state v. ram singh

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  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


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    Unique ID N. !"#!$R!!"!%""!&'SC N. &("!&'FIR N. #&'("!&"P.S. ) *++n *i+/, Ne0 De1i.U( ) &"!2 IPC 3 U( '$% ( '$$ ( '4$5"6576 ( '44 ( '!4/ '!" +n8 ( / '9$ ('9% IPC /e+8 0i e:in '94 ( "!& ( #&" /e+8 0i e:in &"!2 IPC.

    S+e5 G;e/n

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


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    '. A@+ Ku

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


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    and reached unir"a us !tand at P in an auto, $here

    the' $ere lured to (oard a $hite coloured chartered (us ('

    its conductor. oth of them (oarded the (us. The' sa$

    =u/(o's in the dri&ers ca(in and 0(o's sitting (ehind

    the dri&ers ca(in i.e one on the left and another on the right

    side. The complainant and the prosecutrix (oth sat on the

    left side - second seat in the (us and paid fare of s.20/-.

    As the (us reached near Airport l'o&er, three

    (o's came out of the dri&ers ca(in. T$o of them started

    a(using the complainant, as"ing him as to $here he $as

    ta"ing the prosecutrix in the night. ne of them hit the

    complainant. As the complainant resisted, t$o other (o's

    oined the assailant in (eating the complainant $ith iron

    rods l'ing in the (us. As the prosecutrix came for$ard to

    sa&e the complainant, t$o of the assailants pushed her to

    the (ac" seat. 3hile the complainant $as caught and (eing

    (eaten 4 the other assailants too" their turn to ha&e sexual

    intercourse $ith the prosecutrix. The' (rutall' ra&ished her

    (' raping her 4 doing unnatural sex and also damaged her

    internal organs and genitals (' inserting iron /84 hands

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 3 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    into it and causing inuries 8+n7e/uto her life.

    The assailants e&en ro((ed the complainant of

    his mo(ile phone, his purse containing s.1000/- 4 his (an"

    cards 4 made him na"ed (' ta"ing a$a' his clothes and e&en

    his (lac" hush pupp' shoes. !imilarl' the mo(ile phone of

    the prosecutrix, her AT card, $as +11ro((ed.

    The assailants then tried to thro$ (oth the

    complainant and the prosecutrix out of the mo&ing (us from

    its rear door (ut since it could not open, so the' (rought

    them at the front door and thre$ them out of the mo&ing

    (us at #ational 5igh$a' #o. ) near ahipal Pur fl'o&er ('

    the side of the road.

    The' (oth $ere noticed (' the passer('s. Police

    $as informed and the' $ere (rought to !afdarung 5ospital,

    #e$ %elhi for their medical examination. The statement of

    the complainant $as recorded.

    n the (asis of a(o&e statement of the

    complainant, as also considering their 78s9 4 : #o.

    #&'("!&" under section '$%('$$('4$5"6576('44('9#('#

    :P7 at P.! Vasant Vihar, #e$ %elhi $as registered.

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    deceased, $as found sitting in it and he $as interrogated

    and arrested. 5e led to reco&er' of his (loodstained clothes,

    iron rods and the documents concerning the (us and also

    disclosed that he thre$ the !: card of complainant=s mo(ile

    in the morning of 1>/12/2012 in the area of #oida, $hich

    $as later sei?ed from one @ishan, $ho found it in !ector-+>,

    #oida, P.

    The (us $as inspected (' 7! Team and exhi(its

    $ere sei?ed. Accused am !ingh, since deceased, refused to

    participate in T:P. 5e led to the arrest of other accused

    person namel' accused Vina' !harma and accused Pa$an B


    %. Accused Vina' !harma got reco&ered his

    (loodstained clothes, hush pupp' leather shoes of the

    complainant, the mo(ile phone ma"e #o"ia odel +110 of

    lac" gre' colour (elonging to the prosecutrix. !imilarl'

    accused Pa$an ;umar got reco&ered from his huggi his

    (loodstained clothes, shoes and also a $rist $atch ma"e

    !onata and s. 1000/- ro((ed from the complainant. oth of

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    these accused refused to participate in the T:P.

    n 1)-12-2012, accused u"esh $as

    apprehended from his nati&e &illage ;aroli , aasthan and a

    !amsung Calax' Trend %! lue lac" mo(ile (elonging to

    the complainant $as reco&ered from him. 5e $as (rought

    to %elhi and $as arrested after interrogation. ater on

    2+.12.12, he got prepared the route chart of the route

    $here he dro&e the (us at the time of incident. esides that,

    he got reco&ered his (loodstained clothes from the garrage

    of his (rother at Anupam Apartment, !aidulaa(, !a"et, #e$

    %elhi. 5e $as i8eni=ie8 (' the complainant in the Test

    :dentification Parade .

    n 21.12.2012, the u&enile $as apprehended

    from :!T and an AT de(it card of the prosecutrix and a

    mo(ile phone, (esides his !: $ere sei?ed.

    n 21.11.2012, accused A"sha' $as also arrested

    from Auranga(ad, ihar. 5e led to his (rother=s house in

    &illage, #aharpur, Curgaon, 5ar'ana and got reco&ered his

    (loodstained clothes. 5e $as i8eni=ie8(' the complainant

    in the T:P proceedings. 5e also got reco&ered a ring

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    (elonging to the complainant, t$o metro cards and a #o"ia

    phone $ith !: of Vodafone compan'.

    $. The mo(ile phones of the accused person, as also

    of the complainant and the prosecutrix $ere all sei?ed and

    call details records $ith reDuisite certificates u/s 6E- of

    :ndian F&idence Act $ere o(tained (' the police.

    4. The prosecutrix on 16.12.12 ga&e a (rief histor'

    of the incident to the doctor in her 7. n 21.12.12, on

    (eing declared fit, she ga&e her statement under section

    16< 7r.P.7 to the !%. F&en on 2E.12.12, her statement

    under section 16< 7r.P.7 $as recorded (' !hri Pa$an ;umar,

    d. (' putting her multiple choice Duestions and

    through gestures. n 2>.12.12, she $as shifted to t.

    Fli?a(eth 5ospital, !ingapore for her further treatment.

    nfortunatel', on 2.12.12, she expired 8ue e>i 0i

    1e /7+n =+i1u/e 0i 1e inBu/ie.

    . 5ence sections +0> / 201 / +6/+02 :P7 $ere all

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    added. The 7s $ere collected and medical opinion $ere

    o(tained from the doctor as also their opinion on the

    $eapons used. The %#A profiles $ere made of all the

    accused, of the &ictims and its reports $ere o(tained and

    accordingl', on 0+.01.201+ charge sheet $as filed (' the

    prosecution under section +6E/+>68298g9/ +>>/ +0>/ +E/

    +>/ +02/ +6/ -1-201+ it $as committed to this court.


    &!. n 2.2.201+, the accused person $ere directed to (e

    charged for the offences u/s &"!-2 IPCand under section

    '$% ( '$$ ( '!4 ( '4$ 5"6576 IPC ( '44 IPC read $ith

    section &"!-2 :P7. urther the accused persons $ere

    charged for the offences u/s. '9$ IPC read $ith section

    &"!-2 IPC+n8 ( / u/s. '!" IPCread $ith section &"!-2

    IPC 4 further u/s. '9% IPC read $ith section '94 IPC read

    $ith &"!-2 IPCand also u/s. "!& IPCread $ith section &"!

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    IPCand lastl' for the offence u/s. #&" IPC.


    &&. The prosecution thereafter led its e&idence.

    efore proceeding further, it $ould (e appropriate to discuss

    the nature of e&idence gi&en (' the $itnesses.

    &". Prosecution examined as man' as %$itnesses.

    The $itnesses in&ol&ed in /e:ueof &ictims and lodging of

    : are *

    (i)P3E> A!: ;apil !ingh

    (ii)P36E 7t. ;ripal !ingh

    (iii)P3>0 !hri am Pal !ingh.

    (iv)P3>2 !hri a ;umar

    (v)P3>+ 57 am 7hander

    (vi)P3>< !: !u(hash 7hand

    The doctors in&ol&ed in preparation of MLCare *

    (i)P32 %r. A"hilesh a

    (ii)P3+ %r. 7hetan ;umar

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    (iii)P36 %r. ;ul(hushan Prasad

    (iv)P3> %r. !hashan" Pooni'a

    (v)P310 %r. ohit Cupta

    (vi)P31E %r. ;amran aisal

    (vii)P3E1 %r. !achin aa

    (viii)P3E :nspector a ;umari

    (ix)P362 !: ahesh harga&a.

    The d. s $ho recorded the +e !mt sha 7hatur&ed.

    (ii)P3+0 !hri Pa$an ;umar

    (iii)P36 !hri Prashant !harma.

    The doctors $ho accorded the =ine Dua the

    prosecutrix for recording of her statement under section 166 !hri Cautam o'

    (vii)P3> !hri P.; Cotam.

    The N8+1 O==i:e/56are *

    (i)P31 !hri Vishal Caura&

    (ii)P320 7ol. A.; !achde&a

    (iii)P321 !hri Amar #ath !ingh

    (iv)P322 !hri !hishir alhotra

    (v)P32+ !hri %eepa", and

    (vi)P32< !hri a"esh !oni.

    The MHC5M6$as examined as PW44.

    The $itnesses from Se1e: Ci M+11 +==are *

    (i)P32E !hri aender !ingh isht, and

    (ii)P326 !hri !andeep !ingh 4

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    The C/i

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


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    :t is pertinent to mention that during the course

    of trial accused am !ingh committed suicide in Tihar @ail

    and hence proceedings against him, stood a(ated.

    . Accused person examined the follo$ing $itnesses

    in their defence *-

    Accused Pa$an Cupta B ;aalu examined *

    i. %31 !hri al 7hand

    ii. %32 !hri 5eera al

    iii.%3+ !hri am 7haran

    iv.%3< !hri C'an 7hand

    v. %316 !hri 5ari ;ishan !harma

    Accused Vina' !harma had examined *

    i. %3E !mt 7hampa %e&i

    ii. %36 !hri 5ari am !harma

    iii.%3> !hri ;ishore ;umar hat

    iv.%3) !hri !ri ;ant

    v. %3 !hri anu !harma

    vi.%310 !hri am a(u

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    vii.%31> !hri %inesh

    Accused A"sha' ;umar !ingh B Tha"ur had

    examined *

    i. %311 !hri 7ha&inder

    ii. %312 !hri !aru !ingh

    iii.%31+ a ohan !ingh

    iv.%31< !mt. Punita %e&i

    v. %31E !mt !arita %e&i

    &%. efore coming to the contentions raised as also

    the la$ cited, it $ould (e appropriate to find the crux of the

    e&idence so recorded 4

    &$. *ICTIMS, RESCUE +n8 FIR

    The entire incident is enumerated in the

    deposition made (' the complainant as PW&$ho stated,

    inter alia, that he is an engineer (' profession and that on

    16-12-2012 at a(out +*+0 P he too" the prosecutrix from

    (us stand of !ector-1, %$ar"a, #e$ %elhi and $ent in an

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    auto to !elect 7it' all, !a"et, #e$ %elhi. There the'

    $atched mo&ie Gife of PiH. After $atching the mo&ie, at

    a(out ).+0P, the' left !elect 7it' all, !a"et, #e$ %elhi.

    As the' could not get an auto for %$ar"a so the' hired an

    auto for unir"a (us stand from $here the' could get a (us

    of route no. >6< for %$ar"a. At a(out P the' reached at

    unir"a (us stand and found a $hite colour chartered (us

    on $hich Iada& $as $ritten. The (us had 'ello$ and green

    lines / strips on it. 5e also noticed the entr' gate of the (us

    (eing ahead of its front left t're, as is there in the luxur'

    (uses and that its front t're $as $ithout a $heel co&er. A

    (o', in the (us $as calling for commuters for %$ar"a /

    Palam od.

    oth the &ictims (oarded the (us and sa$ that

    (esides the (o' $ho $as calling the passengers, t$o other

    person $ere sitting in dri&ers ca(in along $ith the dri&er of

    the (us. P31 noticed that it $as a + x 2 seater (us i.e.,

    three seat=s ro$ (ehind the dri&ers seat and the t$o seat=s

    ro$ on its other side. 5e also noticed a person sitting on the

    left side i.e. on the ro$ of t$o seats and the another on the

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    right side i.e. on the ro$ of three seats, ust (ehind the

    dri&ers seat. oth P31 and the prosecutrix sat (ehind the

    person sitting on the left side i.e. in the ro$ of t$o seats.

    P31 noticed the seats co&ers of the (us of red colour and its

    curtains of 'ello$ colour and that it had a (lac" colour film

    on its $indo$s. The $indo$s $ere at Duite a height as in

    luxur' (uses. P31 also noticed the person8s9 sitting in the

    dri&ers ca(in $ere coming and returning to the dri&ers

    ca(in. P31 paid s. 20/- to the conductor as fare. P31

    identified accused u"esh to (e the dri&er of the (us E.P&

    and accused am !ingh and accused A"sha' to (e the

    person sitting in the dri&ers ca(in and accused Pa$an

    ;umar $as sitting in front of him in t$o seat=s ro$ of the (us

    and $hereas accused Vina' $as sitting on three seat=s ro$,

    ust (ehind the dri&ers seat. The conductor $as the @7.

    After (oarding the (us, PW&had a =ee1in7 that

    accused person did not allo$ an'one else to (oard the (us

    and the' mo&ed the (us and left unir"a us !tand.

    Accused person put of the lights inside the (us. Then

    accused am !ingh, accused A"sha' Tha"ur and the @7

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    came to$ards the complainant and started a(using him

    as"ing as to $here he $as ta"ing the girl in the night. The'

    started gi&ing fist (lo$s on his face. As the complainant tried

    to resist them, the' called their associates &i?., accused

    Vina' and accused Pa$an (' calling their names and as"ed

    them to (ring iron rods. Thereafter all these accused started

    gi&ing (eatings to the complainant (' iron rods, thus inuring

    him on his head, (oth legs and on other parts of his (od'.

    The prosecutrix $as shouting and calling for help. As she

    tried to call police (' her mo(ile, the accused person

    snatched a$a' their mo(iles. P31 $as carr'ing t$o mo(iles

    ha&ing sim nos.E1>>20 $hereas the

    prosecutrix $as carr'ing onl' one mo(ile. oth the mo(iles

    of the complainant $ere of dual !:s facilit' (ut at that time

    he had onl' one !: in each mo(ile.

    ecause of the (eatings, P31 fell on the floor of

    the (us and that accused Pa$an and accused Vina' pinned

    him do$n. The accused person ro((ed the &ictims of their

    mo(iles (esides ro((ing him of his purse carr'ing a 7it'

    an" credit card, :7:7: an" de(it card 4 his identit' card

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    issued (' his compan', a metro card 4 s. 1000/- in cash 4

    his $atch of Titan, a golden ring studded $ith e$els and a

    sil&er ring studded $ith pearl 4 (lac" colour 5ush Pupp's

    shoes 4 (lac" colour numero -uno eans, a gre' colour

    pullo&er 4 a (ro$n 8 "ha"i9 (la?er.

    As the complainant $as pinned do$n (' accused

    Vina' and accused Pa$an ;umar, the others &i?., accused

    am !ingh, accused A"sha' and the @7 8not (eing tried ('

    this court9 too" the prosecutrix to the rear side of the (us.

    PW&heard the cries of the prosecutrix li"e Gchor

    do, (achaoH as if she $as (eing (eaten up. The complainant

    $as also gi&en leg and fist (lo$s. The prosecutrix $as

    cr'ing and shouting in a loud &oice and her &oice $as

    oscillating. Accused am !ingh, since deceased, accused

    A"sha' and the @7 8 not (eing tried (' this court9 then

    committed rape upon the prosecutrix one (' one. After

    committing rape, those accused came to$ards the

    complainant and pinned him do$n and $hereas accused

    Vina' and accused Pa$an then $ent to the rear side of the

    (us and raped the prosecutrix. P31 noticed that earlier the

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    (us $as mo&ing in a fast speed (ut after some time he felt

    that the speed of the (us $as reduced and he sa$ that

    accused u"esh $ho $as dri&ing the (us came near him

    and hit him $ith the rod and he also $ent to the rear side of

    the (us and raped his friend. 5e also heard one of the

    accused sa'ing Gmar gayee, mar gayeeH.

    The prosecutrix $as carr'ing a gre' colour purse

    ha&ing an Axis an" AT card and other (elongings. The

    accused person ro((ed her of her (elongings and too" a$a'

    her clothes and also of the complainant $hile (eating him

    $ith iron rods. The accused $ere exhorting that (oth the

    &ictims (e not left ali&e. The' then pulled P31 near the

    rear door and put him on his friend, the prosecutrix. The rear

    door $as closed and it could not open despite (eing tried ('

    the accused. The accused person then pulled him and his

    friend, the prosecutrix, (' their hairs and (rought (oth of

    them at the front gate and then thre$ them out of the

    mo&ing (us, opposite to 5otel %elhi +>, ahipalpur, #e$

    %elhi. After thro$ing the &ictims out of the mo&ing (us, the

    accused turned the (us in a manner to crush (oth of them

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    under its $heels (ut P31 pulled the prosecutrix and himself

    out of the reach of the $heels of the (us and sa&ed

    themsel&es. 5e found his friend, the prosecutrix, na"ed and

    (leeding from all parts of her (od'.

    PW4"!hri a ;umar, an emplo'ee of FC:! :nfra

    anagement :ndia 8P9 imited, ;. 2

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    the foot of ahipal Pur fl'o&er to$ards %haula ;uan,

    opposite C gate. 5e reached the spot and found the

    &ictims. 5e dispersed the cro$d and (rought a (ottle of

    $ater and a (ed sheet and tore it in t$o parts and ga&e it to

    (oth the &ictims to co&er themsel&es. At a(out 11 P, he

    (rought the &ictim, to !afdarung 5ospital, #e$ %elhi. 3hile

    lea&ing the complainant in the casualt', PW4' too" the

    prosecutrix to the g'nae (uilding and got her admitted

    there. n the $a' to the hospital the &ictims informed him

    a(out the incident.

    PW%4 A!: ;apil !ingh, the %ut' fficer at P.!

    Vasant Vihar, #e$ %elhi, in the inter&ening night of

    16/1>-12-2012, recei&ed an information a(out the incident

    and he lodged %% #o. 6-A E.PW%4(Aand passed on the

    said %% to PW4#!: !u(hash 7hand, on emergenc' dut' on

    that night at P.! Vasant Vihar. :mmediatel', thereafter

    PW%4A!: ;apil !ingh recei&ed 'et another information Dua

    admission of the prosecutrix and of the complainant in

    !afdarung 5ospital and he lodged %% #o. >-A E.PW%4(2

    and also passed on the said %% to !: !u(hash 7hand,

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 24 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 2 ::-

    PW4#!: !u(hash 7hand then left for !afdarung

    5ospital, $here he met PW%93omen-:nspector a ;umari

    and PW$" !: ahesh harga&a. PW%9 3omen-:nspector

    a ;umari handed o&er to him the 7 and the exhi(its

    concerning the prosecutrix, as gi&en to her (' the treating

    doctor and $hereas PW$"!: ahesh harga&a handed o&er

    to him the 7 of the complainant.

    PW4# !: !u(hash 7hand, then recorded the

    statement E.PW&(A of the complainant and made his

    endorsement E.PW4#(Aon it and ga&e the ru""a to PW$%

    7t. ;ripal for (eing ta"en to P.! Vasant Vihar, #e$ %elhi and

    to get the : registered.

    PW$%7t. ;ripal, then $ent to P.! Vasant Vihar,

    #e$ %elhi and at E*

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 2 ::-

    the :n&estigating fficer 4 sei?ed &ide memo E.PW4#(2.

    PW!!: Prati(ha !harma then collected the 7

    of the prosecutrix from PW%93/:nspector a ;umari and

    also the exhi(its &i?., one card (oard (ox, t$o 'ello$

    en&elopes, a $hite en&elope along $ith sample seal sei?ed

    &ide memo E.PW%9(A.


    PW%4 %r. !achin aa along $ith %r %heera

    examined the complainant &ide 7 E.PW%&(A and

    o(ser&ed the follo$ing inuries on his person *

    5+6 1 K 1 cm si?e clean lacerated $ound o&er the

    &ertex of scalp 8head inur'9 4

    5?6 0.E K 1cm si?e clean lacerated $ound o&er left

    upper leg 4

    5:61 K 0.2 cm si?e a(rasion o&er right "nee.

    The complainant $as gi&en initial treatment ('

    the doctors.

    PW#9%r. ashmi Ahua on the other hand, on

    16-12-2012 at a(out 11*1E P, had examined the

    prosecutrix and prepared casualt' / C paper E.PW-#9(AState vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 2 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 2 ::-

    and also her 7 E.PW#9(2.

    As per histor' told (' the prosecutrix to her, it

    $as a case of 7+n7 /+>e in a mo&ing (us ('

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 2 ::-

    Pe/ +?8-12-2012 and his operati&e findings are as under *

    +.7ollection of around E00 ml of (lood

    in peritoneal ca&it'

    ?.stomach pale,

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 2 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 2 ::-

    :.%uodenum contused

    8. @eunum contused L (ruised at

    $hole of the length and lacerated L

    transected at man' places. irst

    transection $as Ecm a$a' from % @

    unction. !econd $as 2 feet from the %

    @, after that there $as transection and

    laceration at man' places. @eunal

    loop $as of dou(tful &ia(ilit'. %istal

    ileum $as completel' detached from

    the mesentr' till :7@ 8 ileocaecal

    unction9. :t $as completel'


    e. arge (o$el $as also contused

    (ruised and of dou(tful &ia(ilit'.%escending colon $as lacerated

    &erticall' do$n$ard in such a manner

    that it $as completel' open.

    =. !igmoid colon L rectum $as

    lacerated at man' places linearl' ,

    mucosa $as detached completel' at

    places, a portion of it around 10cm

    $as prolapsing through perineal


    7. i&er and spleen $as normal.

    . (oth sides retro peritoneal

    8posterior $all of the a(domen9State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 2 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 30 ::-

    haematoma present .

    i. esentr' L omentum $as totall'

    contused and (ruised.

    B. Vaginal tear present, recto &aginal

    septum $as completel' torn.

    Cut $as totall' (ruised and

    contused in such a manner that it

    could not (e repaired so proximal

    @eunostom' $as made

    aparostom' 8 a(domen $as left

    open9 $as made.

    PW%! pro&ed the T notes as E.PW%!(A,

    (earing signature of %r. Caura& and his o$n note in this

    regard is E.PW-%!(2. As per his opinion, the condition of

    the small and large (o$els $eree/e+i/. After performing the operation, the

    patient $as shifted to :7. The 1st surger' $as damage

    control surger' and it $as expected that unhealth' (o$el

    $ould (e there.

    The second surger' $as performed on

    1.12.2012 (' him along $ith his operating team consisting

    of Prof. !unil ;umar, %r. Pintu and %r. !iddharth. rom the

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    -:: 31 ::-

    g'necological side %r. Aruna atra and %r. e"ha harti $ere

    present along $ith anaesthetic team. The findings $ere as

    under *


  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 33 ::-

    Aruna atra and %r. P.;.Verma.


    rom time to time, the applications $ere mo&ed

    (' the :n&estigating fficer for determining the fitness of the

    prosecutrix for the purpose of recording of her statement8s9.

    n 21-12-2012 an application E.PW"4(D-2$as

    mo&ed (' PW!!: Prati(ha !harma for see"ing an opinion

    regarding fitness of the prosecutrix. PW%"%r. P.; Verma

    examined the prosecutrix and found her to (e fit, conscious,

    oriented and meaningfull' communicati&e for ma"ing

    statement &ide his endorsement at point A on application


    PW"4!mt. sha 7hatur&edi, !%, Vi&e" Vihar,

    %elhi, (efore recording of statement satisfied herself that

    the prosecutrix $as fit and then she recorded statement

    E.PW"4(Aof the prosecutrix (earing the signatures of the

    prosecutrix on all pages. The prosecutrix e&en $rote the

    date and time. PW"4then sent the said statement to A7P,

    Vasant Vihar along$ith her for$arding letter E.PW"4(2.

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 33 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 34 ::-

    :n her statement E.PW"4(A, the prosecutrix

    narrated the entire incident, specif'ing the role of each of

    accused person 4 the gang rape / unnatural offence

    committed upon her, the inuries suffered (' her and her

    friend in the incident including thrusting of iron rods and

    hands in her pri&ate parts 4 the description of the (us and

    ultimatel' thro$ing them na"ed of the mo&ing (us at the

    footfall of ahipal Pur l'o&er.

    n "%-&"-"!&", the :n&estigating fficer PW!

    !: Prati(ha !harma, mo&ed 'et another application

    E.PW"(A to see" an opinion Dua the fitness of the

    prosecutrix for recording of her another statement. The

    prosecutrix $as ha&ing endotracheal tu(e in place i.e in

    lar'nx and trachea and $as on &entilator and she could not


    :n the opinion of PW%" %r. P.; Verma the

    prosecutrix $as though una(le to spea", (ut per PW"%r.

    aesh astogi, at &")#! PM, the prosecutrix $as conscious,

    oriented, co-operati&e, comforta(le, meaningfull'

    communicati&e to ma"e a statement through non-&er(al

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 34 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 3 ::-

    gestures. After see"ing opinion of the doctors, another

    statement E.PW'!(D-&8u/s 16< 7r.P.7.9 of the prosecutrix

    $as recorded (' PW'!!hri Pa$an ;umar, the d. , ('

    $a' of gestures and multiple choice Duestions.

    F&en in her statement E.PW'!(D-& the

    prosecutrix descri(ed the entire incident, through multiple

    choice Duestions and her gestures, as also the role of each

    of the accused person. Prosecutrix e&en $rote the names of

    accused person on a sheet E.PW'!(E. The d. also

    ga&e a correctness certificate E.PW'!(F of the


    F&en the complainant PW& on 1-12-12 had

    made a statement E.PW&(2 under section 16< 7r.P.7

    (efore !hri Prashant !harma, the d. , !a"et, #e$ %elhi.

    The correctness certificate is E.PW$9(2. The Dueries put

    (' the d. to satisf' himself Dua &oluntariliness of the

    complainant to ga&e his statement are E.PW$9(D.

    The statements of the complainant &i?.,

    E.PW&(A and E.PW&(2 as also d'ing declarations

    E.PW"4(A and E.PW'!(D-& of the prosecutrix

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 3 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 3 ::-

    corro(orate each other in all material aspects and narrate

    the incident dated 16-12-2012 exhausti&el'.


    As stated a(o&e, PW%', PW%, PW$!, PW$&,

    PW$, PW4#and PW!$ere all in&ol&ed in the arrest of

    accused and reco&eries made therefrom. et me find ho$

    accused $ere arrested and $hat $as reco&ered at their



    As &arious teams $ere $or"ing in the case,

    PW!!: Prati(ha !harma, the :n&estigating fficer recei&ed

    a secret information that a (us of similar description $as

    seen in the area of a&i %ass 7amp, .; Puram, #e$ %elhi.

    !he then $ent there and found the (us par"ed at a&i %ass

    huggi 7amp. !he summoned other police staff. The person,

    inside the (us, on seeing the police part' got do$n and

    started running (ut $as o&erpo$ered and his identit' $as

    re&ealed as am !ingh, since deceased. 5e $as arrested on

    1>-12-2012 at

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 3 ::-

    personal search $as conducted &ide memo E.PW4#(Eand

    his disclosure E.PW4#(F$as recorded. The :n&estigating

    fficer sei?ed the (us E.P&&ide memo E.PW4#(K. !he

    sei?ed the seat co&ers of the (us of red colour and its

    curtains of 'ello$ colour. n the (us GIada&H $as found

    $ritten on its (od' $ith green and 'ello$ stripes on it. The

    cap on the front $heel of the (us $as found missing and

    that the front entr' gate of the (us $as ahead of its front

    t're. The entr' gate of the (us opened in the dri&er=s ca(in.

    The :n&estigating fficer sei?ed the "e' E.P-4#(" of the

    (us &ide memo E.PW4#(J.

    Accused am !ingh then led the police part'

    inside the (us and too" out some documents E.P-4#(#

    from a shelf in its ca(in, sei?ed &ide memo E.PW4#(I. 5e

    also got reco&ered t$o iron rods-(lood stained E.P-#9(&

    and E.P-#9(", sei?ed &ide memo E.PW4#(G. Accused

    am !ingh also produced a de(it card E.P-4#('of :ndian

    an", in the name of Asha %e&i, the mother of the

    prosecutrix, sei?ed &ide memo E.PW4#(H. The T-!hirt

    E.P-4#($and the (ro$n colour chappal E.P-4#(4, ha&ing

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    -:: 3 ::-

    (loodstains, (elonging to accused am !ingh $ere sei?ed

    &ide memo E.PW-4#(L. 5e also got reco&ered the ashes

    and partl' un(urnt clothes, l'ing near the (us 4 sei?ed &ide

    memo E.PW4#(M and #:K mo(ile phone $ith T# !im

    E.P4#(% from his personal search, sei?ed &ide memo

    E.P-4#(E. Accused am !ingh $as put in muffled face.

    The :n&estigating fficer prepared the site plans

    of the places $here the (us $as found par"ed and from

    $here the ashes $ere found.


    Accused u"esh $as apprehended on 1)-12-2012

    from &illage ;aroli, aasthan (' a team headed (' PW%!:

    Ar&ind. 5e produced accused u"esh (efore PW! !:

    Prati(ha !harma, the :n&estigating fficer at !afdarung

    5ospital in muffled face, along$ith a mo(ile ma"e !amsung

    Calax' %uos E.P-$4 sei?ed (' her &ide memo E.PW%(A.

    Accused $as arrested at 6*+0 P of 1)-12-2012 (' her &ide

    memo E.PW%(24 his personal search $as conducted &ide

    memo E.PW%(C. Accused pointed the unir"a (us stand

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    -:: 3 ::-

    &ide memo E.PW$(Kand the dumping spot &ide memo


    n 2+-12-2012 accused u"esh led the police to

    Anupam Apartment, garage no. 2, !aidulaa(, !a"et, #e$

    %elhi and got reco&ered a green colour t-shirt E.P-#(&on

    $hich the $ord Gpla' (o'H $as printed 4 a gre' colour pant

    E.P-#(" and a ac"et E.P-#('of (luish gre' colour, all

    sei?ed &ide memo E.PW#(2. The :n&estigating fficer

    also prepared the site plan E.PW!(I of the place of

    reco&er'. n 2

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 40 ::-

    Accused Pa$an Cupta pointed unir"a (us stand

    and a pointing out memo E.PW$(I$as prepared. 5e also

    pointed the dumping spot and memo E.PW$(J $as

    prepared in this regard.

    n 1-12-2012, accused u"esh got effected the

    follo$ing reco&eries *

    5+6 complainant=s $rist $atch E.P' sei?ed &ide memo


    5?6 t$o currenc' notes of denomination of s.E00/- E.P-4

    coll' $ere sei?ed &ide memo E.PW$(G

    5:6 clothes $orn (' the accused at the time of

    incident,sei?ed &ide memo E.PW$(F

    5?6 (lac" coloured s$eater ha&ing gre' stripes $ith la(elA(ercrom(ie and itch E.P-$($and a pair of coca-

    cola colour pants E.P-$(4coll' 4 under $ear ha&ing

    elastic la(eled ed?one E.P-$( and a pair of

    sports shoes $ith colum(us inscri(ed on them as



    n 1)-12-2012 at a(out 1*+0 P accused *in+


  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 41 ::-

    memo E.PW$!(2 4 his disclosure E.PW$!(H $as also

    recorded. 5e pointed out the urnir"a (us stand from

    $here the &ictims $ere pic"ed up &ide memo E.PW$(I

    and he also pointed out ahipalpur l'o&er, the place

    $here the &ictims $ere thro$n out of the mo&ing (us &ide

    pointing out memo E.PW$(J.

    n 1-12-2012 he had got effected the follo$ing

    reco&eries *

    5+6 7omplainant=s shoes E.P-" sei?ed &ide memo


    5?6 #o"ia mo(ile phone E.P-$(% of the prosecutrix

    sei?ed &ide memo E.PW$(D

    n 1-12-2012 in pursuant to his supplementar'

    disclosure statement E.PW$(A, the follo$ing reco&eries

    $ere made &ide sei?ure memo E.PW$(2*

    5+6 ne (lue coloured eans ha&ing monogram of Fxpert

    E.P-$(& 5?6 a (lac" coloured sports ac"et $ith $hite stripes and a

    monogram of moments as E.P-$(' and a pair of

    ru((er slippers as E.P-$(#.

    %uring his personal search follo$ing articles $ereState vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 41 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 42 ::-

    reco&ered *

    5+6 #o"ia mo(ile phone $ith :F: #o. +E

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 43 ::-

    ring E.P-# from 5ouse no. 1

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 44 ::-


    PW#9 %r. ashmi Ahua examined the

    prosecutrix &ide 7 E.PW#9(2and had e&en collected

    the follo$ing exhi(its during her examination &i?., outer

    clothes i.e s$eater torned4 inner clothes i.e. !amee torned 4

    dust, grass present in hairs, dust in clothes 4 de(ries from in

    (et$een fingers 4 de(ries from nails 4 nail clippings 4 nail

    scrappings 4 (reast s$a( 4 (od' fluid collection 8 s$a( from

    sali&a9 4 com(ing, matted clipping of pu(ic hair 4 cer&ical

    mucus collection 4 &aginal secretions 4 &aginal culture 4

    $ashing from &aginal 4 rectal s$a( 4 ral !$a( 4 rine and

    xalate (lood &ial 4 (lood samples, etc.

    urther, PW&&%r. Pintu, on 2

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 4 ::-

    (us, cop' of the 7, cop' of the fitness certificate, certificate

    of third part' technical inspection, pollution certificate, t$o

    copies of certificateMcum-polic' schedule 8:nsurance9, cop'

    of dri&ing license of am !ingh, cop' of certificate of training

    undergone (' accused am !ingh, cop' of permit and list of

    the transporters, collecti&el' E.PW&$(A.

    PW&!: Vishal 7haudhra' on 1-1-201+ $ent to

    !afdarung 5ospital and collected from %r. !ar&esh Tandon

    20 photographs of (ite mar"s and had also collected eight

    letters / documents 4 sei?ed (' :nspector Anil !harma, &ide

    memo E.PW&(A.

    n 2-1-2012 he collected an en&elope $ith three

    (oxes sealed $ith the seal of department of orensic !@5 and

    $ent to deposit it at %epartment of orensic dontolog' ,

    !% 7ollege of %ental !cience, %har$ad, ;arnata"a. 5e

    (rought the report along $ith exhi(its and handed it o&er to

    :nspector Anil !harma. 5e deposited the exhi(its $ith the


    PW'$ 7t. !andeep, on 1)-12-2012 too" t$o

    sealed parcels from the doctor Dua accused Vina', sealed

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 4 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 4 ::-

    $ith the seal of hospital 4 sei?ed (' the :n&estigating fficer,

    &ide memo E.PW'$(A.

    !imilarl', PW'4 7t. !anee&, on 1)-12-2012,

    (rought t$o sample parcels Dua accused u"esh $ith the

    seal of hospital 4 sei?ed (' the :n&estigating fficer, &ide

    memo E.PW'4(A.

    PW'9 7t. urari, on 1)-12-2012, (rought six

    sealed parcels Dua accused am !ingh sealed $ith the seal

    of hospital along$ith sample seal and handed it o&er to the

    :n&estigating fficer &ide memo E.PW'9(A.

    PW#! A!: !urender ;umar, on 22-12-2012,

    (rought 11 sealed parcels Dua accused A"sha', sealed $ith

    the seal of A::! along $ith sample seal and handed it o&er

    to the :n&estigating fficer, sei?ed &ide memo E.PW#!(A.

    PW#"7t. !uresh ;umar, li"e$ise, on 2E-12-2012

    (rought (lood samples of the complainant from the doctors

    of !afdarung 5ospital in sealed condition $ith sample seal

    and ga&e it to :n&estigating fficer, sei?ed &ide memo


    PW#57 Ciri a, on 1)-12-2012, (rought one

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

    FIR No. 413/2012 Page No. 4 of 23P.S. : !asant !ihar" Ne# $e%hi./home/reader/Praveen Singhania/304-S&%. F'C/2013/Se&tem(er" 2013/)*dgment +Se&." 12,/Ram Singh and another114-13 !asant !ihar.odt

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    -:: 4 ::-

    sealed parcel Dua accused Pa$an along $ith the seal of

    hospital, sei?ed (' :n&estigating fficer, &ide memo

    E.PW#(A. n 2

  • 8/12/2019 State v. Ram Singh


    -:: 4 ::-

    ga&e it to the :n&estigating fficer &ide memo E.PW"9(A

    on the application E.PW!(Gmo&ed (' the :n&estigating


    PW!!: Prati(ha !harma on the instructions of

    the crime team had collected the exhi(its from the spot near

    ahipalpur &i?., (loodstained lea&es of mul(err' 8 shahtut9

    tree, the (loodstained grass, the tree lea&es and grass

    $ithout (lood &ide memo E.PW4#(C4 she also sei?ed the

    exhi(its from the (us E.P&par"ed at T'agra !tadium &ide

    memo E.PW4#(2. !he also sei?ed the lo$er and upper

    seat co&ers from the )thro$ (ehind the dri&er=s seat of the

    (us Fx.P1 &ide memo E.PW$!(F. !he also mo&ed an

    application E.PW!(D to get the s$a( (ite mar"s of the

    prosecutrix. !he also sei?ed t$o 7%s and > photographs of

    the &ictim from the anager, !elect 7it' all, ta"en (' 77TV

    camera, of the rele&ant time $hen the &ictims had &isited

    the mall for $atching the mo&ie Gife of PiH.

    urther PW4 :nspector Anil !harma on

    +1-12-2012, too" permission for ta"ing finger / palm prints

    of accused person through 7!, 7: experts. 5e also sent

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    dental models of accused along $ith photographs of the (ite

    mar"s suffered (' the prosecutrix 4 to the !% 7ollege of

    %ental !cience, %har$ad, ;arnata"a, for its opinion. 5e also

    sent the pen dri&e and 7%s for examination.

    Various exhi(its $ere thus collected from the spot

    4 from the (us 4 from the doctors after medical examination

    of the accused person and of the &ictims and that the

    :n&estigating fficer also sei?ed the reco&eries effected at

    the instance of the accused from time to time &i?., their

    (lood stained clothes, shoes/chappals and the ro((ed


    The exhi(its in e+1e8 :n8iin56 $ere all

    sent to 7! for examination and comparison purposes. The

    5789, $hen examined as PW44 pro&ed the rele&ant

    entries of the al"hana egister, the rele&ant oad

    7ertificates and receipts of 7! in this regard.

    This aspect : $ould deal 'et again, in detail, later

    $hile discussing the chain of custod'.

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    PW#$ !hri A.% !hah on 1>-12-2012 and on

    1)-12-2012 had &isited T'agra !tadium and inspected the

    (us E.P& and prepared his report E.PW#$(A. n

    26-12-2012 the finger prints of the complainant, of

    prosecutrix, of accused Vina', of accused Pa$an, of accused

    u"esh and of accused am !ingh, as de&eloped, $ere

    recei&ed (' him &ide memo E.PW#$(2. n 2)-12-2012 on

    the reDuest E.PW#$(Cof the !5, P.! Vasant Vihar, he

    $ent to Tihar @ail and too" the specimen finger / palm / foot

    prints of accused am !ingh, accused u"esh, accused

    Vina', accused Pa$an and accused A"sha' and after

    comparing the chance prints lifted from the (us E.P&$ith

    the finger / palm / foot prints of the accused he prepared

    the report E.PW#$(D. The entire documents E.PW#$(E

    also helped him to prepare the report.

    PW49%r. P.; Cautam, on 1>-12-2012, carried out

    the inspection of the (us E.P&along $ith the team and

    too" photographs. n 1)-12-2012 he again $ent to ta"e

    photographs from different angles from inside and outside

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    the (us. 5e de&eloped these photographs and handed o&er

    its hard cop' in %V% to iolog' di&ision and inger Print

    %i&ision. The photographs are E.P-4$(2, E.P-4$(C and


    n 20-12-2012 PW$$ Asgar 5ussain, a

    photographer, $or"ing under the name and st'le of /s.

    An"it Photo !tudio, too" 10 photographs of different parts of

    the (od' of the prosecutrix (' his digital camera ma"e #i"on

    and then de&eloped these photographs and ga&e it to the

    :n&estigating fficer. !mall sei?ed photographs 810 in

    num(er9 are E.P-$$(28coll'9 and large si?ed photographs

    810 in num(er9 are E.PW-$$(C coll'. 5e also ga&e a

    certificate E.PW$$(A under section 6E- of the :ndian

    F&idence Act.

    PW#%!hri .;. ahapatra, on 1>-12-2012, along

    $ith his team examined the (us E.P-&par"ed at T'agra

    !tadium and four exhi(its $ere lifted and $ere gi&en to !:

    Prati(ha !harma $ho sei?ed such exhi(its. Another team on

    the next da' &isited the (us and 10 exhi(its $ere lifted. 5e

    pro&ed the report E.PW-#%(Gdescri(ing the exhi(its (eing

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    another containing 7% of moser(ear along $ith Duestionair

    E.PW-4$(A. The pen dri&e and 7% $as pla'ed on the

    computer and he found that (us E.P&$as seen t$ice at

    9.'# P and 9.%# P in the footage. The $ord Y+8+;

    $as $ritten on the said (us and its front $heel co&er $as

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    and prepared his report E.PW-4&(Cand then sent it to the

    :n&estigating fficer &ide for$arding letter E.PW-4&(2. 5e

    pro&ed the dental models of all the accused persons 8coll'9

    as E.PW-4&(C.

    "'. De+ = e >/e:u/i

    The prosecutrix died on 2-12-2012 at ount

    Fli?a(eth 5ospital, !ingapore. PW'#%r. Paul 7hui, orensic

    Pathologist, 5ealth !ciences Authorit', !ingapore, deposed

    that the exact time of her death $as

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    inner thigh 8groin9 , right lo$er thigh, left thigh lateral, left

    lo$er anterior , genital 4 further a(rasions and (ruise on all

    parts of the (od'.

    PW'% %r. Anula Thomas, edical %irector L

    7onsultant 8Pathologist9, Par 3a' a(orator' !er&ices td.,

    !ingapore, pro&ed the scanned cop' of 5istopatholog'

    report of prosecutrix as Fx. PW'%(A.

    There $as no serious challenge to (oth these

    reports Fx. PW'#(Aand Fx.PW'%(A.

    Fighteen $itnesses $ere examined on (ehalf of

    accused Pa$an, accused A"sha' and accused Vina' sharma.

    :n re(uttal, three more $itnesses $ere examined (' the



    After ha&ing a (road &ie$ on the facts and

    e&idence so recorded and on hearing either side. : no$

    proceed further to decide the real contro&ersies in this case

    &is-a-&is the contentions raised (' the defence.

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    The incident has (een fairl' descri(ed in the

    deposition of PW&, an e'e $itness. : need not repeat his

    entire testimon' (ut suffice is to sa' that $hile he $as inside

    the (us E.P& he $as (eaten and $as pinned do$n ('

    accused Pa$an Cupta and accused Vina' !harma $hile

    others, namel', am !ingh, since deceased, accused

    A"sha' ;umar !ingh B Tha"ur and @7 8not (eing tried ('

    this court9 too" the prosecutrix to the rear side of the (us

    E.P& and committed unnatural sex and raped her

    repeatedl'. PW& heard the cries of the prosecutrix li"e

    Chhor do, Chhor do, as if she $as (eing (eaten. PW&$as

    also gi&en leg and fist (lo$s. The prosecutrix $as cr'ing

    and shouting in loud &oice and her &oice $as oscillating.

    Accused am !ingh, since deceased, the @7 8not (eing tried

    (' this court9 and accused A"sha' ;umar !ingh B Tha"ur

    then came to$ards the complainant, pinned him do$n $hile

    other accused Vina' !harma and accused Pa$an Cupta

    $ent to the rear side and had raped her.

    PW& also noticed accused u"esh, the dri&er,

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    came near him 4 hit him $ith an iron rod 4 then $ent to rear

    side of the (us and had raped the prosecutrix. PW&heard

    one of the accused sa'ing mar gayee, mar gayee.

    Thereafter the accused exhorted that (oth the &ictims ?e

    n 1e= +1i;eand the' pulled the complainant to the rear

    door and put him on the prosecutrix to thro$ them out, (ut

    the rear door could not open. The accused person then

    pulled the complainant and the prosecutrix (' their hairs

    and (rought (oth of them at the front gate and thre$ them

    out of the mo&ing (us, opposite to 5otel %elhi +>. After

    thro$ing the &ictims, the accused turned the (us in a

    manner to :/u (oth of them under its $heel (ut PW&

    pulled the prosecutrix out of the reach of the $heel and

    sa&ed themsel&es. 5e found the prosecutrix na"ed and

    (leeding from all parts of her (od'. The prosecutrix and the

    complainant $ere ro((ed and the prosecutrix $as raped /

    ra&ished / (eaten / inured inside the mo&ing (us E.P&.

    The complainant PW& in his deposition had

    corro(orated his complaint E.PW&(A 4 his statement

    E.PW!(D-& recorded under section 161 7r.P.7 4 his

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    supplementar' statement E.PW!(D-'and his statement

    E.PW&(2recorded under section 16< 7rP74 Dua his &isit to

    !elect 7it' all, !a"et 4 then mo&ing to unir"a in an auto4

    (oarding the (us E.P&4 the incident 4 thro$ing them out of

    the mo&ing (us and attempt of accused to o&errun the

    &ictims (' their (us.

    :t $as +/7ue8(' the d. %efence counsel that

    during his cross examination PW& $as confronted $ith his

    statement E.PW&(ADua the factum of not disclosing in it

    the user of iron rods 4 the description of (us, the name of the

    assailants either in 7 E. PW%&(A or in his complaint

    E.PW&(A. 5o$e&er, : do not consider such omissions as

    fatal as it is a settled la$ that : is not an enc'clopedia of

    facts. The &ictim is not precluded from explaining the facts

    in his su(seDuent statements. :t is not expected of a &ictim

    to disclose all the finer aspects of the incident in the : or

    in the (rief histor' gi&en to the doctor4 as doctor8s9 are

    more concerned $ith treatment of the &ictims. oreso the

    &ictim $ho suffers from an incident, o(&iousl', is in a state

    of shoc" and it is onl' $hen $e mo&es in his comfort ?one,

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    he starts recollecting the e&ents one (' one and thus to stop

    the &ictim from ela(orating the facts to descri(e the finer

    details, if left out earlier, $ould (e too much.

    Thus if PW&had failed to gi&e the description of

    the (us or of iron rods to the doctor in his 7 E. PW%&(A

    or in his complaint E. PW&(A it shall not ha&e an' fatal

    effect on the prosecution case. 3hat is fatal is the material

    omissions, if an'.

    :n Pu8u R+B+ ;. S+e, 5"!&"6 && SCC

    &9$, the 5on=(le !upreme 7ourt held that *

    While appreciating the

    evidence, the court has to takeinto consideration whether thecontradictions / omissions wereof such magnitude so asto materially affect thetrial. Minor contradictions,inconsistencies, embellishmentsor improvements in relation totrivial matters, which do notaffect the core of the case of

    the prosecution, must not bemade a ground for rejection ofevidence in its entirety. hetrial court, after going throughthe entire evidence available,must form an opinion about thecredibility of the witnesses, andthe appellate court in thenormal course of action, would

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    not be justified in reviewing the

    same again without providingjustifiable reasons for the same.

    Where the omission!s"amount to a contradiction,creating a serious doubtregarding the truthfulness ofa witness, and the otherwitness also makes materialimprovements before the court,in order to make the evidence

    acceptable, it would not be safeto rely upon such evidence.

    :n J+0+n Sin7 ;. S+e = R+B++n

    5"!!!6 # SCC ##, it $as held (' the 5on=(le !upreme

    7ourt that *

    #ow the e$planation to%ection &'(!(" provides that anomission to state a fact in thestatement may amount to acontradiction. )owever, thee$planation makes it clear thatthe omission must be asignificant one and whether anyomission amounts to acontradiction in the particular

    conte$t shall be a *uestion offact.

    +eading %ection&'&!(" of the riminal-rocedure ode with thee$planation to %ection &'(, anomission in order to besignificant must depend uponwhether the specific *uestion,

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    the answer to which is omitted,

    was asked of the witness. nthis case the investigatingofficer, -W& was not askedwhether he had put *uestionsto 0urdeep 1aur asking fordetails of the injuries inflicted orof the person who had causedthe injuries.

    Thus, the la$ discussed a(o&e ampl' ma"es it

    clear that the contradictions $hich do not effect the core of

    the prosecution case or the omissions $hich are not put to

    the :n&estigating fficer in his e&idence are not material

    and need (e ignored.

    5ere, : $ould also li"e to refer to A@+/ ;.

    S+e = U+/+n:+1, 5"!!96 &' SCC 4"", $herein it

    $as held that *

    if the prosecution case issupported by two injuredeyewitnesses and if their! injured eyewitnesses "

    testimony is consistent beforethe police and the court andcorroborated by the medicalevidence, their testimonycannot be discarded.

    %imilarly, in SurenderSingh v. State of Haryanathis court has opined that 2

    the testimony of anState vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    injured witness has its

    own relevancy andefficacy. he fact that thewitness is injured at thetime and in the sameoccurrence, lends supportto the testimony that thewitness was presentduring occurrence and hesaw the happening withhis own eyes.

    The incident has (een aptl' descri(ed (' the

    PW&, the inured. The inuries on his person do sho$ that

    he $as present in the (us at the time of incident. 5is

    presence is further confirmed (' the %#A anal'sis $hich :

    shall discuss in the later part of m' udgment.

    The contradictions to his statement Fx.P31/A are

    not material enough to destro' the su(stratum of the

    prosecution case


    After anal'sing the statement of P31 $ho had

    aptl' descri(ed the incident : mo&e on to the d'ing

    declarations made (' prosecutrix. %uring the course of

    arguments it $as argued (' the ld counsel for accused that

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    declarations E.PW"4(A and E.PW'!(D-& made (' the

    prosecutrix, firstl', on 21-1-2012 at a(out *10 P (efore

    the ld. !% and secondl', on 2E-12-2012 (efore the d. .

    :t has alread' came on record that $hile

    recording (oth the d'ing declarations, the ld. !% and the

    d. had ta"en precautions to find if the prosecutrix $as

    =i to ma"e such statements. 3hile recording of her first

    d'ing declaration E.PW"4(A, %r. P.; Verma PW%" had

    found her :n:iu, /iene8 and

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    at the footfall of ahipalpur fl'o&er.

    Iet again on 2E-12-2012 on an application

    E.PW"(A, though %r. P.; Verma PW%" opined that

    prosecutrix $as una(le to spea" as $as ha&ing

    endotracheal tu(e i.e in lar'nx and trachea and $as on

    &entilator, (ut PW"%r. aesh astogi declared her to (e

    :n:iu, /iene8 and

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    -:: ::-

    urther, in $mar Singh vs. State of

    &a+asthan, -!/ " SCC 0',it $as held that *

    lause !&" of %ection ( of the4vidence 5ct provides thatstatements made by a person asto the cause of his death, or asto any of the circumstances ofthe transaction which resultedin his death, in cases in which thecause of that person3s deathcomes into 1uestion, arethemselves relevant facts.

    %ection ( of the 4vidence5ct is an e*ception to the ruleof hearsayevidence and in viewof the peculiar conditions in thendian society has widened thesphere to avoid injustice.

    7oming to the contentions *

    5i6 that as the prosecutrix failed to disclose the

    names of an' of the accused person in the (rief histor'

    gi&en (' her to the doctor in 7 E.PW#9(A, so her d'ing

    declarations E.PW"4(Aand E.PW'!(D-&(e loo"ed $ith

    suspicion as ma' (e a result of tutoring 4 seems to (e

    $holl' untena(le. The facts sho$ that the prosecutrix $as

    certainl' in a state of shoc" $hen she $as (rought to the

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    hospital immediatel' after the incident. :n her 7

    E.PW#9(2, her condition is descri(ed as 8/0

    responding onl' to &er(al commands, hence not completel'

    alert due to the shoc" L excessi&e loss of (lood, hence she

    ga&e (rief account of the incident. :n the hospital she $as

    gi&en first aid and then $as operated thrice and $hen she

    found herself sta(le she ga&e statements E.PW"4(A and

    E.PW'!(D-&and hence it cannot (e said such statements

    are a result of tutoring. 5er d'ing declarations E.PW"4(A

    and E.PW'!(D-& rather ://?/+e the deposition of

    PW&. 5ence the contention 5i6stands reected.

    E;en e/0ie, $here there are more than

    one d'ing declarations, the court has to follo$ the la$ laid

    do$n in )Sudhakar v. State of 2.P, -!-/ ( SCC 30",

    $herein it has (een held that *

    the case involving the multiple

    dying declarations, which arecontradictory or are at variancewith each other to a largee$tent, the test of common

    prudence would be to firste$amine which of the dyingdeclarations is corro4oratedby other prosecution evidence.6urther, the attendant

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    circumstances, the condition

    of the deceased at therelevant time, the medicalevidence, the voluntarinessand genuineness of thestatement made by thedeceased, physical andmental fitness of thedeceased and possibility of thedeceased being tutored aresome of the factors which

    would guide the e$ercise ofjudicial discretion by the courtin such matters.

    he )on3ble %upremeourt in this case ratherrelied upon the secondand third dying declarationsto be authentic, voluntaryand duly corro4orated byother prosecution witnesses

    including the medicalevidence.

    Per the settled position of la$ the declarations

    Fx. PW"4(Aand Fx PW'!(DAdo corro(orate the deposition

    of PW&Dua the incident4 the num(er of the assailants 4 the

    manner in $hich the incident occurred 4 the user of hands

    and iron rods to cause inuries to her pri&ate parts 4 thro$ing

    the &ictims out of the mo&ing (us etc. urther the d'ing

    declarations also get corro(oration from the

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    hence there is no reason to hold the d'ing declarations

    EPW"4(A and E PW'!(D-& (eing tutored or false. n

    the other hand : find them most relia(le and truthful.

    : $ould e&en go to the extent to sa' that e&en the

    (rief histor' recorded in 7 E. PW#9(2 do corro(orate

    the incident and the manner in $hich the offence $as

    committed. The names of accused at that stage $ere e&en

    not rele&ant as firstl' the assailants $ere not "no$n to the

    &ictims4 secondl' for the shoc" she has suffered due to

    incident and lastl' the presence of accused, e&en other$ise,

    need to (e, esta(lished (' the prosecution.

    #o$ coming to the contention 5ii6 that the d'ing

    declaration made (' gestures cannot (e relied upon, is dul'

    ans$ered in )2eesala &amakrishna v. State of $ndra

    Pradesh, !""'/ ' SCC !5-,$herein it is o(ser&ed that *

    the dying declaration recorded

    on the basis of nods and gesturesis not only admissible but

    possesses evidentiary value, thee$tent of which shall depend uponwho recorded the statement 7what is his educationalattainment 7 what gestures andnods were made, 7 what were the*uestions asked 8 whether they

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    were simple or complicated 8 and

    how effective or understandablethe nods and gestures were.

    and, in )6. Shashikala v. State of $.P, -'/

    !# SCC -'", it $as o(ser&ed that *

    the court may take intoconsideration the circumstances

    prevailing at the time of recordingof the statement of the deceased.

    n this case, the evidence ofthe deceased was recorded aftertaking all precaution and care andthe person who recorded it hadopportunity to analyse thegestures of deceased.

    and in )Nallapati Sivaiah v. Su478ivisional

    9fficer, :untur, $ndhra Pradesh, -(/ !3 SCC '03, it

    $as o(ser&ed that *

    the court has to consider eachcase in the circumstances of thecase. What value should be givento a dying declaration is left to thecourt, which on assessment of the

    circumstances and the evidenceand material on record, will cometo a conclusion about the truth orotherwise of the version, be itwritten, oral, verbal or by sign orby gestures.

    5ence, it stands settled that the d'ing

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    declarations can (e (' i7n, 7eu/e or (' n8. The

    onl' caution the court ought to ta"e is the person recording

    the d'ing declaration is a(le to ni:e ://e:1as to $hat

    the declarant means (' ans$ering (' gestures or nods.

    5ere the person $ho recorded her d'ing declarations $ere

    !% or the d. and that the' (oth had satisfied

    themsel&es Dua her mental alertness and onl' thereafter

    had recorded such declarations. Thus contention 5?6 also


    : ma' also refer to the statement of PW4' 57

    am 7hander, in-charge, P7 Van Je(ra E

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    the :i/:ue/n

    (ehind her death.

    5:6 :t $as also +/7ue8 (' the d. defence

    counsels that the declarations made (' the prosecutrix (e

    not treated as d'ing declarations as the prosecutrix died on

    2-12-2012, i.e., much later than such statements $ere

    made, hence such statements $ere not made in

    +ni:i>+in of death. The said contention is also useless

    as the :ndian la$ (eing slightl' different from the Fnglish

    la$ do not contemplate the ma"ing of such statement in

    anticipation of death, per section '"5&6 of the :ndian

    F&idence Act, $hich too clarifies this position.

    586 The :nenin that the prosecutrix $as

    ne&er administered oath is also $holl' irrele&ant in &ie$ of


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    made orally before death

    ensues and is reduced towriting by someone like aMagistrate or a doctor or a

    police officer. When it isrecorded, no oath isnecessarynor is the presenceof a Magistrate absolutelynecessary, although to assureauthenticity it is usual to call aMagistrate, if available for

    recording the statement of aman about to die. here is nore*uirement of law that a dyingdeclaration must necessarily bemade to a Magistrate and whensuch statement is recorded by aMagistrate there is no specifiedstatutory form for suchrecording. onse*uently, whatevidential value or weight has

    to be attached to suchstatement necessarily dependson the facts and circumstancesof each particular case. What isessentially re*uired is that the

    person who records a dyingdeclaration must be satisfiedthat the deceased was in a fitstate of mind. Where it is

    proved by the testimony of the

    Magistrate that the declarantwas fit to make the statementeven without e$amination bythe doctor the declaration canbe acted upon provided thecourt ultimately holds the sameto be voluntary and truthful. 5certification by the doctor isessentially a rule of caution

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    and therefore the voluntary and

    truthful nature of thedeclaration can be establishedotherwise.

    The aforesaid udgment rather clarifies that no

    oath is reDuired to (e administered to the person ma"ing the

    d'ing declaration and that no form or particular person is

    prescri(ed to record d'ing declarations. F&en the

    certification (' the doctor is a /u1e = :+uinto determine

    &oluntariness and truthful nature of the d'ing declaration,

    though, it can (e esta(lished e&en other$ise. !uffice is to

    sa' that %r. anu Candhi $as present $hen PW'! !hri

    Pa$an ;umar recorded the d'ing declaration E.PW'!(D-&

    and that %r. P.;.Verma 8PW%"9 $as present $hen

    E.PW"4(A$as (eing recorded.

    5e6F&en the :neninthat the prosecutrix $as

    administered orphine and $as not in a condition to ma"e

    d'ing declaration dated 21.12.2012 has no force as PW%"

    %r. P.; Verma, in his cross examination has deposed that

    :nection orphine $as not gi&en to the prosecutrix on

    21-12-2012 $hen her d'ing declaration $as recorded and

    that such inection $as gi&en at 6 P of 20-12-2012 and itsState vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    effect $ould ha&e lasted onl' for + to < hours. 5e denied

    that the prosecutrix $as in dro$siness and had difficult' in

    (reathing at the time of ma"ing statement.

    Thus, : hold all the three d'ing declarations (eing

    consistent, corro(orati&e of the material aspects of the case

    Dua the &isiting of the &ictims to !elect 7it' all 4 (oarding

    of an auto for unir"a 4 (oarding a $hite colour (us E.P&

    from unir"a us !tand 4 the incident that occurred in (us

    E.P& 4 the inuries suffered (' (oth the &ictims 4 ro((ing

    them of their &alua(les 4 dumping them in a cold $inter

    night at the dumping spot 4 the num(er of accused in&ol&ed

    in the incident and their attempt to crush the &ictims under

    the $heels of the (us Fx.P&.

    5=6The d. defence 7ounsels further +/7ue8that

    the %elhi 5igh 7ourt ules, Dua recording of the d'ing

    declaration, as enumerated in 7hapter &'$ere &iolated ('

    the !% as also (' the d. . The said rules en&isage

    recording of the d'ing declarations (' a @udicial agistrate,

    if possi(le and secondl' it is reDuired to (e recorded at

    once 4 $hereas in the present case the first d'ing

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    declaration $as ne&er recorded (' the @udicial agistrate

    and secondl', it $as recorded on 21-12-2012 much after the

    prosecutrix $as admitted in the hospital.

    : had gi&en considera(le thought on the matter.

    :t is to (e noted that the %elhi 5igh 7ourt ules, of course,

    are to (e follo$ed in letter and spirit (ut one can not ignore

    the la$ laid do$n in L+-12-2012 $herein the

    prosecutrix $as declared unfit for statement. !imilarl' on

    1-12-2012, the :n&estigating fficer mo&ed another

    application E.PW!(C(ut 'et again the prosecutrix $as

    declared unfit for recording of her statement. :t $as onl' on

    21-12-2012 $hen the prosecutrix $as declared fit, her

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    statement $as recorded. 5ence, there is no dela' in

    recording her statement.

    576:t $as also contended that the d. failed

    to record the mental fitness of the deceased in the d'ing


    :n this regard : ma' refer to G;e/8+n R+Bi

    G+/e ;. S+e = M++/+/+, &99' Su> 5#6


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    56Iet another argument $as raised (' the ld

    defence counsels that the prosecutrix died prior to her

    transportation to !ingapore. The document E.PW$!(D$as

    referred to $herein her date of death is mentioned as

    21-12-2012. : ha&e examined the said document. :t

    appears to (e an inad&ertent mista"e as the connecting

    documents rather sho$ the date of death of the prosecutrix

    as 2-12-2012. oreso if the deceased died on 21-12-2012

    then ho$ on 2E-12-2012 the d. recorded her d'ing

    declaration E.PW'!(D-&. 5ence, an incorrect recording of

    the date of death $ould ne&er (enefit the accused in an'

    manner, as also some unimportant / inad&ertent cuttings or

    o&er$riting of date8s9 on some documents.

    : ma' here refer to the follo$ing udgment cited

    (' accused &i?.,

    (i);. amachandran edd' and another &s. Pu(lic

    Prosecutor, 81>69 + !77 61) 4

    (ii)"a am &. !tate of aasthan, 820019 !77 2E< 4

    (iii)ella !rini$asa ao &. !tate of Andra Pradesh, A:

    200< !7 1>20 4

    State vs. Ram Singh and anotherSC No. 114/2013

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    (iv)am #ath adhoprasad and other &. !tate of adh'a

    Pradesh, A: 1E+ !7

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    The (us E.P& (earing registration no.


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    PW4$!hri Cautam o', !enior !cientific fficer,

    Crade-:, 5ead of %epartment, had examined scientificall'

    the pen dri&e as also the 7% of oser(ear, sei?ed from

    PW$4 !hri Pramod @ha. 5e ga&e his detailed report

    E.PW4$(Eand also a draft report along $ith $or"sheet as

    E.PW4$(F. 5e explained that there is a t'pographical

    mista"e in his report E.PW4$(E$here onl' one timing is

    $ritten as "&)'#, (ut in his o(ser&ation and draft report

    E.PW4$(Fthe (us is seen t$ice at "&)'#and "&)%#and

    the same timings are depicted in the photographs

    E.PW4$(2, E.PW4$(C and E.PW4$(D. :f one loo"s at

    the photograph E.PW4$(2, the $ord Y+8+; is $ritten

    on the (us E.P&. n (ac" left side, a 8en on the (us is

    seen in the photograph E.PW4$(C and the photograph

    E.PW4$(Dconfirms the front left side $heel of the (us had

    no co&er and also that the front door of the (us $as ahead

    of its front $heel. #o serious challenge $as made to these

    reports (' the defence.

    The (us is sho$n to (e connected to the crime

    not onl' (' the depositions of PW&4 of PW$4and of PW4$

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    (ut also (' the electronic e&idence &i?., pen dri&e E.P-4$(&

    4 7% E.P-4$(" and the photographs E.PW4$(2-&


    The (us is also pro&ed to (e connected $ith the

    crime (' DNA /e>/as the (lood stains found on the

    curtains, seat co&ers, roof near the (ac" gate, as also hairs

    found on the floor of the (us (elo$ the 6 th ro$ seat, all

    matched $ith the %#A profile prepared from the (lood of the

    prosecutrix and that of P31, the complainant.

    Though, the ld defence counsels ha&e

    :+11en7e8the authenticit' of the %#A reports sa'ing that

    if the (us $as $ashed, as alleged (' PW&'and PW,then

    ho$ %#A $as lifted4 cannot (e a (asis to reect the %#A

    reports since such reports are dul' pro&ed and no serious

    challenge to the process of lifting of exhi(its $as made.

    F&en other$ise, the follo$ing research articles

    clarifies such contention.

    According to a research article En+n:e

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    nvestigators may be

    presented with washed clothingthat is believed to containbloodstains from violent actssuch as homicide, assault, orse$ual assault. %uspects, theirassociates, or victims may washclothing following bloodshed,thereby destroying bloodevidence and complicate thereconstruction process. 9iluted

    bloodstains resulting frommachine washing may not bevisible on dark colored clothing.

    our research indicatesthat phenolphthalein will yield

    presumptively positive resultson washed clothing, even afterapplication of these twochemical reagents. 5nalysisare encouraged to report

    similar testing results to aid indefining the sensitivity and

    proper usage parameters of:; and luminol on cleaned

    porous and non

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    even if the shady criminal

    washed a bloodstained item ofclothing times, these chemicalscould still reveal blood.

    Though one ma' o(ect to the use of such

    articles, (ut since these articles help to find solution to a

    scientific Duer', ma' (e used in the a(sence of other


    The :neninthat the (us EP&$as ta"en to

    T'agra !tadium onl' to plant (lood of &ictims is nothing (ut

    a (lame strateg' as no enmit' has (een allegedl' pro&ed

    (et$een the police and the accused $hich could ha&e

    moti&ated the %elhi Police to do such an act.

    The Duestion as to ho$ the police got secret

    information and ho$ it reached the (us E.P&is (e'ond the

    relm of trial and is an unnecessar' attempt to peep into the

    in&estigati&e tools.

    Thus the user of (us E.P&(' accused during the

    incident stands esta(lished (e'ond dou(t.


    n 2

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    prepared at the instance of accused u"esh. Accused

    u"esh had admitted in his statement u/s +1+ 7r.P.7 that he

    dro&e the (us onl' n:eon the said route. This route map

    is admissi(le u/s and "4of the :ndian F&idence Act per

    GS+e = De1i ;. N+;B S+n8u, 5"!!%6 && SCC $!!,

    as it $as a ne$ fact, disclosed (' accused u"esh. The said

    route map is in consonance $ith the deposition of PW& as

    also $ith the electronic e&idence $hich corro(orate the

    location of accused and the &ictims.

    PW"% !hri aender isht and PW"$ !hri

    !andeep !ingh, (oth of !elect 7it' all, !a"et, #e$ %elhi

    had pro&ed the 77TV footage from 6*1E P to )*E> P of the

    !elect 7it' all, !a"et, #e$ %elhi, sho$ing the presence of

    the &ictims in the all.

    #o$, the mo(ile no. )1)+E)1

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    daughter, the prosecutrix on the fateful night.

    PW"# !hri a"esh !oni of %olphin had pro&ed

    that the mo(ile phone no. )6)612E), registered in the

    name of am !ingh 8since deceased9 $as used at 9)&$ PM

    of 16-12-2012 $hen a call $as recei&ed at this mo(ile for &'

    seconds at 5au? ;has.

    PW"' !hri %eepa" from Vodaphone compan'

    pro&ed that the mo(ile phone no. >112>1E> registered in

    the name of accused Pa$an Cupta B ;aalu $as used for %#

    seconds at 9)'" PMof 16-12-2012 at #a&al fficer=s ess,

    ahead of the (us stop at unir"a. PW&" !hri !antosh

    corro(orates the factum of ma"ing this call to accused

    Pa$an Cupta B ;aalu on that da'.

    PW"!7ol. A.; !achde&a, C!, eliance deposed

    that the mo(ile phone >)2>1>>20, registered in the name

    of the complainant P31, $as used for "seconds at *+< P

    of 16-12-2012 at ahipal Pur Fxtension4 pro(a(l' the call

    $as recei&ed $hen the mo(ile set $as in the hands of

    accused and it $as disconnected.

    PW$4!hri Pramod @ha of 5otel %elhi Airport had

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    pro&ided the 77TV footage sho$ing the $hite colour (us

    $ith $ord GIada&H $ritten on it had passed in front of his

    5otel at 9)'# PMand 9)%' PMof 16-12-2012.

    PW"" !hri !hishir alhotra of Aircel compan'

    deposed that the mo(ile phone (earing no. )2)EE

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    found consistent $ith the %#A profile of the prosecutrix.

    These rods are also mentioned in the d'ing declarations of

    the prosecutrix. urther per medical opinion E.PW#9(G