statistical signal processing 4. linear prediction · 4 linear prediction appendix: detailed...

4 Linear Prediction Appendix: Detailed Derivations Statistical Signal Processing 4. Linear Prediction Dr. Chau-Wai Wong Electrical & Computer Engineering North Carolina State University Readings: Haykin 4th Ed. 3.1–3.3 Contact: [email protected]. Updated: October 26, 2020. Acknowledgment: ECE792-41 slides were adapted from ENEE630 slides developed by Profs. K.J. Ray Liu and Min Wu at the University of Maryland. Dr. Chau-Wai Wong ECE792-41 Statistical SP & ML 1 / 31

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    Statistical Signal Processing4. Linear Prediction

    Dr. Chau-Wai Wong

    Electrical & Computer EngineeringNorth Carolina State University

    Readings: Haykin 4th Ed. 3.1–3.3

    Contact: [email protected]. Updated: October 26, 2020.

    Acknowledgment: ECE792-41 slides were adapted from ENEE630 slides

    developed by Profs. K.J. Ray Liu and Min Wu at the University of Maryland.

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Review of Last Section: FIR Wiener Filtering

    Two perspectives leading to the optimal filter’s condition (NE):1 write J(a) to have a perfect square2 ∂

    ∂a∗k= 0 ⇒ principle of orthogonality E [e[n]x∗[n − k]] = 0,

    k = 0, ...M − 1.Dr. Chau-Wai Wong ECE792-41 Statistical SP & ML 2 / 31

  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Recap: Principle of Orthogonality

    E [e[n]x∗[n − k]] = 0 for k = 0, ...M − 1.

    ⇒ E [d [n]x∗[n − k]] =∑M−1

    `=0 a` · E [x [n − `]x∗[n − k]]

    ⇒ rdx(k) =∑M−1

    `=0 a`rx(k − `) ⇒ Normal Equation p∗ = RTa

    Jmin = Var(d [n])− Var(d̂ [n])

    where Var(d̂ [n]) = E[d̂ [n]d̂∗[n]

    ]= E

    [aT x [n]xH [n]a∗

    ]= aTRxa∗

    bring in N.E. for a ⇒ Var(d̂ [n]) = aTp = pHR−1p

    May also use the vector form to derive N.E.: set gradient ∇a∗J = 0

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Forward Linear Prediction

    Recall last section: FIR Wiener filter W (z) =∑M−1

    k=0 akz−k

    Let ck , a∗k (i.e., c∗k represents the filter coefficients and helps us to

    avoid many conjugates in the normal equation)

    Given u[n − 1], u[n − 2], . . . , u[n −M], we are interested inestimating u[n] with a linear predictor:

    This structure is called “tapped delay line”: individual outputs of each delay

    are tapped out and diverted into the multipliers of the filter/predictor.

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Forward Linear Prediction

    û [n|Sn−1] =∑M

    k=1 c∗ku[n − k] = cHu[n − 1]

    Sn−1 denotes the M-dimensional space spanned by the samplesu[n − 1], . . . , u[n −M], and

    c =


    , u[n − 1] =

    u[n − 1]u[n − 2]

    ...u[n −M]

    u[n − 1] is vector form fortap inputs and is x [n] from

    General Wiener

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Forward Prediction Error

    The forward prediction error

    fM [n] = u[n]− û [n|Sn−1]

    e[n] d [n] ← From general Wiener filter notation

    The minimum mean-squared prediction error

    PM = E[|fM [n]|2


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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Optimal Weight Vector

    To obtain optimal weight vector c, apply Wiener filtering theory:

    1 Obtain the correlation matrix:

    R = E[u[n − 1]uH [n − 1]

    ]= E

    [u[n]uH [n]

    ](by stationarity)

    where u[n] =


    u[n − 1]...

    u[n −M + 1]

    2 Obtain the “cross correlation” vector between the tap inputs

    and the desired output d [n] = u[n]:

    E [u[n − 1]u∗[n]] =



    , rDr. Chau-Wai Wong ECE792-41 Statistical SP & ML 7 / 31

  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Optimal Weight Vector

    3 Thus the Normal Equation for FLP is

    Rc = r

    The prediction error is

    PM = r(0)− rHc

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Relation: N.E. for FLP vs. Yule-Walker eq. for AR

    • Normal Equation for FLP: Rc = r• Yule-Walker Eq. for AR proc: rx [k] = −

    ∑p`=1 a[`]rx [k − `] for k ≥ 1

    ⇒ N.E. is in the same form as the Yule-Walker equation for ARDr. Chau-Wai Wong ECE792-41 Statistical SP & ML 9 / 31

  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Relation: N.E. for FLP vs. Yule-Walker eq. for AR

    If the forward linear prediction is applied to an AR process ofknown model order M and optimized in MSE sense, its tap weightsin theory take on the same values as the corresponding parameterof the AR process.

    Not surprising: the equation defining the forward prediction and thedifference equation defining the AR process have the samemathematical form.

    When u[n] process is not AR, the predictor provides only anapproximation of the process.

    ⇒ This provide a way to test if u[n] is an AR process (throughexamining the whiteness of prediction error e[n]); and if so,determine its order and AR parameters.

    Question: Optimal predictor for {u[n]}=AR(p) when p < M?

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Forward-Prediction-Error Filter

    fM [n] = u[n]− cHu[n − 1]

    Let aM,k =

    {1 k = 0

    −ck k = 1, 2, . . . ,M, i.e., aM ,


    ⇒ fM [n] =

    ∑Mk=0 a

    ∗M,ku[n − k] = aHM


    u[n −M]


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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Augmented Normal Equation for FLP

    From the above results:{Rc = r Normal Equation or Wiener-Hopf Equation

    PM = r(0)− rHc prediction error

    Put together: [r(0) rH

    r RM

    ]︸ ︷︷ ︸






    Augmented N.E. for FLP

    RM+1aM =


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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Summary of Forward Linear Prediction

    General Wiener Forward LP Backward LPTap input

    Desired response(conj) Weight vector

    Estimated sigEstimation error

    Correlation matrixCross-corr vector

    MMSENormal EquationAugmented N.E.


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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Backward Linear Prediction

    Given u[n], u[n − 1], . . . , u[n −M + 1], we are interested inestimating u[n −M].

    Backward prediction error bM [n] = u[n −M]− û [n −M|Sn]

    Sn: span {u[n], u[n − 1], . . . , u[n −M + 1]}

    Minimize mean-square prediction error PM,BLP = E[|bM [n]|2


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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Backward Linear Prediction

    Let g denote the optimal weight vector (conjugate) of the BLP:i.e., û[n −M] =

    ∑Mk=1 g

    ∗k u[n + 1− k].

    To solve for g , we need

    1 Correlation matrix R = E[u[n]uH [n]

    ]2 Crosscorrelation vector

    E [u[n]u∗[n −M]] =


    r(M − 1)...


    , rB∗

    Normal Equation for BLP

    Rg = rB∗

    The BLP prediction error: PM,BLP = r(0)− (rB)TgDr. Chau-Wai Wong ECE792-41 Statistical SP & ML 15 / 31

  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Relations between FLP and BLP

    Recall the NE for FLP: Rc = r

    Rearrange the NE for BLP backward: ⇒ RTgB = r∗

    Conjugate ⇒ RHgB∗ = r ⇒ RgB∗ = r

    ∴ optimal predictors of FLP: c = gB∗, or equivalently g = cB

    By reversing the order & complex conjugating c , we obtain g .

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Relations between FLP and BLP

    PM,BLP = r(0)− (rB)Tg = r(0)− (rB)T cB∗

    = r(0)−[rHc

    ]︸ ︷︷ ︸

    real, scalar


    = r(0)− rHc = PM,FLP

    This relation is not surprising:the process is w.s.s. (s.t. r(k) = r∗(−k)), and the optimalprediction error depends only on the process’ statistical property.

    > Recall from Wiener filtering: Jmin = σ2d − pHR−1p(FLP) rHR−1r

    (BLP) rB∗HR−1rB

    ∗= (rHRT∗


    ∗= rHR−1r

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Backward-Prediction-Error Filter

    bM [n] = u[n −M]−∑M

    k=1 g∗k u[n + 1− k]

    Using the ai ,j notation defined earlier and gk = −a∗M,M+1−k :

    bM [n] =∑M

    k=0 aM,M−ku[n − k]

    = aBTM


    u[n −M]

    ], where aM =


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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Augmented Normal Equation for BLP

    Bring together

    {Rg = rB

    PM = r(0)− (rB)Tg


    R rB∗

    (rB)T r(0)

    ]︸ ︷︷ ︸






    Augmented N.E. for BLP

    RM+1aB∗M =



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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Summary of Backward Linear Prediction

    General Wiener Forward LP Backward LPTap input

    Desired response(conj) Weight vector

    Estimated sigEstimation error

    Correlation matrixCross-corr vector

    MMSENormal EquationAugmented N.E.


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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    (Ref: Haykin 4th Ed. §4.4 (5) Property)

    Conceptually: The best predictor tries to explore the predictabletraces from a set of (past) given values onto the future value,leaving only the unforeseeable parts as the prediction error.

    Also recall the principle of orthogonality: the prediction error isstatistically uncorrelated with the samples used in the prediction.

    As we increase the order of the prediction-error filter,the correlation between its adjacent outputs is reduced.If the order is high enough, the output errors becomeapproximately a white process (i.e., be “whitened”).

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Analysis and Synthesis

    From forward prediction results on the {u[n]} process:u[n] + a∗M,1u[n − 1] + . . .+ a∗M,Mu[n −M] = fM [n] Analysis

    û[n] = −a∗M,1u[n − 1]− . . .− a∗M,Mu[n −M] + v [n] Synthesis

    Here v [n] may be quantized version of fM [n], or regenerated from white noise

    If {u[n]} sequence has high correlation between adjacent samples,then fM [n] will have a much smaller dynamic range than u[n].

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Compression tool #3: Predictive Coding

    Recall two compression tools from Part-1:

    (1) lossless: decimate a bandlimited signal; (2) lossy: quantization.

    Tool #3: Linear Prediction. we can first figure out the bestpredictor for a chunk of approximately stationary samples,encode the first sample, then do prediction and encode theprediction residues (as well as the prediction parameters).

    The structures of analysis and synthesis of linear prediction form amatched pair.

    This is the basic principle behind Linear Prediction Coding (LPC)for transmission and reconstruction of digital speech signals.

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Linear Prediction: Analysis

    u[n] + a∗M,1u[n − 1] + . . .+ a∗M,Mu[n −M] = fM [n]

    If {fM [n]} is white (i.e., the correlation among {u[n], u[n − 1], . . .}values have been completely explored), then the process {u[n]} canbe statistically characterized by aM vector, plus the mean andvariance of fM [n].

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Linear Prediction: Synthesis

    û[n] = −a∗M,1u[n − 1]− . . .− a∗M,Mu[n −M] + v [n]

    If {v [n]} is a white noise process,the synthesis output {u[n]} usinglinear prediction is an AR process

    with parameters {aM,k}.

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    LPC Encoding of Speech Signals

    Partition speech signal into frames s.t. within a frame it isapproximately stationary

    Analyze a frame to obtain a compact representation of thelinear prediction parameters, and some parameterscharacterizing the prediction residue fM [n]

    (if more b.w. is available and higher quality is desirable, we may

    also include some coarse representation of fM [n] by quantization)

    This gives much more compact representation than simpledigitization (PCM coding): e.g., 64kbps → 2.4k-4.8kbpsA decoder uses the synthesis structure to reconstruct thespeech signal, with a suitable driving sequence(periodic impulse train for voiced sound & white noise for fricative

    sound; or quantized fM [n] if b.w. allowed)

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    Detailed Derivations

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    Review: Recursive Relation of Correlation Matrix

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    Matrix Inversion Lemma for Homework

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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    Summary: General Wiener vs. FLP

    General Wiener Forward LP Backward LP

    Tap input x [n] u[n − 1]Desired response d [n] u[n]

    (conj) Weight vector c = a∗ c

    Estimated sig d̂ [n] d̂ [n] = cHu[n − 1]Estimation error e[n] fM [n]

    Correlation matrix RM RM

    Cross-corr vector p r

    MMSE Jmin PM

    Normal Equation Rc = p Rc = r

    Augmented N.E. RM+1aM =



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  • 4 Linear PredictionAppendix: Detailed Derivations

    Summary: General Wiener vs. FLP vs. BLP

    General Forward BackwardWiener LP LP

    Tap input x [n] u[n − 1] u[n]Desired response d [n] u[n] u[n −M]

    (conj) Weight vector c = a∗ c g

    Estimated sig d̂ [n] d̂ [n] = cHu[n − 1] d̂ [n] = gHu[n]Estimation error e[n] fM [n] bM [n]

    Correlation matrix RM RM RM

    Cross-corr vector p r rB∗

    MMSE Jmin PM PM

    Normal Equation Rc = p Rc = r Rg = rB∗

    Augmented N.E. RM+1aM =




    M =



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    4 Linear Prediction4.1 Forward Linear Prediction4.2 Backward Linear Prediction4.3 Whitening Property of Linear Prediction

    Appendix: Detailed Derivations