state to state solution 23111 2 short

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  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    The proposed solution plus themodel state legislationprovide a means to protect UScitizens from further participation in international

    biometric identification schemes.

    Personal information should only be shared when there is a legal

    need and right for the another entity to know.





  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    For proofof Ageand Citizenship

    Federal and Stateagencies rely onbirth certificates as

    the means tovalidate identity

    to issue otherdocuments( such as drivers licenses, Social Security

    cards, and passports)

    to determining

    eligibility for publicprograms or benefits. Identification for

    employment purposes

  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    How do we establishlegal identity and

    citizenship status?




    AKA Breeder


    In the US the birth certificateconstitutes proof of legal

    identity and citizenship

    WHO AMI?

    Biometrics do notprove identity

    +Authenticated Authentic


  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    The FBIs investigation into the group of Russian operatives discovered thatseveral of the suspects had assumed fraudulent identities and had obtained

    genuine passports (and other identity documents) in their assumed names. Link

    Biometrics are attributed to the identityprovided by the breeder document




    In the case of the 11 Russian spies, the collecting oftheir biometrics samples/data did nothing but

    perpetuate the fake identities based upon

    Garbage in,Garbage out
  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    Since the birth certificate is used tovalidate identity, it makes sense tofocus on ensuring the authenticity

    of the birth certificate



  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    EVVEElectronic Verification of Vital

    EventsEVVE is an existing state to statetelecommunications system that providesthe means for states to authenticate birth


    EVVE is NOT a national repository or database

  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    EVVE- Electronic Verification of VitalEvents

    Death records are also matched byEVVEan alert could be raised if a birth certificatebelongs to an individual who is deceased(using the birth certificate of the deceased isa common method of committing identity

    An electronic response from the participating vitalrecords jurisdiction either verifies or denies thematch with official state or jurisdiction records.


  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    By placing proper focus on the authentication of thebirth certificate, a state to state solution provides astrong foundation for ID verification while not requiringU.S. citizens to be enrolled into single global system ofidentification and financial control.

    The ObviousSolution

    SSIVS does not require collection ofbiological characteristics such asfacial, finger or iris biometric data thatwould place our religious freedom,privacy, states' rights or sovereignty,at risk.

    SSIVS does not require collection ofbiological characteristics such as

    facial, finger or iris biometric data thatwould place our religious freedom,privacy, states' rights or sovereignty,at risk.

    This system would it also eliminate the need for federal guidelines

    for state driver's licenses.

  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short






    States sequentially numbering all birth certificates

    Verifying Social Security NumberThis can be done directly by states querying the Social Security Administration (not

    DHS) and would not require an open ended exchange of information. ONLY the specificdata necessary would be exchanged. This solution actually reduces the use of the

    The idea of enumeration of the birth documents may seem incongruent atfirst but there is a very good reason to do this.

    Numbering the birth certificates trims theamount of actual personal data needed toprevent the someone from using anotherperson's birth certificate to establish afraudulent identity

    an attempt to duplicate is recognizedEVVE will alert the DMV and nodrivers license will be issued untilthe problem is resolved.

    This method permits EVVE to do its jobof recognizing an attempted toduplicate use of a birth certificatewhile at the same time protectingsensitive, personal information.

  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short



    The SSIVS system would show John Doe used his rightful birth

    certificate to obtain his driver's license or state identification card.

    If another person attempted to use John Doe's birth certificate "the

    system" would recognize that the specific birth certificate in question

    had already been used based on the number assigned to John Doe's

    birth certificate.

    If John Doe attempted to use his birth certificate to obtain multiple driver's

    licenses in different states "the system" would alert DMV officials that John

    Doe had already used his birth certificate and thus John Doe would not receive a

    driver's license or state identification card from another state or jurisdiction until

    John Doe had turned in his other states driver's license or state identification



    Step by step example

  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    Not all citizens are born in the United States

    so their birth certificate may not be in the system. In thoseinstances, since immigration into the United States andnaturalization are matters under the authority of the federalgovernment, states would need to make inquiry to thefederal government to determine citizenship status and to

    ensure that the documents presented are authentic.

    What if a UScitizen wasnt born

    in the USA?

  • 8/4/2019 State to State Solution 23111 2 Short


    The states would deem what procedures they would follow in

    these very rare cases that the person applying for a statedriver's license or state identification card is not able to havetheir birth certificate, certificate of birth or other acceptabledocuments authenticated.

    Hospital records and insurance documents are secondarydocuments that we envision a state may use along with other

    In a country of over 300million people there will becases where states donot have the birthcertificates, certificates ofbirth or other acceptabledocuments as the statemay deem appropriate to

    authenticate before issuing astate driver's license or stateidentification card to anindividual.