

66 system’s output is examined at various response frequencies. Throughout this paper, we denote

67 input and output frequency with a capital, F [Hz], and a small letter, f [Hz], respectively. A linear-

68 time-invariant (LTI) system, which does not contain any nonlinearity in the system, can only

69 modulate the amplitude or phase of the responses at f=F [Hz] and cannot generate responses

70 that are not present in the stimulus [4]. The presence of neural response at the harmonics of the

71 input frequency (n*f, where n=2, 3, 4, …) necessitates nonlinear processing in the system.

72 Recently, the SSEP paradigm and its variants have arisen as a powerful technique in sensory

73 neuroscience to characterize properties of the sensory neural circuits in the visual, auditory and

74 somatosensory systems in various animal species [3-8].


76 The SSEP paradigm is particularly powerful when extended to use multiple input frequencies.

77 For the case of two input frequencies (F1, F2), as used in this paper, in addition to the harmonic

78 frequencies, nonlinear processing in the system can be further inferred by the presence of

79 intermodulation frequencies (n1*f1+n2*f2) in the output of the system [1, 2, 6, 9-14] (See a

80 review [15]). Intermodulation responses can only arise from nonlinear processing of two (or

81 more) input frequencies, e.g., F1 and F2. Recent cognitive neuroscience investigations have

82 utilized this theoretical prediction [4-6, 11-13]. While these intermodulation phenomena are

83 attracting popularity in large scale EEG measures in human cognitive neurosciences, the

84 detailed neuronal mechanisms on how intermodulation arises at the level of single neurons and

85 local neural circuitry remains unclear.


87 Previously, we applied the SSEP paradigm in the somatosensory domain in the anesthetized

88 cats [16], focusing on the analysis of isolated single (or multiple) neuron spiking activities.

89 There, we observed neurons responding in synchrony with the low frequency stimulus

90 (F1=23Hz), and neurons that seemed partially time-locked to the high frequency input

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91 (F2=200Hz) (data not published). Further we found some neurons that responded to low

92 (F1=23Hz) and high (F2=200Hz) frequency vibrations in a manner where the spiking rates were

93 linearly related to the amplitude of the respective vibratory inputs. We also found that some

94 neurons responded to these vibratory inputs in a supralinear facilitatory manner.


96 In this paper, we turned our analysis to local field potentials (LFPs) recorded in the same

97 experiments in order to examine the population-level neuronal responses at the harmonic and

98 intermodulation frequencies of the input stimuli. While a single cortical neuron may not be able

99 to respond to every cycle of the very high frequency stimulus (e.g., F2=200Hz) due to the

100 refractory period, neurons are capable of collectively encoding every cycle at such a high

101 frequency. As LFPs reflect collective actions of neurons, we examine LFPs for high frequency

102 neural population response and evidence of nonlinear processing that manifests as responses

103 at harmonic (2f1, 3f1, etc) and intermodulation (n1*f1+n2*f2) frequencies.


105 We found that LFPs recorded in the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices of

106 anesthetized cats indeed show strong evidence of nonlinear processing from the examination of

107 the SSEP harmonic and intermodulation. Unexpectedly, we also found that non-harmonic and

108 non-intermodulation frequencies between 50-150Hz in the secondary somatosensory cortex can

109 be strongly modulated by the strength of the vibratory inputs. Finally, our computational

110 modeling suggests that nonlinear processing is prominent in the secondary somatosensory

111 cortex, but less so in the primary sensory cortex. Our results constrain the network architecture

112 of the somatosensory cortical circuits. It will inform future studies that aim to generalize our

113 findings to other sensory modalities, animal models, and conscious states.


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115 Methods

116 Experimental subjects and procedures

117 The detailed experimental methods are described in [16]. Here we describe the aspects of the

118 protocol that are relevant for our current paper. This study was carried out in strict accordance

119 with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the

120 National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia. All procedures involving animals were

121 approved and monitored by the University of New South Wales Animal Care and Ethics

122 Committee (project number: ACEC 09/7B). All surgery was performed under ketamine-xylazine

123 anesthesia, and all efforts were made to minimize suffering.


125 Outbred domestic cats had anesthesia induced with an intramuscular dose of ketamine (20

126 mg/kg) and xylazine (2.0 mg/kg). Anesthesia was maintained over the three days of an

127 experiment by intravenous infusion of alfaxalone (1.2 mg/kg) delivered in an equal mixture of

128 Hartmann’s solution and 5% glucose solution at approximately 2 ml/kg/hr. The animal received

129 daily doses of dexamethasone (1.5 mg/kg) and a broad spectrum antibiotic (Baytril, 0.1 ml/kg)

130 intramuscularly, and atropine (0.2 mg/kg) subcutaneously.


132 The animal was secured in a stereotaxic frame and a craniotomy and durotomy were performed

133 to expose the primary and secondary somatosensory areas (Fig 1A). The exposed cortex was

134 mapped by recording evoked potentials using a multichannel recording system (RZ2 TDT,

135 Tucker Davis Technologies Inc., Florida, U.S.A) and an amplifier and headstage (model 1800,

136 AMSystems, Washington, U.S.A.).


138 Fig 1. Neural recording, vibratory stimulation and our analysis scheme.

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139 (A) Photo of anterior parietal cortex with outlines of sulci (white lines) superimposed. The planar

140 array was inserted into the paw representation region of S1 (yellow square). A linear array was

141 inserted into S2 region located in the suprasylvian sulci (yellow rectangle). (B) Time course of

142 the depth modulation of the vibratory stimulation. The stimulator presses 500μm into the skin

143 over 0.1s of ramping, followed by a pause of 0.1s. At t=0, the vibration stimulation starts. Here,

144 159μm of 23Hz sinusoid is superimposed on a step indentation. We represent a combination of

145 the depth modulation for F1 and F2, such as X [μm] and Y [μm], as [F1, F2]=[X, Y]. (C) Time

146 domain representation of LFP signal from bipolar channel 156 in S1 (Session 2-2). Here, we

147 computed the mean of the pre-stimulus LFP from -0.5 to -0.1s and used it as a baseline per

148 trial, which is subtracted from LFP per trial. The mean trace from 15 trials is shown ([F1,

149 F2]=[159, 16]). Shade represents the standard “deviation” across 15 trials, indicating extremely

150 robust and clean SSEP. (D) Power spectrum of the LFP signal from 0.5 to 2.5s after stimulus

151 onset in (C). Again, shading represents standard “deviation”. Vertical lines show frequencies of

152 interest. (Red for 23Hz and its harmonics, green for 200Hz and blue for intermodulation.) (E and

153 F) Frequency domain representation of logSNR (E) and vibration evoked logPower (VELogP)

154 (F).


156 We used the RZ2 TDT system to drive a Gearing & Watson mechanical stimulator with a 5mm

157 diameter flat perspex tip. As vibrotactile stimuli, we delivered F1=23Hz or F2=200Hz sinusoidal

158 indentation to the paw pad or digit of the cat. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the sinusoid for

159 23Hz ranged from 0 to 159μm, while that for 200Hz ranged from 0 to 31μm. The probe at rest

160 barely indented the skin. Hair around the forelimb paw pads was shaved to prevent activation

161 during stimulation.


163 We recorded neural activity with a 10x10 ‘‘planar’’ multi-electrode array (Blackrock

164 Microsystems, Utah, U.S.A) in S1 and with a 8x8 ‘‘linear’’ multi-electrode array (NeuroNexus,

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165 Michigan, U.S.A.) in S2. We inserted these arrays aiming at recording from the paw

166 representation regions within S1 and S2. Through the mapping procedure, we confirmed these

167 recording sites. We used the planar arrays to obtain wide coverage of S1 and nearby regions.

168 The array consisted of 1.5mm long electrodes and recorded data from those electrodes across

169 a 13mm2 horizontal plane of cortex. We chose to use the linear array to record neural activity

170 from S2 because S2 is buried in the depth of the cortex. The electrode contacts on the linear

171 array recorded data from a vertical cross-section of multiple cortical layers along 1.4mm of

172 cortex. Data from these arrays were collected using the RZ2 TDT multichannel recording

173 system through a PZ2 TDT pre-amplifier. Streaming data were recorded simultaneously without

174 filtering at 12kHz.


176 Stimulus duration varied across sessions (Table 1), ranging from 3 to 4.4s. The peak-to-peak

177 amplitude of the low frequency sinusoid varied from 0 and 159μm, and the high frequency

178 sinusoid from 0 to 31μm. The amplitudes for the two sinusoids were selected pseudorandomly

179 for each trial within each session. The number of trials per stimulus condition (a particular

180 combination of F1 and F2 amplitude) ranged from 10-15 depending on the recording session.


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182 Table 1. Summary of the experiments.

Session ID Location of

vibratory stimulation

23Hz stimulus

amplitudes [μm]

200Hz stimulus

amplitudes [μm]

# of trials per





1-1 Contralateral D5 0, 10, 20, 40, 79, 159 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 15 10 4

1-2 Contralateral D4 0, 10, 20, 40, 79, 159 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 15 10 4

1-3 Contralateral D5 0, 19, 40, 79, 159 0, 2, 4, 7, 15 15 4

2-1 Contralateral D4 0, 40, 79, 159 0, 4, 7, 16 15 3

2-2 Contralateral D5 0, 40, 79, 159 0, 4, 7, 16 15 3

2-3 Contralateral central


0, 40, 79, 159 0, 4, 7, 16 15 3

2-4 Contralateral central


0, 19, 40, 79, 159 0, 4, 7, 16, 31 10 4.4

2-5 Contralateral central


0, 19, 40, 79, 159 0, 4, 7, 16, 31 10 4.4

2-6 Contralateral D4 0, 19, 40, 79, 159 0, 4, 7, 16, 31 10 4.4

183 The details of the stimulus configuration per session. Each row has a distinct session ID. The

184 first digit of the session ID refers to the cat ID. Within the same cat, we did not move S1

185 recording locations, but in some cases, we moved S2 recording locations. The second digit

186 refers to different vibratory stimulation locations (e.g., pad, Dx finger, etc). We recorded from 2

187 cats over 9 sessions. 0 stimulus amplitude means no vibration at that frequency.


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189 Data preprocessing

190 To reduce line noise and obtain finer spatial resolution, we first applied bipolar re-referencing to

191 the original LFP data, by subtracting the unipolar referenced voltage of each electrode from the

192 horizontal or vertical neighbouring electrode [17]. Throughout this paper, we call the resulting

193 bipolar re-referenced data as “bipolar channels”. Bipolar re-referencing resulted in 180 bipolar

194 channels (90 vertical and 90 horizontal pairs) for 10x10 planar array recordings and 112 bipolar

195 channels (56 vertical and 56 horizontal pairs) for 8x8 linear array recordings (in total 2628

196 channels over 9 sessions).


198 For all subsequent analyses, we epoched each trial data into a single 2s segment (from 0.5 to

199 2.5s after stimulus onset), which excludes initial transient responses. 2s is long enough for our

200 analyses and is consistently available across all sessions. We excluded the datasets where we

201 used 0.8s as a stimulus duration (and F1=20Hz) which was mainly reported in [16]. All the

202 experiments we report here come from experiments with F1=23Hz and F2=200Hz.


204 Analysing power

205 By logPi,t,[g,h](f), we denote the logarithm (base 10) of power at frequency, f, of the LFP over 2s

206 for channel i in trial t, where the amplitude of F1=23Hz and F2=200Hz was g and h [μm].

207 Hereafter, we simply call “power” to mean “logPower” for all subsequent analysis and statistics.

208 We analyze the response frequency f from 0 to 250Hz. To obtain logPi,t,[g,h](f), we used

209 mtspectrumc.m from Chronux Toolbox [18 Oxford University Press] with one taper. Together

210 with the 2s time window length, this gives a half bandwidth of 0.5Hz (=(k+1)/2T; here, k is the

211 number of tapers and T is the length of time window). The mean logPower logPi,[g,h](f) is the

212 mean across all trials in each stimulus condition. We use X to denote mean of X across trials.

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213 We had several channels whose power happened to be 0 in some trials in some frequencies,

214 which resulted in negative infinity after log transform. We removed these channels from further

215 analysis.


217 We define signal to noise ratio (logSNR) of the response, logSNRi,t,[g,h](f), by subtracting the

218 logPower at the neighbouring frequencies of f [Hz](denoted by a set F’ with F’ = {f’ | f-3<f’<f-1 or

219 f+1<f’<f+3}) from the logPower at f;


221 (2)


223 , where NF’ is the number of the neighbouring frequencies. logSNR is a standard measure in

224 SSEP literature [4] and facilitates comparisons of the signal quality across different recording

225 modalities, brain regions, animals and paradigms. As our input stimulus contained sinusoidal

226 tactile modulation at F1=23Hz and F2=200Hz, we expected that there would be logSNR in the

227 corresponding tagged frequencies f1=23Hz and f2=200Hz. Further, we expected that nonlinear

228 processing to result in logSNR in the harmonic frequencies (i.e., the integer multiple of the

229 tagged frequencies, n1*f1). As we restricted our analyses within 0 to 250Hz, we analyzed 9

230 harmonic frequencies: 46, 69, 92, 115, 138, 161, 184, 207, and 230Hz with n1=2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

231 8, 9 and 10, respectively. We further expected that nonlinear integration of the two stimuli to

232 result in logSNR at the intermodulation frequencies, n1*f1+n2*f2, where n1 and n2 are both

233 nonzero integers. When n2=1, this resulted in 10 intermodulation frequencies: 16, 39, 62, 85,

234 108, 131, 154, 177, 223, and 246Hz, with n1=-8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, and 2, respectively.

235 In total, we considered 21 frequencies (2 tagged, 9 harmonic, and 10 intermodulation

236 frequencies). Note that the closest neighboring frequencies among tagged, harmonic, and

, ,[ , ] , ,[ , ] , ,[ , ]

' ''

1log ( ) log ( ) log ( ')i t g h i t g h i t g h

f FF

SNR f P f P fN

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237 intermodulation frequencies are 7Hz (e.g., f1=23Hz vs (-8)*f1+f2=16Hz), which is much bigger

238 than the half bandwidth of 0.5Hz (see above).


240 Here, logSNR assumes that frequencies outside of tagged, harmonic, and intermodulation

241 frequencies reflect the noise and do not reflect the processing of the stimuli [4]. We were, at

242 least initially, agnostic about such an assumption (See Discussion on this issue).


244 We also define vibration evoked logPower, VELogPi,t,[g,h](f), as logPower minus mean logPower

245 across trials in which the stimulus probe touched the cat’s paw without any vibration (i.e. [g,

246 h]=[0, 0]). That is,


248 (3)


250 , where T is a set of [g, h]=[0, 0] trials and NT is the number of such trials. Like logSNR, we

251 expected that there would be VELogP in the target, harmonic, and intermodulation frequencies.


253 In addition to the tagged, harmonic, and intermodulation frequencies, we observed broad high-

254 gamma responses [19-22]. In our preliminary analyses, where we examined the responses of all

255 frequencies that are outside of the tagged, harmonic, and intermodulation frequencies, we

256 observed strong modulation of the high-gamma band (50-150Hz) power with some dependency

257 on the amplitude of F1 and F2 vibration. If there is a strong evoked broadband response, the

258 logSNR measure would not detect such an increase. Broad and uniform increase of power will

259 cancel out due to the neighborhood-subtraction procedure in logPower, resulting in

260 logSNR(f)=0. To analyze the observed high-gamma responses, we used a different measure,

261 high gamma power (HGP), in which we selectively averaged the power in the high gamma

, ,[ , ] , ,[ , ] , ',[0,0]


1( ) log ( ) log ( )i t g h i t g h i t

t TT

VELogP f P f P fN

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262 range excluding any contribution from tagged, harmonic and intermodulation frequencies. For

263 this purpose, we first define a set of frequencies, f’, between 50 and 150Hz, which are outside of

264 +/- 0.5Hz around the tagged, harmonic, and intermodulation frequencies. We define high

265 gamma power (logHGP) as the mean vibration evoked logPower (VELogP) across f’ as follows:


267 (4)


269 ,where Nf’ is the number of the frequencies considered for HGP.


271 Statistical analysis

272 To investigate the effect of the amplitude of vibration stimuli at F1 and F2, we performed a two-

273 way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the MATLAB function, anova2.m (MATLAB R2019b).

274 We modelled the dependent variable y, where y can be logP(f), logSNR(f), or VELogP(f), at

275 channel i, and response frequency f:


277 (5)


279 , where aF1 and aF2 are the amplitude of F1=23Hz and F2=200Hz vibration stimuli (e.g., [aF1,

280 aF2]=[0, 0], [0, 40].... See Table 1) and cF1, cF2, cF1F2 are the coefficient that minimizes the

281 error term, ε, in the ANOVA framework. We performed the ANOVA to obtain F-statistics and p-

282 value separately for each channel, i, and response frequency, f, for two main effects and their

283 interaction, by testing the significant departure of cF1, cF2 and cF1F2 from zero.


, ,[ , ] , ,[ , ]

50 ' 150'

1log ( ')i t g h i t g h



1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2( , )y i f cF aF cF aF cF F aF aF

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285 We performed the above ANOVA for frequencies from 0Hz to 250Hz for each channel. To

286 correct for multiple comparisons, we used false discovery rate [23] implemented as fdr.m in

287 eeglab for MATLAB [24]. We set the false discovery rate as q=0.05 to determine a corrected p-

288 value threshold for significance by pooling across all frequencies, bipolar channels, sessions,

289 somatosensory areas, and three effects (two main effects and their interaction).


291 Results

292 Steady state evoked potentials (SSEP) at a channel in the

293 maximal stimulation condition

294 We used the steady state evoked potentials (SSEP) paradigm to probe the properties of

295 population-level neuronal responses in cat’s primary and secondary somatosensory areas (S1

296 and S2) under anesthesia. While we recorded local field potentials (LFPs) from planar array in

297 S1 and linear electrode array in S2 (Fig 1A), we applied vibratory stimuli in low (F1=23Hz) and

298 high (F2=200Hz) frequency around the cats’ paw (Fig 1B and Table 1). In Fig 1C, we show a

299 sample LEP response from one highly responding bipolar channel in S1 in Session 2-2. In the

300 figure, we show the average of the bipolar data across 15 trials in which we applied the largest

301 amplitude in the session, that is, stimulus condition [F1, F2] = [159,16]. Hereafter, we represent

302 a combination of the vibration amplitude X and Y [μm] for frequency F1 and F2 as [F1, F2]=[X,

303 Y].


305 To characterize neural responses at tagged, harmonic and intermodulation frequencies, we first

306 computed the power spectra from 0 to 250Hz for each trial in each stimulus condition (see

307 Methods) in total from 2628 channels. Fig 1D shows the power spectrum from the same

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308 channel in S1 as in Fig 1C (the average across 15 trials from the maximum stimulus condition,

309 [F1, F2] = [159, 16], in Session 2-2). The frequencies of interest are shown: f1=23Hz

310 fundamental and harmonic frequencies with red vertical line, f2=200Hz fundamental frequency

311 with green vertical line and their intermodulations with blue vertical line. In the figure, we

312 observe several peaks, but 1/f distribution is dominant. To isolate the significance of responses

313 at the frequencies of interest, we quantified the power increase from the baseline. First,

314 following the SSEP literature [4], we used nontagged frequencies as the baseline. We refer to

315 the measurement as signal to noise ratio (logSNR). Second, we used the no-stimulus condition,

316 i.e. [g, h]=[0, 0], as the baseline. We refer to the measurement as vibration evoked logPower

317 (VELogP; see Methods for the details). logSNR and VELogP were computed per trial, stimulus

318 condition, and channel. Figs 1E and 1F show the example of logSNR and VELogP from the

319 same channel as in Figs 1C and 1D (the average across 15 trials at [F1, F2] = [159, 16] in

320 Session 2-2). These formats clarify the peaks of logSNR and VELogP at the frequencies of

321 interest. As we will demonstrate, these observations were not unique to one particular channel,

322 but generalized across many channels. Note that these results were not straightforwardly

323 expected from our previous study with SUA and MUA in the same data set [16]. We will discuss

324 the implication of each point in Discussion.


326 Unexpected main effects and interactions of F1 and F2

327 across frequencies

328 Next, we quantified the response dependency on the magnitude of F1, F2 and their interactions

329 by performing two-way ANOVA on logP, logSNR and VELogP. The statistical analyses revealed

330 spatially specific responses for the frequencies of interest (Fig 2). For example, we found that

331 some channels responded at f1 (or f2), whose response magnitude depended on only the

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332 stimulus magnitude of F1 (or F2) (Figs 3 and 4). However, we also found that some channels

333 responded at f1 (or f2), whose response magnitude depended on the stimulus magnitude of the

334 “other” frequency, e.g., F2 (or F1) (Fig 5). Further, we found that the assumption of logSNR

335 computation, that is, the use of nontagged frequencies as the baseline was violated in some

336 notable cases. This is hinted at by the difference between logSNR and VELogP around

337 50<f<150Hz in Fig 2B (black line). As we elaborate in Fig 6, we found this effect only in the

338 channels in S2 and at 50<f<150Hz, so-called high gamma range.


340 Three major response types observed

341 Using two-way ANOVA, we statistically evaluated the proportion of the 2628 channels that

342 exhibited significant modulation in logP, logSNR, and VELogP. The factors were the input

343 amplitude of F1=23Hz and F2=200Hz vibration. This analysis revealed that response at a

344 frequency was mainly classified into three types: 1) response modulated by only F1 amplitude

345 (Fig 2A), 2) one modulated by only F2 amplitude (Fig 2B), and 3) one modulated by the two

346 amplitude and their interaction (Fig 2C). In addition, we found that the results from logSNR were

347 different from those from logP and VELogP. In particular, while we observed modulation at

348 50Hz<f<150Hz in logP and VELogP, this modulation was not observed in logSNR. When it

349 comes to VELogP, the results were exactly the same as ones of logP because of our definition

350 of VELogP.


352 Figs 2A-2C respectively show the percentages of channels showing type 1), 2) and 3)

353 significance for logP, logSNR and VELogP at each frequency. The frequencies of interest are

354 shown with red (23Hz fundamental and harmonic frequencies), green (200Hz), and blue

355 (intermodulation frequencies). The first type of response (Fig 2A) is found predominantly at the

356 integer multiples of f1=23Hz (~4%) and some intermodulation frequencies (~1%). Unlike the first

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357 type, the second type (Fig 2B) is mainly found at f2=200Hz (~12%). Interestingly, this type is

358 also found at 50<f<150Hz (~2% on average), so-called high gamma range. Finally, the third

359 type (Fig 2C) is predominantly found at f1=23Hz (~6%) and 2f2=46Hz (~7%), but also observed

360 across some harmonic and intermodulation frequencies as well as f2=200Hz (~2%).


362 Fig 2. Proportion of significant channels (two-way ANOVA) in S1 and S2.

363 Statistical results from logP and VELogP are identical and shown in black. Results from logSNR

364 are shown in brown. Vertical lines beneath x-axis indicate F1 fundamental and harmonic (red),

365 F2 fundamental (green), and intermodulation frequencies (blue). (A-C) % of channels that were

366 deemed as significant according to two-way ANOVA only for the main effects of the amplitude of

367 F1 (but not F2 main effect nor F1-F2 interaction; A), F2=200Hz main effect only (but not F1

368 main effect nor F1-F2 interaction; B) and both main effects of F1 and F2 as well as F1-F2

369 interaction (C).


371 In the next few sections, we will show exemplar logSNR responses of the three response types

372 from Session 2-2. (See Sup Figs 1-3 for exemplar VELogP responses.)


374 Exemplar responses at f1 (=23Hz) only dependent on the

375 magnitude of F1 (=23Hz)

376 In Fig 3, we show exemplar responses at f1=23Hz which are modulated by only the magnitude

377 of stimulus vibration at F1=23Hz. Fig 3A depicts logSNR around 23Hz at bipolar channel 131 in

378 S1 in Session 2-2. The channel demonstrates a significant main effect of F1=23Hz amplitude

379 (p<10-5), but neither the main effect F2=200Hz (p=0.054) nor their interaction (p=0.52; the

380 corrected threshold 0.00019). Fig 3A shows that logSNR at 23Hz was significantly modulated as

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381 a function of F1=23Hz amplitude from 0 to 159μm (from the top to the bottom row) but not

382 across the amplitude of F2=200Hz amplitude from 0 to 16μm (from the left to the right column).

383 Fig 3B shows the spatial distribution of logSNR for all channels in S1 during Session 2-2. We

384 use a blue diamond to mark the channel shown in Fig 3A.


386 Fig 3. Exemplar logSNR at f1=23Hz depend on the vibration amplitude of F1=23Hz.

387 16 panels are arranged so that the row and column encodes the input amplitude of F1=23Hz

388 (from 0 to 159μm) and F2=200Hz (from 0 to 16μm), respectively. (A) logSNR of S1 bipolar

389 channel 131, whose location in the Utah array in (B) is identified with a blue diamond, (Session

390 2-2). This channel’s responses at f1=23Hz showed a significant main effect of F1=23Hz

391 amplitude, but neither the main effect of F2=200Hz nor their interaction. p-value (F1, F2,

392 interaction) = (<10-5, 0.054, 0.52) with the corrected threshold 0.00019. y-axis of each subplot is

393 the mean logSNR with standard deviation across 15 trials. x-axis is the response frequency f,

394 around f=23Hz. (B) Spatial mapping of logSNR at f1=23Hz across all channels in S1 (Session

395 2-2). Each square represents one of the bipolar re-referenced channels. The center of the

396 square is plotted at the middle point between the original unipolar recordings of the 10x10 array.

397 Squares with gray indicate channels, which were removed from the analysis (see Methods).



400 Exemplar responses at f2 (=200Hz) only dependent on the

401 magnitude of F2 (=200Hz)

402 Fig 4 shows exemplar responses at f2=200Hz which are modulated by only the magnitude of

403 stimulus vibration at F2=200Hz. Fig 4A depicts logSNR around 200Hz for bipolar channel 36 in

404 S1 in Session 2-2. The channel demonstrates a significant main effect of F2=200Hz amplitude

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405 (p<10-5), but not the interaction (p=0.14). The main effect of F1=23Hz (p=0.00043) does not

406 survive the correction for multiple comparisons (0.00019). Fig 4B shows the spatial distribution

407 of logSNR for all channels in S1 during Session 2-2. It is clear that while many channels

408 increase their logSNR as the amplitude of 200Hz increases (from the left to the right column), a

409 cluster of channels above bipolar channel 36 (blue diamond) also increases logSNR at 200Hz

410 as the amplitude of 23Hz increases (from the top to the bottom row).


412 Fig 4. Exemplar logSNR at f2=200Hz depends on the vibration amplitude of F2=200Hz.

413 This figure is shown with the same format as Fig 3. (A) logSNR of bipolar channel 36 in S1

414 (Session 2-2). This channel’s responses at f2=200Hz showed a significant main effect of

415 F2=200Hz amplitude, but neither the main effect of F1=23Hz nor their interaction. x-axis is the

416 response frequency f, around f=200Hz. p-value (F1, F2, interaction) = (0.00043, <10-5, 0.14)

417 with the corrected threshold 0.00019. (B) Spatial mapping of logSNR at f2=200Hz across all

418 channels in S1 (Session 2-2).



421 Exemplar responses at f1 dependent on the magnitude of F1

422 and F2 and their interaction

423 Fig 5 shows exemplar responses at f1=23Hz which are modulated by magnitude of stimulus

424 vibration at both F1 and F2 and their interaction. Fig 5A depicts logSNR around f=23Hz for

425 bipolar channel 158 in S1 in Session 2-2. The channel demonstrates the significant main effects

426 of both 23Hz (p<10-5), 200Hz (p<10-5) as well as interaction (p<10-5) with the corrected threshold

427 0.00019. Fig 5B shows the spatial distribution of logSNR for all channels in S1.


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429 Fig 5. Exemplar logSNR at f1=23Hz depend on the vibration amplitude of F1=23Hz,

430 F2=200Hz, and their interaction.

431 The same format as Fig 3. (A) logSNR of bipolar channel 158 in S1 (Session 2-2). This

432 channel’s responses at f1=23Hz showed a significant main effect of F1=23Hz amplitude, the

433 main effect of F2=200Hz, and their interaction. x-axis is the response frequency f, around

434 f=23Hz. p-values (F1, F2, interaction) are all p<10-5 with the corrected threshold 0.00019. (B)

435 Spatial mapping of logSNR at f2=200Hz across all channels in S1 (Session 2-2).


437 Violation of SNR computation in the high gamma band in S2,

438 but not in S1.

439 The steady state evoked potentials (SSEP) paradigm assumes that the responses at the

440 “nontagged” frequencies (i.e., outside of the tagged, harmonic and intermodulation frequencies)

441 do not represent stimulus processing, thus, it can be considered as the noise or baseline. The

442 logSNR measure we presented so far rests on this assumption. To contrast the difference

443 between logSNR and VELogP responses, we present the data in Figs 3-5 in the format of

444 VELogP in Sup Figs 1-3.


446 Figs 6A-6C show the F-statistics for F1 main effect, F2 main effect, and their interaction

447 respectively from our two-way ANOVA on VELogP (not logSNR) across all frequencies from 0

448 to 250Hz. Each of them shows the 95th, 90th, and 50th percentile for F-statistics for N=1620

449 channels in S1 and N=1008 channels for S2. For these figures, we removed +/-0.5Hz around

450 the fundamental, harmonic and intermodulation frequencies in order to focus on the modulation

451 of responses at the nontagged frequencies. Blue and pale blue lines for S1 in Figs 6A-6C

452 demonstrate that S1 does not show any effects outside the fundamental, harmonic, and

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453 intermodulation frequencies. Red and pale red lines for S2 are very similar in Figs 6A and 6C.

454 However, they are quite distinct in Fig 6B, which demonstrates a strong main effect of

455 F2=200Hz across HGB (from 50 to 150Hz) in some channels in S2. Fig 7A shows one exemplar

456 response in bipolar channel 102 from Session 2-2 in S2, which shows clear main effects of

457 F2=200Hz across 50-150Hz. Fig 7B shows the spatial mapping of HGP in S2, which

458 demonstrates the wide spread high gamma responses in S2. (See Methods for HGP.)


460 Fig 6. Nontagged frequencies between 50-150Hz in S2 are modulated by F2=200Hz

461 vibratory amplitude.

462 (A)-(C) F1 main effect (A), F2 main effect (B), interaction (C) F-statistics from ANOVA

463 performed on logP in S1 (shades of pale blue to blue) and S2 (shades of pale red to red). We

464 plotted 95th percentile (top 5%), 90th (top 10%), and 50th (median). Some channels in S2

465 showed significant main effect of 200Hz vibratory amplitude in nontagged frequencies (+/-0.5Hz

466 outside of the tagged, harmonic, and intermodulation frequencies, and outside of 50Hz, 100Hz,

467 and 150Hz) from 50-150Hz. No main effects of 23Hz amplitude or interaction. We smoothed

468 lines for a display purpose (1 data point per 1Hz).


470 Fig 7. Exemplar nontagged frequencies responses between 50-150Hz modulated by

471 F2=200Hz vibratory amplitude.

472 (A) Exemplar nontagged responses (VELogP) between 50-150Hz in bipolar channel 102 in S2

473 (Session 2-2). (B) Spatial mapping of high gamma power (HGP) in S2 (Session 2-2). The

474 location of bipolar channel 102 is located in the 8x8 array by a blue diamond. Color encodes the

475 mean nontagged HGP in dB (our HGP measure, see Methods).


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477 The result is quite unlike all the analyses we presented so far, where we see no clear

478 differences between the two regions, S1 and S2. We will come back to the source of the

479 differences and its implication in SSEP paradigm in Discussion.


481 HGP is sustained after the onset transient

482 HGP is typically observed as a transient response [22, 25], thus, the fact that we saw the HGP

483 may be dependent on our choice of the duration of the response for computing the spectral

484 power. To examine this, we analyzed the time course of the HGP. Here, we shortened the time

485 window from 2 to 0.5s, thus, the half bandwidth increased from 0.5 to 2Hz. To avoid the

486 influence of the tagged frequencies, we averaged the power from 50 to 150Hz except for 2Hz

487 around the tagged frequencies.


489 Based on the ANOVAs results, we searched for channels where HGP was modulated by the

490 amplitude of F2 stimulus vibration. Specifically, we used F-stats results from ANOVAs

491 performed on logP. We took the mean of the F-stats across frequencies from 50 to 150Hz,

492 avoiding the frequencies of interest +-2Hz for each channel and selected the top 10% of

493 channels that showed larger mean F-stats.


495 Fig 8 shows the mean time course of HGP (black line) and responses at frequencies of interest

496 around HGB from the top 10% channels. When computing the mean time course, we took only

497 the maximum stimulus condition from each session. The HGP increase was prominent at the

498 stimulus onset of the transient. After the transient, however, the HGP persisted and its

499 magnitude was sometimes as strong as responses at harmonic and intermodulation

500 frequencies. This sustained increase of HGP in nontagged frequencies violates the assumption

501 for the computation of signal-to-ratios; that is, nontagged frequencies do not reflect the stimulus

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502 processing and can serve as the baseline for the computation of logSNR. We will return to this

503 issue in Discussion.


505 Fig 8. Time course of the mean nontagged HGP and the frequencies of interest in S2.

506 (A) Evoked bandlimited power (half band width=2Hz) around the stimulus onset. Mean log

507 power is first averaged within the frequencies of interest for HGP (thick black), f1 harmonic

508 (red), and intermodulation (blue) frequencies around HGB for each trial. Different line types for

509 different frequencies (see the legend). Mean across trials per channel is further averaged

510 across channels. The mean power during -0.5 to -0.25s for each frequency per trial is

511 subtracted. (B) Summary of HGP, harmonic and intermodulation frequencies. Time courses for

512 the harmonic (red) intermodulation (blue) in (A) are averaged for each category within each

513 channel. Shading represents standard error of the mean across the top 10% channels selected

514 as in Fig 6.



517 Computational models to account for the observed nonlinear

518 processing

519 As have been demonstrated so far, in addition to the targeted stimulus frequencies, f1=23Hz

520 and f2=200Hz, we observed strong response modulation at the harmonic and intermodulation

521 frequencies as a function of the vibration amplitude of F1 and F2 stimuli (Figs 1 and 2).

522 Harmonic and intermodulation responses, especially the latter, have been taken as evidence of

523 nonlinear processing in brains [15]. How such nonlinear processing is achieved by the neural

524 circuitry in the brain, however, remains unclear.


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526 In order to infer potential neural mechanisms which could give rise to the observed nonlinear

527 responses, we used a computational modelling approach. Given the demonstrated biological

528 plausibility [15, 26, 27], here we focused on two types of nonlinear processing, that is,

529 rectification and square wave. For a sinusoidal input X=sin(2π*f*t), where t is time and f is input

530 frequency, we modelled rectification nonlinearity as,


532 (6)


534 , and square-wave nonlinearity as,


536 (7)


538 Using an information theoretic model comparison approach, we selected the most plausible

539 model among candidates, separately for those observed within S1 and S2.


541 As is reviewed by Gordon et al. 2019, these nonlinear operations, Rect(X) and Sq(X), alone do

542 not generate responses at harmonic nor intermodulation frequencies (Fig 9) while they do so

543 when combined with further operations, such as multiplication. To reduce possible model

544 architectures, we first visually inspected the data and the outputs from canonical models (Fig 9).

545 We considered two classes of models; one based on combinations of Rect and the other based

546 on Sq. For the Rect class, we considered Rect(X)+Rect(Y)+Rect(XY)+Rect(X)Rect(Y) as a full

547 model and compared its reduced model by model comparison procedure using Akaike’s

548 Information Criteria (AIC) [28]. For the Sq class, we considered Sq(X)+Sq(Y)+Sq(XY) as the full

549 model (Sq(X)Sq(Y) is analytically identical to Sq(XY) when X and Y are real numbers). Fig 9

(if 0)( )

0 (otherwise)X X

Rect X

1 (if 0)( )

1 (otherwise)X

Sq X

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550 displays waveforms in the time-domain and spectra in the frequency-domain for each model

551 class with coefficients set to be 1 for all terms.


553 Fig 9. Waveforms of modeled processes.

554 (A) Waveforms in the time domain (0 to 0.5s). X and Y are sinusoidal inputs at 23 and 200Hz,

555 respectively. For the definitions of Rect and Sq, see the main text. (B) Spectra of each

556 waveform in the frequency domain.


558 In the fitting step, we used a simple line search optimization technique [29] to optimize

559 coefficients for each term (for the details, see Sup Appendix 1). This optimization minimized the

560 difference between the logSNR of the model output and the observed mean logSNR for a given

561 channel across the frequencies of interest (Fig 10B). We adopted the mean logSNR across

562 trials from the maximum vibration condition. For a given channel, we thus have 6 sets (4 for

563 rectification and 2 for square wave class) of the best fit coefficients and the minimum difference

564 between model and actual logSNR.


566 To focus on a possible neuronal mechanism of harmonic and intermodulation nonlinear

567 responses, we focused on the real channels that showed these nonlinear responses strongly.

568 Specifically, we chose the top 10% channels for S1 (156 out of 1620 channels) and S2 (101 out

569 of 1008 channels) in terms of the sum of logSNR across harmonic and intermodulation

570 frequencies at the maximum stimulus condition.


572 Fig 10 illustrates exemplar model responses. Fig 10A shows logSNR for the real data (bipolar

573 channel 43 in S1 in Session 2-2) and the optimized models while Fig 10B shows the difference

574 between the real data and the optimized model at the frequencies of interest, that is, f1, f2

575 fundamentals, harmonic, and intermodulation frequencies. For this channel, we see that logSNR

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576 at intermodulation frequencies at 177Hz and 223Hz are completely missed by the simplest

577 model (i.e., Rect(X)+Rect(Y)), while they are explained by the rest of three non-linear models.

578 However, Rect(XY) nonlinearity cannot account for logSNR at 154Hz and 246Hz.

579 Rect(X)Rect(Y) is required to explain these components. We observed only slight improvement

580 by the full model (i.e. Rect(X)Rect(Y) and Rect(XY)). Unlike Rect nonlinearity, we found Sq

581 nonlinearity to perform rather poorly for both tagged and nontagged frequencies (Sup Fig 4).


583 Fig 10. Exemplar channel’s observed and modelled responses.

584 (A) Bipolar channel 43 in S1 (Session 2-2)’s logSNR (black) is compared to the optimally fitted

585 models from four model architectures based on Rect functions. The best parameters for each

586 model are: (red) -0.023Rect(X)+1.0Rect(Y), (blue) -0.98Rect(X)+58Rect(Y)-0.90Rect(XY),

587 (purple) -0.98Rect(X)+30Rect(X)+0.094Rect(X)Rect(Y) and (yellow) and

588 1.8Rect(X)+55Rect(Y)+0.48Rect(XY)-2.4Rect(X)Rect(Y). The respective sums of logSNR

589 differences from the observed logSNR across the frequencies of interest are 130, 105, 83 and

590 79. (B) Difference between the observed and the best model at the frequencies of interest.

591 Color scheme is the same as in (A).


593 Fig 11 summarizes the population level statistics of the model fitting, which shows obviously

594 better results with rectification models (median minimum differences are 50-70) over square

595 wave models (median minimum differences are around 90-110 in Sup Fig 5).


597 To address the question of whether integrative computation is observed more frequently in S2

598 than S1, we compared the model fitting results between S1 and S2. Cumulative probability

599 distributions in Fig 11A demonstrates that the simplest Rect(X)+Rect(Y) model, depicted by the

600 blue lines, captures most of the variance for S1 responses while it fails to do so for S2. Adding

601 another integrative nonlinear Rect(XY) component (orange lines) nearly saturated our model

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602 performance for S1, while it still left room for improvement for S2. Additional improvement was

603 achieved when we considered Rect(X)Rect(Y) component (purple and yellow), which led to an

604 improvement only in S2.


606 To take into account the number of parameters used for each model class, we computed

607 Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) [28] for each model class within S1 and S2 (See Sup

608 Appendix 2 for the details). Fig 12 shows AIC for 6 models, demonstrating the fitting

609 performance is best for the full rectification model for both S1 and S2, even when we corrected

610 for the bias due to the increased number of model parameters.


612 Finally, we confirmed the statistical difference of the cumulative probability distributions between

613 S1 and S2 for each model. Kolmogorov-Smironv tests confirmed a significantly better model fit

614 (p<10-5) for S1 than S2 for the simplest model (Fig 11B top left). Although the three components

615 models resulted in better performance for S1 than S2, the difference was not as large as the

616 simplest model (p=0.0039 for the model with Rect(XY) in Fig 11B top right and p=0.019 for the

617 model with Rect(X)Rect(Y) in Fig 11B bottom left). For the full model, the difference in model

618 fitting was not significant (p=0.054 in Fig 11B bottom right). (All p values were Bonferroni

619 corrected). These results suggest that the integrative nonlinear components played a significant

620 role in explaining the variance of S2 channels to make the quality of our model fitting equivalent

621 between S1 and S2.These analyses confirm the presence of more complex integrative

622 nonlinear interactions in S2, which is lacking in S1 as we elaborate in Discussion.


624 Fig 11. Comparison of fitting performances across rectification models.

625 (A) Comparison of performance across four rectification models based on the cumulative

626 probability distributions of the minimum difference for S1 and S2 separately. For a display

627 purpose, we removed the worst 1% channels in S1 for two rectification models Rect(X)+Rec(Y)

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628 and Rect(X)+Rect(Y)+Rect(XY). (B) Comparison of each model’s performance between S1 and

629 S2 based on the cumulative probability distributions of the minimum difference. *, **, and ***

630 indicates p<0.05, p<0.01, and p<0.001 due to Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.


632 Fig 12. Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) for 6 models for S1 and S2.

633 The best model is the full rectification model for both S1 and S2.



636 Discussion

637 In this paper, we examined local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from primary and secondary

638 somatosensory cortex (S1 and S2) of anesthetized cats. Our four main findings are: 1) as to

639 fundamental frequencies, we found strong LFP responses to both low frequency (F1=23Hz) and

640 high frequency (F2=200Hz), with strong main effect and some interaction (Figs 1 and 2), 2) as

641 to harmonic and intermodulation frequencies, we found strong evidence of nonlinear processing

642 in the somatosensory pathway (Figs 1 and 2) which were further analyzed with our

643 computational modeling (Figs 9-12), 3) as to the spatial properties of these response, we found

644 that they were highly spatially localized, often showing sharp response boundaries in cortical

645 locations and isolated areas of strong responses (Figs 3-5), 4) as to the nontagged broadband

646 (50-150Hz) high gamma power (HGP), we found evidence to question the validity of the

647 assumption that is used to compute signal-to-noise ratio in SSEP paradigm [3, 4] observed in

648 S2. (Figs 6-8). In the following, we will discuss each of these points in detail.


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650 Responses at fundamental frequencies (f1=23Hz and

651 f2=200Hz)

652 We observed strong main effects and interactions of input stimulus amplitudes (Fig 2) at both

653 low and high frequencies. In terms of the proportions of the recorded sites, roughly 4% and 12%

654 of sites responded at 23Hz and 200Hz.


656 The dominance of the latter response type may be somewhat surprising. Previously, this type of

657 highly narrow band oscillatory responses in LFP have been reported by Rager and Singer [30],

658 who recorded from the visual cortex of anesthetized cats under the SSEP paradigm. However,

659 they reported the LFP responses up to 100Hz, in response to 50Hz visual flickers. Because

660 single neurons have refractory periods, cortical excitatory neurons usually cannot fire at 200Hz.

661 Indeed, in our previous study [16], we did not observe any neurons that fired at that level of high

662 frequency range. Thus, we believe that this 200Hz response is highly unlikely to originate from

663 SUA.


665 There are at least two possible sources for this 200Hz LFP response, each of which is not

666 mutually exclusive to the other. First is that it reflects high frequency inputs from other areas.

667 LFP is known to reflect synaptic inputs to neurons rather than spiking outputs from neurons [31,

668 32]. Thus, if the thalamic input to these regions contain a 200Hz component, then the cortical

669 LFP can reflect such high frequency input. Second possibility is that a population of neurons

670 within S1 and S2 spikes in phase at 200Hz modulation [33]. In other words, while each neuron

671 does not spike at 200Hz, population spiking is observed at 200Hz. 200Hz inputs from other

672 areas are likely to induce subthreshold oscillation, which modulates the probability of spikes

673 occurring in phase. This can also generate 200Hz LFP responses. As our study is not primarily

674 designed to test these possibilities, it is not possible to draw a firm conclusion as to whether

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675 these two possibilities are sufficient (or other mechanisms play a significant role) or which

676 possibility is dominant. Future studies are needed.


678 Another feature of LFP responses at fundamental frequencies is the interaction effects of both

679 F1 and F2 input stimulus amplitude, which is significant at ~5% of the recorded sites (Fig 2C at

680 both 23Hz and 200Hz responses). Clear examples of this response at single recording sites are

681 demonstrated in Fig 5A. The interaction effects are visible in some recording sites. These

682 interaction effects were also reported in our previous paper at the SUA level (Figs 5C-5H of

683 [16]). For example, some SUA exhibited linear increase as the amplitude of F1=23Hz increases,

684 when F2=200Hz amplitude is 0, while the same SUA did not vary at all when F2=200Hz

685 amplitude was varied, in the absence of F1=23Hz modulation. However, this SUA strongly

686 increased its response in the presence of F2=200Hz. Such an interaction effect of SUAs can be

687 explained by subthreshold oscillation and nonlinear thresholding. It is plausible that F2=200Hz

688 does not generate sufficiently strong input to a neuron to make it fire but the stimulus induces

689 strong subthreshold oscillation, which can modulate the firing rate. This is consistent with

690 cortical single unit analysis suggesting that high frequency drive from Pacinian corpuscle

691 afferents has a net balanced excitatory-inhibitory drive but accounts for high frequency

692 fluctuations in the cortical responses of many neurons [34]. Yet another possible explanation

693 can be offered based on our LFP findings. Assuming that LFP already reflects the input from the

694 lower thalamic areas, the above subthreshold-interaction effects are already at play in the

695 thalamus and the interaction effects seen at S1 and S2 is just reflection of this interaction effects

696 of thalamic neurons’ spikes. Again, our experiment was not designed to test this hypothesis,

697 thus it requires further studies to test this idea.


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699 Evidence for nonlinear processing of somatosensory

700 pathway

701 We observed strong harmonic and intermodulation (IMs) responses in both S1 and S2 across

702 various response frequencies. While harmonic responses in LFPs have been reported

703 previously [30], we are not aware of the reports on IM responses in LFP (for electrocorticogram,

704 see [35 Verghese 2017 Journal of Neuroscience]. For review of intermodulations, see [15]).


706 Harmonic responses at LFPs can result from purely sinusoidal spiking input modulation to a

707 given neuron, if the synaptic input response (either excitatory postsynaptic potential or inhibitory

708 postsynaptic potential) have non-sinusoidal form. Thus, it is not extremely informative in

709 inferring the local neural circuit property.


711 On the other hand, the presence or absence of IMs are potentially quite useful. EEG studies

712 combined with computational modeling [2, 36-38] have used IMs to distinguish potential

713 architecture of the neural computation. In our recording at the level of LFPs, the IMs responses

714 are often observed as indicated by blue lines along the x-axis in Fig 2.


716 Building on this empirical finding, we proceeded with the computational modeling studies (Figs

717 9-12). We tried to infer potential neural processes for the observed nonlinear responses by

718 comparing some models with respect to their fitting performance. Based on the past literature,

719 here we focused on the rectification and square wave as the primary mechanisms, which are

720 biologically plausible [15]. Overall, the quality of the model fitting was quite obviously better with

721 the rectification model, while it was poor with the square wave model in most channels (Figs 11

722 and 12 and Sup Fig 5). Further, integrative nonlinear computations were strongly implicated in

723 our modelling in particular for S2 (Figs 11 and 12). A possible implementation of rectification at

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724 the neural circuits could be the one of phase insensitive mechanisms, such as complex cells

725 found in the visual cortex [39]. We are not aware of specific models in the somatosensory

726 system which would correspond to complex cells in the visual system. Meanwhile, the

727 multiplication of two rectification functions can be implemented by coincidence-detector

728 mechanisms, which has been found in the barn owl sound-localization system [40]. Coincidence

729 detectors would integrate the inputs from two functions and become active in an AND gate like

730 operation in a biologically plausible way. Again, we are not aware of direct evidence for

731 coincidence-detectors in the somatosensory system.


733 Regardless of the precise mechanisms, our modelling analysis implicates that such

734 mechanisms are likely to be primarily at play in S2, but not S1. While integration of the neural

735 activity has been hypothesized to occur primarily in S2 than S1 on an anatomical basis, we

736 believe our demonstration is the first to claim this on a computational basis. While highly

737 intriguing, further works are needed to examine what actual neural mechanisms generate these

738 responses in order to evaluate the usefulness of our computational modeling with IM

739 components [15].


741 Local nature of SSEP responses

742 Steady state responses are most often utilized in cognitive neuroscience, typically with

743 electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG) performed on humans [3, 4]

744 (but also see [1]), and predominantly using visual stimuli at relatively low frequency range (but

745 also see [41]).


747 While there are some attempts to localize the source of SSEPs, due to the limitation of scalp

748 recording, the SSEP’s resolutions are still at the level of >cm. Compared to such coarse

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749 resolution, the spatial resolution of our findings from Figs 3-5 and 7 is quite striking. Our spatial

750 resolution was potentially enhanced by bipolar re-referencing [17, 42] and may reflect highly

751 localized clusters of neurons or synaptic inputs to such neurons. The isolated response patterns

752 in Figs 3-5 and 7 suggest that such localized circuitry may exist in a submillimeter scale, the

753 spacing of our array electrodes. Combining with a dense EEG/MEG/ECoG recording, the usage

754 of SSEP paradigm may be able to push the limit of spatial resolution of the source localization

755 for these techniques, by targeting highly localized neural circuits within the human brain. Given

756 the recent explosion of brain machine interface applications that utilize the SSEP paradigm [3],

757 an improved spatial resolution of SSEP can have broader implications outside of the basic

758 science, extending to the field of engineering and clinical neuroscience.


760 High gamma power (HGP) responses in S2 and logSNR

761 computation

762 Outside of the tagged frequencies (fundamental, harmonics, and IMs), we initially expected that

763 LFP power spectra can be regarded as noise, as is usually assumed in SSEP literature [3, 4].

764 However, we found that this assumption was not really met in some channels (~5%) within S2

765 (Fig 6). While broadband (50-150Hz) HGP has been reported in many studies that analyzed

766 ECoG [43-45] and LFPs [46], they tend to be short-lived and may not be relevant for logSNR

767 computation if only the sustained components are used. However, our S2 HGP were in fact

768 sustained and at the comparable magnitude with those at the harmonic and intermodulation

769 frequencies (Fig 8).


771 We are not sure why HGP was completely absent in S1. Along with the above modeling results,

772 the presence or absence of HGP was a prominent difference between S1 and S2. This

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773 difference in HGP might be partially explained by the difference in recording electrodes (planar

774 array for S1 and linear array for S2).


776 While the exact reason of the presence of HGP in S2 but not in S1 remains puzzling, our results

777 at least provide a cautionary note on the practice of logSNR computation, which assumes that

778 evoked SSEP responses can be quantified by comparisons of the power at a given stimulation

779 frequency f and its neighbors. Neighboring non-stimulation frequencies can indeed change its

780 response magnitude in the SSEP paradigm.


782 Conclusion

783 Taken together, our SSEP analyses with LFP revealed nonlinear processing in somatosensory

784 cortex, which is likely to be hierarchically organized. Our results constrain the computational and

785 hierarchical organization of S1 and S2, implying S2 integrates oscillatory functions in a

786 nonlinear way. While this paper focused on a simple Fourier transform of the LFPs, interactions

787 among simultaneously recorded LFPs can be further analyzed by other types of spectral-

788 domain techniques, ranging from coherency [47], Granger causality [48, 49], and integrated

789 information [50]. Given the rich information present in LFPs, which reflects the local neural

790 circuit properties, especially IMs [15], this type of high resolution LFP recordings from animal

791 models can serve as quite powerful tools to dissect the functional and computational properties

792 of underlying circuitries of neural systems across sensory modalities.


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794 Acknowledgements

795 We thank Prof Trichur Vidyasagar for his insightful comments. This work was supported by the

796 MASSIVE HPC facility (



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947 Supporting information

948 Sup Fig 1. Exemplar VELogP at f1=23Hz depend on the vibration amplitude of F1=23Hz.

949 Shown with the same format as Fig 3. (A) VELogP of bipolar channel 176 in S1 (Session 2-2).

950 This channel’s responses at f1=23Hz showed a significant main effect of F1=23Hz amplitude

951 only. p-value (F1, F2, interaction) = (<10-5, 0.20, 0.042) with the corrected threshold 0.00016.

952 (B) Spatial mapping of VELogP at f1=23Hz across all channels in S1 (Session 2-2).


954 Sup Fig 2. Exemplar VELogP at f2=200Hz depend on the vibration amplitude of F2=200Hz.

955 Shown with the same format as Fig 3. (A) VELogP of bipolar channel 122 in S1 (Session 2-2).

956 This channel’s responses at f2=200Hz showed a significant main effect of F2=200Hz amplitude

957 only. p-value (F1, F2, interaction) = (0.0033, <10-5, 0.045) with the corrected threshold 0.00016.

958 (B) Spatial mapping of VELogP at f2=200Hz across all channels in S1 (Session 2-2).


960 Sup Fig 3. Exemplar VELogP at f1=23Hz depend on the vibration amplitude of F1=23Hz,

961 F2=200Hz, and their interaction.

962 Shown with the same format as Fig 3. (A) VELogP of channel 43 in S1 (Session 2-2). This

963 channel’s responses at f1=23Hz showed a significant main effect of F1=23Hz amplitude, the

964 main effect of F2=200Hz, and their interaction. p-values (F1, F2, interaction) are all p<10-5 with

965 the corrected threshold 0.00016. (B) Spatial mapping of VELogP at f1=23Hz across all channels

966 in S1 (Session 2-2).


968 Sup Fig 4. Exemplar channel’s observed and modelled responses for square wave

969 models.

970 (A) Bipolar channel 43 in S1 (Session 2-2)’s logSNR (black) is compared to the optimally fitted

971 models from two square wave models. The best parameters for each model are: (red) -

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972 0.82Sq(X)+56Sq(Y) and (blue) 1.0Sq(X)+83Sq(Y)+1.3Sq(XY). The respective sums of logSNR

973 differences from the observed logSNR across the frequencies of interest are 168 and 132. (B)

974 Difference between the observed and the best model at the frequencies of interest. Color

975 scheme is the same as in (A).


977 Sup Fig 5. Comparison of fitting performances across square wave models.

978 (A) Comparison of performance across two square wave models based on the cumulative

979 probability distributions of the minimum difference for S1 and S2 separately. (B) Comparison of

980 each model’s performance between S1 and S2 based on the cumulative probability distributions

981 of the minimum difference. * and *** indicates p<0.05 and p<0.001 due to Kolmogorov-Smirnov

982 tests.


984 Sup Fig 6. Distribution of each coefficient in rectification models.

985 Cumulative probability distribution of each coefficient in S1 (A) and S2 (B). For a display

986 purpose, we removed the top 3% and bottom 3% channels.


988 Sup Appendix 1. Line search optimisation technique.


990 Sup Appendix 2. Akaike’s Information Criterion.

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