state of the cloud by reuven cohen

The Future of Everything More or less. By Reuven Cohen, Chief Technology Advocate Citrix Systems The State of GovCloud and

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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The Future of EverythingMore or less. By Reuven Cohen, Chief Technology Advocate Citrix Systems

The State of GovCloud and

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Reuven is recognized as an early innovator in the cloud computing space, as the founder of Enomaly in 2004 (Acquired by Virtustream in 2012). Enomaly was among the first to develop a self-service infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform (ECP) circa 2005, as well as SpotCloud (2011) the first commodity style cloud computing Spot Market

Today he leads Citrix (NASDAQ: CTXS) world wide advocacy efforts with a particular focus on increasing the volume, reach and influence of Citrix's extensive portfolio of cloud solutions used by more than 260,000 customers and 100 million end users across the globe.

Apart from Citrix Reuven writes The Digital Provocateur column for Forbes Magazine, is the co-founder of CloudCamp (300+ Cities around the Globe), an unconference where early adopters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas and is the largest of the ‘barcamp’ style of events. He is also the co-host of the DigitalNibbles Podcast sponsored by Intel. He has served as a board member to the Information Technology Association of Canada as well as a strategic advisor to Sun Microsystems, Amazon, York University, The Government of Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade (DFAIT)

Reuven Cohen, Chief Technology Advocate, Citrix

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“Every company in the top 100 government providers uses open

source in their products: all of them,” said Scott Montgomery, McAfee [MFE] chief

technology officer for the public sector.

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The total cloud industry is estimated to be worth 2014 $150,000,000,000

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By 2014, 60% of Server

Workloads will be virtual.

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60% of virtualized servers will be less secure than the

physical servers they replace, according to

Gartner, Inc.

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50% of Cloud Revenue comes from the USA

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41.7% is from IaaS

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35% Increase in the number of VMs Deployed Among Enterprises from January 2012 to June


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Memory and Storage Demand is Growing FAST!

100% Increase in Memory

90% Increase in Storage

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Data in the cloud.7% of data is currently stored in the

cloud – by 2016 it will rise to 36 percent

As of 2013, there is over 1 Exabyte of data in the cloud

(that’s 1,073,741,824 GB)

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PaaS, The next next big thing

Worldwide platform as a service (PaaS) revenue is on pace to reach $1.5 billion in 2013, and growing to $2.9

billion in 2016.

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The Markets.

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66% of IT pros say their personal use of cloud has influenced their

recommendations to their organizations about moving to

the cloud

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MORE COOKS IN THE KITCHEN FOR CLOUD IT professionals rank non-IT executives among the most influential managers on cloud decisions:

IT Director: 61%

CIO/CTO: 55%

Non-IT C-level executives: 37%

IT Manager: 32%

IT Administrator: 24%

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THE CLOUD MODEL: SHOW US THE MONEY Where is your organization with the following concepts?*

Chargeback(Charging the costs of IT services, hardware or software to business units in which they are used)


Showback(Tracking and reporting costs of IT services, hardware or software used by business units)


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Security.. Security once dominated, but cloud service performance and other issues are emerging as concerns that slow adoption

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What’s in the Cloud?

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software-defined everything.

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The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

- Alan Kay

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Now For The Future..

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OverviewThe age of surprise (the world of rapid innovation we live in)

The golden 4 (automation, information, design, connectedness)

Mogility (mobile agility)

Fusion (digital computing as a layer of the physical world)

Surprising intersections (where we see world-changing breakthroughs).

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Age of SurpriseThe age of surprise is upon us (as coined by the US Air Force). There is a new reality of the possible; where the impossible now takes half the time (4 years) and .03% of the cost (109B to 3.5M) of the original moonshot.

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The Age of Surprise

We are living in the age of surprise.

Individuals can connect, create, and project their creations at scales never before seen in human history.

As a species we go further and faster by sharing and building on each other.

A big part of that is accessibility of tools to make practically anything, connect to knowledge / know-how, and the Internet’s ability to scale. Viral things used to be rare. Now they happen all the time.

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Failure Friendly In large systems rare things happen all the time. Amazon’s automation approach doesn’t treat failures as exceptions. They are part of normal operations and in their world if you have to get a human involved in dealing with it, you are doing it wrong.

Netflix has gone one step further with the Simian Army. They realized that to be sure their system was failure friendly they needed to increase the rate of failure in the system.

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Age of Surprise

To get an advantage in the age of surprise you have to embrace change. This means supporting anyness, anytime assembly, failure friendliness, instant scale, open innovation, and building for change.

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The Golden Four

Golden 4: Automation, Information, Design, and Connectedness.

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The Golden FourFour highly successful companies give us a clue to the collective skillset needed to be a next generation company. In fact, each of these companies seeks the other’s skillsets.

Google wants to be better at design like Apple. They redesigned all of their software and hardware.

Apple wants the information skills of Google. They have struggled with big data with Maps.

Google wants to increase connections to its customers like Facebook. Google+ is a major push to exploit connections like Facebook.

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Amazon - Core philosophy.

Controllable – Systems are loosely coupled and automated.

Adaptive – Systems can adapt to different needs.

Resilient- Failures aren’t exceptions; failures are part of normal operation.

Data-Driven – The system is instrumented to self-optimize by collecting data that affects the control loop

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Amazon: Automation Driven

People scale poorly.

Amazon is an automation company that sells retail. They are killing traditional retail with grocery-store-like margins (a few percent). Their core skill set is scaling things through automation; computerized selling and delivering goods throughout the world.

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Amazon: Automation Driven

Companies that don’t get automation right just won’t be able to scale and operate at the margins of their competitors. Knowledge used to be power. Now understanding is power. Perspective is Genius.

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Google: Data Driven

There are several elements to a successful data driven approach. Clearly define your goals.

Develop a model that measures the achievement of that goal.

Determine the key indicators you need to detect.

Determine what actions to take when an indicator is detected.

Quantify these rules and evolve them as your understanding increases.

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Apple: Design Driven

Thanks to Apple, great design is just an expectation. The bar has been set. People are now expecting to be continuously delighted. They want to be surprised by how well something works.

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Designing a Magic Moment

A magic moment. The Citrix Design Team describes a magic moment this way: Wow – First the product surprises you in how it does something, to the point your reaction is simply Wow.

Thank You – Next the behaviour makes you grateful to those that made it. It did something that really helped you out, went that extra mile, and delighted you.

Of Course – The behaviour of the system is so clearly better that the final reaction is of course. Why would it work any other way?

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Mogility (Mobile+Agility)

This connected, information filled world of ours is ushering people into the era of Mobility. People now expect Mobile Agility (Mogility) in their lives. It’s a new way of living and working across devices, time zones, distances, transit, and even employers (freelance economy). Mogility adds the agility to get stuff done across our ultra-busy on-the-go lifestyles emphasizing anyness / anywhereness.

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Post Mobility?Post mobility, the next big wave of disruption we see is wearable computing. Wearable computing will start to displace mobile in the next 3 to 5 years.

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FusionFusion of the digital layer into the physical world is rapidly happening. This isn’t augmented reality. It is reality.

A digital computing layer is becoming organic to things (much like genes are organic to biological life).

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Context: Google Now

Understanding of context (where, when, who, what) allows applications to provide more delightful options. This is a key input to automation / orchestration: sensing context to trigger actions.

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Things?The Internet is already becoming mobile and wireless. Soon the majority of communication will be between things, things serving us. Appification of the Internet = Mashable Web + Apps

Tablets Replace Laptops = Apps + Mobile Simplicity + PC Complexity

Mashable Things = Intelligent Things + Wireless Networks + Printable Electronics

Reinvention of Manufacturing = Print Anything + Nanotech + 3D printing + 3D Scanning

Electric Economy of Cheap Energy = Electric Vehicles + Better Batteries + Better Efficiency + Renewable Generation

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Thank youBig thanks to Guy Bieber @ Citrix!

You, for attending.

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