statues of prehistoric venuses found all over the world -...

Statues of Prehistoric Venuses found all over the World By Gaetano Bugelli There are many venuses that have either big bubies or big buttocks. I think I have an idea why they are carved like that. I think that at the time many people were suffering from steatopygia. Venus Number 1: The Venus of Willendorf The Venus of Willendorf dates back to 25,000 years BC and is made of Oolithic limestone. The statue was found in the Palaeolithic archaeological sites at Willendorf in Austria as part of the Wachau railway construction.

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Post on 15-May-2018




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Statues of Prehistoric Venuses found all over the World

By Gaetano Bugelli

There are many venuses that have either big bubies or big

buttocks. I think I have an idea why they are carved like

that. I think that at the time many people were suffering

from steatopygia.

Venus Number 1: The Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf dates back to 25,000 years BC

and is made of Oolithic limestone. The statue was found in

the Palaeolithic archaeological sites at Willendorf in

Austria as part of the Wachau railway construction.

Venus Number 2: The Venus of Lespugue

The Venus of Lespugue dates back to 23,000 years BC and

is made of mammoth ivory tusk. The statue was found in

the Rideaux cave of Lespugue in the foothills of the

Pyrenees, part of the Haute Garonne region of France.

Venus Number 3 : The Venus of Dolni Vestonice

The Venus of Dolni Vestonice dates back to 26,000 years

BC and is made of a mixture of animal bone meal and clay.

The statue was found in the palaeolithic settlement of Dolní

Vestonice which is in slopes of the Pavlov Hills in Czech


Venus Number 4: The Venus of Mal’ta in Siberia

The Venus of Mal’ta dates back to 21,000 years BC and is

made of mammoth ivory tusk. The statue was found in a

cave at Mal'ta, at the Angara River, near Lake Baikal in

Irkutsk Oblast, Siberia.

Venus Number 5: The Venus of Brassempouy

The Venus of Brassempouy dates back to 23,000 years BC

and is made of mammoth ivory tusk. The statue was found

near Brassempouy, in a place known as the Galerie des

Hyènes (Gallery of the Hyenas) and the Grotte du Pape (the

Pope's Cave).

Venus Number 6: The Venus of Laussel

Venus Number 7: The Venus of Hohle Fels

The Venus of Hohle Fels is made of mammoth ivory.

Venus Number 8: The Venus of Savignano

Dates back to 25,000 years BC.

Venus Number 9: The Venus of Kostenky

Dates back to 30,000 years BC.

Venus Number 10: The Venus of Moravany

Dates back from 22,000 years to 24,000 years BC.

Venus Number 11: The Venus of Montpazier

Dates back to 30,000 years BC.

Venus Number 12: The Venus of Garagino

Dates back to 22,000 years BC

Venus Number 13: The Venus of Tan Tan

The Venus of Tan Tan was found in Morocco from about

300,00 to 500,000 years BC. By Homo Erectus.

Venus Number 14: The Venus of Berekhat Ram

Venus Number 15: The Venus of Zaraysk

Venuses Numbers 15 and 16: Venuses from Çatalhöyük

Dates back from 5,500 to 7,000 years BC and is made of

marble or calcite.

Dates back from 5,500 to 7,000 years BC and is made of


Numbers 17, 18, 19, 20, 21: Venuses from Keros


Venuses Numbers 22, 23, 24: Venuses of Mesopotamia

Venus Number 25: Venus of the Nile River Goddess

Dates back to 4,000 years BC

Venus Number 26: The Mezin Venus

Venus Number 27: The Venus of Parzadzik

Venus Number 28: Venus of the Turriga Mother Goddess

Dates back from 2,800 to 3,200 years BC.